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July 27, 1972
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Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R0001W190031-7
Awards Committee
Association of Records Executives
and Administrators
Post Office Box 89
Washington, D. C. 20044
27 July 1972
In reply to Mr. Judd's letter of 27 March 1972, we are
pleased to nominate
Federal Paperwork Management Award.
for the Eighth Annual
I as Chief of our Systems Analysis Staff,
developed a novel machine-assisted storage and retrieval system
which provides automatic message dissemination based on content
analysis, the first of its kind in the Agency. In view of his inno-
vative development of this unique system and its potential application
to other dissemination problems, we believe I Imerits STATINTL
this recognition.
W. E. Colby
Executive Director
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
L Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
Approved For Rase 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313RQZ100190031-7
B. Machine-Assisted Dissemination (MAD)
1. Before MAD
Prior to MAD, a certain class of incoming classified
electrical messages, 1200 a day, were received via teletype
printer in 21 copies each--about 25,000 message copies/day.
Disseminators, who scanned the messages, determined the
recipients from a list of some 300 potential recipients.
The messages were then sorted for later courier delivery.
Extra copies--about half of those received--were put into
the classified trash. Records were required on the fate
of each message copy.
2. The MAD System
MAD was put into operation in August 1971. The
same electrical messages are received in a small computer,
collected on magnetic tape which is used as the input to
an IBM 370/155.
The requirements of the 300 recipients are compiled
into sets in the MAD Directory which is put into the computer
memory. Dissemination is now performed primarily by the
computer which performs a textual search of these messages.
The computer compares the textual content of each message
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
Approved For Re1+ease 2002/05/17: CIA-RDP84-00313RQZ100190031-7
C. Future Developments
1. The basic MAD system and use has already been
expanded to process and disseminate a voluminous classified
publication. Savings are apparent in analyst time for
searching, duplicating copies of items of interest, filing,
and storage space.
2. Tests are being conducted on the feasibility of
processing other types of electrically-received messages
via the MAD system. The results are favorable.
3. Studies are under way to determine the feasibility
of modifying/enlarging the basic MAD capability to provide:
* On-Line Indexing of Documents - This would be
an extension of the present on-line dissemination feature
of MAD whereby the disseminator adds or deletes addresses.
Present manual indexing requires significant paper, paper
handling, and processing steps--more paper.
* Automatic Message Extract - Abbreviated versions
of messages can be produced by the computer using the basic
techniques of MAD. These may be substituted for whole ,
messages in order to reduce digital storage required to,
support information storage and retrieval or they may be
used as a basis for index listings.
* User Interaction - There is the potential for
certain users to review their message traffic on a Visual
Display Device in lieu of receiving hard copy paper. form.
The user could then opt to reject the message knowing it
would be.available in a central storage system or he could
indicate permanent storage in a selected file.
D. Digest
STATINTL has been instrumental, a prime mover in the
development of an automated dissemination process that is
now a demonstrated success. The basic system has the
capability to do more of the same and can be modified to
accomplish further significant changes/improvements in the
processing of essential papers. His contribution is a
significant one, in an essential area, and worthy of
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R0000100190031-7
against the user's requirements. A match in text words
against Directory words causes the computer to process a
message against a fixed set of rules which identify the
dissemination points for that message. Output is in the
form of high speed printer runs, segregated by customer
rather than messages. Dissemination is totally assigned machine-
on 50% of the traffic. Of the remainingg 50%,
much of the dissemination points are machine-supplied.
Additions or deletions are made by a disseminator sitting
at a Visual Display Unit (VDU). In less than 5% of the
take, the computer is unable to determine any addressee.
This is indicated to the disseminator at the VDU who then
determines the recipient of the message.
3. MAD Benefits
* Did away with unnecessary printing and disposal
of some 12,000 message copies per day.
* Increased accuracy in Dissemination. The
machine memory is better able to cope with 300 dissemination
* Better copy, more information. Formerly, the
copy was a ,blue carbon'printed on unpaged paper rolls-
difficult to read or process. Now each recipient receives
a clear computer printout, plus a list of all addressees
receiving the same message.
* The messages are stored on magnetic tape.
Retrievals are made on a special purpose computer. Filing
and searching of voluminous paper is eliminated. Filing
space is significantly decreased.
* Collating and record-keeping is done by the
computer since output is by customer. This saves clerical
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
L Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
Approved For%rlease 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R1i00100190031-7
B. Machine-Assisted Dissemination (MAD)
1. Before MAD
Prior to MAD, a certain class of incoming classified
electrical messages, 1200 a day, were received via teletype
printer in 21 copies each--about 25,000 message copies/day.
Disseminators, who scanned the, messages, determined the
recipients from a list of some 300 potential recipients.
The messages were then'sorted for later courier delivery.
Extra copies--about half of those received--were put into
the classified trash. Records were required on the fate
of each message copy.
2. The MAD System
MAD was put into operation in August 1971. The
same electrical messages are received in a small computer,
collected on magnetic tape which is used as the input to
an IBM 370/155.
The requirements of the 300 recipients are compiled
into sets in the MAD Directory which is put into the computer
memory. Dissemination is now performed primarily by the
computer which performs a textual search of these messages.
The computer compares the textual content of each message
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7
Approved For1ease 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313FZp00100190031-7
C. Future Developments
1. The basic MAD system and use has already been
expanded to process and disseminate a voluminous classified
publication. Savings are apparent in analyst time for
searching, duplicating copies of items of interest, filing,
and storage space.
2. Tests are being conducted on the feasibility of
processing other types of electrically-received messages
via the MAD system. The results are favorable.
3. Studies are under way to determine the feasibility
of modifying/enlarging the basic MAD capability to provide:
* On-Line Indexing of Documents - This would be
an extension of the present on-line dissemination feature
of MAD whereby the disseminator adds or deletes addresses.
Present manual indexing requires significant paper, paper
handling, and processing steps--more paper.
* Automatic Message Extract - Abbreviated versions
of messages can be produced by the computer using the basic
techniques of MAD. These may be substituted for whole
messages in order to reduce digital storage required to---,
support information storage and retrieval or they may be
used as a basis for index listings.
* User Interaction - There is the potential for
certain users to review their message traffic on a Visual
Display Device in lieu of receiving hard copy paper. form.
The user could then opt to reject the message knowing it
would be.available in a central storage system or he could
indicate permanent storage in a selected file.
D. Digest
has been instrumental, a prime mover in the
deve t o_ an automated dissemination process that is
now a demonstrated success. The basic system has the
capability to do more of the same and can be modified to
accomplish further significant changes/improvements in the
processing of essential papers. His contribution is a
significant one, in an essential area, and worthy of
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP84-00313R000100190031-7