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Approved For Relse 200 X03/~ CIA=F~D`R84;R00~0,0(~b80~01~-7 ~_:;,;.,~,~~r.~c..~. ~ ~ ~ . ~ _ ,[ ~'P ? .Y~' ,~ ~/^'~ ~'!` mow. ~ y secrecy and gives you, for the first time anywhere, an inside look at ac o roved For Release 200'F/03/06 :CIA-RDP84-00499R00100A080,001-7 . ctontinued ~~ ? .%~ iill\'1't,.~ l~lltr.:`~..Ifilirr ..rrfC?~~?r,+~!"',;,,,,.:."1~` rr r _..~..--_ . _. .. ~' , Approved For Ruse-2001/03L~6:CIA-RDP84-OU~9R001000080001-7 r. G-was certainly not thinking of his own death as he hurried down the '~1 corridor to his hotel room in Guate- " mala. His mind swarmed with the details of . " 'smuggling rifles and machine guns to a band of Communist-backed revolutionists in Mexico. They had money to pay for weapons and want- ed delivery at a secret point on Mexico's eastern coast. A fishing boat captain from ~~ ~, Grand Isle, La., was to make the delivery. Mr. G-was thinking of the sizable profits he would make from the deal and barely , noticed a thin, well-dressed young man step out of a room down the hallway. The young -man coughed,- covering his face with a hand- kerchief. . The two men drew abreast. "Are you an American?" the young "man , " asked. ~ Mr. G-turned and his eyes widened with fright. Ile stared into the barrel of an eight- inch long aluminum tube. Click! A strange ~, vapor spurted from ?the metal device, sur- . Inside the vast, globe-girdling Central Intelligence Agency there is an obscure department known as "Staff D." The "D" could stand for "death" or "destroy" because this small band of professional assassins, equipped with the' latest, in weaponry and gadgetry, r~a~e~~er ?a oe~de~ ~~~ a pew?~s . . c?a~edered a $9~reat to tie na- . tional sewrcty ~~ the U.S.! to the floor, face turning purple. The young man placed the aluminum tube in his pocket and casually walked down the hall and stair- way to the lol2by. It took exactly 72 seconds for Mr. G=-to die. He died just as the young man walked out into the street. Several minutes later, a hotel maid found the body and screamed her alarm. .It was another 20 minutesbefore an ambulance arrived. That evening, a death certificate was prepared. Heart attack was the verdict. The examining doctors knew nothing of a colorless, odorless poison carefully sealed in a thin capsule and shot out of a hermetically sealed aluminum tube. Bizarre poisons are seldom discussed at medical meetings. Few coroners know that such a capsule, fired no more than 24 inches from the victim's face, will produce almost instant death. The deadly vapors are breathed into the lungs. Arteries that carry blood to the brain are paralyzed instantly. Within seconds, the victim begins to die. ~Vlthln minutes, all traces . ~' "What the heU--" he stammered, breathing ~ of the poisonous vapor disappear, long before the sour fumes intcLhis~ut~~s. He cram led ~ an autos can bep erformed. Approved For ell ase 2001/~3/06 : CIA-RD~4v00499R001000080001-SAGA o 31 ? ; .oont3nued G's-face. rounding Mr Assembly fn 1960, was target of CIA assassination plot that " Pant of was cancelled because of "too many complications. the Bay of pfgs invasion force study .maps In a jungle outpost before the actual attach, which ended in disaster. .``;~`,. he poison was developed in a Russian laboratory in the late 1950s and brought to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency . - =in 1961 when Bogdam Stashinskiy defected to ;the West. Stashinskiy, a trained assassin for ;the KGB (Kommissariat GosudarsteUnnoi Be- zopasnosti or Soviet Committee for State Se- curity), knew the vapor was an effective murder weapon. He had eliminated two anti-Soviet :exile agents in West Germany before surren- dering to U.S, counterspies. Mr. G-was just one of many victims of the poison since then. A member of the shadowy world of international manipulators, he was a clever soldier of fortune who specialized in gunrunning;, dope smuggling and political in- trigrue. Like his fellow entrepreneurs, he fed ~an revolt and revolution, hurrying to the world's hottest trouble spots in order to fat- iten his bank balance. The assassin with the deadly aluminum - 'tube was an illegal, or "black" agent in the "Plans" section ofthe U.S. Ceptral Intelligence ;Agency. He is attached to "Staff D," an ob- scure department known inside the agency as the "Kill Squad." Equipped with the latest in ;weaponry and gadgetry, these agents kill the Approved For Re`L~,~se~~~'~4~'~%0~3%0~'?. ' 32 Q 811DA ?', enemy on order. Their victims are those perms - ? sons considered a threat to the national se- curity of the United States. In the example, above, aCommunist-inspired revolution south of the border would be a threat to the U.S.,: hence it was necessary to "eliminate" Mr.G--?; ,' . Members of the"Kill Squad" are the glamour boys of the CIA's 20,000-man spy organization. They are the true professionals in the back- :.- alley battles of cold war espionage. Cold- bloodedly, they -can murder a double agent in Berlin, liquidate a person who may jeop- ardize U.S. security, or arrange for an as, sassination squad to kill the political leader of an "unfriendly country. " Naturally, many of these projects arc sur- e rounded by the highest secrecy. 'T'here are .stiff penalties to prevent present, or former, agents of. the CIA from discussing their ~ex- periences. "I've been out of the `Company' for two years," remarked an ex-agent. "How- ~.; ever, if they knew I was talking, I could bed '~~"" ~ taken into "C'astody without a warrant, held. .;,`-,~;;~.:' indofinitely; and brought to a secret trial. ~ ~ - - .. L _ _~ ...1-e,.t...A ,...~ ~.~`' . ~taik~a ~n public.-;;;;~;~.,. ~~ ,h ; ?~... . _{,: R~~`'1'.000080001-7 ~ g p Approved For Refi~se ~~~~~rC.~,~~t~~$~go~10o~enT00i1V01V- ~, ing Francis Gary Powers? Here are ~rhe never-before-published ~~~~~ about this top- secret CIA operation and why the "down- ing" of the spook plane was really part of the most incredible, espionage feat of the'Cold War The "Mansion" is the CIA's top secret 66- acre private estate located a few miles from . Oxford, Md., along the Chaptank River. The Mansion and grounds are protected by high, ?electrified fences, armed guards and a patrol of vicious German Shepherd dogs. ' However, despite all this official secrecy, many persons in and out of the agency have become disenchanted with the CIA. thers seek power through office politics. Like any other bureaucratic group,~there are cliques inside the CIA struggling for supremacy over the vast spy network. Some informants were recruited, trained, sent into the field and quickly became disillusioned by the realities of espionage. "It looks good ? or}ly in the movies," remarked one source. From interviews developed aver a span of 14 months, considerable data on the CIA was obtained. Despite the secrecy, the agency constantly bubbles with wild stories and fan- tastic rumors; separating the fact from the fantastic was na easy .task. Since this in- formation cannot be verified officially, every effort has been made to,insure accuracy with- in these limitations.! ~ ' My information ~ ~ ~ (Continued on page 82 ) Approved For Release 2001/03106` :CIA-RDP84-00499~R001000080b01~~+ o ss includeaAp~rO~red FR~~t-~a`~~ ? An ab rte aesaa N w YoFkafor an taPP arance beforetthe United Nations; ? The formation and training o[ Para-military assassination squads, . 'staffed by Cubans and dedicated to killing Castro; ? "Kill to protect" orders on the U-2 ~ spY Plane; ? Persistent rumors concerning the pos- . sible murder of several U.S. citizens. ? Details on the latest weaponry and gadgetry. Get Castro: Like some ancient bearded 1 demon, Fidel Castro is a satanic figure to CIA agents. "He is ratan incarnate, a liv- ' ing reminder of the agency's failures in Cuba, the Bay of Pigs and other fiascoes," reported a former agent. "They've tried everything to get Castro. Nothing has worked." Originally, the agency was lax in deter- mining Castro's political beliefs. A CIA briefing to President Eisenhower's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities in late 1960 reported Castro as being a "political enigma. A still secret report declared that Castro did not be- come a Communist until after the Bay of Pigs. "Prior to that time, his public state- ments did not reflect Marxist directions," the report stated. Nevertheleae, there were those in the CIA who did not trust Castro, even in 1960. "If he walks, talks and acts like a Communist I say he is one," a crusty CIA official declared. Others agreed and, when Castro announced his intentions to visit the United Nations, an assassination plot was formed. "A visit to the U.S, by a foreign leader is a good opportunity to obtain informs- : lion," explained a former agent. "The CIA almost always maintains a hoapi- fairly suite for the American policemen I assigned to guard a visiting dignitary. ~Y,e cer~~~1 9{A~y-y,~I~~r~q~g~f~nP,p~ularly those in 4~u~I1~V4i~ `t4d'~M there are valid i~ 'P1L~~1~f , p for free foand drmka. ~Ve creb4 through casual questioning. Surprisingly, reasons to reopen the investigation of Dr. we often pick up important intelligence King's assassination. dot. A group of independent, self-financed , "When Khrushchev visited the U.S. a irrvestigators have been sifting the facts in few years ago, the police reported he was several assassinations for more than a hitting the bottle,' he said. "He was also Year. 'T'hey are concerned with what are abrupt and he treated his associates in a considered similarities in the deaths of demeaning manner. This indicated a pos- ; Patrice Lumumba, Dag Hammarskjold, sible power struggle that ended when the ; Sen. Robert Kennedy, Pres. John Kenna- . old boy was ousted." dy, Martin huther King, Jr., and Negro Castro came to New Yorl4 in 1960 and ', leader Malcolm X. "There are certain 'the CIA opened a hospitality suite at the ' Patterns in these murders to warrant fur- Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Off-duty police- ~ ther investigation," one investigator de- men assigned to guard Castro were offered I dared. the finest in food and drink, served and , Another investigator was more out- poured by CIA agents. I spoken. "I am convinced that a clique But the assassination plot was aborted. ; within the Central Intelligence Agency, or Whys aCIA-linked group, is responsible for sev- One agent said, "there were just too' eral assassinations," he reported. "I just many complications." ~ find it too incredible to believe an agency from the government that no conspiracy existed were made before the in- vestigation, the use of scapegoats (Oswald and Ray), and allegedly misleading infor- mation surrounding the assassinations. ilea to aloft CIA-financed assassination squads. "The idea was that stout-man team would return to Cuba, set up posts near Cnatro's hendquartcrs and kill him in n cross fire from high-powered sniper rifles equipped with bullets that exploded on impswt. Another team was assembled to 'hit' Castro when and if he made a public appearance. Still another team was trained to blow up his office, using pow- erful explosives." The assassination squads were trained in the Florida Everglades, under the direc- tion o[ a graduate of a WW II OSS assas- sination school. Marine officers, assigned to the CIA, assisted in the training. "Sev- eral squads were trained, but Castro's in- telligence men learned of our intentions," an ex-agent said. "There are rumors of at least two attempts made on Castro's life. Both failed. I don't know if this was our CIA squads or some ordinary Cuban citi- zen." What happened to the remaining assas- sins? "There is always work for a man i schooled in murder," concluded my infor- mant. "At least one of these men was at the Bay of Pigs. Later, he flew some of the old B-26 bombers for the CIA in the Con- go rebellion. He got a bellyful in the Con- go after being ordered to fry over native villages and indiscriminately fire on civil- ians. He dropped out of sight after that." Some critics of the CIA, particularly those who dispute the "lone;assassin" ver- dict in the death of Pres. John Kennedy, believe the CIA is responsible for the mur- ders of several world leaders. Con- troversial New Orleans District Attorney 'Jim Garrison is the most vocal of those who claim a conspiracy exists. Garrison is convinced of CIA involvement in the Dal- las assassination. "I have absolutely no doubt that the murders of Pres. John Kennedy and Mar- tin Luther King, Jr., were carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency," Garri- son declared recently. He cited several similarities in the two murders: the pro- fessional marksmanship, announcements DI00(IeClly murder rrea~ueu~ ,w..,,cu,~, assassinate some of the beat minds in the modem world simply because the victims did not believe in the Cold War." However, these independent in- vestigators are not overly optimistic about the results of their investigations. "If we had everything down in black and white, hard evidence, no one would believe it," one man concluded. The facts are few, the theories are numerous. The U-2 Murders: "Intelligence flights over unfriendly countries started as early as 1952 or 1953, using the early U-2 planes under CIA jurisdiction," a former CIA agent revealed. "The U-2 flights have con- tinued to this day, despite the photo- ' graphs we obtain from Samos, the Satel- lite and Missile Observation System. Those 'spies in the sky' were launched in 1961. The U-2 planes flown mover Russia were highly improved aircraft. Their range was tremendous and their altitude was quite high," he continued. "The CIA .was charged with protecting these planes from any publicity and an an English ci- vilian was 'eliminated' when he at- tempted to take pictures of the U-2 at Lakenheath, England. "I heard of another incident that alle- gedly occurred at Atsugi Airport, near Tokyo, in the fall of 1959. A Japanese teenager slipped onto the base and snapped a few pictures, which he hoped to sell to newspapers or magazines. Word got back to someone and, the next evening, the teenager drowned himself: Naturally, I assume he had very little choice and was probably held under the water by an ? agent, he concluded. Are the assassinations of civilians cleared through channels? Must prior ap- provalbe obtained? "Absolutely not! An agent in the 'black' eection is trained, and charged, to make his own decisions," the informant said. "An agent may be out of contact with hiy superiors for long periods of time. If secur- ity is compromised, they will remember that dead men tell no tales. Also, a request for permission to kill indicates an agent may have slipped up somewhere along tho line. Your superiors in the agen- cy do not like mistakes. You do what you mwt do tv protect the national security Approved For Release.2001/03/06 : elA-RDP84-004998001000080001- aontirlued Approved For Relle 2001/03/06 :CIA-RDP84-004$~'R001000080001-7 JOTS. Junior Officer Trainees, during and you do it well. An agent might request their extensive training program. Some a professional assassin if he is confronted trainees receive underwater and jungle with a particularly complicated jab. warfare training at a secret CIA camp in a Then, the agency would send a pro or two Southern swamp. Others' arc given train? out into the field." ing at a CIA base located near Las Vegas, It was essential that the U-2 project be Nev., on the travel-restricted area of the .protected by "kill" orders. Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada Never published until now is lire (act Proving Grounds. that Ills U-2 (liKhls urere a vital link in ort? While assassination is seldom dis- a(A mrrica's most. awesome tueaprnis sys? cussed openly by the instructors, it is tens! Uespih his braggart's shouts, Rua- present in CIA classes by implication. A sign I'rernier Nikita IClrttrsl~c}rev and hie former agent told of an instructor's re- predecessors knew tine CIA pulled off an marks to the class one afternoon during important coup in the Cald War. his training. "A U.S. citizen happened to The following information was obtain- stumble onto a base where the 'Company' ed from a former U-2 pilot and was veri- .was training Cubans for the Bay of Pigs fled by other sources. "The U-2 was a invasion. He took several photographs of beautiful plane," the pilot said. "There equipment with U.S. markings on the were several windows built into the bot- side," the instructor said. "This was be- tom of the craft. designed to photograph fore the markings were to be removed for enemy installations from high altitudes. the actual invasion. If the photographs This was an important function of the were published, it would have been a very flights over Russia and China. serious breach of security at the Bay of "However, there was another gadget in .Pigs. the plane and a system of pushing buttons "He arrived in New York and was at certain points along the flight," he con- stopped and interrogated. Offers were timed. "These buttons activated arecord- made to purchase the pictures and buy ing device that made a radar imprint on him off. He was an idealist and refused to ~ tape of the plane's flight over the earth, cooperate," the instructor said. "He was We obtained a ^ight pattcr-r, on the tape. crossing a street when a truck veered out After processing, the radar tape could be of control, struck and killed him. And, fel- locked into an atomic missile. The missile , Iowa, those pictures and negatives just guidance system is set up to follow the ex- plain disappeared during all the con- act pattern on the tape, from launching fusion." until strikedown. The missile might de- . Trainees also hear of an old, grizzled - vista off course. but it has to come back desert gold prospector who unknowingly and seek out the pattern on the tape. wandered into a restricted military area "1 t is a foolproof ,system for directing with top secret installations. "The 'Com- " an atomic missile directly on, target with- pony' man knew there was a 99 percent out missing by an inch," he said. "Once chance the old boy would keep his mouth ' that missile is launched? nothing other shut," trainees were informed. "But no than ashoot-down can step it fxorn hitting chance could be taken. The prospector directly on target. Scramble systems can was eliminated and buried in an un- foul up acomputer-directed missile. The marked grave." typography of the earth for several hun- The CIA's assassination squads in Bred miles need to be changed to stop a ra- Vietnam are known as the Intelligence, der tape-directed missile. That's an im- .Coordination and Exploitation unit. possibility so the missile is ready to hit .Trainees are told of ICE terrorists directly on target!" trained by Special Forces and Green Ber- 'Wlien Francis Gary Powers cxashed ets, who have been successful in capturing, and Nikita I{hrushchev discovered we had or killing, numerous Communist syrnpa- missiles homed in right on his head, heal- thizers. "CIA agents work very closely . moat went nuts," the pilot continued. "He with the Green Berets and UDT teams in knew there was absolutely, nothing he Vietnam," an informant said, i could do. We've been zeroed in for years Almost every ex-agent has a, story in- on every important target in 13ussia and volving the doath of a U.S. citizen who un- R d h " c n e o weapons using ina. C xnowingly ,jeopardized national security sound waves and vibrations. A ray gun Some intelligence people believe tho in one way or another. These stories 'now available will penetrate a brick wall crash of Powers' L1,2 piano was no acci- ___~.,_ _.- .. frerrurntly Cnn.?nrn ~ ................~.,...a..._-_,_~ ate never what they seem in espionage. A nnotner aevrce ~s humorously referred Ties of people who wandered into a Cuban to as "the ultimate weapon to end war for- secret weapon is no good unless the enemy t i i ra n ng camp operated by the CIA in the ever." A research technician in the labora- knows about it. If Powers did play such Florida Everglades. "Those nuts in there. e tole in a "set-up" crash inside Russia. it tory of a musical instrument factory was ores nrak+v Aor.. ?.:......- 1... ~.__. ,+ __e~ -__ ...,,,,,,,y ~?rnu mco tine Drawl. It took some flights over enemy territory Toda -~ ..a ment," my informant said. "He snapped real t'ancy footwork to keep that incident ? y, pilot off r,he machine, cleaned himself. returnnrl Pownra tnnfe fhn r.ln..-e er rl.., a..-r.....+- ff h +~ - - ~,.~o, ,,,e~nuurcy, nervous oreax- patience. By the end of the afternoon, ex- Corp. Flights are regularly made over Red downs, and mental?aberrationa with pars- ecutives concluded they had an awesome China, with Nationalist Chinese pilots noid tendencies are an occupational haz- 'weapon to control rioters and looters in from Formosa flying the planes. The and for the CIA agent. "You get to be a bit the streets." The device emitted a vibra- planes continue to return with important . paranoid if you're in this business for any ~ tion that relaxed the sphincter muscle in photographs and radar tapes of Red i h f " t t o t a frnn! nouns eight-inch butcher knife and decided to 'carve up his landlady. A larger than +rsual number of employees are arrested in Washington, D.C., or the neighboring communities in compromising situations involving morals rhargea. "A dubious fringe benefit is a private sanitarium," he said. "Security might be compromised if an agent was lrraterl by an outside psychiatrist. 't'his sounds gorxl, but it can backfire. A young analyst re? quested to be relieved of his duties; he felt the pressure was too much. The agency did not act. Finally. James Woodbury and his wife, Dorothy. made a suicide pact and leaped off a bridge down at Great Fa]Is, Va. Our suicide rate is much higher than that for the average population." What frightens this agent, and many others, is a nagging fear that an agent in the field may someday go berserk. "A single loan with training in explosives, killing and every type of dirty warfare could disrupt an entire metropolitan city," he said. "Some day we may wake up and find such an incident on our front pages." Weaponry: Like their fictional counter-. parts, the management at the CIA has a fascination for sophisticated weaponry. Very few of the bizarre items in their spy arsenal conform to the Geneva Con- ? ventions regarding modern armories; many are so secret that few people outside the CIA know about them. One diabolical device is a candidate for the "ultimate weapon." "This ie an electronic gadget that changes? the role of electrical insulators and conductors," I was told. "An in- sulator becomes a conductor and vice ver- sa. The device can be attached to an au- tomobile, atelephone, or an electrical ap- pliance, and the victim is electrocuted." At present, the device works only on a single appliance. "The labs hope to come up with a pyramiding system," the infor- mant said.. "The device could then be at- tached to a point in a city's electrical sys- tem. The entire city's electrical grid would be transformed from posi- tive-negative to negative-p`iysitive. All the humans would be electrocuted, while the building and physical facilities would be unharmed.'' There has also been considerable CIA-financed resear h i t eng o ime, adm~lted a former agent. China's syy~~~~rr,gqyy~~ ++~~rrg~~ ~ R e ~~~(~~~~~~a~~}~~~9~~~~~1 _7a~y eventual- Ht W4riNrtl ~7Yi~s'r;QL~eh~,~~~~ c7~asu~-g their wives or rl friends with. ly .gaw their research findings to another teliigence Asency trainees an called knives or guns. One podr.eoul took an o~nt:i.riue~' Approved For Rel~se 2001/03/06 :CIA-RDP84-OO~R001000080001-7 firm. "They felt the device would hurt their image as a musical instrument man- ufacturer," Iwas told. "This was back in 1987 and riot control weapons were needed by the police," con- tinued the informant. ?'Thia gadget could be turned on and anyone within range .would instantly be stopped in his tracks. Riot control officers in several cities test- ed the weapon. It immobilized anyone 'within range." The "ultimate weapon" was discussed at a seminar at a convention of Chiefs of Police in Kansas City and a brief mention was published in the Kansas City Slar. "A few of the Chiefs were asking about the tissue concession if the weapon was used," my informant said. "The cops were in- telligent and realized that, while a mob could be stopped, the victims would also be driven underground. Hit-and-run ewer- : rills warfare would replace mass demon- strations." However, the weapons technicians at the CIA had no worry about embarrassed victims. "We've tested the weapon in Vietnam," admitted the informant. "Dia- per-clad helicopter pilots fly over Viet Cong bunkers, turn on the weapon, and the waves undoubtedly create consid- erable chaos in the tunnels." The problem with the "ultimate weap- on" is that anyone within range is affected . by the sound waves. "The device dceen't recognize national origins," admitted the ex-agent. "However. on a widespread and ' larger use, such a weapon could conceiw ably immobilize an entire army in the One of the most diabolical devices in field. Planes could fly over an advancing the CIA arsenal is a concave piece of steel enemy,.broadcasting an amplified signal. fitted onto the top of a tin can containing It could conceivably demoralize an plastics explosives. When exploded, the army." steel turns into a white-hot "can- There are dozens of humorous, unsuba- non-ball." The occupants of a room would tantiated stories surrounding the "ulti- , be blown to bits. When attached to the mate weapon." One man allegedly stole gasoline tank of a car or bus, the device the ,schematics, constructed a device, and tosses flaming gasoline over the interior ?.built it onto his automobile. Clad in dia- and incinerates the occupants. pera, the -man and a carload of friends Other weapons include the traditional "terrorized" an intersection filled with silencer-equipped machine guns, pistols downtown shoppers one evening. They and burp guns. These are usually also raced through small towns after mid? . equipped with custom-made ammunition night gleefully beaming sound waves into that explodes on impact. "Whatever the the surrounding homes. dark aide of man can conceive, we have in On the deadlier side, CIA chemists our arsenal," a former agent said. have developed a new nerve gas which What can we conclude a~out the CIA contains two chemicale which are not poi- and the use of "Kill Squads"? sonous themselves. However, when the Although a newcomer to international chemicals are mixed with each other, a espionage, the Central Intelligence Agen- deadly nerve gas results. "These are com- cy has become one of the world's lead- mon chemicale. They're stored in two asp- ing-perhaps the best-intelligence gath- arate compartments of a bottle which Bring agencies. However, the basic weak- breaks on impact," my source said. "This. nesa in any spy organization is that a makes it easy to carry a nerve gas, without reckless, untruthful, unscrupulous ache- danger." mer makes the perfect agent. The perfect Poison is a favorite weapon among the agent can always be dangerous to a demo- CIA's "black" agents. The most useful ? cratic society, unless held in check. We poisons are those of the curare family, a have focused on a single aspect of the CIA favorite. Crystalline curare is ex-, CIA; there are many achievements and lremely powerful; only 0.023 grams are re- several failures. quired to kill a person. One gadget used by "Assassination squads? Certainly," re- agents is acurare-tipped, dart fired from a , marked a former agent. "We're fighting an small blowgun, which resembles a ciga- unscrupulous enemy. Aak the people of retie; a cigarette lighter can ales be used Poland, Hungary or East Germany. Aek as a powerful mechanical dart gun, shoot- the Czechs. Truly, the light of freedom is ing a poisoned dert ecrase a room, beautiful. We have to keep it that way.'? ' it THE END Approved For Release 2001/03/06 :CIA-RDP84-004998001000080001-7