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Approved For Release 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP83M00914R002400010012-6 International Management and Development Ins Hen. Gera,d R Ford r.'On Cna rmar.. IMDI Hon. Dean Rusk Hon. C^a,rman. IMDI Gene E Bradley Chairman & President, 1MDi Hon Tneod ore C. Achilles Vice Cna?r^an, The Atlantic Council Mary Arn Bradley Chief OceraKng Officer, IMDI Professor Edward C. Bursk Hon. Ed!tor. Harvard Bus. Review aC. Christensen Vice Pres, IBM World Trade Corp. or. Otto J. Dax IMDI Director, Brazil Sir Michael Edwardes Chairman. BL Public Limited Company Henry R. Geyelin President. FMME Walter E Hoadley Sr. Research Fellow, Hoover Inst. J.P. Janetatos Partner. Baker & McKenzie Tom Kille'er Chairman. U.S. Trust Co. of N.Y. Dr. Antonio 7. Knoppprs James E Lee Chairman a CEO, Gulf Oil Corporation Dr. Alexander Lewis, Jr. Hon. Paul W. McCracken The Un;?rersity of Michigan Hon. Lawrence C. McQuade Sr. Vice Pres., W.R. Grace & Co. H.E. Egidio Ortona Chmn., Honeywell info. Systems Italia Hon. Frank Pace, Jr. President. IESC Phillip Samper Group V P. Eastman Kodak Company Dr. Reinaldo Scarpetta 1WADl Director, Latin America Hon. Raymond Philip Shafer Ptnr. & 3-. C!Ir., Coopers & Lybrand Hon. Raymond Philp Shafer Chmn, Board of Advisors, IMDI Giovanni Aonelli Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. Dr. Vernon. R. Alden Chmn.. Mass. Business Dev. Council Robert W. Barnett Carnegie Endowment for Intl. Peace %laurlce E. Blin Banque de I'Union Europeenne John C. Burton Dean, Grad Sch. of Bus., Columba Univ. John G. Crean Pres., Robert Crean. & Co. Ltd. Hon. Wilharn D. Eberle Pres., Manchester Assoc., Inc. Dr. Arthur Furer Chairman. Nest!6 S.A. Dr. Weldon B Gibson Exec. V. P, SRI International Hon. Martin J. Hillenbrand Dir. Gen. Atlantic Institute. Paris Bertrand Hommey Directeur Gendral, IRPOP. Paris Dr. Harman Kahn Drrector. The Hudson Institute Witham A. Kintner Pres, Foreign Policy Research Inst. Dr. Peter F Krogh Dean, Georgetown U. Sch of For. Serv. Dr J. Clayburn La Force Dean, Grad Sch. of Mgmt., UCLA Ivan, Lansbarg Henriquez Pren'denr, SEGUROSCA, Caracas Carlos Llano Cifuentes Cnarrman. IPADE. Mexico City Hor. Winston Lord P+ es.. Council on Foreign Relations Jhr. John H. Loudon Chairman. Atlantic Ins(., The Hague Has. Gorge C. McGhee Tatsuzo Mizukami Chairman, IMAJ, Tokyo Dr. George R. Packard Dean. SAIS, The Johns Hopkins Univ. Dr. bureho Peccei President, The Club of Rome D? Jose Represas Cone President, CICYP, Mexico City Hon. Nathaniel Samuels Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Inc. Ch.Scnvener Julian M Sobm Chairman, Sobin Chemicals, Inc. Hun. Anthony M. Solomon Pres . Federal Reserve Bank of N. Y. Hon WiI, am H. Sullivan President, The American Assembly Waiter Sterling Surrey Semb? Partner, Surrey & Morse Washington SyCip Manta Philippines Hon. Alexander B. Trowbridge Pre' . Nap. Assoc. of Mfrs. Adm. Stansfield Turner. USN (Ret.) I-''n. John W. Tuthill president. Salzburg Seminar Carl-He nr,x Wingwist Sec Geo Intl. Co IC, Paris Watergate Office Building-Suite 905 ? 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 ? Tel. (202) 337-1022 ? Telex: IMDI 248698 November 19, 1982 The Honorable William J. Casey Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Some of the tough questions we will address during IMDI's 1983 Economic-Business Forecast on January 11 are as follows: Where are interest rates headed? How much deficit spending can the economy bear? What are the gravest threats to the international banking community -- and how can we overcome them? How well have the Administration and the Congress performed on their economic policies? You are cordially invited to join with us in the Treasury Department as key spokesmen from the Administration, the Congress, and the inter- national corporate/banking community address these issues, propose solutions, and offer their judgments on what lies ahead. Please find enclosed the agenda for our meeting and a reservation card which we suggest you return at your early convenience. I am also enclosing two other invitations relating to IMDI programs: 1. Introductory subscription to The Christian Science Monitor: You may recall from our earlier program announcement that The Christian Science Monitor will be presenting a 1983 assessment of U.S. Foreign Policy and Its Impact on International Business" -- during our December 7-8 Annual Meeting in the State Department. For more in-depth analysis, The Monitor has graciously offered to IMDI Board/Council Members (who are not presently subscribing) a complimentary subscription. Please refer to the postcard enclosed for details. 2. Invitation to Export Trading Company Conferences: The Department of Commerce -- a partner and sponsor of the Fowler- McCracken Commission -- invites all IMDI Board/Council Members to its forthcoming conferences on Export Trading Companies. The enclosed announcement gives details. With all best wishes and looking forward to seeing you on January 11. Gene E. Bradley Chairman Approved For Release 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP83M00914R002400010012-6