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Publication Date: 
November 22, 1948
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Approved,For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040059-5 Transcribed by EHr ABD waken from File October 1, 1953 "Souvenirs of G/GS" C j $FII TI. L 22 November 1948 &MOBANDUM FUR : Mr. Plans and Policy Staff StTBJECT: Current G/GS Participation in Interdepartmental Committees, etc, 1, The Chief? Global Survey Group, by personal designation rather than ex officio, functions as Alternate CIA Member of the National Security Council Staff, In actual practice the Alternate CIA Member is not an occasional substitute for or deputy of the principal CIA Member (Mr. Prescott Childs Chief,, ICAPS), but bears a constant and direct personal responsibility for the provision of the intelligence support required by the Staff and for substantive participation in Staff proceedings from the intelligence as distinguished from the policy point of view. I am aware of no formal document which estab?. lished this position, defines its responsibilities,, or designates the incumbent. The positions responsibilities, and designation indicated have been indirectly recognized, however, in various incidental actions by the Director and the NSC Secretariat. 2. The Chief,, Global Survey Group, again by personal designation rather than ex officio, has been designated by the Director to represent CIA in assisting the National Security Resources Board in the develop- ment of "Basic Security Resources Assumptions." Documentation exists in this case as follows: Letter from the Chairman,, NSRB to the Director of Central Intelligence, 29 October 1948 Letter from the Director to the Chairman,, NSRB, 1 November 1948 Memorandum from the Director for Mr. awn 1 November 1948 25X1 A Letter from the Director, Planning Division,, NSRB, to Mr, 25X1 A - 16 November 1948 Although responsibility for this project rests solely with the NSRB, in accordance with NSC action on NSC 33, the NSRB intends to proceed with the assistance of an interdepartmental group of designated representatives (including the designated representative of CIA),, this group acting col. lectively and individually,, in an advisory capacity, 3. Although the foregoing designations are personal rather than ex 25X1A officio, it is contemplated that Mr. may deputize appropriate members of ORE as occasion may require. IDENTIAt 000116 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040059-5 Approved for Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP84- 0022R000200040059-5 1WW 25X1A a. With respect to the NSC Staff, the other members of the GlobaT Survey Group are regarded as eligible deputies. This has occurred in onl one instance, however, when Mr. acted during Mr, absence on leave. b. With respect to the NSRB project, Mr. G/Ac, has been put into direct contact with the Chief, Planning Division, NSRB, and will act directly for CIA in relation to certain aspects of the matter. Chief, Global Survey Group IJJ~J C I NFIE I 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040059-5