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September 15, 1980
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Approy .FA ?t: 0~/Q1,r_o 1 D~Ya Od 0200120r=6---- -
0OP k
September = -1sr
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Data Processing
VIA: Inspector General
Chief, Audit Staff
SUBJECT: Audit of Office of Tata Processing
1. The Audit Staff has scheduled an audit of the Of=icc~
of Data Processing for the period 1 July 1978 to 30 Se,ptei.ther
1980. The audit will cover compliance of activity with appli-
cable laws, policies and regulations; effectiveness and e--fi-
ciency of operations; and financial aid logistical record=, ;; 37
' 2. The audit is scheduled to be-,in approximately
6 October 1980. The target date for :onpleaion is early
December 1980. The audit team will c)nsist of five or six
members of the Information Systems Au lit Division. Micba_?.1
McGraw will be the supervising auditor. We will request
meeting with you prior to the start o- the audit.
3. Please indicate your concurrence by ,signing and
returning the original of this memora-~dum,
Dire ctb of-Data Processing
92i9. - Signature ~ Return
1 - Addressee
1 - O/Compt/BMG
9 8b
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83T00573R0002001
~iRfi~i~~~4 FE _f M~ Ct'.!f jj pr ~6t
Approved Fo Release 2002/01/08; CIA-RDP83T0057 000200120004-6
Report of Audit of Office of Data Processing
as. of 30 June 1978
#1: Present ODP's minicomputer
support plan to the EAG for its
consideration within the frame-
work of the annual review as
directed in the DDCI memorandum
cited above.
T) -e ODP plan was a new ii -_1 1 a
tve to procure four mini cc ,m-
p-iters in FY-80 and obta: n five
F`Y'-80 personnel slots for 7 ni-
c.)mputer support. The p- -' as
r . jected by senior ;i ~_.ncv
;r --iagernent during the FYI ~3
get r et-iew process. 3r ee
o the five staff per-=ornate
?re to provide Agenc, -w: (it,
L _hnical support of ?es cq -~,
3 lvisition and maintF-n~
o ADP minicomputers. T;.e-! ocher
t -?o staff personnel w---re
oxide systems proor; ?~r~ --r
,pport to the four minicit_ .>uters
sd were to undertake p _ng
,cI ciesi-gn work for disc.
c rrnputiTng. The present >.
an is to include minic~rr ),i-_ers
i7i the ODP budget in sup.~3 t of
" er recu i rements wherIev,er
t is recuir ements have
_2rif ieu prior to t c TI :-
tion of a FY Program o~ et.
t: -ouiremerits identif i r-d er
I'r- oaram and Budget t of mu La -ion
x.-;11 have to be funded i ::u n the
r: per' s budget or prec_ s~-s c as
n> i unfunded requirement.
e known minicomputer pIa :s
guiring ODP support that
N,111 be presented to the >r t.G
?r review, as directe=d irs tine
!,;)CI memorandum cited in F ,Ira.
'2 of the Audit Report, axe an
t'i'G minicomputer app] icatr_>n
-d possibly the GIMINI cio-
-rct--the latter was described
in para. 10 of the Report.
Approved-For Release 2002/01/08.: CIA-RDP83TO0573R000200120004-6
Approved Fo Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000200120004-6
C/MS #1: Continued
#2: Review and prioritize the
Agency's emergency ADP require-
ments and develop a written
disaster recovery plan that
adequately provides support in
the event of a disaster. Also
provide for a current maintenance
and periodic testing of the plan
after development.
DD/P #3: Store system software back-
up tapes and copies of critical
data bases in the
Archives and/or
exchange copies between the two
computer centers. The stored
backup records and programs
should also be currently main-
tained and periodically tested
to determine their operational
G.P senior management wi c-c:.-
v,ne in the near future to
r view the ODP minicomPut_e:
r =1icy and make revisions o
t.e policy where deemed
n .cessary.
D aring FY-79 we will d eve i
a methodology for determ:n
tie Agency's emergency .Aisi'
requirements supported by -JP.
N -xt, we will prepare anti ost
o it a disaster recovery pi n
far higher management's co i-
s i derati on . With app ovcution of the plan, e r i.-L1
:iertake the necessary na-
r =tion to execute the p1_.i l :ind
t'fen commence periodic re- Lng
c> the plan.
C 'pies of critical prndi_u :c On
data sets, GIMS data rba_>e=s
(_ncluding GIMS procedures,
dictionaries and sof tvtiar 3 )
and all computer programs n
t-le ODP Centralized L' brar
S .,stem are stored in `.he
A -chives with the except-.D- of
C'r?ZS info-mation--the star ge
of CAMS data and softwar t
will commence by 31
,-,r 1978. The offsite sty` g25X1A
c: critical data and pros r ,ns
t is been a long stand Lnq
i -qu ire-raieiit of the Fr : ad tI .; t. , on
L_ .vision . In January 19 18 ,
orage procedures were gu::-
shed in the ODP Usser' s G _Iide
i -i a section entitled, "'Ala ~-
r! -tic Tape Offsite Storage
I ocedures." The procedures
ply to all users of the .om-
f Iter centers and also c(1r rain
t ~)e criteria for ref-r-shir-4
n terial stored on ma1ne.t i :
i pP.
~. 2
Approved for. Release 2002101/08.: CIA-R,DP83T0073R000200120004-6
Approved For W lease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83T005731R000200120004-6
.DD/P # 3 : Continued
#4: Determine methods for
better controls in the areas
mentioned. Coordinate this
study with the Office of
_C/M #5: Consider converting the
current part time administrative
assistant to a full time position.
In addition, formally request
technical security assistance
from the Office of 'Security to
assure proper attention to these
technical security problems.
Ex Change copies of sel: ct.d
tem software have b--yen s: coed
4, r tie two computer centers and
-c a certain extent stored in the
C Archives. A procedure to
s ire and refresh system se`_t-pare
W, 11 be finalized during ff - 19
i then all system softwar ly 4?till
stored at
All the areas identified ar d
requiring action have been
reviewed by the ODP/OS Jcir
Working Group. The recently
< _!Ipleted risk analysis stt :iy
o identified these area!
!Td gave recommendations icr
wing the problems.
anticipated that t; E o-.>ti,er
,biems identified will b(
ved or approaches eccrm-
;; lving these problems i r I r - /9.
~c int, the GC-47 point, arc
file labeling, are presertiy
> ing studied with a goal ct
ree critical areas, the CC-03
n~ 1 technical seeurity 11.1.-
t,- ~. tion5 are cocrdr a u `n
3 ' S3G/OS directly or F e
P/OS Joint Working (mro-,. p
The conversion of the pait
t: me position to a full i mt e
position is inadequate to
solve the problem. The i, t -Ent
part time help is sas is F _
for the Security Officer
r( main current on,-_ zi ive
A- additional position is
rug eded to implement a coi t;.> i
_; curity program as , ?ce.n L11 :,;:ed
b the ODF/OS Joint Work .;1 I
e_G- oup. Rather than ck:anue= .ahe
,y lninistrative assistant ;~ tion
tt= full time, a full time .i? for
s curity officer is n edt'ki
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : etA-RDP83T00573R000200120004-6
Approved Forielease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83T0057M000200120004-6
#5: Continued
#6: Use Data Erase to sanitize
all magnetic tapes that are to
be used as "scratch" tapes in
the Special Center.
#7: Continue to review the need
for "E" Ruffing Center access
indicators for non-Center per-
sonnel and expand the usage of
no escort badges for infrequent
#8: Install a remotely con-
trolled access gate in the
Ruffing Center 'point' area to
limit unchallenged entry to the
computer room.
#9: Establish more stringent
controls over users receipt of
data from the "point" in the
Ruffing Center.
she ODP plan to obtain (_)=a pc-rsonnel slot iur a com-
puter security officer ' :s
rejected by senior Age=is ? r,,anage-
;nent during the FY-80 ':-i ,get
review process. The s = :rity
officer was to formulate and
monitor ODP computer s ir ity
policies and plans ay in-ilyzing
current security practLc,:-s,
assessing vulnerabilities, and
r"cormnending the r:ecessa y
corrective actions.
The Special Center will n+ple-
ment a plan on 1 DE c,e;ib *` 1978
to use Data Erase to s_~ritize
all magnetic "scratch" 1.-_Fes.
Access to the Rut--ng &I,i
Special Centers is r c i c ,jed
each October and arc l' . On
each review cycle, a 1 ) c id of
"E" indicators are rei 7 _:ted.
Use of no escort C3ac us
been expanded.
An access/authorizat.ic rr s`j stem
is pre_,ently under cor_:a Ca? ra-
tion that will conLro:_ ~-i,.ry
into the computer r oort. n
the Event the proposed y stem
is tabs ed or delayed, eemn
alternative solutions 4 11 be
The access/author i :at , c system
mentioned in the a )ov:~ , esponse
is the most logical a-zd effec-
tive solution to the stringent
c:ontr_ols problem. Ho~4cver,
until its implernentatic , we
will establish more sti.indent
control over users recE ipt of
data in the Ruff i_ng CEr per.
C' 'ii
_ AaarQVed For--Release-200-2/01-/OB--- f,F" A IDP83 6 T`
Approved For4Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83T00573ROO0200120004-6
DD/P #10: Provide terminal usage
reports to appropriate ODP manage-
ment personnel for monitoring
efficiency and security of ter-
minal usage.
#11: Complete development and
implement procedures to control
systems changes.
y the end of this cater (i:r
:-ear, we will begin dist.3-_.-
uting a terminal utili;non
.port ?c appropriate t-!)P
r.agement personnel and
l Agency ADP Control ()-:cers
or monitoring efficiency and
=-curity of terminal us ,7Q1,.
#12: Continue efforts to update
cost accounting procedures to
accurately and completely iden-
tify the current cost of ADP
computer systems software.
The capability to gather c c.-La
necessary to prepare such
ieports has only recent-_v ~c come
available to us as the It',' uit
of over a year of de-:el I.r -rt
1, system to control char c;t s to -
I he GINS Production of t v, r e
\ as implemented on 3 Jt:: 1 97 8 .
4:e are currently studyir;c our
tricing structure and intend to
i eflect new ADP cost acccoa.nting
z rocedures in the chances; that
re made. Also, in an E'? : ort
,0 furnish more accurate nior-
ation to our users, in F -19
will separate the chr u-eyes
_or ODP provided staff cie
+_entractcr support. In to
on, we are conside-inc;
parating the charges it).
oftware development and
roduction processinc in our
(oject Activity R,enort.
#13: Continue the coordinated This is in response to zctcr;-
effort with the office of Logis- rendations 13 and 14. 4e have
tics to jointly solve ODP's completed the followinq: An
property accounting problems. CL task force was formed n
Insure that a complete physical s'eptember 1978 and s +od
inventory is conducted in accord- within ODP. An analys-_-,of
dance with Document (,DP's property accountinq
any discrepancies revealed as a problems was initiatted; cic-ctu-
result of the inventory as pre- n,entary deficiencies wen e iden-
scribed by the regulations. tified; existing proert,v
cquisition and dispc_;sa ro-
Approyed For Release 2002/011 8` 'CI
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83T00573RMO200120004-6
R-71 C PC
C/AS #14: Take actions required to
assure recording of Type II
Property transactions on a
more timely basis.
cedu 'eE and the docum, 11'-s
associated therewith we, e re-
viewed in detail; : re unary
work on new property co r of
procedures was coneicic -_-ti,
F ersonnel impact o: r;t_'w pro-
cedures; was assess;-.(I; s s em
of Agency stock for
ODP Property to assis~ its
control has been 1; and
di scrennancies in of y oocu-
r:ients Lire being co_--re :. i as
ound. A computEer. - ZED i y.,zem
()f pF o?,)erty conti o by
Printing Services Div is , 011 is
i)eing examined for ac ~p _ iron by
oDP. he current s- L 1, is
hat t:`ne -task f orc ' wil -require
:.nother 180 days to c;
~.ts task, includ n;i a c_,.n-
7lete wal-l-to-wall in a t_~ry
nnf ODP property and the estab-
1 isftnerit of an aut-w r a tE _:
:control system.
Wherever possible, ti. ~c_)pe
of the Engineeri .ng Mar j .:e.iient
Information System Mc:rt al
(EMIS) will be E 1~ -n ec as
resources are .rave cvCS c-_l le.
The present system hzE. ueen
under development c,.E t ..G ,oral
years. Once all of '-r( r;oering
Division's needs f re E.r .isfied,
we will examine its : co -_ntial
use as a data baste !(.,I . =_,a Acial
Approved -For Release 2002/01/08 CIA-RDP8 Q0 73ROD02.00120004-6
#15: Determine the present capa-
bility of EMIS to serve as a cen-
tral data base for all hardware
transactions, both engineering
and financial. Identify the
information needs of various com-
ponents and determine whether
EMIS can be enhanced to the point
where it satisfies the needs
identified. If EMIS is enhanced
research and verify to supporting
documentation any missing data.
Consider recording ODP's off:i-ce
equipment on the data base in
addition to currently listed
major hardware items.