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Document Release Date: 
February 27, 2007
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Publication Date: 
October 1, 1982
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~rov~ ., or a ease 4R002400010028- The 'Brookings Institution III 1775 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE N.W. /WASHINGTON D.C. 20036/CABLES: BAOOKINST/TELEPHONE: (202) 797-6000 Advanced Study Program The Honorable John McMahon Deputy Director of Central Intelligence The Central T >;gence Agency Washington, II. C. 20505 Dear John: This letter seeks your help with a "Seminar on Public Policy" being sponsored by The Brookings Institution in cooperation with Nova University on 14-17 November 1982. It specifically asks for the opportunity to visit CIA on November 17, 1982, have a lunch in the Executive Dining Room (to be paid by Brookings) followed by a short briefing with opportunity to ask questions and/or make observations within the confines of unclassified content. We hope this can be accomplished with an arrival at 12:30, and a departure no later than 3:30. Note: if that date and tire is unsuitable, either the 15th or 16th can be arranged in our program schedule. You may recall that I brought a similar group of Nova alumni to the Agency last year. Bobby Inman it with us for a short period following the substantive coverage. Hopefully, your schedule will perm-.&t you to ~... t with us for s--'I-- part of the visit. I take personal pride in having them meet you and be exposed to the in- sights gained by your own public management experiences. The participants in the program have earned their doctorates in business and public administration; they are employed in public service careers at the Federal, State, or local levels or in business, education and criminal justice functions. They are in their 40's and active practitioners, and are U.S. citizens. They seek to better understand the management issues facing government and busi- ness in the public context and to get a first-hand exposure to substantive areas of foreign affairs. An unclassified, off the record, informal briefing on the Middle East, Central America, etc. or on such matters as the International Economic Outlook would be. most appropriate. Coverage in discussion of Agency administrative tasks, processes, constraints and scope would also prove topical for this group. Their program schedule includes visits with policy people across Executive agencies and the Congress. Therefore, the role of intelligence in relation to such groups will provide imm- portant insight. _ Approved For Release 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP83M00914R002400010028-9 ApprQyyd;,Far Release 2007/02128: CIA-RDP83M00914R002400010028-9 Page 2 The Brookings Institution I Advanced Study Program The visit to.CIA last year was the high point of the Seminar. As i told AdmiraL Inrnan, the perspective gained of the Agency's cony- mitment to purpose, orderliness in execution of its mission, quality of its people, and depth of insights into carr lex international. matters provided an experience beyond description that has been lasting to these public managers. I sincerely hope we can repeat this year, and I look forward to personally escorting the group there. The senior Brookings. staff person directing the conference for Brookings is Pater Nalof . Peter is ]mown to many Agency persons and has a distinguished. career. He is available to Agency staff at 797 6281 to work out the details. Please name a contact point he may use. I shall be working directly with the program for Nova, but may be reached at Brookings 797 6281, at Nova in 783 1044, or after 12 October 1982 at my home number I alerted that this letter would be corning and also that I will be looking forward to arranging our elusive lunch when you return in late OcWbaLjar~arly November and will be seeing you on November 1, at Warm regards, obn M. Clarke Approved F,orR lease 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP83M00914R002400010028-9 -