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AnnrnvvPrd Fnr RPIPACP 2nnAinl I11 ? CID-RfPRA-nn(122R(1(1(13(1(111(1(1(1R-d 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000300110006-4 Approved Fofease 200 -0002^03010110006-4 ER 2-5483 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 1 February 1952 OSI SURVEY REPORT Two major problems have been raised in connection with the OSI survey; namely- 1. The place of OSI in the intelligence community. This problem involves a reconsideration of the mission and 25X1 functions of OSI as set forth in the mission and functions of the Scien is ri e igence Committee (SIC) as set forth in DCI 3/3; and the relationship of OSI to the scientific intelligence efforts of other Intelligence Advisory Committee (IAC) Agencies. 2. The primary deficiency of our scientific intelligence production which is basically a failure in the collection of significant raw intelligence. Other problems were encountered in the survey but, because of their relative unimportance, this report will discuss them separately after considering the two major problems. I. MAJOR PROBIIEELS 1. The Place of OSI in the Over-All Intelligence- i Community The production of scientific intelligence involves problems which are distinct from and in a sense more difficult than the problems involved in other intelligence production? economic, for example. This is primarily because (aj there is a dearth of competent personnel available for scientific intelligence (there is no reservoir of men trained in both science and i}itelli- gence) and (b) our need for scientific intelligence goes far beyond our capacity to obtain raw intelligence sus- ceptible of accurate evaluation. This is a complaint which is common to the entire intelligence corm:urity but it has special significance in relation toi, Scientific Intelligence for several reasons. First, the average collector does not have the knowledge to recognize Approved F0f ease 2004/03!,11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000300110006-4 Approved Forase 2004/03/1-~SIP84-00022030,0110006-4 25X1 scientific facts of significance to scientific, intel- ligence when he seems them. Secondly, the very rapid development of science throughout the world in recent years has made possible scientific warfare of such immediate and large destructive capacity that a premium is placed upon obtaining scientific intelligence. (A passing thought to the possibilities of atomic warfare, bacteriological warfare, chemical warfare, guided missiles, and rockets is convincing without proof on this point.) Thirdly, by virtue of the secrecy with which applied science is generally surrounded in industry, scientific information lends itself readily to concealment even in a democracy and can be held reasonably safe from penetration in a'police state.* It must also be recognized that scientific intelligence is a relatively new concept. There is attached, marked Tab A. a summary of background information on the development of scientific intelli- gence. In Tab A. reference is made to a series of surveys of the problem before OSI was established, all pointing up a peculiar need for a highly centralized scientific intelligence service. Largely because of the weight given to such independent recommendations for centralized scientific intelligence, OSI declared 25X1 for itself a statement of mission and functions which conflicts with DCI 3/3 (see below) and organized itself to per- form such centralized functions as indicated by the attached organization chart, Tab C. Collectioi of scientific intelligence has been assigned by NCID 10 to State as to basic sciences and to the Armed Services to meet requirements of the military- establishment, but, as shown below, present collection methods have to some extent made this directive obsolete. Conflict with Service Departments The effort effectively to centralize scientific and technical intelligence has conflicted with what the Services, with considerable justification, believe to be their exclusive prerogatives in this field. To attain proper coordination, a Scientific Intelligence Committee (SIC), composed of representatives of the Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000300110006-4 . i Approved F2elease 20 - 4- 25X1 -3- 0 Service arms, State, the Atomic Energy Commission, and CIA was set up under NSCID 3, pursuant to which a directive, DCI 3/3, provided for working committees in the several specific substantive fields of scientific intelligence. This program, which if it functioned as planned is perhaps the best coordinating vehicle that can be set up under the actual situation in the intelligence community, is now breaking down. Although the working committees are still functioning well in the field of atomic energy and reasonably well in the field of chemistry, they are not functioning at all in the field of electronics and, at the instance of the military, the subcommittees of SIC on electronics, guided missiles and chemical warfare have been voted abolished, as Defense feels these fields the exclusive comicppetence of Defense. Yet these fields are the very ones which overlap strictly departmental interests. Further, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have just recently established a Joint Chiefs Technical Intelligence Subcommittee (JTIS) which adds another arm to the scientific intelligence body which without clarification can only result in further confusion. The directive of JTIS is in'direct conflict with the .SIC directive. Two examples from recent experiences of OSZ with Service branches indicate how seriously our capacities in scientific intelligence are affected by the conflict which has arisen with the Service branches. The first relates to photographs which A-2 took of what are possibly guided missile launching ramps in Eastern Asia. The Technical Capabilities Branch of A-2 objected to OSI seeing the pictures; yet what may prove to be important intelligence would have been denied to the community had OSI OSI not seen these photographs. Eight weeks ago, asked for the negatives so that they could blow them up and give better study to what they interpret to be the ramps. The negatives are still in the Far East Command. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releage 20 - - 0022R000300110006-4 -, Approved OURelease 2004/03/111 dIV-RDP84-00 000300110006-4 25X1 -4 - db 25X1 A good case can be made that the ideal to meet the national requirements of scientific and technical intelligence would be a strong centralized group under single direction, as recommended in the reports referred to in Tab A. This is not only because of the dearth of adequate competent personnel and the existence of needs beyond our capabilities referred to above, but also because of the risk of omission and oversight with- out centralization; the limitations imposed by depart- mentalization because of the exclusive interest of the parent department in its own mission; the inseparability of scientific disciplines and the overlapping of fields (electronics, for example, are vital to guided missiles, radar, communications, navigation, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft weapons and certain fuses). Further, the most prolific source of information on Russian scientific development is the open literature which can best be exploited under a single authority. Regardless of the ideal, it seems clear that the Services will not forego independent scientific and technical intelligence production nor is it important to CIA that American collection and production be on an ideal basis so long as the job is done to the utmost of the capabilities of the combined intelligence community. The problem cannot be solved within CIA alone and is considered by the undersigned important enough to justify a reopening of the question on NSC levels for a new determination of the respective Approved For Release 2004/03/11'LL?Io P84-00022R000300110006-4 Approved For FSse 2004/03/11 : j Jq 4-00022R&30'01 10006-4 25X1 -5- responsibilities of the different agencies. Part of the difficulties encountered with G-2 clearly', spring from its conviction that in some fields, particularly with relation to ground weapons, CIA is transgressing on territory of particular and exclusive interest to the Army. Difficulty with this position, from the surveyors' viewpoint, is the present restricted capacity of G-2 in the scientific field. The force under Dr. Woodruff has been reduced to six men and, sympathetic as we may Le with the fundamental Army position, we feel great hesitancy in recognizing its validity where the competence is so restricted not by reason of the lack of quality of the individuals on board but by an apparent lack of appreciation of the problem on policy making levels. Recommendations below are made subject to this caveat and are invalid unless their accpetance involves a basic change of policy by the Service arms, and an open acceptance by them for the whole community of the recommended resrons,ibilities. Recommendations 25X1 It is recommended tha relating to OSI, be amended to clarify the responsibilities of OSI in accordance with Tab E; and that a new NSCID be suggested, in accordance with Tab D, assigninglto the Service arms full responsibility for the production of technical intelligence; i.e., intelligence relating to weapons and means of warfare which have been reduced to known prototypes, leaving to CIA responsibility (and power) in the technical intelligence fields only to the extent (a) that a Service arm shall request such CIA interest in any specific instance and (b) that one or more of the Services will not accept complete responsi- bility with respect to new developments to which CIA may call attention. Exceptions (a) and (b) are essential in order that no gaps may be permitted in our oven-all scientific and technical intelligence coverage. The primary responsi- bility of CIA in the scientific intelligence field would then be restricted to scientific intelligence; i. e. intelligence with respect to research and its implications, and to developments in the pilot plant stage before they Approved For Release ,004/03/11`: CIA RDP84-000228000300110006-4 Approved For Pftase 2004/03/11 84-00022300110006-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 are reduced to known prototypes. It is our hope that an offer to the military along these lines will remove many of the sources of friction which are impeding our scientific intelligence production today and tJhat, whether or not the military authorities accept this suggestion, its very presentation may evoke a more workable climate in the scientific intelligence com- munity. The proposed division of responsibility winul p ace upon the Armed Services primary responsibility for technological surprise; i.e., for an enemy using instruments of warfare of which we have no prior knowledge. (We are not stressing this point, because we believe collectors should be warned that it is quite possible for the intelligence community to overemphasize the problem of surprise. It would be quite natural for American intelligence officers today to be guided by a Pearl Harbor complex. Order of Battle intelligence is relatively unimportant in normal times and it is quite possible that our collectors are putting too much attention today on movements of troops and materiel to the detriment of other more valuable information of long-term importance.) The new Joint Technical Intelligence Subcommittee of the JCS may be the proper body to allocate authority within these general lines of division. It must be pointed out, however, that in making a national estimate, we are concerned with instrumentalities in being as well as those in process and a free flow, without reservation or exception, of both raw intelligence and evaluated intelligence from the Services to CIA would be'vital despite this division of responsibility, and should be specifically directed on both intelligence and operational levels in the proposed new NSCID. 2. The Failure in Collection Activities One of the basic deficiencies in our scientific intelligence product stems from the abysmal gaps in our knowledge of the state of research in Soviet Russia. Approved For Release 2004/03/11. CFA-RDP84-00022R000300110006-4 25X1 SECRET Approved Ieleas2e5200 00003010110006-4 -7- This is partly because of the difficulties of pene- tration of research activities in the police state; is partly due to the progressive weakness in results in scientific intelligence in proportion as the analyst is removed from the collector; and, finally, is partly due to our own failure to make better use of raw material which is available to us. A summary of the sources of value to OSI is attached as Tab F. This problem can best be understood by relating the discussion and recommendations to the particular sources of raw intelli- gence which are of primary value to OSI: 25X1 -a. Foreign documents. Although we have today a substantial exploitation of foreign documents and although the collection of such documents should be expedited by the proposed NS!CID making FDD a service of common concern (as recommended , it is nevertheless our opinion after surveying OSI that a very fertile field of informa- tion with respect to Soviet science as, disclosed in Soviet documents is today, being neglected. This is due partly to manpower limitations but more largely to a failure to come to grips with the problem. The present procedure is for FDD to make periodical abstracts which are then cir- culated among the intelligence officers who may call for full translations of interesting documents. The weakness in this procedure lies in the fact that the abstracter is not a scientist and too frequently fails to see the significance of a point of scientific interest and' unintentionally disguises it in his abstract. A better procedure would be for FDD not to abstract but to list the table of contents of foreign scientific periodicals and confine abstracting and translating to specific requests. An even surer procedure would be to exploit the foreign scientific documents entirely outside the intelligence community. This Approved For Rele~teX004/03~g( PIA-RDP84-00022R00030,0110006-4 Approved ForSease 2004/03/1 1--tKTRDP84-000220300110006-4 25X1 a problem is being studied 25X1 I I under an OS sponsored pro- ject and that is the essence of his 25X1 preliminary determination. Such procedure has one great virtue; namely, it make's the document available to American scientists who are just as interested in the contents as is the intelligence community. Today the processing of the document in the intelligence community results in its classification and consequent unavailability to American scientists generally. There are scientific groups aware of the Russian language located in great enough numbers throughout the United States at institutions of learning, foundations,, and corporations to reduce the burden of abstracting and translating for any one group to workable proportions. There', are also refugee personnel, frequently with scientific knowledge, who could be overtly used for abstracting and translating if documents were not classified. Therefore, the proposed procedure would greatly 'speed up the time in which the intelligence becomes available to the producer at OSI and would automatically bring to the 'said of the office untold analytical ability (which is now unavailable) to appraise the significance of-such intelligence. 25X1 view of the fact that the studies I I are not completed, no specific recommendation is made in this report beyond the caveat that our present procedures are ineffective and that serious ae given to the 25X1 problem as soon as the attention study is completed. There will be involved the working out of the mechanics for the deposit and withdrawal of documents, translations, and microfilms thereof, and mechanical for having professional organizations make better abstracts in fields where this is not now done. In certain fields of scientific interest, there are available today profes- sional abstracts of Russian documents which are entirely satisfactory, particularly in Approved For Relea2sie_2~04/03/11: CIA-RDP84-00022R00030'0110006-4 Approved For ease 200 /03/11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R00030 110006A #63309 25X1 chemistry. This is done under the auspices of the American Chemical Society. The abstracting in physics and biology is' also reasonably good and there is an Index Y edicus which indexes documents in the field of medicine. Some work is also being done at UNESCO, at the Library of Congress, and at other centers. It is hoped that the 25X1 I Irecommendations will point the way or e optimum use of this material. b. The Exploitation of Cora''iunications Plain Text OSI meets this problem by having 4 substantial beachhead at AFSA representing OSI's entire office. There is, however, an AFSA rule that COMINT material cannot be used until it is translated and published* (The reason for this is that all interested parties may have the same chance at the material.) Much time could be saved by permitting language experts to work directly with the raw material to take out what they need. It is a simple matter to give such material the same security protection which all COM INTreceives and an effort should be made to abolish the above rule. An "all or none" basis,,such as the AFSA rule prescribes, has no substantive 25X1 validity. 25X1 It is also important that everyone in OSI be cleared for COMINT. Today they cannot be submitted for clearance until they have first been cleared by the CIA Security Office. It should be possible for I&S to ascertain OCI's requirements and, so far as OSI is concerned, develop a set of combined' require- ments before the initial security clearance. This would save several weeks in clearing new OSI personnel for active duty. (There would be some few exceptions, but these are susceptible of administrative handling between AD/SI and I&S.) Approved For Releasla~4/03fll,tl"-00022R000300110006-4 Approver Release 20014 IJU RDPg4-00022R000300110006-4 25X1 Recommendation That AFSA be requested to amend its rule in denying COMINT material to OSI until it is translated and published; and that OCI give I&S its requirements for COMINT Clear- ance; and that I&S be instructed to develop combined requirements applicable to all personnel to be cleared for OSI duty. c. Covert Collection 25X1 25X1 25X1 coordinates its requirements with other agencies and offices which may be interested. The requirement then goes to TSS at OFC which goes back over the same ground and recoordinates. In rephrasing the requirement, non-scientific personnel are apt to change the significance or the emphasis. Access of the OSI analyst directly with the desk officer who sends the requirement out would assure the requirement going to the collector in a more satisfactory form from the OSI point of view. OSI Recommendation That DD/I work out with DD/P a procedure -which would permit the closest possible con- tact (consistent with security) between the OSI analyst and the ultimate collector in the covert field. Has been done, by DD/I since this study was made. /o Approved For Releaag~04/03/11 : CIA- D,84-00022R000300110006-4 w w Approved For Release 2004/ 0228000300110006-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 Recommendation 25X1 Approved For ReleaseZ f/03/11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R0003010110006-4 SECRET Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000300110006-4 25X1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000300110006-4 a Approved For Release 20 25X1 (2) aECRE'i O - 14 - Advancer Project This project gives OSI serious concern, not primarily because of its initial object of assistin'~g the Voice of America but because the very jamming facilities which are interfering with VOA could, in the event of war, jam and destroy our entire global communications system. OSI considers it very important that we set up direction finders and learn all there is to know about this jamming activity. Recommendation It is recommended that DD/I undertake to break the log jam on the Advancer Project and that proceeding with this project under whatever auspices be made a matter of highest priority for DD/I. OTIM PROBLEMS The following problems are secondary in the sense that their solution is substantially within the capabilities of this Agency. 1. Operations Intelligence OSI deals primarily with the intelligence groups in the other IAC agencies. Frequently the greatest competence is not in the intelligence officers but in Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000300110006-4 . Approved For Sease2I6ft13Il 8000300110006-4 ' .IN s 4 I -15- operations officers or in the technical services. In some branches of OSI, effective liaisons have been established or. this basis where the operations officers have readily reciprocated for briefings and other services rendered to them by OSI. We have found, however, that intelligence collected within the Agency, by 9SO, for example, is frequently given to the operationI division of the Services on exclusive terms so that the Service is not permitted to give that intelligence back to OSI. Proper liaison with such operations group is then impeded. It is also sometimes true that intelligence of interest to operational divisions comes to OSI on a "CIA Only" basis because of its sensitive source. This results in a holding out of information from the Services which is undesirable and not conducive to a free two-way exchange. Recommendation That DD/I establish mechanics for sanitizing COMINT scientific intelligence which would be of interestto operating divisions of the Services and work out with DD/P mechanics so that scientific operating intelligence by OSO to the Services is available to OSI. 2. Optimum Use of Consultants We are frequently using consultants inefficiently. The case has actually arisen of one consultant 'working for three offices of CIA, such as OPC, OSI and OCO, knowing that what he. was doing for one would help the other but reticent, for security reasons, to disclose his mission and the knowledge derived from it on an all-Agency basis. It would help if mechanics,were established by which fully cleared officers of each division could assess such a problem. Recommendation See L. below. 3. Optimum Exploitation of Contacts with Other Agencies There are many cases in which the best access to another IAC agency with which OSI must consult is through a man in a CIA office other than OSI. For example, the best and freest access to Can Detrick, the Army's biological research center, is available to a man in the t. 4 .. Approved For Release 2004/ ' i 0022R000300110006-4 25X Approved F-elease 2 25X1 - 16 - 4-00022 R000300110006-4 TSS Division under DD/P. The needs of the Biological Division of OSI in liaison with Camp Detrick could better be served by this man providing the proper introduction and taking the OSI representative with him, than by successive visits to Detrick from different part; of the Agency. Recommendation See 4. below. 4. Intra-CIA Liaison Generally speaking, OSI has excellent workipng relations with other offices within CIA. It is clear, however, that there is much duplication and lossl,of time and, in some cases, downright confusion arising out of the working level contacts by which these) relationships have been achieved. It is recognized that this is not entirely a bad thing because cross- fertilization within within the intelligence community 1has definite advantages. It is nevertheless thought that some attempt better to coordinate cross-contacts in the scientific field should be undertaken. it is wasteful, for example, for TSS to staff itself perform functions where OSI already has the co etence, and vice versa. 25X1 25X1 Recommendation - It is recommended that under the chairmanship of the head of the Support Division of OSI, an intra-agency liaison committee, consisting of one representative of OPC, OSO, TSS, Communications, the cormiunications branch of ORR possibility of greater coordination among their ! Several offices. This committee could work out mechanics for making optimum use of consultants referred to in 2. above and for exploring the most useful contacts with'non-CIA agencies (3. above). 5. Delays in Receiving Raw Material In the course of this survey, the point was made in several divisions and branches that what seemed like unconscionable delays were normal in the transmission of raw intelligence from the collector to the analyst. In a few checked cases, it appeared that there was an average Approved For Relea~s~e 004/03Ai(Z kTRDP84-00022R000300110006-4 ? 25X1 25X1 25X1 a 41 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000300110006-4 25X1 - 17 - delay of from 12-15 days between the receipt of, the raw material at OCD and its delivery on the desk of the OSI analyst and that even longer periods elapsed between the receipt of the material in the collection office and its delivery to OCD. ,, Recommendation As it is knotirn that DD/I is well aware of this problem and working on it, it was not more thoroughly explored and no recommendation is offered beyond that DD/I consider. 6. Delay in Requirements Reports were ignored for months It was something of . a shock, after finding in the collection offices a demand for more specific requirements, to hear in OSI complaints of pecific requirements which As this situation has already been corrected a our reques so that hereafter regular reports will be made that the information is or is not still being sought and is or is not within the capacity of the collector, no recommendation need be made here. 7. Medical Intelligence Our Medical Intelligence Division, like sd many other of our producing areas, is working pretty much in a vacuum so far as reliable raw intelligence is concern~d. It is quite possible that closer cooperation with the CIA Medical Staff would result in raw intelligence from our medical' I support units abroad. Recommendation That DD/I investigate the possibility suggested above and initiate such action as he may deem desirable. Approved For Release 2004/M6CIA-RDP84-00022R00030 115 , Approvepor Release 2 25X1 -18- 4-00d22R0003010110006-4 SPECIAL STRENGTHS OF OSI There are many things to commend with respect to the organization, personnel, and operations at OSI, and the emphasis in this survey on problems should not cause them to be overlooked. The purpose of this survey, however, was to be constructively helpful on problems, not to be laudatory. Special mention should be made, nevertheless, of the 25X1 thoughtfulness and care given throughout the division to the evaluations provided for collectors of raw material. Nothing can assist a collector 25X1 more than a careful, thoughtful and complete evaluation of his material. The standards set for this practice in OSI are distinguished, and con- formed to in all divisions. It should be stated that Dr. Chadwell, 25X1 Assistant Director, his Deputy, are completely conversant with their task, well aware o the deficiencies which exist in their 25X 1 division, and thoughtfully interested in improving the contributions of their division to the intelligence community. The are staffed with 25X1 high caliber intelligence officers anave built particularly strong 0 divisions in Weapons Physics and Electronics and Nnrl aar F.noro-~r 25X1 25X1 A point was made in our survey of ascertaining whether OSI was keeping fully abreast of American science and technological, develop- ments because one guide to what an enemy may do is what we are doing. We found that all the divisions are aware of the importance of such activity, and most of them stated that they are giving as much time as possible to checking American deve lopments through the Research and Development Board, consultants, operational branches of the Services, and other valuable sources. Before closing this report, we wish to offer two recommendations relating to personnel: 1. To prevent important personnel from dying professionally, it is recommended that as a policy we attempt to send our scientists at least once annually to a professional meetint in their respective fields. 2. That the needs of the office for personnel at the levels of chief of division, deputy chief of division, and heads of branches be circulated periodically among our approved consultants who may be of assistance in obtaining scientifi- cally competent intelligence officers. 25X1 Approved For R ease 04/03/11: CIA-R wart _ edden Inspector ?eneral