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1g1Approved For Relea a 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190049-8 AMS Government Paperwork I FEDERAL PAPERWORK MANAGEMENT AWARDS Management Awards for 1966 were granted to six Federal employees out of a total of 21 who were nominated. "The enthusiastic support from government officials is clear indication of measurable success in our efforts to recognize ef- fective and economical management practices within the Federal Government". Robert C. Walter Executive Director, Administrative Management Society The Administrative Management Society is a professional society of 15,000 adminis- trative managers organized into 170 chapters in the United States, Canada, and Jamaica, West Indies. It has individual members throughout the free world. Its purposes are to promote improved management and administration in business, government, and other organizations through various educational processes. The Society maintains World Headquarters in Willow Grove, Pa. PRESENTATION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SOCIETY PURPOSE An annual award to one or more managers in the Federal Government. The purpose of the awards is to establish impetus for the continuance of outstanding leadership and professional excel- lence in promoting effective management of paperwork in the Federal Government. "Paperwork" covers the totality of records activities from creation, through arrangement and use, to final destruction. It covers every type of recording media. It is present in every office for it is the integral systems part of administrative support work, management infor- mation flow, and written communications. From the system comes the management effort to channel and control paperwork so that it contributes to the goals and objectives of the organization. Automation, in its many aspects, is a most im- portant consideration in the scheme for managing paperwork. Because of the nature of Government, paperwork not only is present in internal oper- ations, but involves the public on many fronts. NATURE OF AWARD A medallion mounted on a walnut plaque will be given to the nominee selected. ELIGIBILITY All employees of the Legislative, Judicial and Executive Branches of the Federal Government are eligible. NOMINATIONS Nominations must be submitted by July 1, 1967 to the Executive Director, Administrative Management Society, Willow Grove, Pa. In the Executive Branch, one nomination will be submitted by a Department or Independent Agency. Each Department and Agency will determine its own screening and selection procedure. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190049-8 Approved For Relea 2002/05/17: CIA-RDP84-00313R00QJ90190049-8 -2- SUBMISSION Nominations should follow this pattern. It is a guide, not a rigid format. However, all items that appear in the outline must be included in the nominations submitted to the Administrative Management Society. 1. Biographical Sketch of Nominee -- This constitutes a brief statement relating to the background, experience, and education of the nominee to the content and scope of his recent accomplishments relative to management of paperwork in the Federal Government. 2. Description of Accomplishment -- Describe in specific terms the work or contribution for which the nominee is being submitted. This section is to be a detailed statement of the accomplishment undertaken (1) Its objectives and significance; (2) Methods used; (3) Its relation to previous work attempted in this field if any; (4) Names of any cooperating individuals, departments or agencies; (5) Its impact in terms of internal - agency, multi - agency, government-wide impact, and its impact outside of the government, if applicable. The period of time covered by the accomplishment described in the nomination is not specifically limited in years. However, the basis for the nomination should reflect current or relatively recent work rather than overall duties performed over a long period of years. 3. Digest -- Describe in brief terms (four or five hundred words) the above accomplishment, its scope and results. This Digest will be used in the official program. It should describe succinctly the highlights of the accomplishment, particularly the achieved or anticipated savings and results. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190049-8 Approved For Rele, 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000190049-8 -3- 4.. Results -- Describe separately both achieved and anticipated results. Results should be expressed in terms of cost savings, man-hour savings, equipment savings, or other measurable returns such as new expanded services, decreased time requirements, and increased management capabilities. Cover also intangible benefits when important. GENERAL INFORMATION All nominations must be submitted to the Administrative Management Society on or before July 1, 1967. One (1) originally-signed nomination and three (3) copies should be submitted. DOCUMENTATION Present the best possible case for your nominee. The material you supply must not only be used by AMS for judging, but for publications. Therefore, it is important that the submission adequately describe the nominee's contribution to effective paperwork.. Since there will be no time for follow-up between the Administrative Management Society and the agency, it follows that the nomination submission should be adequately documented. While good documentation is desired, the Society would also like to stress the importance of keeping the documentation to a manageable minimum. SELECTION From the nominations received, the Administrative Management Society will select those to receive the award. The Society will convene a special board for this purpose. PRESENTATION OF AWARD Awards will be presented to those selected at an Award Presentation Luncheon, 12 noon, September 26, 1967. General expenses will be assumed by the Administrative Management Society, except that each person attending (other than the award winner and official guests) will pay an entrance fee, partially to defray cost of his attendance. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190049-8