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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
February 23, 2007
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Publication Date: 
May 17, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/02/23: CIA-RDP83M00914R002900020010-2 Approved For Release 2007/02/23: CIA-RDP83M00914R002900020010-2 Approved For Release 2007/02123 : P3M00914R002900020010-2 17 May 1982 Weekly Report Intelligence Community Staff -Preparing appeal to Congressional cuts in FY-83 budget and responses to HAC questions stemming from 5 May FY-83 NFIP hearing. Directorate for Administration -A briefcase/package inspection at the Chamber of Commerce Building resulted in one incident of apparent unauthorized removal of classified material. -The Senior Officer Development Course visited with senior executives in Pittsburgh focusing on corporate decisionmaking and the domestic and international economic situation. -The first running of the Supervision of Analysis Course will take place this week. Directorate for Operations - See tab. Deputy Director for Science and Technology -The Directorate and OEEO cosponsored a program for Women in Science and Engineering on 12 May; participants were very enthusiastic and many expressed interest in applying for employment. -The IC Staff has agreed to fund an FBIS project to translate a backlog of captured terrorist documents held by the State Department to determine their intelligence value. Deputy Director for Intelligence -Office of East Asian Analysis debriefed China. on the Vice President's trip to 25X1 Annrnvpd Fnr RPIPaGP 2007/n2/23 ? QA-F2 nPR'AMnng14Rnn7annn7nnln_9 Approved For Release 2007/02/23I~ RD~'83M00914R002900020010-2 -OSWR is supporting and will attend a 24-28 May COCOM meeting in Paris to improve export control enforcement. -OGI will brief Under Secretary of Agriculture Lodwick on the status of the 1982 grain crop. National Intelligence Council -NIO/LA attended meetings at State of the Interagency Steering Group on Central American Issues and on the FY-84 level of foreign assistance to Latin America. Personnel -With 60% of the fiscal year completed, we have hired 115% of our goal for professional and technical employees and 50% of our goal for clericals. General Counsel -The SSCI and Judiciary Committee staffs have agreed to amend S. 907 so that the DCI and DDCI will be added to the list of Government officials protected by the Bill's new criminal offenses provisions. -FOIA is scheduled for markup on 18 May but this version does not address the major concerns of the Intelligence Community. Inspector General Comptroller ~i'.tSE ,e 2 Approved For Release 2007/02/23: CIA-RDP83M00914R002900020010-2 ~/a.,~i1KL~ N -Both Intelligence Committees have approved the first supplemental. ]of our 1982 Office of External Affairs -John McMahon's confirmation hearings before the SSCI are now scheduled for 26 May (closed) and 27 May (open), both at 10:30 a.m. -On 21 May, Los Angeles Times columnist Robert Toth will meet with the DDI to discuss changes in the DDI under the Casey Administration. Upcoming Calendar 21 May - Breakfast with Secretary of Defense (Acting DCI) - NSC on START (Acting DCI) 24 May - SSCI, Central America Update (DCI) 25 May - Breakfast with Secretary of State (DCI, DDCI) Aaoroved For Release 2007/02/23: CIA-RDP83M00914R002900020010-2 Approved For Release 2007/02/jit.hI ~-RDP83M00914R002900020010-2 Intelligence Community Staff Weekly Report 10-14 May 1982 leted -- Congress - Briefed House Committee on Science and Technology Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications on NRP imaging systems. -- FY 83 NFIP Budget - Preparing appeal to Congressional cuts in FY 83budget. -- HAC Questions - Tasked Community elements with preparing responses to HAC questions resulting from 5 May Overview hearing on FY 83 NFIP. ?? Translation of Terrorism-Related Documents - ICS has agreed to fun an B S project to selectively translate a backlog of terrorism-related documents held by State Department's Threat Analysis Group to ascertain the intelligence value of this material. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/02/23: CIA-RD