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The CTSU Proaram and the llcrkLug ClwGj by Jfla-a B)-me j 13 pp. FMICE; )ap. Drapeau Roi4;e., vca rt=, ;,o lqAy oct 3-961, pp i-4,. 9 JPRG 1144.6 HM WDum- - Be2e.Lum Pol 6a Free Radicals 'L;y the Eaeatro-~ I )?Iectrf).n McAbo:II by L. d - ----------- Moscow: 1960, pp 97-98. Mb 12465 SC3 -7--lectron 7 ;7/ 1%,,a, Q2 Q Features or the Zlectrmlc Struattr* of Nwl*iiK Aelds &M lbdr Comp2mmm With Protelamp by L. A. Bbnmte)Ag et &I. RMVXg pwg Dok A DRok MRs Vol =Yj go 5p M9* Mvy 2Mtf-89 Sci - 32ActramUs. P"Us Sep 59 61-28142 Blumenfeld, I- A. and Benderskii, V. A. 1. Blumenfeld, L. A. MAGNETIC AND DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF l1. Benderskii, V. A. HIGHLY ORDERED MACROMOLECULAR SrRUC- III. Courtaulds ML-3278 TURES, tr. by 1. Gawronska. 24 Feb 61, 6p. 16 refs. 3182 DSIR LLU M IV Courraulds Misc. Lit. 3278; [DSIR LLU] M3182. . . V. Courtaulds Ltd. (Gt. Brit.) Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-28142 Trans. (A Akad[emtyal Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1960, v. 133, [no. 61 p. 1451-1454. DESCRIPMRS: Magnetic properties, Dielectric prop- erties, *Ntolecular structure, *Nucleic acids, *Nu- cloo-proteins, Nucicoildes, Electrons, Main reac- tions. A literature survey. (Biological Sciences --Biochemistry, TT, v. 6, no. 12)1 Office of T"6i..l S-1c.w 61-14685 ' uh 111E APi'Aitf-wr qzti or -;Ltnji!CnVF WRIAL ON 1. Blumnifeld, W. OHjr.(Tl'5: REMARKS ON 'nili 9111DY BY '111E 11. Mayer-ilillebrand. F. SAME NAME PUBURIFI) BY FRANZISKA MAYER- 1111.1.1-MRAND (Ciber die Scheinbare Grtisse der 5didinge. Bcmerkungen zu der Clelchnamigcn Arbeft. van Pranziska Mayer -Iii Ilebrand). 119611 6p. 12 refs. Order from S" $1. 10 61-14685 Trans. of [Zeitschrift fur Psychologic und Ph i I i s C der Sinncsorgane. Abt.) 2: Z[eitschrift] fjUrT = 1) 7 SOS physiolfogic) (Gcrmany) 1932. v. 62, p. 132-136. 16 DESCRIMRS: *Visual perception. Vislor4 'Space pcrcepdotu Optics. 044-1 T-Wt.1 S-4-s (Unanbounced) 14achinability Tests on Dravn and on Drawn- Normalized Bars of Open Hearth Steel With Different Carbon and Imad Coftents,, by A. Shm Schepars, R. Ton Blumustein. GEBUM, per, Stahl und gisenp Vol I 31 Aug 6 1961.. pp, n8o-U82. BISI 26W Sol - min/Metile 7 6, Sep 62 Dis1ccation in Idsfrane's Jointy by,p~!_LoBlu=tal1j, 2 pp. hUSSIM., perp Vest"k MArur i Pqgmniclm __gi- - _ Tkh Oblastel Vol X,, 19279 p 191. sci Trum center ra-64o Scieatific - Medicine / 0/ '?*6- ms/bm Cmau 2 Report Contrikxting to the Qwstlon of I'vogresoUe Pulbar Paralycla as a Parbial flyndrms of Ms.. by D. Fatagjlasj J. Mm =-atbali It. S--batr,,r 15 ]Me - MWN., Wj, Payablatriet Nmazlosis uvd Me&U - PayabblogLej, Vol XP 1958.- 1v 950-264. WA 60-16YSO S" 194" 14.0-1 Vol IT, X0 15 )by 62 of tho T'hon-Awl. i-Associtztlon ls'ltrito, by Tel. Blu=athnIs or: laski -1*,NE')T(llT-.,p port lot-in, I~ntevnational I JA aAm Des Ot ..doa 10, VCP.S-,C,- c don Sciancou Nfaturallso _.Qt .t: Se I SnCOg rjAth46tj-jtiQuO9v Vol 19351-1 1935t lbb-173. '41t732 9 6 7 66 NASA W-12435-95 (TD -ii-9438-D -- 17 may 68 Kinetik dcx thendschen dissozintion des SlIberrtitrits By: H. BLLOVMn7&,, at al Frm: B. Inter. de l'Acadende Polonaise des Sciences et, des Lettres. Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Igatur Series A: Science MathemUques'Vol. 1935A, pp 166-173 (8 -.0p) Gex=m - eat for wds: Please trsmIate and type 1 cumers, ready and 2 carbon ecpies. Tom copies are attached. Please return one intact. Please follow seaple for=t and mak cover TT-F-11,732 Thermal Dissociation of Certain Oxides and Peroxidan; V. Thermal Dissociation of Miguesium-p Strontium-p and Bari=- Peroxidep by Mieczyslaw slmentj=~,# '13 pp. PMXSR,p perp Roasaw 2hggim voi xin, 1933,, vp 5-1$. S4.L.A. Scientiftc - Chemistry CTS 68/Xv 55 ut " Re-SUIU of luvwtisatic-ras i.-Au P ec-ir- Zinc AJaoys, by Woi~os B. Mmenthal,.moji-H. Hanomma, 2 pp- per, A.Z# Mstallbmdev Vol XXM, September .1942.p p. 221. 6-T.-A Tv 15/19% Scientific - MIDerau Nwta3,z 7 Infbivation on the Nm n 300 Trwtar. by FS, Blumdual, 9 ppo clivio%H, 2jggjWbdkv ho 7, Jul ISO. pq 1950197ame,: Mat C-ormsu 4WL.lntbw. wt 67 3W470 XT GIMP WAM VIEWS, MIKOMWATO 0 - awma INVU14 w 0"m Am FS%o .. wgftg no No 4. ~: fVt* &A VMK 1A6 on lwtk J" w row pm ~ ,JUL 63 two Dissident Comunists Deacribc Socialint Corkqress) by Gesup (Gexv-"-d Spitwr, Simr. b~LT,gRIQe1l; 5 pp. F-T- UNCHI par, La Voic Comwnistej 22, Apr/i,.hy 1961~ pp 4.. 13- ass 10618 ,lPu-- - Fxance W Pol -... I .... I.. ./~, F,2, . -I . ... ..... l-...,-...---.. ------ - ----- I.-- In the Labyrinth of the Red Guards, by G. Bluxer. GEPJiAN;--np, Neue Zuercher Zeitung. 11 Feb 67. PAS CSO: DC-MOU j J-1676/67 EE FE-Clina Pol I-Jar 67 318.149 The "January Revolution" in Shanghai, by Giovanni Blumer. 4pp. GE16MIX np, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, No 85, 28 (?) Mar 67, p 3 JPRS CSO: DC 15134 J-1932/67 FE-China Pol May 67 326,054 .mmic-1.3. juventi6ationa. Part V, The Lim-litu of F--iatuncu of Inorganic Iona in tho Formation 01' Pocks; by M. Blumer. (Y71?4A.TT,. rer; Fmlv Chin Acts;IvTol ==-, Ec -1950: pp 1568-1581- ATs 4,.u6c; Ps 109-W A The Determination of Uraniun in Rocks, Geochemical Iwmatigations. I.., by H. Erle-mayer., W. Oppliger., K. Stier., M. Bluwr 17 PP - 'I GMMN.. per., lkavetica Chimica Acta, Vol XO=, no lp 1"0. S.L.A. Scientific - Chemistry OP #, &I -t -Orga lre a Of an Infant &a Cowequeme of a Owisral Pyocpnfiiw Ufractionp by 1. Blimi s 22 pp. w9mNs rwil - zaft"2 fow A" I am patholazie md Paft Am!,~-*Tcd Ems No 5X# 1-954P Mm Tr LI-15 Sol - jftA4 as al ;r14 Doe 56 ON 7--/ -11111misin. H. STIOLM OF LARYNGEAL CARCINOMA. 119621 LOP. Order from K-H $12. 30 K-H 8817-a Trans. of der Krehmarzt (Austria) 1958, Y. 13, no. 7, p. 322-3M. DMIMORS: mLarrm, VAncer, Rtioloa. 62-17917 1. Bilunkin, K It. K-H-8817-a Ill. Kresp-Hooker Science 1.4brary Associates, Detroit, Nuch. C 2.9. 2 9 0 3 (Blololocal Sclewes - -Paftlogy. TT, v. S. no. 0 OW-1 T-W..l 5-1... juffmuml& ON 7M CAUSAL PATHOGENESIS OF LARYNGEAL CANCER UNDER CONSIDERAT'ION OF TOBACCO 19dMING. [19621 100p. Order from K-H $125. 00 K-H 5W9-b Trans. of ArchIv f(Ir Hygiene und OWeriologle (West Germay) 1955, v. 139. no. 5, p. 349-404. DM5CRlFrORS: EtiolM, Patholi:W. *Cancer. *Lar- px, wrobaoco. Smokes. Ciprenes. 62-17818 1. Blamlein.-H. 11. K-H-50D9-1; M. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. C22244'-,l (Biological Sciences --Pathology, TT, Y. % no. 5) Offl-f T-61-1 &-i- Allitill-Iffill? UFO .1, 1-11. . . . . . . . by V. J. RALIcka, 20 py VAM IMM, parj -RMO d'OYCL910i 9beorique et bl6immum., yp A-2Ti- AM XM-,-J~V Sol .. ilwn cl: Apr 60 6r/ 9 ANQVU*a in I i - - of AW]Mop bW Mmolob- MON16 ums 160badmaNO&WRta" ILT OW 2030 - - a& 4m 64 as I MOB Ang 66 3Wf.* Shadove Sneak over the Oceanp by R. Blms, 17 PP. IMMIM, per, Zvaipne, So 23P 24s, 1957. ACSI.. 3-1043 USSR ID 90031.S6 Fol Geog - lAtvio Jun 51B Iv .4- /,1" , ~7,1,,, q ]~mgtiostt,m of po]jW_rfxatLow in ltbwrbed rAWrov lope bV JL blinatedn. TNWHP per# Socleto de Fmance. Bunstin., 3.961,9 pp csSW No. 6829 ,#. /3 L L/ M S Set - jul,y 1967 33+52 Tzz -h aL~ct-a~,~~ wc--stp p:rr Z -fuor PI:Lysik, Voa. mr-Y 9~?4457 1,EC Tr-1048 .,(~j Pby" ..c GI on the Lose of Enrgy of Foot Blectrons In thLa by 0. Blunck, S. Le-inegang,." MCLASSIrM OLMM,, per,, Z. f Pbyalk Vol CXXV1111, 19500 iv 5W-505. Navy Tr 487/MM 381 Jan 52 CTS 4,T - - Scientific - pbyxics if low Doft Go as F3m &%A of 16 fro lot so gKOP WIW6.7- -- - vlobods Wr 30L0 (raw oft): H. Bluschke MAN 'r,DD e4619) Atomic Weapons and Autiatomic Defense -- Action in Conditious of Radioactive Couteminatioup by k. Bjuewtov 5 pp. ~Mnmw -lull tr"Olation. I M zVe Noscovit 13 Nov .IUBSMJ. 4 nyj, KMFA -3.954. OU/M/d-6969 -*7,?Z A~ 0(7/- USSR, Sq - NucUar Physics., contwduation, (GeUer) NCH-201 900 Field I SL Blushko, V, V.; Karer. A. P. APPARATUS FOR THE PROTECTIO% OF ELECTFUC" NETWOPJM IN MINES (Apparat Zasbcbity ShAklwykh El6dricheikAb Selet). Ty. by I~ Meyer. Noy 62. 5p. SMRE-Trins-4723; 1,LL-34.6-150. Order from NLL as 14.5250 Trans. of Sezopasnost Trudx v Provayablemoocti (U.4MI) VS ne P16-7 I 9m 1. Wery In Mines Researcb Establishmmt, Buxton (EnglarAS W- 46 _SXMVO -- "D 70 IPP pop, kA B-2211 (DC -2231) - ploorlag Wterials in tho riv*-Year Platij, by Jau Blmzez, pp. FOLLSR,, perg Haterialy Budawlanyt Vol XII., 50 5, warnav, W.Y 1957.. PP 150-152- US JFPZIDC-L4M Sgur - Poland Econ - Construction materials 74~, '0 jI Practical Application of the Bitterlich Tele- scope, by Y- FONWO port Pam Forestiero Praucaiset Vol XIVO No 1p IL962 0 pp 2&43. Sm WMIA gel-" A ~ 513 DR A Wreet of m4 ~rA Cu on the Be - a- or Pb-ft AU.oys, b_y !!. - 9084OWM, pp - ._A40!!!0 N owns, W, Z. plunkads'O Ta M=' Pa'L937, a p Its-50. KA 97-3W Bel Ad 59 ?.Zf ~7/j Roantgen Carcincua of the Rat Tall, by Brrwt Stutz, UrculA - 39 pp - GEMM, per, Strablautkwr, Vol CY, 1958, pp 278-W5. 10 N33 8-2-1 Sci - Jftd Sep 59 / -/ ell 3 speetkr mothoff of Deteruining the Heat Resistance of Refractorloop by M.N, Bluvahteln. FMSIMp perp aMRAgMa TAboratorlyal No. is 19510 pp 76-T4 XMBMOC/Pef. T.2931 M A/ u Sal - JUIX 1967 334~5 Pollulm was to Wetwo at the "Ukrtsb*" Plantp W VAL GeniW C.Z. Muv**Adn at &1O 5 3?9- NMI=# pom Terentym gvt~Uys Vol In# 1b 3.2j, lop PP 99-3k. Ps ed Awt 6k 255..80 Dw ApDamtum and Method for Testing Refractories Under T =ion at Higb Tamps= 8: by E. it. rid"., H. R. Maing at al, 6 pp. RumZAS per., Vwupmyp mo 7-8, 1,963, PP 312-317. CB Bcd Zonal Cha ge in the Properties of Magnesite Brick after S rvilce in the Roof of an Open-Hearth Purnace, by- M. N. Bluvs4*ein, V4. N. Boricheval 5 pp. RUNTAN, per, Ogneupory, No 9-10, 1963, ]pp hK 413-417- CB Sci may 64 0**;-~"!~al,f-:!-U,-Ztiw o? Claantrfloo.t by X. 121. Bluvshteln, HUMM perry 0Gnvi3qo:rj,, Yo p2, 179-181. Imm Dwe 59 ag%bo-'rAmAlpt by So Kv Kelwp !!~Jp 5 Dr. mmop per# opsqw7o, no 'Alp 190,v ADU sai 62 l9kp477. An Enr; i'nc,-,,. ?goad Company as a T, af f ic Cont.-i-ol D:~taclilncnt, By Lt Col Ye. Diuv 0 pp. 1-132, GirFICIAL UM, 014LY RUSSIMT, ly-hr, Voyennyy Vestnik, No 4, 1965. ACSI i-6474-D ID 22o4OO2o65-V J! I I U'S 5 Met:~Vri&- synthesic at Waxious T=pe"ratwit-e-I W!-'-~, Varioua Cmtsa.~esta, by 1. B. Ra-l"-Oport, A, P. -gindlnil-- P,USSXU,, pw, Kbim Tvmdogo Thpllva, Vol Vp 1934, pp 625-632. *Dept of Imterior Sel - Chem 77eP Arp 62 Miarcmethc,d for Coumarin Determination in r1ant Materials, by K. ~21.,