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June 3, 1977
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Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83T00573R000600130032-0 3DP 1075-77 3 June 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Mministration C lif ford i3. may, Jr. Director of Data Processing ODP Report for week Ending 3 June 1977 Pro sed Contract for Data Exchange R uirements A statement of work for a proposed contract for gather- ing requirements for data exchange among the intelligence Community members was given to the Agency Information dandling Committee (IHC) representative. This is an 01?P--proposed alternative to current approaches being considered by the ILIC. This paper was coordinated with OCR, NPIC, and OC. Purchase of Control Data Corporation CSC Peripherals On I June a contract was awarded to for financing the purchase of 188 peripheral devices from CDC. F down payment of $350, 000 has been made and annual payments of $515,925 will be made on 1 October 1977, 1978, and 1973. This purchase should save over $1 million as compared to rental over the life of the systems. bra uartion of Office of Idea ns Intaili ence Computer Facilities ODP has received a request from OWl to assist in the evaluation of computer facilities at an Owl contractor's plant. The present computer is rented by the contractor and it appears that a switch nt Furnished Equipment (CFE) would save money. Su rt to the Director of Central Intelligence DCITASK - Automation of two tasks for the DCI. The development phase for Task IT (the scheduling of DCI activ- ities) has been completed. The customer has begun acceptance testing. The final documentation will be completed upon acceptance of the system. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83T00573R000600130032-0 Approved For Release-2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83T00573R0006QQ130032-0 &u rt to office of Regional and Political Analysis OCISOVIET A file of elite Soviet personalities supported by GIM II. This special data base system has been modified to provide the capability of anal the career developmINTL of Soviet political elites. Su rt to Office of Strate ic-pesearch National Information System (LIS) _ A version of LIS, which processes on the VM/370 interactive system, was completed. LIS is a geographic system which displays maps, installations, and unit data for strata i forces on a Tektronix graphic display terminal. Rea1 .ty !tinie:om uter Ludy Completed A study of the data base handling capabilities of the Microdata Reality minicomputer by ORD, ODP, and a contractor, Keystone Associates, has been completed. A subset of SPECLE, the Office of Security Special Clearance GIM II data base, was developed by ODP and. used in the study. It was found that the Microdata Reality system could support the query require- ments for the SPECLE application but it could not produce all of the printed reports required in a timely fashion. A final report on this study, prepared by Keystone Associates, is being distributed by ORD. The report addresses the general capabilities and limitations of " ality system for dot base applications. TATINTL Support to office of Personnel PEIGN -- Integrated Personnel Information System. We have received our first major Change Control Request. 4e "ad planned to have four people working on two sub-system projects, PEREOSP (hospital` obligation) and PERINSUR (insurance), to develop on-line GIMS applications. However, OP has requested that the two projects be combined. OP, on the recommendation of the Audit Staff, has also asked us to conduct a feasibility study to eval use of a minicomputer for these sub- systems. Support to Office of "raining TRAIN - Management of information on Agency-sponsored training provided to staff personnel. We have installed a scheduling programs on= p Vet system for use at 0 s trained the users. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83T00573R000600130032-0 Approved For Release-2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83T00573R0006QQ130032-0 Problems Problems with the IBM 360/195 computer caused the system be down for teen hours on 30-31 May. The workload was The SAFE Pro-proposal 'Conference for the Design Compe- s stem Test with andeed Meat This weekend IBM will replace the 4 megabytes of core memory on the IBM 374/168-1 with 8 megabytes of core memory for test and evaluation of the 8 megabytes on the V'M system. This test will last two weeks on the production V14 system. Response will be analyzed fwa vements under stress and heavy loading conditions. STATINT L shifted ~ ~ 370/168-2. This caused poor response to users. Phase RFP was held on 26 May. The Conference went smoothly, lasting approximately one hour. Sixty-two indi- viduals from industry attended, representing 19 companies. None of 42 questions submitted suggested any significant problem with the RFP. Answers to the questions were prepared and released to the Contracting officer for mailing on 31 may. A working group, consisting of personnel from Systems is StafOCR and Special Projects Staff/ODP, selected from a set of 5 candidate companies to perform ors Lion Study. This study is to define the STAT STAT NTL NTL initial design parameters for the SAP'S Workstation (terminal) by 15 January 1978. The work is to be done under the exist- ing Design Services Contract STATINTL ADSTAR The AMSTAR Pre-proposal Conference was held in room GA-13, Headquarters building, on 3 June 1977. Answers to written questions submitted by potential ADSTAR bidders were presented ~~att~he conference along with minor revisions to the ADO AR P~sy T. . Messrs t (ODP respec_STATSPEC tively) will vis ur ng the wee o une 1977. The User =Manual, as we as a users and operator training, will be discussed. The contractor's schedule of activities for the next 3 weeks will also be reviewed. These activities Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83T00573R000600130032-0 Approved For Releases 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83T00573R0006D0130032-0 are scheduled to culminate on 24 June, in a payment milestone (Program Specification Review - PSR). Information obtained during the upcoming trip will, hopefully, provide a more ac- curate assessment of the contractor's likelihood of meeting this date it spas revised earlier from 22 April to 24 June 1977) . Tr~r 4nl A one day contracted course, RAMIS II Conversion, was completed by 14 students. RAMIS is a do-it-yourself data base system available on the ODP VM Interactive System. STATINTL A two day contracted course RAMIS was completed by 15 students. OW&W& STATINTL Distribution: 1 - ades . - as Div/Staf f/ODP 1 - ODP Registry 2 - O/D/ODP STATINTL O/D/ODP ee/6-3-77 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83T00573R000600130032-0