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Document Release Date: 
August 21, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 1, 1949
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PDF icon CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040051-3.pdf174.09 KB
B.fS TEM ," -Re- lease 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040051-3 curtly, for the u o ~+? The record copy has been teleasad to National Arerives day the H STORIcArt, # E"v'1 W rI 3 MM. CONTACT BlUdJ I dIUAL to I `?~Nf ~r HIP HISTORY OF CONTACT B IDIMH OFFICE OF RLPO. TS AND EST-1M AT"ES (ORE) The primary mission of the Office of Reports and Estimates (ORE) is based on Section 102 (d) (3) of h -National Security Act of 19L7, which authorizes CIA "to correlate and evaluate intelligence related to the national security." As CIAts evaluation and analysis office, ORE is directly responsible for implementation of this CIA mission. It therefore prepares intelligence estimates whether regional, functional, or global either on its own initiative or when requested. ORE also fulfills CIA's obligation under NSCID No. 3 by coordi- nating and administering the interdepartmental program for the pro- duction of basic intelligence as National Intelligence Surveys. In addition, ORE formulates National Intelligence Objectives, in collabora-_ ' Lion with the IAC agencies and under the guidance of the NSC staff, as prescribed in NSCID No. 4. Finally, ORE formulates requirements for the collection of intelligence information. In order to carry out these responsibilities, the Assistant; Director for Reports and Estimates is assisted by various staffs, groups and branches: Three staff groups, the Current Intelligence Group, the Basic Intelligence Groun, and the Staff Intellimen~ce Graup~,iave staff" responsibility for the production of inls ed intelligence. The Current Intelligence Group selects and presents current intelligence items of interest to the DCI, the President and the NSC. The Basic Intelligence Group administers production and maintenance of the National Intel igence Surveys, and establishes requirements for production of basic intelligence. The Staff Intelligence Group works with ORE's regional and functional components o etermine the nature and scope of, and allocation of responsibility for, the production of staff intelligence. It also coordinates finished staff intelligence (Including situation reports and special projects) within ORE and the IAC agencies. The six Regional Branches (Eastern Europe/USSR, Far East Pacific, Latin America, Near East Africa, Northern, We Europe are the basic nroducing, units of ORE and are responsi le for the production and presentation off -national intelligence reports and estimates within their geographic areas, and for the review of basic information for the National Intelligence Surveys. With the exception of those matters This documekt has been approved for relssse through tho jasionCAL RE7I PR )Gf M ~ 1. June 1949 taintsel Intelligence .n