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Approved For ReIe& 2001/07/12 : CIA- RM 466R00 0 008001 AS REGISTRY 2 8 JUN 19SLE 'If MEWRANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Robert W. Gambino Director of Security SUBJECT: Office of Security Significant Activities Week of 21 June 1979 (U) R1 FERENCL : DDA Administrative Instruction No. 74-5 I. This memorandum is for information only. (U) 2. The activities of the Office of Security during the week of 21 - 27 June 1979 were highlighted by the following items; a. On 27 Juue, representatives of the office conducted a physical security survey of the downtown Washington, D.C. offices assigned to Ambassador Robert Strauss, the Special Trade Representative. Ambassador Strauss is to be given access to Agency material classified up to and including Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information. (C) b. This week, the installation of movable file storage equipment within the Office of Security's Polygraph Branch secure area narked the completion of a project started last summer to systematically review all polygraph files and to remand about 250 feet of retired polygraph files from the Agency Records Center to secure storage at 11eadquarters. The files were reviewed, purged of extraneous material and logged for proper eventual disposition. (A/IUO) Projected Office of Security activities of possible interest at the Directorate level include: a. Agents of the Office are 25X1A on standby to meet an ass st 25X1C SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES Approved For-Re-Iease 2001/07/12 : CI on ORIGINAL CL FA a S J acr/ /9f C^VI'ECL CiREVW ON T BYNIJ V Y:i3 By 0466R000100MA-16 2 2 25X1C Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Approved For ReSe 2001/07/12: CIA-RDP84-00466R0* 0080010-3 27 June 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security (PFM) STATINTLFROM: SUBJECT: STATINT Deputy Director of Security (PTOS) Entries for the DDA Log 21 - 27 June 1979 j ulilea in Program. Th riefing addressed the exists and its sho omings. The ADDA requested that a memo be prepared utlin' g, in priority listing, the steps and resour s required to bring the program up to the minimum comp ance levels. 2. Security was provided for the appearance on 21 June of the N Tonal Intelligence Officer for East Asia and Pacific be ore.tile Subcommittee on Investigations of the House Armed rvices Committee and on 26 June of the DCI before the u committee on Priorities and Economy in Govern- ent of e Joint Economics Committee. On 27 June, representatives of the Office conducted physical security survey of the offices assigned to Ambassador Robert Strauss, the Special Trade Representative, which is located in a commercial building leased by the GSA at 1800 G Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Ambassador Strauss is to be given sensitive Agency material classified. ---to and including TOP SECRET and under SCI controls. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 ROUTING "AND TRAN `ITAL SUP Note and Return Prepare Reply See Me Signature DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals, clearances, and similar actions 5041-102 `- -- * U.S. G.P.O. 1977-241-530/3090 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Approved ForSease 2001/07/12 : CIL-RDP84'-0046*0100080 21 June 1979 FIL REGISTRY PIW_111_4~ MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Robert W. Gambino Director of Security SUBJECT: Office of Security Significant Activities Week of 14 June 1979 (U) REFERENCE: DDA Administrative Instruction No. 74-5 1. This memorandum is for information only. (U) 2. The activities of the Office of Security during the week of 14 - 20 June 1979 were highlighted by the following items: a. Two members of this Office are currently in conducting audio countermeasures inspections, installing alarm systems and assisting an Office of Communications technician in special in-depth inspections of selected pieces of communications equip- ment. Two other Office representatives are in Latin America conducting ACM ins 1A and constructing a re also assisting in the move (S) b. During the reporting period, members of the Interagency Armor W rking Group tested several new developments in the field of vehicle armoring and rotection of personnel in vehicles. An "instant device was especially promising. ^D ()p4 ?_1 _Tiine 1985 EXT Ci'~;tii3 Wr3S Y R ASC;N! OS 9 1566 4Y =1. fl:'*ii\~.1 NOTICE I?-'E'_.'."Fr;G~ F, SOURCES frJ DS l V0LVED D Approved For Release 2001/07/12: CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Approved For lease 2001/07/12: Cl 0046d&0100080010-3 c. The Office of Security will provide twelve agents to support an SE Division surveillance - training exercise during the period 19-22 June. (C) 25X1A Distribution: Orig F 2 - Adse l - DD/PSI DD/PTOS OS Reg 1 - D/S 1 - PPG 25X1A OS/P&M/PPG (21Jun79) Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 SFrF!a 'T Approved For O base 2001/07/12: JA- 046600100080010-3 20 June 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Support Division 25X1A FROM: Chief, Operations Support Branch SUBJECT: Weekly Log (U) _1. Office provided assistance to an OSO LJ~Ir, 25)(1A via Los Angeles, California. The courier transported a priority shipment of classified materials. (C) provide agents to support an Division surveillance training exer- cise during the period 19- 22 June. C d-ate./.Liaison is o v i is ; ~-gr it r a l- azi Rra n r h l C no ~- -, ~ ~ t1?~.5 25X1A 3. The Offices provided 25X1A. ')IZVI A support for t ion of destruction of classified materials transported from NPIC to the facility at on 19 June. (C) has been requested to pro two agents on 20 June to meet an ODE1E courier at to transport a classified package to at the 25X1A 25X1A The agents have a so been requested to obtain a classified package from and pass it to 25X1A the ODE courier. (S) 5. The DCI,. Mrs. Turner, and Mr. DCI 25X1A Security Staff, will be traveling to the Norfolk, Virginia, area on the evening of 29 June to attend change of command ceremonies the next day at the destroyer/submarine base. The DCI and Mrs. Turner will remain overnight at the residence of their dauther-in-law at Virginia Beach, Virginia. (C) C'_ ;Y ou 53 .._ r- , ' N D r7 4QQT-00499Ik66bMbbftb044Q_- Approved For Release 2001/07/12 25X1C Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 25X1 X 25X1A Approved Forlease 20c?9ETCIA-RDP84-00460100080010-3 6. A representative of the Overseas Security Support Branch briefed the new COS designate (C) 7. On 13 June, a meeting was held at the Department of State (DOS) between DOS, the Agency, and the National Security 'Agency on the selection of an emergency escape breathing evice. The Safety Branch is the action office to acquire the data on the commercially available devices and prepare a matrix to lead to the selection of device to be used by all three agencies. (U) 8. On 19 June, a representative of the Office gave a 2-hour presentation to nine General Services Officers at the Foreign Service Institute on the GSO and the Safety Program. All of the students are in process for overseas assignments. (U) 9. On 14 June, security support was provided for the DCI's appearance before the Defense Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee. (U) PROJECTIONS: 20 - 27 June 1979 Security support has been requested for the appearance on 21 June of an NIO before the House Armed Services Committee and, on 26 June, of the DCI before the Subcommittee on Priorities and Economy in Government of the Joint Economics Committee. 25X1A Approved For Release 200 Ir' IA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Approved For R ,.'?Trrsrrrrrn*???8?ff REGISTRY MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Robert W. Gambino Director of Security SUBJECT: Office of Security Significant Activities Week of 7 June 1979 (U) REFERENCE: DDA Administrative Instruction No. 74-5 1. This memorandum is for information only. (U) 2. The activities of the Office of Security during the week of 7 - 13 Juno 1979 were highlighted by the following items: a. On 11 June, an audit of the security procedures of the Office of Legislative Counsel was completed. This was the first of a planned program of audits of all Headquarters elements. (U) b. On 13 June, an audio threat briefing was presented to the Office of Personnel Conference at the Headquarters Auditorium. (u) c. On 7 June, an Office representative departed on a scheduled six-week trip to countries25XlA where he will conduct security s urveys o our Stations and Bases. (C) d. On 11 June, the Office of Security obtained the capability to link its SPECLE computer data base to the Office of Personnel's PERSIGN and CEMLOC systems. This will greatly enhance the management of the employee reinvestigation program by increasing efficiency, tracking and reporting. This achievement resulted from extensive Office of Personnel and Office of Data Processing support. (U) Distribution: Orig F, 2 - Adse 1 - DD/PSI 1 - DD/PT 25X1A OS/PWIWO 25X1A 0 - OS Reg r HA Ci By --;/f,7 1 - PPG Chrono ^ r CL &d FEVW Oil `Approved For R se 2001/07/ URDP84-00466RO 00080010-3 13 June 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security (P&M) 25X1A FROM: Deputy Director of Security (PTOS) SUBJECT: Entries for the DDA Log 7 - 13 June 1979 (U) 1. Audio countermeasures inspections were conducted at the residences of the C/NPIC, DC/DDS$T, and DDA. (S) w-. un 1.5 .tune, an audio threat briefing was presented at ers u itorium#to the Office of Personnel 3. On 11 June, two representatives of the Office completed the first component inspection in the Office's new program of auditing security procedures of Headquarters elements. The component involved was the Office of Legisla- tive Counsel. (U) N/. On 7 June, an Office representative departed on a scheduled 6-week trip to countries where he will conduct security surveys o our Stations and Bases.( Tt?r ~'~ ~_ , . ?? J nllllvl YvVl1. ~11~ U1uup tie 23X1 testing several new develop- men LS in the tie o vehicle armoring during this week of 11 through 14 June. (C) 1'VAE.~ I": a NO ICE INTE!.Li ` '.CES d' 4' DEi ~'!P. T ivE C ", 008217 13June99 J .t.-r F.i3.: iy 'I f IA-RDP84-B4 .0.19 008001R fc Approved For R~We 200'pETIA-RDP84-00466R* 00080010-3 6. On 13 June, two representatives of the Office met with counterparts from the National Security Agency, U. S. Department of State, the Office of Communications and Life Sciences Division, NFAC, concerning the selection of an emergency escape breathing device. There is a need for a small, simple device with a 10-15 minute capacity to be used mainly by communicators who will be delayed in leaving a building in an emergency. (U) Approved For Release 20(3IE1CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 FRO .. 25X1A TO. ,:4 r,degignaton, room number, and buih ) 10. CUT r-Q1$Q&Mjtn;'11'3 -Cla-Rnp8jJW46 gJILMUMV1 0-3 SECRET r,+ ROUTING AND RECORD SH - d ? ' (Ophonol) PROPOSED ITEM FOR E I DA WEEKLY LOG DC/ CD C/ CD C/PPG DA E ? Deadline for this week is close of business today. 'RN ~ Is ~~ 10 nr- \-'~ v-,.... \C 11c a OJ 0 rcJd jK IeaseS01( W'0 P8 4 p pd 00080 3 ~P use ONLY Tj UNCLASSIFIED 583 T 13 June 1979 OFFICER'S' COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to whom.' (raw a line across column after each comment.) ' Approved For Pease 2001/07/1 Moff P84-00466FS100080010-3 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR: 25X1A FROM: - On 11 June 1979, the Office of Security obta' ed the capability to link 44WA't~) -tYcL1. computer data bases to the Office of Personnel PI(M6' Ai") This will greatly. . enhance the management of the ~Hiiployee CEA1LOC Jteinvestigation,'rogxam by increasing efficiency, track- 5`1S7x^rHs ing and reporting. This achievement resulted from JHM/csm R ie R,Pe ivision Chief, Reinvestigation Section Proposed Item for the DDA Weekly Log DERIVATIVE CL BY 30 7109 DECLxREVW ON 13 June 1999 DERIVED FROM A9al2-4 25X1A SECRET Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 extensive OP and ODP support. (U) ' Approved For Foase 2001/1MCRLET DP84-00466F&100080010-3 Weekly Log Items Security Analysis Group 13 June 1979 Reference is made to the item in the 16 May 1979 Weekly Log in which it was reported that the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) had requested that an Agency employee be tasked to recontact an emigree who has originally provided him, the Agency employee, with information of counter- intelligence interest to the FBI and to this Agency. Since the emigre is a "United States person" as defined in Executive Order 12036, the Office of General Counsel (OGC) was contacted for its opinion of the legal propriety in this matter and subsequently OGC was in contact with the Department of Justice for its opinion and guidance. Within the past week, the Office of Security has been advised by the FBI that the tasking requirement no longer exists since special agents of the FBI have personally interviewed the emigre in question regarding the information he had furnished to the Agency employee. OGC was notified that legal direction in this case was no longer required and the Agency employee, who had been apprised of the possible tasking was also so informed. (S) The Office of Security is in the process of reviewing the galley proofs of the Final Report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The galley proofs consist of over 3,000 pages of text and some 8,000 footnotes. The review is strictly a double check to ensure that no security considerations have been overlooked in the reviews of previous drafts of the report. This entire process must be completed and a formal response submitted to the Clerk of the House by 19 June 1979. (U) LEE ~;.... CL h'C 063994 uECL 1 REVW ON 12 Jun 1999 D FBVED FROM A9 c 2.22 Approved For Release 2001/07Sf CUTP84-0046 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Approved For ease 2001/07/12 : qA RDP' 4-00466Fe100080010-3 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Support Division 25X1A FROM: Chief, Operations Support Branch SUBJECT: Weekly Log (U) 25X1A The Office has been requested to provide an agent to meet an Agency courier on Friday, 25X1A 15 June, who will be arriving at 5X1A Airport with about six boxes (60 pounds each) of classified materials. Assistance through Customs processing will be arranged as well as assistance in making a connecting flight to Dulles Airport, Washington, D.C. (S) 25X1A DERIVATIVE CL BY: 064537 REVW ON 13 June 1999 DERIVED FROM A9c5.1 Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3 Approved For Sase 2001/07/12: CIA-RDP84-00466FS100080010-3 13 JUN i3f9 MEMORANDUM FOR: 4hnpMtW Chief, Security Support Division STATI NTLFROM : ie xterna ctivities Branch SUBJECT: Weekly Report An employee assigned to OSI reported that he had just returned from a TDY trip and noticed a bullet hole in the exterior of his home in Vienna, Virginia. He has no idea who would be shooting at him. This matter was reported to the Fairfax County Police. However, there are no leads in the case of 13 June 1979 and no similiar incidents have occurred.. since that time. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100080010-3