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sorp*Aoml State of Hydrosen wA or Aiumtrm Ims In the i S. N. so Nc- aav MWIANp bk,,~ kqgh- V~C-Vedm. 2d. amaas I& do Mlin&VML Panhw,;, -7M7-137.- Eel - Geofteles Aipr 1M ats/dm Device for ClearW Obstructions in Dlscba Pipes of WashWl,nsp Bathtubs,, TOiletsp by Pietro A amsAus rzkLm. Patant, No 324)9&- Dept of Comma=e Patent.OfTice Bel Llb (gLft),~ 'Lug (DC-38-42). Use of Vitamin t -for Desensitization in Pregnancy Complications Due to Rh-Incappatibility Between Mother and Fetus, by P. M. Alizade, G. A. Guseynov, G. $- �Lesker(m, 5 PP. ?I% AZERTBAIJANI, per, Azerbaljan Tibb ZburnaU, Baku, No 2., 1960, pp 28-32. JPRS 3411 3ci - Med AIX Jul 60 On the Construction of a Ferroynamic Vibration wattmter, by S. A. Aleskerov. 1, ~,- -1 -- -- ~_ . ~ ~. ~; I - ; - RUSSIAN., bimo perj Avtomt I Telezekh. Val x1n.. No 41 19520~pp 465-466. Co-op Tr Bch 67 Scientific - Electricity ;kl*12s.(4s.Od.) Apr 54 CTS //, - fl-'l Influence of Electrolysis Conditions on the Roue)luess and Hardness of Electrolytic Cobalt Deposits, by N. P. Fedot'yuv, V. B. Aleskovsalv- P. M. Vyacheslavov, K. V. Vblkhonskfy-~,. L~ Romanova, 4 p-D. RUSSLATT, per, Zhur Prik Kh:tm, Vol XXXII, No 7, 1959, pp 1542-1545. Sci Aug 60 CB 16 ORY-3231). Me Collective Is Working Oat Current Problems, by V. B. Alaskovski3rp 4 pp. HUSSIUI# per, G Vest Vyzahay Mdw-lyp 17o gr 1959, pp 61-63. JM-2187-ff Sci - Moo Feb 60 /4 r 7 AV epl ;111 J-1vestiration of Volum iecombination in a ilim-i Plasm in a net ':ar 4c Field, by rkove . usyia Ale V#f,* Cmno",Iriy., 7pp,, 5SIA", per,, Zhur 'Impor i *"bont rit., 7o1 13110, 7-.o 4j, 1962's pp 1253-126L Aner Tnst of Pjqs Sov Phys - JET-I, 63 Try,paflavine a5 a Me= of Differentiating Micrcbe3 Of thQ 8TUCQlIa Type, by A. Sabatucti, ITAUAN, pa:r, Annalt dlIgiona,, Vol XLT, 1931, pp 29-34. GB/2 Sci-Biol IQ 4(4/ /0112- DOC 6- AICS~SPW#4i-M-E., Merini. B. M.. and Rosanava. G. BRAIN EXTRACTS USED IN TWRAM. CDNWCM- 11ON AND ANALYSIS. 1196CJ Sp. 5 mft. Availalle an loan irmn SLA 61-10258 Tr2m - of Au4ali dil Chi4im)OMIA 1946. v. .36 fna. 3/4Ap- 69-7S- 61-1(958 I. Braia cxcract-Pra;exties I Alessaedristi, M- F_ H Wrini, W. M. LU Rosanma, G T (Behavioral TT, 6. 5. io- 5) 1! IfI i M I. I kv~' I in .1--p. .-ons 111 Tr-63-2MI Alessandro, Aurculao. %M" MATION OF POLYOXYETHYLENE SUR- 1. TId4r CUxuplexametric FACE-ACTIVE AGENM BY CONUTEXONgUMIEC a_fy~ - TITRATION. [19631 [10p) 21refs 1. Akweamdbiq. A. Order from SLA $1. 10 Tr-63-2D731 Trans. of BoRettin*Chimico-Farmaceudoo(ftaly) 1962, v. 10t. p. 948-954. DUSCRIFTORS: *Surface-active subatances, Titration. Oxides. *Ethylenes. Ethylenediniallotecracetates, (Chemistry--Analytical, TT. v. 11, no. 3) elks d Tttbdcd 1_". ,,l uld ijappen if !,11o one Had Guarmitcad PriVato 40 ProperLy idghts?, by Javier Echaverria Alosswidri, 5 pp. G0IVhIWr-iLWI USE ONLY spiVNISNO r1rs L'I Diario IlustTado,, 27 Due 1964, j) 5. 6W 598 LA-chile Pal 65 275,410 Erosion of the Bed Downstream from an Outlet. by Veronese Alessaudro. ITALIM, Padua, Istibuto di- 1dramUcar di*lrlm-A.- Universita, May 193T-. USA Corps of Engr, Waterways Exper St.4-Tr 3&4 Scl - Engineering, bydrauUc6, naval Econ - Transportation., river, vrter Available on loan at Reaearch Center Library lalsi, by R. Al*tU*. U,~ScirU"ug at al. ITALIAN., rpt, Proc"gM !go=& Conn. fil~jlm. Chem.. lbarAodynage =4 UM40.3rd Mouniti, 0l swphy3ics Jun 66 The Sffect of -Biamyr-in on Sechenav's inhibition, L-y N~ Aleutcsiciy, 3 pp. MZSIAN, per, Faymakol I Tolksikol, Vol. XXII, 1-10~ 1959, pp 314-316. CB Sai Aug 6o notatin-g SUIRWAhomm bY We AIRKWA4 a% 465-w8* GEWAN# PW# "rcbWa R!g 1, 19000 COR.06/ -- U), /~ A ). c-- u) / 5-,d sel - july 2967 334#012 contritugw Of julftel, tv P. SMI& W.F.Auvisno OEM% VW-*# M22& lb* V.0 V-1101 pp 23-34- to ~ r~ Iq A. 6 L,-) / T,4) SICA ~ jmw 1967 334-362 -63-109% Ajc4, Kurt and SchDwrr, Gerhard. TEST1NG THE EFFECTS OF FUEL ADDMVES AND 1. AIM C WEIR COMUSTION PRODUCTS UPON THE MATE- H. ScbikDrr. G. MALS USED IN EMINE CONSMUCT10K 3juDe4B. 1* Cap. oolft"4 Order trom SLA $1.60 63-10956 Trans. of unidentified mooo.. n. p., n. d.. 13p. DRSMVTORS: *Fud additives, OCombustion chamber Ps", OC-lon. Castinp, Copper, Temperat-44 Fuels, Internal combustion ongines. Iron alloys. An aqw1mental apparatus Is described by means at which the attack by fuel combustion pses upon metal a a&-xc 400P~ IWO and 700 can be followed quantita- tively. Cut 11= and copper were used as the test metal . (Author) 0AUerials-Puels, rjl~ Y. M no, 3) T,**g Z.,ft. 63-18180 Alexander, H. and Haasen, P. DYNWI-CRECOVERY OP GERMANIUM. (19631 8p 17refs Order from SLA $1. 10 63-18180 Trans. of Acts Metallurgica (U. S.) 1961, v. 9 [no. Ili P. 1001-1003. DESCRIPTURS: *Germaniwn, Recovery, *Metallic crystals, Crysdl structure. Crystal lattices. *Crystal lattice defects, Dynamics. Shear stresses. According to slip line observations the dynamic recovery of germanjwn (stage Ill a the streas-strain curve) is due to edge dislocation climb. The initial biress,rIll as a function of temperature and rate can be derived from a theory by Weertman- (Author) 1. Alexander. U. 11. Hassen. P. F. (Physics--Solid State, TT, v. 10. no. 10) No= d Tecbd:d Urftts Alexander, G. andl~jrany. R. PsydfO~fi%,.%oLoGlr_ INVESTIGATIO.NS CONCERN- ING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE STATOLITH AP- PARATITS FOR THE ORIENTATION IN SPACE ON NORMAI-S AND DEAF-MUTES, IN ADDITION TO CONTRIR(jrjoNs TO ORIENTATION BY MEANS OF TACTILL AND OPTICAL PERCEPTIONS JPT. 2) (CONCLUSION) (Psychophysiologische Untcrsuchungen Wwr die Bc-deutung dca Stntolithenapparaten fur die Orlenticrung lm Raume an Normalen und TaubottimmeFL nebst BeiWigen zur Orlentierung Mittels Taktiler und Optischer Empfindungcn). (196t I (691p. 21 refs. Order from SLA $6.60 61-16002 Trans. of Zeitschr[iftj f(Url Psychol(ogiel u[nd) Physiol[ogiel d(erl Sinnesorg(anc I (Germany) 19G4, v. 37, p. 414-457. DESCRIPTORS: Vertical perception, Space perception, Optical illusions. Deafness, Tactual perception. (Unannounced) 61-16W2 1. Alexander. G. 11. Barany, R, 3M PLA-�~FoRmATION OF GEMANIUM SiNGLE CRYSTALS. [19611 15p. 39 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-IOU79 Trans. of Zfeltschrift fUrl MeEallkunde (West Germany) 1961, v. 52. no. 5, p. 344-352. Nno; cher trans. la available from ATS $28.25 ($3.95) a ATS-141455G (19611 15p. DESCRIPTORS: 'Germanium. -Single cry"als, -De- i formation. Plastic flow. The entire stress-strain curve of germanium single cryarala was determined during tensile experiments In the temperature range of 470 to 8000C and at elonga- tion rates varying over three orders of magnitude. Qualitatively, marked agreement was found with the behavior of face-centered cubic metals, particularly (Physics--SolidStatc. TT, V. 7, no. 4) (over) 62-1W79 1. Aleitander, H. 191191 Wit "of Tec1*14.1 %*V'ims Interpretation or ZLectro=dc=scqq&c Cou- tracts iD thO Transidaldon of Mdu Casts's' by H-_~U.Axsudcr- aww" ;or, Z. fuer AwtanlonAes Vol lit N13 4, 1960. pp 202-209. c8loo .2 //, --/Y-/ sci - pa" Aug 62 S" -W ata am 6*7 390M., T7-61-14865 Alexander, G. and Barany, R. PSYCOffFSIOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING L Tide: Statoliths THE 1IMPORTANCE OF THE APPARATUS OF THE 1. Alexander, G. STATOLITHS FOR ORIENTATION IN SPACE ON 11. Baravy, R. NORMALS AND DEAF MtJTES (Psychophysiologische Untersuchungen Uber die Bedeutung des Statollthen- apparates fOr the Orientierung h-n Raume an Norinalen undTaubstununen). [196tj 7p iref Order from SLA $1. 10 IT-61-14865 Trans. of [Archiv f(ir Ohren-, Nuen- und Kelilkopliheilk-undel (Germany) t905, v. 65, p. 197-02. DESCRIPTORS: *Space perception, Ear, *Deafness, Reaction (Psychology), *End organs. Auditory I , i " . I perception, *Psychmcoustics, OtarMnolaryngology. (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, TT, v. it, no. 4) Off;- f 1-1 I.A Alex3ndkr. _H_ OtIFS FiCEMPOMMATION OF GERMANIUM SINGLE CRYSTALS. 119611 15p. Order from ATS $28.25 ($3.95) ATS-14NSW Trans. of Z[eltschrift fur) ~4talliunde (West German L961. v. 52. no. 5, p. 344-332. DESCRIPTORS, *Germmnlu= *Sin& crr"la, Vet Matlon, Pumic flow. (Physics--Solid Staw, TT. Y. 7. no. 4) 6t-zSO1 1. Al=nder, H. U. ATS-14NMG Ill. Associated Technical Service,% Inc.. EaatOranp~ N. 191179 OfR- f TdW*J Sw.4." Systems Engineering Mathematics, by J. E. Alexander, J. M. Bailey. UNKNOWN,, 194 ),. Prentice Hall --- Sci - Engr, Math & Data Process Nov 63 m .~~-"QUCZIQIL D-~f Short Uved Zmb3m- lsoia~s-VG by 2'l-!,Lzv Gf ?ulli;,ed Thermal Neutron ActiVatioUs. by K. F. 9 pp. per, Naclear Pkk Vol MI, NO 1, ya;Las. ir)6op pp 153-16:2- 90tR-,615 A.G.S.I.L, No 1390 lex,mal O=s_ta in Aqueous System; by ix. F. Alex- ideer, K. WirtZ,, 8 PP- I tMWX, perp 7A* PI*S C%bMP Vol &CVI 1950.1 p 165-174. STA 57-2352 58 49, ?V7 AlexAmijar, P. and Fox, M. POLYMER17-ATION AND DEPOLYMER17ATION BY X RAYS: THE EFFECTS OF PROTECTIVE AGENTS. [19621 lip. (refs. figs. tables oniltzed). Order from SLA $1. 60 62-16911 Trans. of journal de Chimle Physique (Franm) 1953 [v. 501 no. 6. p. 415-42Z DESCRIPTORS: *Radlochemistry, OX-rays. Radiation effects, *Acrylic acids, Volymerization, D_,compasitton. Inhibition, Amines, Sulfides, Indolea, Chemical bonds, 62-16911 1. Alexander, P. H. Fox. M. 111. Title: Effects ... r ki I) (Chemistry- -Physical. TT, v. 9. no. 2) Office td TechdW lonlas ,ling Devices for Measuring PH and the Redox sam Potential in Pulp Bleaching, by V. G. I. mul-kin. RU.SSIA-n, per, Bumz Prom, No 5.. 1959., pp 19-. CSIRO Sci - Chem jun 61 7" go P Alexander, W. A. and Schumacher, - ti. J. 63-) 9572- THE PHOTOCIiEhUCAL REACTION BETWEEN Title: Chloral CHLORINE AND CHLORAL. [1963] 13p 6refs 1. Alexander, W. A. Order from SLA $1.60 63-18572 If. Schumacher. 11. TYans. of Zeitschrift fUr Physikalische Chernie [L,eipzig] (Germany) 1939, v. 44B, p. 58-68. DESCRIFYMRS: *Chlorine, *Photochernisrry, *Reaction Idnetics, Heat of activation, cheinical reactions, *Acetaldchydes, *Chlorides. (Chernistry-Organic, 'rr, v. 10, no. 11) am= d Tecmkjd 39M=3 of t7af- Construction nn-d to by Allc~,Mr,,-Iru Vlad, V. Ale;canl_z~r-u~ 20 -pp. --Icr.. Eu-rgetica, Vol VIT Fo Epar Ful-!-ania Econ Puels and Power (Elactr1c) jan 6o 11 1; ~ -1 iii .1 '!~ ;: ;. 1~1! rL.-pq HAffit.EqUit RMIMINIEVIV 11911 HINIAll The RcuAri-tilt3likemic Drugs Can Re Diwided into 3 Groupak by ~Z. Ale&,&ner-4ds-a,, 7, StawilU., V. Taigalid-cm mid D. Alexandridesp 15 ppo GMUM., rer., Blut, Vol III,, Iftr 1957,, pp 77-85, SLA 57-313A Sci Aug 58 a ne -imw -r..-itilawkmic DrUos'; CAr. Be Dividad Into 3 Groupz~, loa, K. Uezandridep; V. stes'-aiav V. M sigslidou iLy, D. 15 pp - OEPY.A3. Der., Lzl-xt,, Vol ill, Mr 1957; pp 77-95, sTA 57--~-116 Sci Aug rX, *9 W Mementary Concepts of Topology, by Paul AlQxandroff, 73 pp. =4iUl, bk - Dover Sci Feb 62 A Book Abow.'.. -U4 Socialist Didget, by A. 2 pp. WSSIAR, per.. Vbprosy.,3k=cmI",, Vol 1, Bo 7, 1958, pp 120-122. Mmftrastl Prft and Sol Pream um Ikm Dac !i8 71l- A-,P, -2-, Alexandrov, A. D. PHILOSOPHISCHER GEHALT UND PHILOSOPHISCHE I BEDEUTUNG DER RELATIVITATSTI-11301111E 11 [Philosophical Content and Philosophical Meaning of the III Theory of Relativity]. [1961] 151 1p. 4 refs. IDSIR LLU) IV M 1878. V Order from OTS or SLA $5.60 61-13201 VI Vil Trans. in German from mono. Wilosofskiye PrGblemv Sovrcmennogo Yestestvoznaniyal (Zu den Philoso- phischen Fragen der Modern Naturwissenschaft) [Philo- sophical Problems of Contemporary Natural Science] Moscow 119591 (pub. as [Trudy Vsesayuznogo Soveshchaniya pr, Filosofskirn Voprosam Yestest- vozaniyal Referate der Allunionskonferenz der Akademi, der Wissenschaften der UdSSR zu den Philosophischen Fragen der Naturwissenschaft [Proceedings of the All- Union Conferenre on Philosophical Questions of Natural ScienceD. DESCRIPTORS: *Relativity theory, *Philosophy, 'Conferences, USSR. 61~432GI Alexandrov, A. 1). Title: Philosophisqhen... Title: Philosophical... Title: Trudy... Title: Allunionskonferenze.. Titlc~ All-Uniou... DSIR LLU Ni. 1678 Office of Teclucical Se-ic.s (Physics- -Theoretical, TT, v. 6, no. 3) Die innere Geometrie der konvexen Flachen. 1955. (Mathematische Lehrbucher und Monographien. II Abt., Band IV). _A. D. Alexandrov. Traaslated from the Russian original. 1948. DSM 515.2 Lending Lib Unit G. IP258 ~ DiscIlOsiOll. D. s. F-orzhinskiY's phase Ruie, by 1- Coacc--airlg the 6 pp. RUSSLAY, perj GcolLliim, No 3) 19581 pp 280-282- The GeochemicLxl SOcletY Sci - G~-ophys Mar 59 F,jastic Properties of Rock-Forming Minerals. 11. Layered Silicates, by K. S.-Alexandrov, T. V. RX Rvzhova, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofizj No 12, 1961, pp 1799-18o4. A(RJ Sci jun 62 200,217 A Scientiflo gmforetwo Cw*avniU Wabla= of Calaulatbg labor ProductIvity Im 130CIAllat Aurl- aultme by L. AlQxaMrov; 11 pp. RWSDXg. pwp voprovy gkmt Ho 12., 195T.- vp "14-130 Iutentl ArU cmd Sol Evens Vol I* 3D 2 Im HCOM Jul 58 MW the U13A Ze StrolnIng to Got Into Outar gyoftj, by N. A. Alazandrov, 6 Vq. RMWM" PWI sov not, 95 D&C 1956. RUA Corp T-n2 se - opo*a fts mar 59 Soviet Tabor Lam, by N. G. aexarndrov's, L54 pp. IRLISSI.Uj, bk, Sovetskoye Trudavoye Pravo, 1959, 1407 PP. University Book Flouse Delhi 6, India USSR Ecca 9 9.,1 mar b2 Copy in BU Olk selocufte somata at spa" Aftearcho b!y B. M. A2fiXs!LMW, 6 pp. RMSM, ap, Pxww". no Doug "Tim VOL vxu.~ X0 136 (2M3 rm"Oldr.. Oesebor 41:t ige , , I ; I r;r, 17: F11 'i Elillfill!rr~. till !,. .1, -,- " ., , - On Scientific Results of Space Research, by S. G. Alexandrov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda. The Daily Reviev Vol VIII, No 236 (21B1) Thu--sday, October 4, 1962 Sci - Space Res Oct 62 t 11 ! fl~ ,--- Oxide by the DatermimtIon of 50-j in klumimm lftjUSffWc TitratIm Method# by S. N. RUSSUNI mo per, Milm i Tekh Toplivas So 32;p 1956s PP 65-67. - Tech and Cam $20.00 sci - Chem AU-." " Balo-motherapy of Post. V. A. Alexandrov. UNCIMMPM RUSSIAN,, per,, Sov Mods, Vbl Vilt 1943. C~ '~'* Sclantifie - medialm / dR 90? / If C-,n-str-=tion of Propel.Ler Blades; Brief Devcrl~tlcm of i aturing Blades ard Hubs of Propenera I &mufa 22 pp. IMLASSIF IMSTM, bk,, VosiLsU VIRV.. .(A4rermrt-py6�~je-r--m-Fv EM Cbap 111, 1P53,~- pp 77-78; Chap XXI..-195]ry- PP 381, q9?; J- USSY" ATM P-M-8198 ~Iilitary - Aircraft,proyeners C~%"S /ba ATM 45067-1 CIA 2311177 (I,Tf-692~)) The Heat Hardening of Plant Cel I s in Hatuvz'ej by V. 'Als. Alexandrorv, A. Jaskuliev, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tsituologiya, Vol III, llo 6, TITOV/I)--c 1961, pp 702-707. JPRS 13677 Sci may 6p 1514,'?82 Ca the Relati=Up Betwfta Beat SUbi:Lity of Protoplasm and Temperab= Oonditions of Life, by IV. 'Zac Alexand3wo 9 ppe MSSIMI per, Dok Ak Nauk SMs Vol 1=0 1952, pp 149-ri 152. CrA/FMD X-4-574 Sci - Biology Kar 61 Deligalfication and Lignification of th-~ Cell IM--mbraue., by W. G. Alexandrov,, L, 1. Djaperidze,, 13 pp. GERM, Very Arcbiv ferWissemcbattlicbe. Botamtkv Vol IV, pp h677:1 . _... _'. S.L.A. Tr 948156 Sci - CbemJDtr.7 n"11g, Sep 56 = (FDD 28931) Diagram a Vertical Tectonic Fissures sod Netbod of Its CMatrMUCO, by S. lklemadrowlc% 6 pp. POLM4 10 wro WON LA29"Up Val. vr No 7. Warwws J4 19560 pp 3110 33b. CUAW U-9225 Scl - Geopbraice 4f/ , ,/ ?Ces- an 1956/CTS (n-2k64). NothcKU of No& T&tt*uLmg'f*r Nish Mat ftloduction, by Stefan A2mmodr4miUsp pp. RoUistwop Val Vllp ft 22,t pp 8w - - . - - - im tows Imw - Pblaw Acou - Agriculture URY 59 -1; of 14 Motar. Lf tioa of the D for use Aboard Ships, by Costlica AIL:~Mndr,.Ij, Severin Bumbam, Stefan lonesau; 10 Pp., ,AANW~. '~Ietgjureji~~ ej Conctntutic. de ZI: -w-T, Lp goi xTIO no 10.. Nov 19601 pp 871-8Tr- JERS Econ Aug 61 IndustrUd Develqpm=t of RWoatda VmdAg die Fft-st HaU of d3ft aim Yew Flw, by Q6 Twiasap D. 19 RUM No 1, 5W51PNImo yp JPRS 24168 EE-Runiada Econ Apr 64 254s416 (SF-1857) Creaticm and Deveopmt of the Muersy sector of Cowtnwtlon and 3quIlment, 0.7 via& Alexandra., 5 pp. 4-- mnmfi~ ~Perlv EnergetIM, 001 V111j, 1950, pq 605-609- ipm 13a7 ray 6a Contribution to Knmledge on the Mode of Formation of Coal. Conclusions Based on Infrared Absorption, by C. Alexanian. %Mj, por, Ccmptes Rendus do I'Academie des Sciences, Val CCXLVI, rarls, 1956, yp 1192-13.95. ftt of Interior BU of Mims Centr6i Rgper Sta Pittsburgh, Pa. Tr 5U /61 Scl - Fuels Dec 59 '2 Developin-m-11, of' the Te~ftvAcm-l-Mvatcria'. by -u0. 'it, AN: bk, Econmia Ramindel ln~r- imil UVIANS 195.9, PP -185-399 944-1959, Bucharest, jpns E2ur - Rumnia -7w; c o rA - Agricullt'ara ana Aug 60 Th-- Davc1op--en", o"Ar the cooperative Socia'i-iBt 40t~ctklar in the Agriculture of the Rumanian People'a Republic, by E. Alexe, 13 PP. UNCLASSIFIED IMINVINMR, mo per., Probleme Agricole) Vol. A,, 119 12~ Bucharest, Dec 1957: PP-31-42- US JPP3/D'-'-L-423 LEur Rumania, Eco 'Ag-xicultuxe (DC-3565). Rumanian Review Seeks to Prove VlorthlesaaeBs of Religioa -- "What Good is Religiony", by Coastanta Alexe-Oprescu, 6 pp. RUMANIAN, up, Viata Studenteasca, Val V, No 1-2, 196o, p 17, No 3, io Feb L96o., p 7. JPRS 3-347 EEur - Rumqnia Soc jai 60 Change of the Properties of ated by Neutrons,, by V. 1. Klimnkov,, Y. No Alexenkop 19 ppo Fuu translation. RUSSIAN., bk,, Conference of the Acad of Set ar the USM on theleaceful. Uses of Atmic Energy, 1-5 Jul 1955., Set3sion of the Div of Physico-Kathemtical Sciences.; 34r 3 9:F loom Jhe( ultants eau 4t 259 th st~,p Sci - Nucle= Physics *87 rpts for $350-00 Pleat Physioloafft A. ]K. Alexeyevp A.: Vb~ StArtem. RLISSIM8, thrice-wo pars, ftk Ak Cauk amp so 5p 19500 po 937-010- AMC Tr 1053--~-, Seleattric - BI*Uw Dee 1951 Me On the Use of Radiomertry in Oil Prospecting# by F,.-A,.-AI=myev,, A. Pe Grumbkovj, Y. E. Kirshfeldta 13 PIP- Full tmoslation. RMIMp bkp Coewme of the AcadQW OC Sciences of the USSR on the Peaceful Uses of AtomiC EwrgY.- 1-5 Jul 1955P Session of the Division of Techaical Scie=e, 2-5 3 - ad// :3 6.j ON 259 IW th 181t0 ork 3.10 Sci - Nuclear Physics *87 rpts for $330o00 1, 4- Posalbilities for Ext-anding the Use of 11%dio- =tiva Rediatious in Oil Prospactingr and Oil Field Development, by G. 17. Fler(nr,, F* A,, Alexayevj Ig 16 pp. Ful-11 translation. T R P-SIM, bk,, Conference of the Academy of StAmmes Of tyhe USSR on the Pa=e:ful User, of Atcala EnarCV,, 1-- 551 Session of the Divinion of Ten1raical sciencep s B Mu GPO N=~e~~ Ph~bics *87 rpts for *350-00 11 11 1 -:111r I I i ': bw .. . . ....... Uwe About the ?*Aimg of rdf2e ill" CID 72270 Rust"m M GOM T4J^ 10 pp ion ~pl CTS .1p- : I !, ! .11, 'ni , '. Oa the Structure of Yolton Biaauth-Tin AJ-koy.,;,q 'by rq. V. Alexoyov!. Ya. 1. Gerasimv, 6 pp. RIMZOj, perk, Dok Ak Ifauk,, 353R* VOI C=lj xg!j8a pp We vm/X.3259 3cl - Min/het Jan 59 Yl ir Sepa=ftm de Substances V= 3A llbt,1*04 Mhzo- do d9un 4m*3AnM do Iwodults 4o fisalm tl~ IlUlmr-imp by R. it AIOZB erp 09 Nd PoleV%V%,g 91 rp, Emi-im to 9=02a I Vol n1j. r,6. 4" MA56-Wt~ :061 mv 62 The Phe an or Comersion to the Higher Bel"Ma Activity by RON M 1 0! jupIkr Bymotbetic ~ upper Gangl1ap by M. S.,A we# 15 NO uxc.xml= HMXAN,, per, Fit Zhur,, Val XXMII* No 5# 19529 pp. 593.aWi. ATIC 748-6103 Scientific - medialat CIA IL905218 ATIC 116542 The Peculiarities of Inactivation of Micro- organism by Means of Radiation Sterilization., by 14. N. Meysselp T. S. Remesovaj H. D. Galtsova,, G. A. 14edvedeva, N. A. Pomoshnikova, M. W. Shalnova.. V. M. Alexeyeva, 20 pp. Full translation. RUSSIAN.. bk,, Conference of the Acadmv of Sciences of the USSR on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy., 1-5 Jul 1955,p Sessiow of the Div of Biological Science., ultants Burcay GPO 259 Atb.'em" ev 0 4.119 A a Y BOY. N Sci - Nuclear Physics rp for .00 Xv /a QW itati" Anelpi,3,p 'by V. N. RIAMWAAW47WV 0 M=Wj, taxtbookp Sam titla as abovalp 1963- mi (an r4an) Aazg 65 286,960 ~/, /-Z// /,~, /C / e V 6 """ Space Psychology, by G. S. Alexeyevich, 7 PP. RUSSIAN np, Vecherniy Novosibirsk, 4 Nov 1962. The Daily Review Vol VIII, No 96 (503) Tuesday November 4, 1962 Sci - Space Res Dee 62 ,rt(~ li;rrect w- s Uniform Compresulon Upon the Galv-EnomaEpetic Effe ta in Biswutn and Its AlloyiDr by N. E. Alex-L vski K. B. Brandt, 5 PP ----------, 'T~ RIFBSIM.., bimo per,, Zhur Lkapper i Teoret Vol XXVIIT, Mar 1955, pp 3 C:iE~~. o846 American lust of Physica 57 Eaut 55 St. New York 22, DI.Y. belentific - Fhysica 3116,7.5 -1: 7- 7. I Awl=- -------- -- I/ I/ " ~ - "A/Ilw, --'- *' - znxe.~l f 6;- 1 -2-7, 7 A, I/ )2-p Z ~,r uwlLc Cvvlaiqui Wad ilk ijuclaur iiaucturis by zQ* it. P44.-ara of Via Irlstitla" W! Ztt- ppq 67 Aleev, B. S. and Mudretsma, K. A. IIM'ROLE OF P[iY*rOPLANrrON IN THE DYNAMXS 1. Tltk-- Moom OF WROUS SLETrANCES IN A FLORESCERr 1. Me", IL & RESERVOIR (Rcl' Fitoplanktona. v DLaamike Amomm v n. Mwhvtwva. K. A. Vodo -ravetushchogo" Vodoema) tr. by Q BeDww. M. NRCC TT-1072 1963, 14p6 10 re". NRCC TechnIcal Trans. IUM TV. NRCC C-4410 Order from NRCC $1.0D NRCC C-44tO V. National Research Comdl cot Canada Trams. at UikrobtolVya QMR) L937. Y. 6. = 3. p. 329-33L DESCRWMRS. Ollankton. *Alpe, OWsWrouppUm. O?HuWmcompoun&, Dante, Bamerfa. (&olog[cml Sclewes-Micrabiology, TT, v. 10. no. 4) ofto d T SwTbu tM It I 1. 77 'AOL .~Wi Table of Contents# by B. S. Aley"t F. -M. 6istyiikov. URCLMIFM ------- RMSIM, Mroblologi" Couservirovanlys, moscows 19k5. OW Tr QW40 Sclentiric - DLO144W DOC 2 on 7-f .50, Xmq Experiments in Changing the Nature of Whest Through Vegetative Hybridi2stion, by N. P. Aleyev, 10 pp. RMIAN., btmD per.9 fiFablol No 4,, 3.08s, pp 48-56. Sci True Center RT-2728 scientific - Biology CTS 75/Dec 55 -:-c-eiing 0- RyL. Iiitil BranctAng Spll:e.. by 11. X. -USSIM., pcrp Agrobiologila. Val 1. Jan/Fab 3-07, I ? 1'-79- P-0 AS622 UMA %roa&-314 IISSR .'-'Conomic - Agriculture, rye C~ientific - Blologyp rve A. The Way-to Toebulcal Progress,, by aVkA B. We Speel. LV tba ProductiOn Of Cbeldmi lbterICID aw Froftcts We Frcm Tbmo TzaxbauftlblQ PoselblUtIoup by fie Hsftvdcb,, 7 pp', (M) 091886) ny RMUNA pul, Bakinakly fkboeMy, 15 fty .19J'6. AM,, H60415 UWR Bc~cm . Fob 59 Punction and Grove Horphology in alish, by Yu. G. Alsev, 260 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, F=ktaianallple ounm Woohne Stxo=Ty-a 1963. CFM 67 51391 Sci/b&m May 70 The Chum&c in the Re3Atlv* Size of Fins in. the ontosenesis and Phy3.og,~msic of FL&h, by Yu. G.~ A 4, pp. - -------- 416~;TY-fi- RUSSVJ,o per, Dok AR W&UX SM# Vol Q=o NO ls. 1958# pp .204-2c,,7- Ame Us% of sica* sci SCI - VA141 1953 Aleev, TU. G. Cn th estruoture of otolithe and rate of growth of the 3lack Sea sprat S rattus a rat~kphalerious (Risso) (0 stroonii P P?Tmpelcs otolitor iirFnomorMogo Shprota Sprattun sprattue Phnlericus (Pi:~so). fo-k-lady Akademil Nauk SSSR, 93(5)- 919-922. In Russ'-an. Translation by Z. Kabats, Nov. 1962, 3p., avail. Dept. af Agriculture and Fisheries for Sootland, Ibrine Laboratoryp Aberdeen, as Translation BD4. Also Krall. loan, Blol. Lab., BGF, Seattle. Original Article Checked th-: by K. F:: saex~udf~j-, IT et a!, ~ I X.C PIC, NOTI, por., Phys Letters, Vol El, 1963, T.)2-3,042 sci - rhys Aug G:i