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Approved For Release 2007/04/13: CIA-RDP83M00914R00280007036-0 STAT ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE_ I THE WASHINGTON POST 21 May 1982 . nerrles Play Rode; BDort Oberdorfer 1n5Wn eM&smrrwdter Fast September veteran diplomat Morton I. Abramowitz was offered the choice post of assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, the top Asian policy job in the government. He was' naturally pleased--but. he had enemies who were not. Partly because of their political and' bureaucratic, opposition, his ap- pointment did not develop, and he was selected instead in early October to be U.S. ambassador to Indonesia.-,' President Reagan . himself. tele phoned the offer;. Abramowitz ac-. cepted. But within a few weeks, disap-. -pointing word was mysteriously re ceived .from Jakarta that the Indo- nesian government preferred that he not, be named. A statement issued yesterday in the name of Secretary of State Al- exander M. Haig Jr. announced with regret that Indonesia will not accept this "truly outstanding Foreign Ser- vice officer," thus ringing down the curtain on six months of agonizing uncertainty for Abramowitz, and. quite possibly presaging the end of a 22-year diplomatic career. What happened to Morton Abra- mowitz is an extraordinary 'episode, even for unusual times, illuminating a netherworld of intrigue that has affected several 'Reagan diplomatic nominations, as well as the torturous- .pace at which a number of key per- `sonnet decisions have been made. Though he was backed by Haig and at times personally approved by Reagan, Abramowitz was opposed not- by-outsiders but by enemies within the administration itself. Among . their most %. important weapons in this effort was an anon- ymous and confidential paper, much I of it-inaccurate, which was prepared by military officers, iwortedly with' the. help : of Abramowitz's f rmer C station chief at a p4.t abroad, in antort to stop Abramowitz's rise within the administration. : After Reaganian'd his- senior as- sistant&;decidedLto,nominate' Abra- mowitz. aa_ambassador to Indonesia, the,`.` 4 ternal ' aper mysteriously found its way to e p rank of the : Indonesian government- and 'ulti- mately into the hands of columnist derson. ' r .. The. document apparently played a role iri Jakarta's decision, conveyed -in.preliminary .terms last November and in final terms two weeks ago, not. to accept Abramowitz' as U.S. ambassador. ' Another shadowy aspect of the case, prominent in reporters'. ques- tions about it at the State Depart- ment yesterday, is "the religion an- gle.'- Abramowitz is Jewish, and In- donesia is a predominately Islamic country. Despite rumors that, this l 'affected Jakarta's decision, both State Department spokesman Dean Fischer and Abramowitz himself, in, a terse statement yesterday, said the Indonesians never 'conveyed an in- dication that religion was a factor. Abramowitz, 49, has amassed one of the most outstanding records in the active U.S. diplomatic service, most of it involved with Asia. Among other things, he served in Taiwan and Hong Kong, as political adviser to the chief of the U.S. forces in the Pacific, as the Pentagon's senior spe- cialist on Asian affairs and, in the three years preceding his travail, as U.S. ambassador to Thailand. Both in the Pentagon and as am- bassador to Thailand, Abramowitz received awards for unusually effec- tive service, including the prestigious Joseph C. Wilson Award for achieve- ment in diplomatic affairs, and last year the President's Award for Dis- tinguiahed Federal Servi:e. At the same time, though, his blunt manner and some of his bureaucratic moves and positions earned him the enmity of some officials. . Abramowitz was 'considered espe- cially vulnerable in connection with-, Reagan administration posts because'! of a long friendship with Richard C. I Holbrooke, the Carter administra- tion's assistant secretary of state. for Asian affairs, who is anathema to, many conservatives. The two men, though friends, did not always agree,? and Abramowitz had many admirers 'who disliked Holbrooke. Abramowitz remained in Bangkok for seven months after the onset of the Reagan administration. When he was replaced in that post last Auguste the._ word was around ? that he 'was likely to be nominated as ambassa-. dor to the Philippines, in part be-,a cause President Ferdinand Marcos is':. said to have personally expressed his': admiration for Abramowitz and' his-; interest in his appointment. In mid-September, back in Wash- ington, Haig had decided to replace his assistant secretary for Asian af- fairs, John H. Holdridee. and . to? offer him the embassy in the 'Phil-1 It was Haig's idea,'accordingi'. to several knowledgeable sources, that Abramowitz would move to the top Asian affairs job, where his com- bination of experience and bureau-' cratic toughness was high on Haig's qualifications' list After Abramowitz was offered and' accepted the job in conversations: 13: CIA-R DP83M00914R002800070036 OCONT--'-'-,'Tu with an. aide to Hat>< P&VeSfb& lEoked to `conservative, circles -in Washington nd to the press, setting ,off alarms :from longstanding ene- mies-,-a&-:--well.' as some Republicans who considered: him too close to the ocrat,e-' ' An unsigned Oct.:1 paper headed "Point 'Paper' on Morton Abra- mowitz" was one result of this alarm. Stamped'"confidential," it described Abramowitz as a person whose "po- litical philosophy is akin to McGov- ern, Muskie . and . Mondale" and whose wife had been a staff aide of Muskie, McGovern and Carter. In fact, Abramowitz is considered by most who know, him to be tough-minded :conservative in inter- national affairs.-'His . wife;, -Sheppie, . worked for about a year as an aide to then-Sen. Edmund S. Muskie ? in-: 1970, but reportedly did. not work' for the other two. The document-'. also - described :'Abramowitz as "the architect' ;of U.S. troop withdrawal from South Korea, a course he publicly and pri- vately opposed until President C.ar4:: ter. adopted it as a policy of his ad- ministration. It also claimed, eiro- neously, that Abramowitz "worked very-hard" to provide diplomatic rec- ognition and "a massive foreign aid program" to Vietnam. The, authorship of the memoran.- dum has not been definitely estali-. lished.. A senior administration ficial familiar with it said: "As - best we knew, it came out of D use; not out o t e White House." and .that this impression had subsequently been confirmed by high-level State'. Department inquiries. It is widely reported in policy cir- Iles that one of the most prominent opponents of Abramowitz's elevation Stilwell rd G h Ri ti d G , . en. c a re was re once;--D-S.- 0 107 commander - in South Korea, later a transition and .National Security Council consultant to the Reagan team and currently deputy undersecretary of defense for policy. Stilwell is currently in South Korea; and sent word through' an aide yesterday that he had "nothing to da'with" the opposition to Abra- mowitz other verrson son :_ an yreported l 09.14t( SQQOiTMi fftg nt to-Jakarta uo er p e y repo be involved is Daniel C. Arnold, who was.CIA station chief in Bangkok for aboiif'a year during Abramowitz's tendre as ambassador. Arnold is con sidered very close to Gen. Chamanan Kriangsak, who was ousted as Thai prime minister. in -February, 1980, -while Abramowitz was U.S. ambas J sador and reportedly felt lack of U.S. support was part of the cause. Arnold said yesterday that he and Abramowitz had "no problem" when the: worked together, but that they quarreled in late 1980 over his re- turn to Bangkok as a private consul. tant after retiring from . the CIA. Ar ld LaZU' November, registered no with the Department of Justice as a paid agent of the Thai government with a $50,000 initial retainer. A friend of both en who asked m ,, not to be named, said Arnold had', told him last, fall - that "we are ett up a memo" to stop - Abramowitz. ?. and. that it being sent in a hurry to the White House. rnol eme e ping r sue a memo, but said he did help to "check out" ques- tions about Abramowitz on. request, ed friends. A third person, who acknowledged that he opposed Abramowitz for the- top Asian job, is Ray Cline of the Center for Strategic and. Intemation- al Studies at Georgetown University. But he said he knew nothing of an opposition memo. .. In the face of opposition to Abra- mowitz and a. threat by Holdridge to resign rather than go to . Manila, Haig dropped his plan . for this switch. However, questions had been raised at the White House, about~ Abramowitz in the process, partic-, ularly for the post in the Philippines where there'are.large U.S: military bases and military interests.. A White' House personnel, official is credited by insiders with suggest- lhg. that Michael H. Armacost, who: was preparing to go to Indonesia but,. who had good relations with the U.S:, military, be sent to Manila, and that Abramowitz be sent to Indonesia.; Apparently there was no consider- ation of_ the. potential_ problem . of sending a Jewish ambassador to an Islamic country.. In. the. first week, o'f October, the switch was decided. Reagan, despite; the; .;`point. paper" - against Abra-j mowitz an a -te House d - and late that month formally asked choice for the post in J8 rt "~t statement said. Abramowitz, by,. telephone, to , taker the job. Indonesians weie- at' first puzzled and then. unhappy at the switch. In 'November the retiring U.S. ambas- sador, Edward E. Masters, was told by a high Indonesian official that the country's leader, President Suharto,, preferred that Abramowitz not be sent. Later it was reported that-So har o had been given a copy of an anti-Abramowitz paper ep a iev tc, ` be White House document. 'Fop 0:. o ic s waited until January : before _.: taking direct steps-a letter and telephone call, from Haig to' Indonesian . Foreign Minister K. Mochtar. However, the Indonesian responded that "the well has been poisoned", and Abramaotz could not be accepted. Besides mention of the paper, In- donesians have given no clear reason for .their attitude. Reports that reached the State Department and `Capitol Hill, suggested''- that the In donesians, -among other objections, , were concerned . by advice from. someone in Thailand that Abra- . mowitz "might try to run your arm- try.` There is also an unconfirmed report, heard by. a well-informed pri- vate citizen,' that 'the Jewish angle' came up in. conversation with the Thais. Hoping that the objections would ' clear up, and encouraged by some hints to that effect; Haig waited until. April to uronose . Abrarnn'itz formally to Jakarta .as 'U.S_ ambas-' sador. Though Haig sent the format proposal with what is described Of an 'unusually strong endo> t the Indonesians replied early this'. month that they would not 5c,%1A- '+ Haig's statement. yesterdav., e+e' gretted this action and praised Abr6- mowitz. "There 'has never lx+m question in the president'* w1 (C4 my own -that he was an cxcelle+` spokesman Fischer ridded: "tf hM are faced with noahis-an"etuttuz-4 of the possibility of: snotfw '" assignment for Ambassa5tt r mowitz." However, no ne*iOh " sight for the diplomat. W vaulted toward the top, i`ky from the arrows of .-urn nents. . Approved For Release ngG. ' 60914R002800070036-0