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Document Release Date: 
February 22, 2007
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Publication Date: 
May 28, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/02/23: CIA-RDP83M00914R002900020002- SECRET DD/A Registry 82-OOS1/a 28 May 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence VIA: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Weekly Report for Period Ending 28 May 1982 1. Progress reports on tasks assigned by DCI/DDCI: A final report regarding the investigation of the apparent loss of classified documents sent to the DIA will be submitted by the Office of Security on or about 11 June. (U/AIUO) 2. Items/events of major interest: c. On 24 May a 1974 five-ton Ford truck used by Building Services Branch, Logistics Services Division, was destroyed by fire on the George Washington Memorial Parkway at Route 123. The fire was reportedly caused by a backfire in the carburetor. No one was injured. (U) d. An emergency retrieval system, "Fireman's Capture," is being installed on all passenger elevators in the Headquarters Building. The purpose of the system is to permit the return of the elevators to the ground and first floors in the event of an emergency. (U) e. Office of Logistics representatives met with Ms. Nancy Falck, the Dranesville District Supervisor, on 21 May to provide her with updated information on the proposed new Headquarters Building. Ms. Falck indicated that she would ask local Congressmen to intercede with the Administration to ensure that road funding is incorporated in the budget for the building project. (U) f. On 21 May, Procurement Division, Office of Logistics, awarded a fixed price requirements contract for the Agency standard word processing system-to Wang Laboratories, Inc. Among the numerous advantages afforded under this contract is the ability to procure TEMPEST systems at extremely favorable prices which will SECRET Approved For Release 2007/02/23: CIA-RDP83M00914R002900020002-1 SEC rLI remain constant over the period of five years. The contract also provides the opportunity to obtain maintenance for eight years at reduced costs. In addition, Wang has agreed to make contract pricing available on a retroactive basis to 1 May 1982 for leased and purchased TEMPEST systems. (U) i. The inaugural running of the Supervision of Analysis Seminar, a two- week course for new Directorate of Intelligence Branch Chiefs, was completed on 21 May. The 12 students gave the seminar relatively high ratings for both its substantive content and presentational format. (U) j. The Deputy Director for Administration (DDA) presented Special Achievement Awards to a number of personnel from the Office of Logistics on 26 May for their outstandin su ort in connection with the moves of Agency components (U) k. At a meeting hosted by the DDA at Headquarters on 25 May, GSA officials,agre.ed, among other; things-, to delegate to the Agency authority to proceed with construction preparations in support of the 4-C Project. Because of our unique requirements for reliability, the GSA officials also agreed to delegate to the Agency responsibility for the operation of the power plant on the Headquarters compound. (U) 3. Significant events anticipated during the coming week: None. E. Fi z ater Hat,r SECS T