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Approved For Relee 2001/07/12 CIA-RDP83TOO573R00Q00160009-6 C~ DD/A/ODP Weekly Report Week of 22-29 October 1980 25X1A I. Major Activities During the Past Week: (U) A. Support to PTO: (U) 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A CAMS (COMIREX Automated Management System) CAMS1. The Dual Mode Project is proceeding on schedule. A design review was held on the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) Cloud Cover Program, and a code review was held on the Area Target Satisfaction program. Module level testing continues on the Dual Mode software. Release 81-1, scheduled for 11 January 1981, will contain the remainder of the Dual Mode software. (S) The Dual Mode Systems Test and Interface Test Plan were com- pleted. The Dual Mode System Test will be conducted in the Buff- ing Computer Center and will test the data flow from pre-mission processing through post-mission processing. The Interface Test will be conducted in the Special Computer Center and coordinated with the A Division personnel will be attending the Software n.er ace Group Meeting on the next week to 25X1A finalize the Interface Test. (S) CAMS2. On Thursday, 23 October briefed PTO Man- 25X1A agement on the approach to be used in the development of CAMS2(P/S). Sandy identified the environment and constraints under which the project will be developed, the structure under which requirements are being organized, and presented both the 25X1A near-term and long-term schedules. (AIUO) B. Support to OSO: (U) 25X1A 25X1A LADS (Logistics Automated Data System) The effort to dupli- cate LADS system for installation at an OSO field office continues on schedule. The vendor projects the minicomputer delivery date as 15 December 1980. Conversion specifications are nearly complete, and a system test is scheduled for early January 1981. (U) DERIVATIVE CL BY 580535 DECL X REVW 290ct2000 DERIVED FROM 9C.2 Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6 Approved For Rel a 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573RO 00160009-6 C. Support to OL: (U) PDMIS (PD Management Information System) ODP, 25X1A arrived in SAB last week to begin development of the PDMIS. Mr. 25X1A ~. ~.. ~- LIAti Z-- I-_ -- =t- --- -r -1-- 25X1A PDMIS. D. Support to OTE: (U) 25X1A ATS (Agency Training System) The following ATS jobs made their debut last week in the PERSIGN stream and were a smashing success: (U) a. DAILY ATS PERSIGN INTERFACE b. DAILY ATS INTERFACE UPDATE 25X1A transferred from Customer Services Staff, ODP, to B Division on 17 October. His old address: ODP/CSS, 2DO105 Hdqs., x5161 25X1A His new address: ODP/B Div., 2D42 - x8338 Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6 Approved For Reese 26 1007112: CIA RDP83T00573R 300160009-6 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Data Processing STATINTL FROM STATINTL Chief, Management Staff, ODP SUBJECT Management Staff Weekly Report for Week Ending 31 October 1980 1981 ODP Costs to Support the Voluntary Investment Plan (VIP) ODP has been given additional time to determine the cost to support VIP in 1981. This will allow time to accurately reflect the impact of the 1981 computer service rates. The necessary data should be available by the end of November to determine the 1981 costs. The VIP is our only paying customer and we want to be as accurate as we can in calculating our cost. One of the members of the audit team has asked for detailed information on the methodology we use to establish the VIP cost for 1981. (U) Release of ODP RFP The Director of Data Processing concurred on RFP-2-81A, for a replacement VM Computer System. The RFP is a financial competition for an IBM 3033 MP (multiprocessor). The 3033 MP is the only acceptable system on the marketplace that provides the required CPU power and preserves the VM single-image (i.e. single system) environment. The RFP was forwarded to Procurement Division, OL for expedited action. External Procurement The Director of Data Processing concurred on an external procurement action for OL/P&PD to purchase a DICOMED Gr L Computer Output Microfilm (CON') Recorder. (U) Excess Equipment Management Staff distributed, to selected ADP Control Officers, a Headquarters Property Turn-In Document which listed Digital Equipment Corporation equipment excess to ODP needs. No interest in the ADP equipment was generated and the ODP equipment was declared as excess to the Agency. The acquisition cost of the excess equipment was estimated as $11,425. (U) Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6 Approved For Relea'2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83TOO573R000300160009-6 SAFE Project Security Officer The Security officer for the SAFE Project and the ODP/SO met with the Security Staff of the Office Logistics, including their STATINTL representative, to establish a focal point for the numerous security activities involved with the SAFE Project. The various Office of Security groups that have regulatory cognizance over certain security functions at contractor facilities will direct inquiriers, reports anc" approvals thorough the SAFE STATINTL Project Security Officer. (U) STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL Project Activity Report (PAR) The September 1980 PAR is delayed while corrections are being made to the shared data set records. This correction will delay the distribution of the September PAR until next week at the earliest. (U) FY 1980 Travel Data On Friday, 24 October, the DDA Budget Staff requested that all DDA Offices furnish data on FY 1980 costs for Supergrade/SIS travel in order for the DDA to respond to the Comptroller's request for this information. They also requested a list of the locations most frequently visited on TDY by Supergrades and others. ODP's reply indicated that FY 1980 Supergrades/SIS - Th i s 3 _ . - e p . mu TL visited locations were trips. (AIUO) ,,} ADPMIS Work is continuing to input and verify updates received from STATINTLcustomer officers. (U) Outstanding Advances As of 20 October 1980, 9 advances remain outstanding, of whi ch . none are A , i . - n uent STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6 Approved For Releasr2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000V0160009-6 29 October 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Processing THROUGH Executive Off icier FROM Chief, Administrative Staff SUBJECT Weekly Report for the Week Ending 29 October 1980 (U) ADMINISTRATION Open Season for Health Insurance will be held from 10 November until 5 December 1980 with the effective date of 11 January 1981 for payroll deduction. Interested employees should contact the Insurance Branch in Room 1J27, Headquarters. (U) STATINTL Deputy ief)Administrative Staff Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6 Approved For Relefti 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000.3p0160009-6 SPS-E061-80 29 October 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR t Director of Data Processing STATINTL FROM Deputy Chief, Special Projects Staff/ODP Special Projects Staff Weekly Status Report for Week Ending 28 October 1980 I < ; SAFE STATINTL A. On 23-24 October, _ and the CSPO conducted an operational workshop for DTA and CIA operational personnel. Topics included: user usage; availability modelling; software availability; failure mode and error recovery analysis;. site activation planning; user and operator training-. spares management life-cycle costs; and the power distribution concept.. Minutes of the seminar are being distributed to all participants along with a list of action. items and future workshops generated at the meeting. STATINTL ai cuss the division of security responsibilities between STATINTL th two offices. who recently joined the CSPO, is to' assume severa duties previously split between tI erATIKITLL 2. ADSTAR STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL 10 A. Diazo test film was given to on 23 October. The film contains a set of test documents w c were photo- graphed on Agency cameras and then processed through the three film converters. Once this film is output by the printing system the Government will be in a position to make a judgement concerninc the acceptability of the ADSTAR system. B. On 28 October the conversion computer system was turned on It had been down for twenty days because of excessive dust created by the SAFE construction. Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6 Approved For Relent 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R00Q 0160009-6 29 October 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Data Processing ATTENTION: Executive Officer FROM: Deputy Director for Processing SUBJECT: Processing Weekly Report for Week Ending 28 October 1980 STATINTL 1. Systems Availabi Availability Report. lity: Attached is the Systems 2. ODP/Processing has received a copy of the GC03/1D16 access feasibility study. The first recommendation of the study was the one proposed by Processing. A meeting will be ssc43u fL with OL to determine subsequent action. IIV 3. . Material has not arrived to correct a 400 cycle low voltage problem in the Ruffing Center. Past CEMB and HEB/OL actions have narrowed the problem to a panel now shared by the Amdahl 470V/6 and 470V/8. By moving the IBM 3033 off the panel, no impact to normal operations has been observed, and the problem is now manageable. When material arrives, an outage will be STATINTL scheduled to correct the situation before it becomes a problem again. 4. RFP for a new VM processor is scheduled to be released STATINTL to vendors on 29 October. STATINTL to 5. Meetings are being held with the DDO concerning space relocate the IBM 4331 from the Ruffing Center to a DDO area. 6. The Ruffing Center availability has been good for the past week. Several hardware problems did impact operations. These include the Channel 5 problem of the IBM 168-1 which was corrected and the Amdahl V6 channel-to-channel problem which has also been corrected. The CMD disk bank had a power cable burn up. It has been repaired. The TADS system has a probable graphic interface controller (GIC) problem which is still under investiga- tion. Several CalComp disk problems impacted TADS availability, and a system software problem is under investigation by SPD. _ STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6 Approved For ReleW 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R00$3L 0160009-6 STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL 7. The Special Center had an excellent week. Several software problems (applications) impacted availability. Two defective CDC memory cards were replaced in the IBM 158-B computer last Wednesday. ,Vv 8. The draft RFP for the replacement 25X1A printer has been distributed to interested Agency parties for review and comment. 9. Seven additional Hetra printers are scheduled for delivery during the week of 3 November. The printers are for upgrades at the and for OGCR at the Ames Building. 10. The Salary Tables for the new pay scale were printed on the Operations Division 9700. All output was mailed to the customer on Friday. 11. A Cable with an unanticipated classification default caused the MRS software to loop on Tuesday. This resulted in cable traffic not being printed for one entire day. OCR programmers isolated the cable in question and are now working on updating programs to handle this situation. STATINTL and 12. On Tuesda 21 October, on the operation and functions of the Data Base Management Branch. This is in relation to the~@Iftort STATINTL which is looking at the applicability of using SAFE functions to support the DDO. Att: a/s Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6 Approved For ReIe; 2001/07/12: CIA-RDP83T00573R00G.afl0160009-6 29 OCTOBER 1980 DDA/ODP SYSTEMS AVAILIBILITY SUMMARY SYSTEM CURRENT WEEK 20 OCT - 26 OCT PREVIOUS 90 DAYS 21 JUL - 19 OCT DIFFERENCE BATCH 98.25 97.36 +.89 INTERACTIVE 96.73 96.96 -.23 GIMS 97.40 96.84 +.56 CAMS 96.73 97.78 -1.05 OCR-COLTS 96.67 93.53 +3.14 OCR-RECON 96.50 95.11 +1.39 DDO-STAR 100.00 97.51 +2.49 OSWR-TADS 96.79 95.44 +1.35 All systems experienced an exceptionally good week. The CAMS application availibility depicts a -1.05 reduction which is a result of CAMS application software. Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300160009-6