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Determination of and isomers of HeJachloro.. cyclogexame with the Aid of Partition Chromatopaphy., by L. Coutier,, H& Andre..J. Prat. FRUMj, Doelument Service L. C. R., Assoc Tech BV 5231F scl - Meg AIL9 58 Thm Silver Zinc Storage BELttexy,---by He Andrey 25-pp---~~ mweH.0 part loull Soc Franc.Blecj, Vol It No 3,, Mar 1.941, pp 132-U&- SLA Tr 57-698 Bei - Electricity Aug 57 ----L I e2i Note - on Mcctroch, stry,-- Con-ductivity-by-Matallic- Colloids arA 2beir Electrotecbnical Applicatiorigs 2xMw by H. Andrep 2 pp* FMOJI. per, Cmpte RtWus., Vol CLMI, pp 243"244j, S*L.A. TT 950/56 Sci - Chemistry Sep 56. CTS Bu; of Reclamation- -- -7-D-452 -----R-7295 -D - - 4 August 66 Hydrometrie Pratique des Cours dleau. Jaugeages par la Methode de dilution By: H - Andre From: E.N.S.H.H.R.M.A. section hydraulique Faculte des Sciences Certificat de Potamologie 1964 88 pp) French - est f or wds: Translate and type 1 camera ready covy. Please return the original document. Use xerox copy for paste-up. Do not mutilate original document. ------ ----- ILLOsic.~-LiQ~l by ol~l;; ux-~ Vul CXX .7-1, M;!ly 47 UGVl:K.NNZN',T L!SE ONLY 324,186 00824-00, reMint frM RovWULque :.VTw=4dM, NIOUt-We du ComMe st do. VloftftU, lbvy Tr 26VBWhip 396 Frame ;ftoucuk' - -pstent& Mactrustro, Doe ow B!L:Lvw-nrs ftttery Witu vmauMo Hosative mactn" aul, ruvs~llols Blocuoutail t7 8913ri Gowsm Aube. rXIM.. ratent He 926.470,, =wla frm RwOllquo ftpmsuep NbUtere ft.Cmmm at ft 2.llnftM,3?lep M%ivet. A ltrmuftm Mil. Priam ~~Ic - fttents TY-11orl, I)DO go CTS mzjAvb=a" mvq;bt About OU fttteeA9P,, by rtal=i mums out No-AU.282v replat frm ROPVbllqub -P -du et Frimau Dvirmt wivftlatum. Tr 2ahladps. 399 DM m Partially Linear Dif fortvitiall Equations- Ot6uriWI..~. An Control Prablens, Part I mid 2., by J. Andre, P. Seibert, 26 pp. 0:111MINN, per, Archiv der Matheruttic, 'No 7, ID56, pit 148-164. MV,11/161C/Tr-879-68 GOVERMINT (GE UILY 374,158 F'rab 69 ----:Some-~Newly-Discovered-E~6tails- of -tbe Ultra- structure of Vibratile Processes, by J. Andre. UNKNOWN, per, Journal of Ultrastructure ,Researeb, Vol V wo 1, 1961, PP 105-107. CSIRO 5533 Sci :Aug 69- :Pjo(-'xjs j, ~Wdre. i6 pp. .qjn-N(,T, pw, Amn di~ l'lnt3^ Paotasur, *101 T-,=. 110 5; Nov 1955, PP 505-513- ITM 7-19 Sci - Mad sop 58 7~1 J, jean r -1, ,-tj ou-P j 6,. 196.2 Pp may 63 3,2,, W C. yougs and Polycryowls oTOLC 106- MONS STIM succassea of the czachaslan-l'. Machine Builldlin3 1hulust:vy arA Its Tazkn "An the Conntruallian of ocivills, in., by Xarel Andre, 6 pp. POW I V per, Aetommttivnce, Vol 111, No 1, Pragma, n6o, L2p 1-3. JM 3213 Mur Czechoslovakia Ecan V~anufactuxring I-lay 60 COPYRIGHT ancl Preserving Gherkins in Brim,, by jpmlvlm. R03Ah-Carolirm Otate, Co.UeM w3m ::=:4)m 1~ ( SLA-Tr Scientific - Biolga SIt 7r, I - Claemis-U7 (99999mm ii-4U7~-D -~~-dbntrlbutio In to tbe:- Study - of-- the Compression - of Ligno-Cellillosic Elements. Discovery of an FMdothermic Phase in the Course of the Compression of Particles of PICRA ABIES(Karst), by P. Andre. FRENCH, per, Centre d'Etude pour lUtilization Ces Sciures de Bois, No 6, 1963, PP 1-20- *JFRS/USDA Sc-' , L-Mise may 64 11-4117-D --_:~Contribution-to ~the- Study -of -the--Compression- of Ligno-Cellulosic Elements. Influence of the Degree of Humidity of the Particles on the Properties of Particle Board Made From PICEA ABIES(Karst), by P. Andre. FRENCH, per, Centre d'Etude pour l'Utilization des Sciures de Bois, No 5, 1963, pp 1-20'. *JPRS/USDA Sci-Mjsc may 64 -,a Blast Turnnj:o-wiVh-Idtj-i-Top Pressure, by 1301-1-lichel An-dirpm- M.-NO-1j, pers Rovue ae Flotalledies vol XLVII, No Y2, 19550, pp 373-888. $I.fv Tr-64-18575 J.m 61 318,666 An Apparatus for the Measurement of Earth Resistance) by 4 H. Andre, 3 Pp. jWNCH, per, Radioelectricite et Q.S.T. Francais ReuniB, Apr pp SLA Tr,57-695 Sci - Electronics, Geopbysics - -9 0 Y'7 Sep 57 I.J w Witv~~7 Services of leron6iutical ~PhysioloLW;-The - geiicoj?~er Ambulance In Indochina., by Valerie Andrep 12 pp. UNCIASSnMO ~'MWCH.p per# L, Lqu"a-M-M aga=ej, Vol Ili pp 25,~~j 30-311 Eml to IR-1860, AA, Paris, 9 Dee .1954. OTA D 113303- A? 625905T 'WEAU-1 ftance buUtury - services,, aeronautical Economic - ambuLiacep belicapter J= 5 5 CIS Scientific - Aeromutico Andre~Thomas and Autperden. lug TWU_=71S.- THE AUTOMA71C GAIT OF THE NENISORN, SUB-CORTICAL DOMINANCE [AND] THE A11170NIATIC DEFINITE AND FREE GAIT UNDER CORTICAL CONTROL- THE DEFINITIVE GAIT OF THE CMLD WHO IS TRAINEUDAILY (Lea Deux Marcluis, Is Marche Automatique au Nouveau-ne, Domitum0e Sous-co-rticale. LA Marche Autornatique Wfinitive er Lib4re*e sDus Qxrtical Ccwtrole: I& Marche Dh~finittve de I'Enfant Entraing Quotidiennement). [196017p. (7 figs. omitted). Order from SLA rni$ 1. 80, ph$ 1. 90 60-18937 Trans.~; of Pre2se M6d[Jcale) (France) 1953, v. 61 [no. 261 p. 582~584. (Bloloj~cal Sciences--Neurology, TT. v. 5, no. 3) bu- i 8937 I. Muscles--PhyfflolOgY 2. Neuromurcular transmis- Won--- Development 3. Infants--Physiology 4. Title: Gait I .Andre-Itomao H .Autgaerden III. Title. Automatic gait... IV. Title: Automatic definite... Offi- f TcWcd S"-. A Novel Flat Precision Load Cell of Simple Design - With StTain Gaugess by C. Rabrbach, G. AncIreae). GERM, per, Mterialprufuugj, Vol 111, 20 Aug 1961, PP 300-3a- BM 2493 Var 62 list 1,19 Tbelpolyzaarization of Acrvloaitrile 11. Acrylic Fibers j, by Huryarm Andrew p H.. Reichert, 221 pp. - OPMR, p6r, Xhaerforsch u Textiltech, Vol V, 1954, pp I'm 8. siA Tr 2661 Sci - Chamistry Feb 58 vy Preparatica and Prqmntim of MY=Iidet b7 F. An&-wsg et al - GEMI, pera i2smaj ftA-w Zrommas amffdeo SaTies 1~ Vol IUp 1962j, ip 141-149- liTc 71-13M-O?C ftb 79 --- - -------- :~:-~~-63-47391 Aqdrms,j-7. and Keck, R. ALIPHATIC SULPHONAMIDFS AS RAW MATERIALS FOR EPOXY RESINS. May 63. 4000 words. 14 refs. Order from 771S $36.00 TTIS NS 81 Trans.. of Plaste und Kautschuk (East Germany) 1963, V. 10 [no. 31 p. 140-145. DESCBIPTORS. I Aliphatic compounds. *Sulfonamides. *Epoxy resins, Chlorocarbons. Propanes, Methyl radicals, Plastic coatings, Casting, Laminated plastics. 1. Andreas, F. 11. Keck, R. 111. TTIS-NS-81 IV. Translation and Technical Information Services. (Gt. Brit.) 3 (Materials-Plasti:s, TT, v. 10, no. 3) T*Ch*id svvkts -db Voltage-- Calculation of Electric Fum L by F. AndroA,; 10 PP. FMCH,, per., Le Jowmal du Four -Eleotro- Ohimiguest ND'-462 __ 119-379 pp 92-94. S.L.A. Wo 9 Scientific - Electricity, Eleatmahemiatry Jan 56 M/MX mno, vartract-oa und W4kusLicnen dds 19 CL~' e- 6 e- 1-r7 Sol-IL-ch Mndua Civ Ilar Eno~ w6v 66 3,13,331-9 Dur QrS.Ten of Patexiale, by A. H. M. N. Rofmn-Baug" N. H. GWUWj,'por,, IC6Uold Zp Vol LXKVIj Droaden., 1939, pp 70=77. clai Tli'--r- qQ Dapt of Interior 13U of Minos Central Exper Sta Pittsburgh, Pa. Tr 27 Some lavestigations of the Production of V=o-Dispersed Substancesp by At E. M. Pjadreasen., MM 17 pp. GW-qt,. per, KoUoid Seltachrift,, Vol CIVp ?To 2/3, 1943, Rp 181-189. Xg UK Atmic Ewrgy Autborl AWRS T-r No 16 sci - Chem .Aug 61 - ----- ------ 62-18017 A. It. M. and Anderson, THE RELATION Or GRADING TO INTERSTITIAL 1. Andreasun. A. H. M. VOIDS IN LOOSELY GRANULAR PRODUCTS (WITH It. Andzrson, SOME EXPERIMENTS). (1962119p. 15 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 62-18017 Trans. of Kolloid-7citschrift (Ger7nany) 1929, v. 49, Dec, p. 217-228. DESCRIPTORS: Sand, Cements, Refractory materials, Molding, Pavements. (Unannouncc(4 Office f $-it.$ sum i Red=Um In the Iddit Or fte pril"Ple, of Sm tWat gm*m On# Val JMKMv WD GS ecd AM 3637 to .1 2 Pn Mr. Zborul Sore Umn. Ducuresti. FtU'turn lal/Soaao Tach 353,260 ----- ------ Q~ b. W Fo k f, 0 i laau, pur, liordis'"! Vol IAI, ;k6 -62-16914 ~A,n~dreas ~, Anders. MICROWAVE-CONTROLS FOR POWER-STA71ON 1. Andreasson, A. OPEJUTION. (1962] 8p. (formulae figs. omitted) 8 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-!6914 Trans. of Tekn;sk- 7ldskrift (Sweden) 1953 IV. 831 5 May. p. 381 ~385. DESCRIPTORS: 'Power plants, Operation, Control systems, hilerowaves, ON11crowave relay systems, Remote control systems. C(:2 (Enjoneering-Eloctrical, T~L Y. 8, no. 10) Tochnic"I SMIC.. (SF-2286) SPECIALIZATION IN THE PRODUCTION OF A FEW COWODITIES AND ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCEP BY R.' ANDRtASYAN, A. ELIYANOVj, 118 PP. RUSSIAN, PER., MIROVAYA EKONOMIKA I MEZH OTNOSH, No 6. 1962, PP 85-97. ipRs A87o USSR ECON AUG 62 208,422 V,,AIZbVeOW, U pp. 1541 N. r-(2 ~'S La.7th Sd fs Am= An 66 291,00f, Hom misaus Can be Intempted and Destroyed in Flight, by D. St. -A-n-d-r-ea-sc-up 8 PP- RUMANDW, per# Viata tfilitar-as, No 6, Jun IMU962, p 31.1 968SC45 FM-IT-63-337 Aug 63 046 (NY-7216) THE INTERCEPTING OF MIESSILES, BY D. ST. ANDEE, 9 PP. ES~U, T RUMANIAN, PER, SU STIINYA SI TEHNICA, VOL XIV. No 4, 1962, PP 30-33- JPRS 15258 SCI - SPACE RESEARCH OCT 62 212.,2o4 J. Iq6O (DO) (DC-3257). Dow the Soul Really FxistY, by Dr Vjilbelem Alldrei, 06 pp. RUARWII~1~4; np, Mqxnco., Vol XV, No 375-11, Buebarert, 28 Nov 1959, PP 2, 3- JPRS-L-1995-D Mur - Rumania Soc - Anti-religious Propaganda j~Ln 60 7~ Heir Tasks of the Animal Husbandry Sector, by N.-,Ar.,drei 12 pp.. UNCLASSIFIED ..RUBMBIAN,~mo per,, Problema-Zootahnice al-Veterinam, at No 1, Buchare ,:Jin WS., pp -1 US JERS/DC-L-289- HE - Rumania H&oti - Agriculture may 58 4' Mum Of NOnfied DesUps by D. D. Ptyaiuins V. M AWkVl9b*# 5 pp- mmm,o pw$ gm*LUK I Hatimp Vol xxil NO 9,0 26-33 pp. RAPPA Sal oet, 63 q 2-100 T Lie Agots__ of -Regular- and -Semi regular -Poly hedrons and Corresponding Correlative rj;ats' by A. Andreini..,-.., ITALIAN, per, Soc I*tal 00110 Sit Hem do Mazb a di FfS7-*Wr___3-, Vol 14, 1907, ~fp 157M. i NIASA TT P-11,994 Sci-Math Mar 69 377,S43 - - -------- Universal Recording Equipment fbr Spectrofluorimetry] by tie Itl4ekshankov, A~ Pe Andzeitsov,, 4 pp. RUSSIANO per$ Biofizika, Vol VIj No 51 1961 CB ___ -On, - Energy Express ions in-Acoustics, by N. n, x.,, _Lor 33, pp - . . - - ~q4q MUM,, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz.. Vol II, no 4, 1940, pi, 305-312- SLA Tr R-689 Sci Electronics j -16-6 A118 57 OF-1850) qrbernotles and Autcmtion In Directlng Nava Pbrees, bjr P. 1. Audrejew., W. D. AleWejevj, 9 py. IN)L=J, pwp Przq;IM M=VUB Val XIVJ, No 91 1961: pj? g5 jpss 19299 Ulu INIMr - Polrod Ar.2, ml 62 Cybernetics ana Autamtion In Directing fWa Farces., bY P. 1. Andrejav, W. D. AleWejevp 6 pp. IWZM.. 9w., Przeglad M=dkip va nv., 3o 10, 1961, 1w 64~. IM Illbr - Polead Idl im 1m9 ?/-:? /fAl-4=ify Feb 62 1,11,60roug 711--ory of tbe.Refizetion of Pin= Blectro- M4g2etic "Llevies at a A111y: COWUL-tins Cbvclak Plato ard at a CIrcuUr Opening in a Fully Conducting Plane Scra*n, by sts t AAM.,, R94 CMAN, per,, Aunal Phys Vol VII 1 1930, p 157. D.S.I-H-/IGh39/CT Ole r n t r sa-fibntir Ic DEX ONLY Concerning the Use of Modern Calculating. Techniques in Record Keeping, Planning, and Administration of the Nationall Econorw, by Sts-fan Andr jF,7.5T,,, Todeusz legerman, 17 PP. ---F, POLISH, per, Gospodarka Planowa, 190 8/9, 1961, PP 50-55- JFRS 11698 12m- - Poland ~711 05 neon Jan 62 ------ - ----- Influence of Stimulation of Gastric on Cerebral Potentials, by P.'T. Andreako, R. V. Bratas,, 6 pp. IMSIAII,, Der, Piz Mur SWR im I. M. sachenov., Vol XLV# Moh, 1.959, pp* 151-156. A Forgamon Inst scl - Mad Jul 59 i- S: D hr -o T~ nor., 2.1-m7 "C-12h I voi Unift,oation and Nomalization of 2artc and gubaGacmblicc cf C=rut-zr-- and 1,%uhinem, by L. 1. Andronovs 6 pp. 1-1-randar-dizatstya, No 5., 15-60, Boon Dee 6c) lawaue imumo- uai JVC- ~q;*Iltiploi Js Jfallwaltatu*-4 "up, IY, P;*5:4i!-'XA" por't a,4," I!w-d Vol 257, ID65,0 AAA; -Mvi- tr I Sllj494 Z*J,~J6 -- -- --- -------- "y pe-, Vol =, pp M*-5180,1944 j;tatjUty of a P2aM Vith Fiidte Bj by J. An&"2Lbtt:t * FMM, yerj, Acmd"O d" SClenW9*PS3"jcocQ?tes Bend=, va. 258,3.964jpp. 5283-52%- 9W 7D-26981-201 0, -------- R--e-o-L e~ tt 1 Variation L= for tIM StabiUty of a Quaa- Iteutria Plasma, by j. Andmoletti FRENCH, per, Academlo des Saences. DLAS. 2M~tes Rendus, Vol 259, 1964t pp 2617-2620 7=71~159;9-20I web 72 wellis--or a- Plasma- Stability of Napatic Ifith Flimito Pressure* by J. Androolatti. FMI34" per.* Semw Readwo Vol 259P NO So 964,v;pp 19ASA TV FoA19074, :CCUMIJEN't USH ONLY Aug 67 -Avhoms- or the poniculo.stuOlating (m)-pitai- ---- tary Homone and of the Mmn Cl~*iouic Gonado- trDpin (WA) Upon the Matabolium of Progesterone,, by C. Andr TMUN,, per., Rasseps di clinica to i& solenze arri~i-l-Wor-as '95 ~- NM Tr 4-47 -74-5, Sol aly Mothod for Measwement of Complex Dynamic Wasticity Modulus, by 11. Andrea. GIERhIM, per, HorJdreqtZEz-tpchYdk und Elelaro- akwalk, Vol LM,: No 6, 1959,, pp 174-180. F-9291 SeA-Phys May 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 2BO,168 as Well as Unspecitic Skiu SwelliAp in latiadutwi6ous TwbereWlu Wating ot CatUep by J. (BM=,, par.. Xor-r., L%o le; No 19501 lyp P.7-7515. WA T- r 22-49 7 rRW 57 cf t-Itj!jjpjcjd,,jos by J. RI. Androop 13 VP- CU0j;LIL" Vol V--p Ars l5p 2.957Y PP 137-144- jum 59 tllepat, by K. H. rat al. n7m VCLI IL lim ~1-5-63 111ol/&d Sol has 63 .o 60-2S449 Andrea, I.- P. RECENr-nCGRESS IN THE MANITACTURS OF 1. Title: Nitromrbonic VH0SPMT8D FEMU7BRS (Preipres dans In Pabri- prooma cattra d--a Engrals Phosphat9s) tr. by Berths P. KIeDm. 1. ADdris. I- E. M Aug 5S 1141p. TVA [no.) 3481, 11. 7VA-3481 Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 66-23449 Ill. Tennesm Valley Authority, Witson Dam. Trans. of ChImle et Industrie (FmDm) 1955. Y. 73 , Ab~ [no. 31 p. 531-50. Manufacturing nwtbods, DESCRIPTORS: *Fertilizers , 41,hosphates, OMetallic compoundo, Additives, 0. 71 Stabilization. (Agriculture, 7T. v. 9. no. 1) 10-31-62 It votb" so - --- -- ---- 63-17327 RBCENT-P=RESS IN THE hUMPACTLYRE OF 1. Andris, L.-B. rCs dam Is Fabztca- PFOSPHATE FERTILIZERS (Pr og U. A74S-33QM _ _ Uce des Enlrats fboqhslfs~ 1190) 14b, 1 M. Asacclated Tedsokal 7t.mop Ot4er from ATS $14.25 Services. W-. , Best Oramg% PL Trams. of chw4le 0t) D4uxulej (PC-) IM, v. 73, m 3. p. SSI-UO~ Anotber us=. Is ovalbNe km OTS or ELA ;L. 60 60-23"9, TVA-S49L. 26 Aus SS 114k4 j729 DWOMM "Fortilla-1 M-ft-ring -Nbws. "llyss, (ftacut, c. Tr. v. 10, m*. 2) d too" bpa ])-Tmgrm=i3 pour la dotendnation de la doae d1le.-metteurs Lintairres de rayonne=mt., by R.Andress K. E. Scheer# 7 ppo k: J DW^9 to P=v=., per., Nuclear !kdIzins Vol I., 1961; Pp 407-413. 9 J 6 3.2 3 BoVerSe TnWlatiaa Sol Av,- 64 -Experimeixtal StuA-y vr t'-he Rheoivgicai Propa-tiez of llighly Disper6e Minor-,I Suspensions,, by U. Ts. 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Kolloid Z&urj Vol MCII, No 1, 196o, V37-142- CB may 61 15-3 5 05- l0quillibrium md lbtim of Spheres In a Vioco- p1natic Liquld., 1w U. To. Andres., 4 1V. HOSM.- per.~ Dak Plc NwA SSSIto Vol CXM=,, Ilo 4., 10., pp Trr-. AV &M Pb7a- Doklady v0--1 V.. no 4 Investigation of the Properties of Heavy bledia, by U. To. Andres, 3 PP. RUSSIAll,, per, Koks I Xhimj, No 2., 1960.. pp 9-12. British Welding Res Aasoc set img 6o ..t 111-94~ )C E MAGN I 11LECTRIQUEMENT. "'El"'CTAIREET~LECT110- H UMATI'll IELR n~ isol-Al,w TCHh'QUE (Electrically Molten Magneshim Oxide. New Czech Refractory and Elecrro-Insulating Material). l5p.'4refs. CN,'RS-X 600. Order from M, ETC or CNRS $',).SO TT-62-28409 Trans. In French of Unidentified Czechoslovak gunge article, 1960, n.p. lang DESCRIPTORS: 'Magnesium compounds, Oxides, *Electric insulation, Refractorv materials, Heating elements, Sintering furnaces, Czechoslovakia. 1. Andres, Z. II.CNRS-X600 111. Centre National de ]a Recher- che Scientifique, Paris (Materials--Refractories, TT, v. 11, no. 7) off'.. .1 r-".. c_~ PAcroblolosical Stmdardization and Clinima ACtivity of Ccn--evt=ted Prqpamtions of the "IrchrimsAc Factor", by R. Hoff-Jorgensenp A. P. Skemby, J. Gad ARdy-voon, 13 p. SWTSII,j per., Vordisk Nedlainj, 1952,, Vol XLVIUj, 190 51, PP 1754-1758. SLA 59-20708 Ile, Har 60 Vol 3,, No 1 on a New Cable Sheath Without Lead., by X. 11. Brmdes , 24 pp. OMW, per, VDE-Faohber,, Vol XV,, 1951j, pp 2-7. SIA Tr 57-2529 sci Aul; 58 6 'f 4 . 6 -X/ Cabliuy uy lfbri -Axid.-Tcoetin'? GBI-RI-140, P.1tent Fo C-55,127. ac Cc==--ce Dept Patent of'.1ce -- Bei Lib'~(-G~ll D;ee 57 Cables.. by Ktrl :n~ He,.=nn Brandes, 3 pp. Gomm, Patent. So 876,720. Da,pt of Comarce Patent Office Sci Mb 71 Doc 57 ,"11 im mm". Awrws. Bartbal-4. 1. AndrM34 1L ON TjW LUMWWM4CE AND ABSORMON OF ZOO 18p op o-ImeM 21rds CRYSTALS. 119631 Tr-63-20348 Avanae an ion t= SU T--il- d Zdwh-ift ftW Fhy'dk (Wea G'rmM) '9'2. in V. 1-21. p isis cryg=lk c=p-nda6 ESC -IMM *Sl OZIDC e. AbwrP- D lomwe, *Crysmlanmu*% WLX=Inesceno da), Rdr' dm lq)8ctr%= Wctra (VbgAe *md uUravi -8- fmctivaimkfr. TMP"W='*- ElearlcdcOD&xm 7bo:gpeand dioWhulm Wd WWI- cmCel-radiidon ct syntode ZOO cristas vti* TV&= adolons, -Ith -(Atd= by ~~Ls by&XdgMed in Isi jwg4ivel-s& Idtraviole and P-M SPOCM rinip its a himcdon of the Medi;urenwts of Iffie abwrptlm jph~o!C8--SOWSMtN Tr. 'r. 11, 62-14975 adrma,~I R.. and Nachtrab~ Reimar. 1 _ 1111 BOND CONDIT1ONS IN METAL-POLYPHOS- 1 1. Andress, K. R. PHATE COMPLUFS. [Pt. 2 of] Complex Formation 11. Nachtrab, R. by Sodium Triphospbate with Divalent Metal Ions. in. TitIL- Complex... [11162) Up. 9 refs. order from SLA fd. 60 62-14975 Trens Of z[Vitschrift fUr] Anorganischel Chernfiel (Rast Germany) 1961, v. 311 [no. 1/2] p. 13-21. DI!SCRUYMRS: $Chemical bon4s, *Complex com- pounds, tMetallic compounds, *Sodium compounds, *Phosphates, Phos~torlc acids, Ions, Hydrolysis. C 2 02 2 8 3 7 The metal-oxygen (Me-0) compounds such as occur in metal-polyphosphate complexes on terminal and intermediate P04 tetrahedra of phosphate chains are discussed In detail. It is found that the stability of a vch Me-0 bondg depend primarily on how many free (Chernistry--inorgan1c. TT. v. 8. no. 6) (over) Offi.. .1 T.6.1c.) S-1- __M,1rr"_KnrI R. and Nachtrab, Reimar. THE CO?,IPL-%?X-FORMIW REACTION HETWEEN SODIUM TRIPHOSPILATE AND DIVALENT METAL IONS. Pt. 3 cX Complex Formation by Sodium TrIphosphate with Divalent Motal Ions. [19621 19p. 3 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 62-14974 1'rans. & Zfeitschrift far] Anorg[anischal Chem[ie] (East: G4rmany) 1961, v. 311 [no. 1/2 p. 22-31. DESCRIPTORS: zChemical bonds, *Complex corn- Tounds, *MetaWc compounds, OSodiurn compounds. 4Thotiphates, Ions, Chemical reactions, Chemical 4,quilibrium. Ifrom. the experimentally determined complex forma- tion constants. of the Me (II)-triphosphate complexes. the equilibrium constants for the reaction uf the formation of this complex were calculatecL From the (Chumistry--inorganic, 17~ Y. 8. m 6) (over) 62-14974 1. Andress, K. R. U. Nachtrab, R. Ill. Title: Complex... CZ 2 2 83 6 041-1 T-h.k.l S.M 'Reports on the Work of MR (Icel=d-UM Cultural ;SOc1etA, by M~Istlm ik-n-ftmons 10-ppe 1 to 'iO~Mf np,, ftjcdvWlm, 7 Sep 1954,p Enc State Deep Do 3, =Mg-Re-Yi3i7vik, CM D 95281. 'Dmt or State 1.~w Iceland ,Sociologcal - Cultural Society KOO Bain'. -Anne - Dargasuies, 19 pp. FMCH., bk,, Studes Rcurol%iquoo our le Rouvesu-ne et 1e jeune Nou-rRe-d-o-n,-IIWo-on,-Pft-i-s-19521-434 pp. NIH Tr 5-33 B.Cl - Neel May 57 rou . C.atalati --- 61--1091-I-- I'lCIS P .'S AN D PLASTICISING OF HIGH POLY 1. Andreu, A. C. M LRS. [ 1961131 p. (3 figs. orr. itted) 19 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 6t-20981 Trans. of an unidentified article, n. p., it. d. DESCRIPTORS! *Polymers, Plastics, *Plasticizers, Physical properties, Theory. C (Ninter ials- -111 astics, TT, v. 9, no. 3) Ofte cg Tedmksl Serikes Contribution to Study of Size, Age and Growth of the Sardine Sardina Pilchardus Walb From the Eastern Coasts of Spain, November 1949-May 1950, by B. Andreu, J. Rodriguez-Roda, et al. SPAIHSHP per, Barcelona, Vol VII, pp 159-189. Fish Res Board of Canada Pacific Biol Station Sci -------- - - - TaxonoW of Viruses Infecting Vertebrates: Present Knowledge and Ignorance., by C. H. Andrewes, F. 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AndreYuk, 5 PP- --- .RUSSIAN, per, Metallurg., No 7, 1962., pp 25-28o Acta Metallurgica sui Ifar 64 253,589- Climvag(o- of Mvthylpbc9Wlcycl*sll4Dljr=5 vith Dii:b1crodimthylial I a , by Ka A, vo V. severmys,*510r. RU38UN.# y*r.. Iz & am* SM, Ot&a M" ftuk, M, 7o 19Uj, VP L=-UAI cli Sal 63 Cona"ULM the ftoblm at KWA= 83"44voicas b.'r -AM&V~jt 6 pp. SM, lb np Noadwr 3.9a., ip 40j~i- JPW 32666 9 .741 Nor 62