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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 17, 1980
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Approved For ReI Se 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP83T00 3R000300010 ILLEGIB ODP-0-1356 17 October 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Management Staff, DDA FROM SUBJECT REFERENCE Chief, Management Staff, ODP STATINTL New Communications Support Requirements for FY 1983 - FY 1987 Your Memorandum, Same Subject, dtd. 11 August 1980 (DD/A 80-1492/2) 1. The reference requests prioritized communications sup- port requirements for FY 1983 - FY 1987. Attachment B is the formal ODP response on the required forms. As requested, we have included the following: A description of the ODP requirement; the justification; the time span for the required communications support; and the impact of not receiving the requested OC sup- port. We have also provided the requested ODP prioritization for use in the Directorate ranking. 2. In prioritizing our requirements, we have chosen to emphasize key new initiatives (e.g., CAMS2) and support of existing services over expanding and improving current services. We further emphasized near-term requirements versus out-year requirements. As you well know, any ranking of this type must be considered tentative, and useful in only the most general sense. For example, any sub-requirement, such as relocation of a group of terminals, may under certain circumstances assume a very high priority. With this in mind, a summary of ODP requirements in priority order is presented in Attachment A. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300010009-2 Approved For RTase 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP83T0573R000300010009-2 STATINTL 3. Any general questions on the ranking of ODP requirements may be addressed to of the ODP Management Staff on X5937(B) or 1347(? . For specific questions on any require- ment please feel free to go directly to the indicated contact. STATINTL cc: DD/A DD/P C/SPS C/P&PG C/P&BG PO/MS/ODP C/ED/P/ODP DISTRIBUTION: (ODP/MS/EEB/JAL/(401'1)(210CT1980) ORIGINAL & 1 - ADDRESSEE 2 - O/D/ODP 1 - MS CHRONO 2 - ODP REGISTRY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000300010009-2 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReIse 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP83T00W3R0003000100O9-2 SUMMARY OF PRIORITIZED ODP COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS, FY 1982 - FY 1987 1. CAMS2 Development Facility Communications Support (FY 1982) .* Communications support for a 50 person staff in an unspecified outbuilding. (U) 2. CAMS2 Communications Upgrade (FY 1984). Support for 4-to 10-fold increase in CAMS message traffic. (U) 3. Wideband Bus Communications System (WBCS) Support (FY 1983). Operations and maintenance of the Headquarter's WBCS. (U) 4. 4C System (Phase II) Worldwide Communications Support (FY 1983). Extension of 4C communications support world- wide in conjunction with DIA. (U) 5. Installation of COMTEN Equipment in Outbuildings (FY 1984). Required COMTEN front-end processors will improve error rates between Headquarters and outbuildings. (C) 6. General -Headquarters and Outbuilding Communications Support (FY 1983). Installation and relocation of terminals on the grid and WBCS. (U) 7. Development of Interface between WBCS and COMTEN Processors (FY 1983). Required for operation of Headquarter's WBCS. (U) *Initial year of requirement in parenthesis DERIVATIVE CL BY Approved For Release 2001/6/~~IIT-~tb~P8fi?~i~~Y "