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Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000200030020-8, Preliminary report on attached 5/5/50 25X1A 1. According to Commander , OCD, who discussed the whole matter in detail over the telephone with a Mr. king, State-Defense Military Information Control Committee (SDDICC) is SANACC reincarnated and now calledd, phonetically, 25X1A 25X1A SWARMAC. Our observers are Mr. - and Mr. , one of them characterized as an alternate. 25X1 Q 2. It is the policy of SWARMAC to deny to the anything about Latin America* whatsoever it may be. The reasons for this stand were not given, presumably on account of the danger of discussing classified information over the telephone. Should CIA especially desire, the policy continues, to send 25X1 C some particular piece of intelligence on-EX LA to CIA is em- powered to put each special case before SWARMAC, giving cause why it should be made an exception. 25X1A 25X6 3. It was the volunteered opinion of CDR - that should be made a test case in the matter of just why LA is quarantined. I should agree except that I can think of no reason offhand why SR-53 should, or should not be sent to any given country including the Scandanavian. 000052 25X1A 4. I should suggest instead, assuming that there is no hurry and that Mr. _ will be back some time from wherever he is, that I talk with him and try to find out why the prohibition. If makes A)M*bezdeftd&I f- 0N/Q n; CIA- P8~=U80 W00900P?-&a it seems to, Approved For Release 20107/27 :if 4-00022R0002000`000-8 25X1 C Final Report regarding Exchange of SR-5$ with (will give you in writing if you want to nake it formal.) 1. The committee that overrides the DCI on recommendations for exchange 25X1 C with is SANAC-MIC, one of the many committees under the original SANACC. SANACC is dead)in much the same manner as the Office of Seeds and Standards, but SANAC-MIC ha s gone marching on because it is indispensable. CIA is not represented on this committee but has observers. CIA does not, I take it, have to follow the polcies of SANAC-MIC but does so as a matter of choice for fear of offending someone. 2. SANAC-MIC has many a gladsome policy, covering the exchange of military with 1 information tm countries ranging ba4ween Abyssinia - Zululand. among these might be enumerated' (a) No information concerning LatiA America or Canada i) No information derogatory to the US government'vc an agency thereof, its commerdial firms, or the citizens that dwell therein (c) No information that discloses sources of intelligence or the means of acquiring it 3. The real reason? behind Section 2.(a) above seems to be the same as that Approved For Release 2001/07/27: CIA-RD4eZ22R00020CCf3~020-$- "4' 3;4 Approved For Release 2QV/07/27: CIA-RD ft22R0002000 20-8 sense---it's just our policy. Mr. , who was kind enough to give me all this information, alleges that intelligence is exchanged on a need-to- 25X1 C know basis---a close relative of an overall picture---and that the do 25X1 Q not need to know about the Western Hemisphere. I pointed out that the own considerable real eatate in the Western Hemisphere---an idea that seemed to come as something of a shook to him---but he said. that there was no use in 25X1 C letting the - in on our hemisphere defense plans. He advanced the opinion t,vvi? ue 25X1 Q that if, for example, we planned -takw-MOM in the , we should not want to apprise them of the fact. 25X6 4. We are at liberty to insist on the forwarding of SR-53 on 25X1 C grounds that there are pressing reaosn why the should have it. The 25X1A committee, Mr. - thought, might look with favor upon our ipetition. 5. It is also a present policy of NANAC-MIC TlZ K to exchange nothing with 25X1 C the concerning China or points relating to that area because the have recoggized the Communist government while we still recognize 25X1 C that of Chiang Kai-Shek. Hence the - are allied with one group and 25X1 Q we with another which means that the - might pass on our intelligence to Mao Tze-Tung. Apprc ed f o g r l p 4 s 1/. 7ihCeIA-RDAC SIC 022R000200030020-8 AM, Policy regarding material detrimental Approved For Release 2001/07/27: CIA-RDP> 00200030020-8 **so, tv 1 14=0 to US agencies might give us a reason, if we wanted one, for withholding a report merely because it made CIA or the IAC look silly. 25X1A 7. Mr. is going to look into the matter of whether mxzaet we or they shou3d be considered responsible for checking souce material in reports to make sure the document is eligible under Section 2. (c) above. 8. Recommendations: 25X1A a. That Colonel be told we shall not make a special request 25X6 25X1A to the committee in the matter of SR-53 (Mr. agrees) b. That responsible parties look into the matter of the general pro- hibition against intelligence on Latin America with a view to liberal- 25X1A ization of the policy. (Mr. - again agrees) c. That the whole matter of exchange of intelligence with the 25X1 C M be reviewed by those whose interest is not that of a narrow and spurious security but of the vast amount we stand to gain through free and hank exchange of information versus the small risk we run o6 taastgg 25X1 C loss through possiblereache Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000200030020-8 Approved For Release 20407/27 : CIA-RDP84-00022RO0020003QW0-8 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000200030020-8