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Document Release Date: 
May 3, 2001
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Publication Date: 
October 23, 1980
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Approved For Releasew2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300150008-8 :'.3 ti .:to }er L9z30 M MO VA 1DUM IO Deputy rir Director c-12 t',&ta Procer sinc; Bruce T. _';I t ODP Pe7,ort 21r?r- Week. :n;;in'i 22 October 1980 Support to DCI WORDP (Word Process i n c) . in re aponwe to a request from the National Intelligence .,net ei c:y P1arninf7 Staff (NIEPS), we have completed a study of ts1 E:Pl t tttz.,! r rotess- n-1 and requirements and have recommended the of an t;RI 3010 del station word processor for NI :PS. teae t h.s been forwarded to P3/0L for procurement action. Executive Order and the ai: ~vt - cl.ange wat; necea :ary before the Biweek Payroll Systa . Tl t=r a -aeet.in with personnel from. OPPP p OF, and PD/CIDD on i (rt ber, it was deb er'itrte i ODP could modify a program so that lleuf c i r-e 1 trant.actions incoming for Pay Period 22 could reflect t'4:e rtw ralary rates. This saved OPPP from re-keying 200-300 trans ttie s to reflect the now rates. Master File processing zra TE l a' ? 1 by CW for the ; i= ning of the u ort to Office of Fi-i6ir: rile could be pror_-esp-t A :_)l, I'D,/OD!' on 17 Oct r. - STATINTL On 23-24 October, an r; rt of 0-,e ;'f1?F V'pe?rational workshop, is presenting the first c f two se tqit aru to Govern +ertt personnel concerning op,~r-mt: is n, l Co n :id?-rat ions of the 3AF ; system. Operational personnel tro`n boti C1 , and DiA tave been invited to attend the n :r:inar in t: e Aau s uileincq, STATINTL Availability ched is the 3y exz: tr ilaoiliti Report. The Ruf?i,ng Center availability han bee:: % :je=-a.te iur the past week. All systems have experienced ar: s and sc:ftwsre failures; therefore, availability is -r low aide, STATINTL Bruce T. Johnon Att: a/s STA O/D/MP 3T00573R000300150008-8 Distribution:Orig + 2 - adse 1 - ea Div/Staff/ODP Approved For- lease 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP83T00573i&O0300150008-8 DDAJODP SYSTEMS AVAILIBILITY SUMMARY SYSTEM CURRENT WEEK 13 OCT - 19 OCT PREVIOUS 90 DAYS 14 JUL - 12 OCT DIFFERENCE BATCH 99.33 97.21 +2.12 INTERACTIVE 86.22 97.81 -11.59 GIMS 100.00 96.70 +3.20 CAMS 97.41 97.42 -.01 OCR-COLTS 96.25 93.86 +2.39 OCR-RECON 94.80 94.71 +.09 DDO-STAR 96.17 97.15 -.98 OSWR-TADS 63.64 96.36 -32.72 OSWR-TADS,INTERACTIVE, and OCR-RECON all reported a below average week with TADS reporting the lowest availibility of 63.64 percent. - OSWR-TADS was down for 11 hours on Thursday and 5 hours on Wednesday, awaiting response and repair from a hardware vendor, Digital Equipment Corporation. - The INTERACTIVE system was down on Wednesday-for a total of 5 hours 31 minutes due to the implementation of new software and on Thursday a procedural related problem with the Amdahl CPU caused a 31 minute outage. - OCR-RECON had 3 outages; IBM hardware error caused a 1 hour 15 minute outage, a procedural error caused a loss of 30 minutes and a Comten software error resulted in a 20 minute outage. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300150008-8