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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 1, 2007
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Publication Date: 
December 21, 1982
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83M00914R002700200070-8.pdf191.5 KB
Approved For Release 2007/03/15: CIA-RDP83MOO914R002700 4 DD/NFA 5 DD/A 6 DD/0 7 DD/S&T 8 GC'` Compt 16 1 AO/DCI 28 Dec 81 pproved For Release 2007/03/15: CIA-RDP83M00914RQ0270020007_ Approved For Release 2007/03/15: CIA-RDP83M00914R002700200070-8 RE] 4a vl-n The Yale Political Union President JOEL D. RUBIN Speaker CHRISTOPHER J. BIEDA Vice-President for Debate ANDREA L. CHARTERS Vice-President for Programs LINLEY A. GWENNAP Secretary GREGORY M. BARUCH Treasurer STEPHEN A. McKENNA Publicity Director SANDIP C. BHATTACHARJI 1951 YALE STATION NEW HAVEN, CT 06520 (203) 436-3106 December 21, 1981 Mr. William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Dear Mr. Casey: &A."4vo 1414100" The members of the Yale Political Union would like to hear you speak this spring. We would be honored if you would agree to keynote a debate on the role of the CIA. The Yale Political Union has been a major center for political debate for 48 years. Recent keynoters have included George McGovern and William F. Buckley. Arrangements for our guests usually include a dinner with students, a press conference, and then the debate with speeches by the two keynoters, a few students' speeches, and then summing up speeches by our guests. Our schedule is, of course, flexible, and we would be happy to make any necessary changes to accomodate your schedule. Any evening, Sunday through Thursday, from mid-January to mid-April will be convenient for us. We will, of course, be happy to reimburse you for travel expenses and*to provide accomodations if you would like to spend the night at Yale. If it is not possible for you to participate in a debate, perhaps you could give an independent address or participate in a forum. I look forward to hearing from you and hope to have the honor of welcoming you to Yale this spring. Respectfully yours, Andrea Charters Vice-President for Debate pus ob