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March 31, 1970
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Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R009800010029-7
MEMOItANDUMDirector for Support
Civil Service League
rd Mr. Lawrence R. Houston
1. This memorandum is for information only.
A dinner honoring the winners of the National Cl
Career Service ikward will take place at 7:30 p.
. at the Washizsgton Hilton Hotel. It will be preceded by
cash bar at 6130 p.m.
3. Last year the r4csi. indicated that they wished as many as 2000 people
the awards ceremony with a mm mum of ISO from each agency having
ye* being honored. (136 Agency employees attended the ceremony
This year the NCSL has not specified any number although I am
they expect the agencies concerned to do as much a. possible to encourage
pleyees to attend.
, /I May
a reception and
4. Using last year's expert*
following action be taken both to
Agency employees to honor Mr. Haus o
a guide, we propos* that the
's award and to encourage
awards ceremony.
as The Directorbe asked to discuss the awards dinner at his morning
lag. If he does, I will send memoranda shortly thereafter to each of
eputy Directors and the Executive Director urging their prompt Indi-
a reservations desired. We will also ask them to select an individual
esponsible for coordinating ticket reservations with a representative
Office. Reitervatiea forme will be distributed to the individuals
gaited to assist in the Directorates. We will be in touch directly with
Houston concerning invitations he may wish to make to his non-Agency
b. Announcements be made at all Senior t
c. A notice be sent to all employees
cttoa as an award winner this year,
Is achievements (draft attached).
ng Mr. Houston's
eat Information can-
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
4. .Appr peat* patters with a picture of Mr. Houston be displayed
enall bulletin boards. Last year the NCSL prepared a suitable poster
but none is available this year. If this suggestion, is sccepted, we will
arrange for a suitable poster to be prepared.
in entrance displey as done last year.
? the NCSL this year has requested that a film clip be made
? ftepeeeentatives of the r)epartment of Agriculture have
*es to prepare the film clip for each *ward winner at a
00 per film clip. We have already informed the NCL
MK* to have Agriculture prepare the fibm clip and we will be ex
the fee. n cenversations with the NCSL representative today,
& final decision on the film clip and how it will be prepared has
not been made since other agencies have not yet expressed themselves.
meeting to resolve this item is planned for 31 March We will attend and will
report the results to you isnmediately.
6. We have forwarded to you for review a statement for the Director'
should he decide to discuss Mr. Houston's award at * morning meeting.
eat few days we will be forwarding statements requested by the NCSL
pril: one i* a proposed citation to be read when Mr. Houeten receives
d at the ceremony; the other is a short atatement to be used by the
Director when he ixtroducee 1.4r. Houston at the ceremony.
0 it I - Addressee
I D/Pers
I - DD/Pers/SP
1 - C/BSD
ODD/ Pere /SP/
/s/ Robert S. Wattles?
rti rector of
a (30 Mar 70)
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
exemplify in an out
career service.
Z. Mr. Lawrei
for one of the ten a
Civil Se
reer Service Awards
to strengthen the public service by bringing na.
gnificant careers in the Federal service. Each
awards to ten federal career employees who
ding meaner the primary characteristics of the
ton, General Counsel, has be.n chosen
I by the National Civil Service League
this year. In nominating Mr. Houston, the Director of Central Intelligence
e*id in part. "During more time two decades of service Mr. Houston
has compiled a record of achievement so extraordinary that, joined
with his devotion and thorough dedication. he baa become a key adviser
to me as to all other Directors of Central Intelligence. Unquestionably
the effects of his panoramic contributions to the Agency and to our
country will endure. They will remain as witness to his expertise to
his cha acter, and to his superlative capacity in responding to the
challenges of our national security and the dramatic times in which
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
3. The following are additional co ntenta made by the Director
nominating Mr. Houston for this award.
Prior to World War U. Mr. Houston was well established in a private
legal career. With the war he entered military service. was commissioned
in the Army JAG and served with OSS. At war's end he returned to OSE
tieadquerters and was at once involved in the preparatory planning for a
centralized intelligence organization.
Demonstrating the highest degree of professional skill. Mr. Houston
created the legislative design for the Agency that was incorporated in the
National Security Act of 1947. An equally remarkable achievement was the
creation of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. Mr. Houston
designed the legal tools that would enable an intelligence organization to
function effectively, and the artisanship of these legal instruments is so
superior that no changes have been made.
The legal executive behind the U-2 story and the Francis Gary Powers
saga *gain was Lawrence Houston. Beginning with the unique aircraft prom
curement contract,he applied his legal skills and ingenuity to the program.
The Uu.2 program over Russia ended on I May 190 when Powers was cap..
tured. Behind the scenes Mr. Houston was fully engaged in the unique
aspects of international law which were involved. After Power trial
and imprisonment, Mr. Eicouston oversaw negotiations which brought about
the exchange of Powers for Rudolf Abel, a convicted tussIan spy, and also
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
devised the mean* to resolve he many questions concerning
Atur?m1:1511111:ania2g0c51i4.19,1:ililDdragi hi. mission
During recent years the Agency has become increasingly involved in
the judicial process. In every litigation the protection national
ity complicate
ly the often complex legal issue*, and the
courts themselves have defined a sharply limited area within whtc.h national
security is paramount. By so doing, the courts safeguard the constitutional
rights of American citizen*. In every court case to which the agency was
party It has been . uatonts responsibility to present to the courts,
is camera where necessary, the reasons for asserting consIderations
national security.
Ar. ouaton
law", a new body of law derived from the continuing flow of Agency activities.
principal practic f
1 igence
particularly clandestine operations.
new legal concept
feasion of intelligence and to the needs of our national security. Is solu-
. rouston was called upon to create
nts to reaole prob lame unique to the pro-
dons have become precedents
As this Agency first
* growing and highly specialized legal
Counsel,Mr. liouston has prat-
d two profession.simultaneously: Intelligence and the law. Through the
,uality of his performs
the Agency has gained immeasurably
while the government as a whole has been a beneficiary.
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000300010029-7
Career Service Awards
National Civil
Service League
G. FOUNDED 14881
national Civil Service