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Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA- 4}6Ab 2M40025-2 Status of 04 xtiv :ties thru 31 December 1,46. 'ne following units of this Office have not as yet been activated: *cientific Branch....... Efforts to establish these units are in progress. 1. Origin:: ORE on its own initiative. 2. Purpose: To coordinate an interagency project for the compilation of a guide for use of collecting agencies in procuring required scientific intelligence information. 3. O:E Responsibility: To initiate and coordinate the preparation of the guide. I.~. Status: ICAPS has aenroved of project and has requested OR to obtain informal concensus of interested agencies prior to the formal presentation of the project to IAB. ORE is in the process of contacting the members agencies of TA3 as requested. 4,i2 TAB "C" ORlI H,` "1.1h'~,ti 25X1 D TAB TDtr ORTE, tICO~n~v ' IIJ:.`1'TO S FOR . ,S A L CSHT aidrl' OF 111T ;1~llr P ~i Ti 1:~dTAL INT : GENCR i~ROGI=' N I Guide to Collection of Scientific Information -(Current) 1 ` ? AApproved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040025-2 Fr p1gypdtFa%IIO/9,1,IIA-1 [?~~$4;QCOA2RQ00200040025-2 A 7 `_ ATTON Progress Report; January 1947 The Scientific Branch was activated 23 January 1947, and in addition to representing CIG interests in Scientific Intelli-rence, it is currently engaged in analysing available Scientific Intelligence Inforna tion, and rendering assistance to the Joint Research and Development Board in this respect. A final report from a technical viewpoint on Guided Missiles over Sweden has been completed in draft form. Tab C Planning Activities 1. New Projects 3. National Intelligence Requirements, Russia (Scientific) a. Revised the ORE draft at ICAPS requ st of NIR - Russia (Scientific) in shortened form, and arranged for fulfillment of deleted items representing A-2, G-2, and ONI requirements throe h collection directives issued by OCD. b. Concurred in final draft of NSIR-Russia (Scientific) prior to presentation to IAB for approval. )4. Russian Guided Missile Program. a. 21 January 1947, represented ORE at an inter-agency conference arranged by ICAPS for coordination of inter-agency intelligence activities in this field. The meeting concluded that CIG was the appropriate arencry to accomplish such coordination. It was re- vealed that A-2 and ONI are actively engaged in this field. b. Further action by ORE will include its recommendations for establishing a committee and a program of operations for this effort. Status Report; March 1947 Tab nDn Part III Scientific Branch 1. Discussions with representatives of 00, OCD, and Assistant Executive Director's Office were held as regards attaining a well defined working procedure governing the function and operations of this Branch. 2. Major J. B. Ta-rlor, liaison r-presentative from JRDB, has spent some time each day since 24 March going -through the material received in Scientific Branch and selecting what intelligence and information is desired. A formal requisition is then submitted daily to 0CD for such information. 3. Various aspects of Scientific intelligence requirements were discussed at the Executive Council, JRDB meeting hold 25 March. Utilization of liaison channels betwcf: n J?D 3 and. CIG was covered. 25X1A 41 reported to the Chairman of JRDB, Dr. Bush, on 25 March, at which time he proffered the complete support of CIG Scientific Branch of Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040025-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040025-2 ORE. in implementing the agreed-upon coordination of the two agencies. Personnel assignment was also discussed and Dr. Bush indicated continued effort on the part of JRDB to as?,ist in staffing Scientific Branch. . Comprehensive collection requests in the field of biology and chemistry requirements in USSR were submitted to OCD, with copies going to JRDB for comment and inforiation. Scientific Branch has 14 professional employees and 7 clericals. tutus Report: Fe-ru