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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
February 5, 2001
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Publication Date: 
October 23, 1980
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83T00573R000300010005-6.pdf97.45 KB
r to Approved For R 6ieasc ?/O O6 : CIA-RDP83T"573R000300010005-6 DD/A 80-1760/2 2 3 O CT 1980 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Data Processing Chief, Management Staff, DDA SUBJECT: DDA Planning Officers Conference Report 25X1A 1. The Planning Officers from each of the DDA offices met 25X1A recently at _ in a conference settin . i i ave an t on, were the ODP attendees. In add g 25X1A excellent briefing on the ODP Long-Range list of the conferees is attached. (C) Planning activity. A 2. In bringing this group of people together, we wanted: -- To bring the planning officers up to date on current Agency-level planning activity; -- To clarify outstanding questions on Agency, Directorate, and Office planning processes and their interrelationships; To provide information on Office-level long-range planning processes--both current activities and planned initiatives; To provide a sounding board for suggestions, criticisms, and comments regarding the Directorate Planning Process; and To discuss planning terms in general and establish some uniformity in terminology for planning discussions in the Directorate. We feel that we did what we set out to do, and in the process provided some valuable interoffice communication as well. (U) e'er L 235960 IN R VW ON Oct 00 -a9_7 D FROM A 9c 5. 2 Approved For Release 200;1103/G6 : CIf\-RDP83T00573R000300010005-6 rn 1~1D!'' TIA1 Approved For FJease 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP83T40573R000300010005-6 3. Several action items for the Management Staff resulted from the conference. We will: -- Provide the offices, where applicable, with copies of the EXCOM issue papers which are developed by the task forces supporting the Agency-level planning activity; -- Examine the value of sponsoring a January 1981 conference with the objective of examining the interrelationship between planning and budgeting functions at Office, Directorate, and Agency level; and -- Reexamine the action plan form for quarterly management conference reporting for possible restructuring. (U) 25X1A 4. We appreciate your making time available for your planning personnel so that they can attend our conference. We think everyone benefited from the sharing of ideas and problems and hope you agree. Attachment: A/S 2 Approved For Release(ZQ%V : AIRDP83T00573R000300010005-6 Release-2001/0-3106-;_CIA-RDP8 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET DDA Planning Officers Conference Report Chief, Management Staff, DDA 7D18 Hqs TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) Director of Data Processing TUBE DX 16 i I_ p 5~1- EXEENSION NO. S226 DD/A 80-1760/2 2 OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) '- % - SIK- Q-/) FORM 4per E 1d For Release 2001/05/0 "~17 = $ ~'ST3 1-79 ONS