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.. --- --Approved For Release 2007/05114 :CIA-RDP83M00914R00190Q'~60047-8 INTELIrIGh'1VCE.IDENTITlES . The term 'United States', when used. in a geographic sense, means all azeas under the territorial sovereignty of the United States and the Trust Territory of the Pacif- ic Islands. "(10) The term `pattern of quires a series of acts with a pose or objective.", "(b) The table of contents ping of such Act is amended the end thereof the following: both. fl nnrnvari"Fnr F2alaaca?~~79'~i~'}'~'in$'~,g~?'~j?p'!~g1~R f}(l1 gf}(116Q047-8 agent, .knowing that the information dis- "SEC. 608. For the purposes of this title: closed so identifies such individual and .that "(1) The term 'classified informatiOII' the United States is' taking affirmative means information or. material designated measures to conceal such individual's classi- and clearly marked or clearly represented, fled intelligence relationship to the United pursuant to the provisions of a statute or States, shall be fined not more than $15,000 Executive order (or a regulation or order or imprisoned not more than three years, or issued pursuant to a statute or Executive OFFICERS, AGENTS, nVFORMANT3, A.YD SODRCE9 activities' re- Common pur- at the begin- . by adding at Approved For Release 2007/05114 :CIA-RDP83M00914R001900160047-$ '~ . CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-=SENATE -~ ~ "February 2~, 1982 ~. "TITI.? VI-PRO?ECTION OP CERTAIN , NATIONAL'~.S~CURITY INFORMATION Sec. 601, protection of identities oP certain United States undercover intetligence officers, agents, Informants, and sources. Sec. 602. Defenses and exceptions. Sec_ 60;t. Procedures for establishing cover for intel- ligence officers and employees Sec. 60A. Extraterritorial jurlstliction. Sec. 605. Providing Information t0 Congress. Sec. 606. Definitions.". Mr. GOLDWATER. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING `OFFICER. The clerk will call the ro1L The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. DENTON. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. WARNER): Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. DENTON: Mr. President, I rise in support of S. 391. On February 3, 1981, our distinguished. colleague Sen- ator Joxx H. CxnFES of Rhode Island introduced the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1981. This bill, tivhich currently has 46 cosponsors. was' reported from the Committee on the Judiciary on October 6, 1981. S. 391 is a bill to amend the National Security Act of 1947, to prohibit the unauthorized .disclosure of informa- tion identifying certain U.S. intelli- gence officers, agents, informants, and sources, and to direct the President to establish procedures to protect the se- crecy of these intelligence relation- ships. Events transpiring in the world have . been increasingly demonstrative of the need for maintaining a strong and' ef- fective intelligence apparatus. It fol-. lows, therefore, that unauthorized dis- closures of information identifying in- dividuals engaged in, or assisting in, our country's foreign intelligence ac- tivities, undermine the intelligence community's human source collection capabilities as well as endanger the lives of our intelligence officer in the field. The disclosure of, the identity of a covert agent is an immoral, nationally,. ' and personally harmful act that cannot be tolerated. Prohibition of this activity as defined by the bill would in no way inhibit an individual from speaking out against Govern- ment programs that are wasteful. It would not impede the whistleblower who seeks to enhance his Govern- ment's ability to perform more efRf- ciently by bringing to the attention of those in responsible positions deficien- cies, such as fraud or waste, in the agency in which the whistleblower serves. The reprehensible activities which this bill is designed to crimina- lize have repeatedly exposed honor- able public servants to personal peril and vastly reduced their effectiveness cal to our American democratic system that it seems evident that what we are about to do today should not be neces- sary. This bill is indeed overdue for passage. , . While in a free society we must wel- come public debate .concerning the role of the intelligence community as well as that of other components of our Government, the. irresponsible and indiscriminate disclosure of names and cover identities of covert agents serves no salutory purpose whatsoever.. As elected public officials, we have the duty, consistent with our. oaths of office, to uphold the Constitution and to support the men and women of the U.S. intelligence service who perform important duties on behalf of their country, often. at great personal risk and sacrifice. Extensive hearings before the House and _Senate Intelligence Committees and. the Subcommittee on .Security and Terrorism have documented the pernicious effects which have resulted from these disclosures or identities. An underlying, basic issue is our ability to continue to recruit and retain human sources of intelligence whose informa- tion is crucial to our Nation's survival in an increasingly dangerous world. It seems mind-boggling to me that no existing law clearly and specifically makes the uilauthorIzed disclosure of clandestine intelligence agents' identi- ties acriminal offense. Therefore; as matters now stand. the impunity with which unauthorized disclosures of ~in- telligence identities can be made im- plies agovernmental position of neu- trality in the matter. It suggests that the U.S. intelligence officers are "fair game" for those members of their own society who take issue with the exist- ence of a CIA or find other perverse motives for making .these unauthor- ized disclosures. Through the lengthy hearings that have occurred over the past several sessions of the Congress, we have heard a substantial amount of testimo- ny regarding the possible constitution- al problems engendered by provisions of this bi1L As we all appreciate, in this. area of identities protection, we have steered a course carefully charted between two enormous inter- ests: On the one side, we have the pro- tection'of a constitutional right of free speech and, on the other side, the vital need to protect the effectiveness of U.S. intelligence gathering around the world. During all of the hearings and debates, great care has been taken to construct a provision that would reach the activity to be proscribed, that is, "naming names," in such a way as to do no violence to the first amendment to the Constitution. I believe we, and those who labored previously on this holder of the passport is engaged in activities abroad that are causing serf- ous damage to the national security of foreign policy of the United States. This decision, Haig, Secretary of 'State against Agee, has a major rela- tionship to this bill in that the Court's review of this matter established the serious nature.- of :the acti~zty of naming names to, identify .and expose covert agents. Furthermore, the Court's decision suggests that the . issues involved here are, from a consti- tutional standpoint, .relatively clear cut. This decision established that S. 39i will withstand a first amendment challenge in the courts. Even Justice Brennan stated in his dissent that: - It may be that respondent's first amend- ment right to speak is outweighted by the Government's interest in national security. Mr. President, I vieav this as a bi- partisan issue. I believe immediate action must be taken to curtail these , activities which have been so deter- mental to our intelligence-gathering capabilities and, ultimately, to our na- tional security. If any legitimate criti- cism is to be leveled at this bill it would, in my view, relate to insuffi- cient criminal sanctions for what i consider to be ~ a most egregious of= fense that borders on treason: Frankly, I am grateful for the spirit of cooperation that h_ as enabled this important bill to be brought to the floor but I am concerned that it has taken so long to do so. I look forward to the prompt consideration of this measure on the floor today and its early enactment in a form that most adequately addresses this serious gap in the Federal Criminal Code. Finally, I want to commend by col- league from Rhode Island, Senator Cxa?? E>;, far his initiative and unceas? ing efforts on this vital measure. I also want to thank staff members Rob Simmons, Will Lucius, and Sam Fran- cis for their valuable contributions on S. 391. These gentlemen, along with many others, have put in many long . hours on this legislation and I feel they deserve our strong. commenda- tion. There has been a strong bipartisan tone in the discussions on this matter in committee. In the spirit of that bi- partisanship Ihave worked with the. minority floor mana;;er of this bill and have come to respect him greatly. I am now pleased to yield to the Sen- atarfrom Delaware. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Delaware. Mr. BIDEN. I thank the Senator.. ' I, too, would like to begin by compli- menting the Senator from Rhode Island, Senator CHAFES, who serves in pursuing their endeavors with sig- On June 29, 1981, the Supreme neat interest ` ill doing-- something nificant detriment to national seta. Court of the United States in a 7-to-2 about protecting; the safety of agents rift'. The insensitivity and moral de- decision sustained the authority of the of the U.S. Government. These agents, generacy on the part of those who President, acting through the Secre- acting on behalf of our Government, seek to undermine the effectiveness of tart' of State, to revoke. a passport of a and in the interests. of the people of our itlteiligence capability are so inimi- U.S. citizen on the grounds that. the the United States of America, are sub- Approved For Release 2007/05114 :CIA-RDP83M00914R001900160047-8 'Februtzry~ 25; 1982 - ' ` " CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SEl~IATE ` " jest to the outrageous public exposure b~ individuals, some of whom are .,#ormer members of :those agencies, who have deliberately put them at risk. . It was beyond .any question in my mind that those people who are delib- erately engaging in this practice are fully aware of the fact that such expo- sure can and has resulted in the loss of life and the breach of security and, consequently, affected the interests of the United States of America. I, too, believe as does the Senator from Rhode Island and the Senator from Alabama, indeed I think we are all in agreement that it is high time we finally got this-thing to the floor. It is high time we get a vote. We had a number.. of debates.. I see the distinguished. Senator from Arizo? na, chairman of the Committee on In- telligence, here.. lie is fully aware.. of the subject,. fuily;cognizaat of it.? He, in his capacity on that committee;' has heard all the arguments and debates on this. We have had it through his committee and .the; Judiciary Commit- tee. In the 10 years I have been in the U.S. Senate, there have not been many issues that have been as thoroughly, fully debated as this one. So I think it is high time we got on with the issue of deciding what are the only really one or two controversial aspects of the bill. We are 99 or 90 percent in agree- ment as to what form this protection of our agents should take. I should like to suggest, and I think it is appropriate-it is common prac- tice. that the should move, probably, the committee amendments. This is the Judiciary Committee the Senator from Alabama and I are representing today. .I ask unaniinous consent that we consider and agree to en bloc the amendments as adopted in the com- mittee on this bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? Mr. DENTON. Mr. President, I re- serve the right to object. Mr. BIDEN. >V2r. President, I amend that to say and that the bill as thus amended be considered as original text. The .PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the unanimous-con- sent request of the Senator from Dela- ware as amended? Is it the request of the Senator to have the amendments be agreed to en bloc? Mr. BIDEN. That is correct. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to Lhe commit- tee amendments en bloc. .The committee amendments were agreed to en bloc. Mr. BIDEN. I thank the Chair for the help. Mr. President, let me, if I may, at least from my perspective, outline in just a few minutes. the essential ele- ments of the bill as I see it so our col- leagues, as they go forward with their efforts and their homework tonight and tomorrow and on the weekend, reading the Rscoxn of what the debate is about, will have a starting point at least. The whole purpose of this bill is to penalize the disclosure of names by three classes of persons, but it really is only the third class of person we have a debate about as to how we should do it. The first is in section 601 (a) and (b) and they deal with present and former Government employees who have had access to the names of agents or who, because they had access to classified information, are able to determine the names of the agents. In subsection (d), that deals with individuals outside the Govern- ment who disclose the names of agents even though they. never had aceess to classified information. There are two formulations of sec= tion (c) that really are the cause of some debate here, in the- Senate,. and that we shall be debating at the begin- ning of next week, the so-called reason-to-believe version, which reads as follows: '. Whoever, in the course of a pattern of ac- tivities intended to identify and expose covert agents and with reason to believe that such activities would impair or impede the foreign intelligence -activities of the United States, etc. ? We are talking about the third class of person now, not the person who has had access to classified information. These are persons outside the Govern- ment who disclose the names, the standard we want to judge diem by. The first standard we are going" to argue about is the one I just read. Another version is the version adopt- ed by the Judiciary Committee. It is the intent version. It is a response to some of the arguments raised by some of the constitutional scholars and press groups who contend that the reason to believe version is unconstitu- tional and/or unnecessarily broad. The intent version reads as follows: Whoever, in the course of an effort to identify and expose covert agents with the intent to impair or impede the foreign intel- ligence activities of the U.S. by the fact of such identification and exposure, And so on. That is what we are going to be ar- guing about. That is what it is all about. That is what it comes down to- whether or not we have the operative language that would make it a crime and subject those persons to a crimi- nal penalty who reveal the names of agents, who have not had access to the names of these agents through classi- fied information in the past, fall out- side of Government but, nonetheless, by whatever means, gain access to it: a reporter who finds out that John Doe is a CIA agent and he publishes John Doe's name; or somebody who deliber- ately goes on a witch hunt to find out the names of those people, gathers them up and publishes them for pur- poses of exposure. They are the folks we are after: So what we are going to be arguing about-not so much today because we S' 116? are not going to spend a lot more time here today-is how do we get to those folks, how do we treat them, and by what standard of -law do we apply to them? On the fairness position argued by the Senator from Rhode Island, the Senator from Alabama and others, a case can be made that the civil lib- erties of Americans aze better protect- ed by the reason to believe standard. So our colleagues are going to hear a lot of confusing, well-intended jargon on both sides. We are going to have the Senator from Rhode Island argu- ing, iY we really want to protect civil liberties, we should adopt reason to be- lieve. We are going to have the Sena- tor from Delaware say, na, it is better to have an intent standard. I do not have any doubt in my mind at the beginning of this debate that the Senator from Rhode Island means what he says, that he truly believes the best way not only to protect our national interest but also not to via late the civil liberties of our American citizens under the first amendment is to adopt the reason to believe. I happen to disagree with that: So we are about to get into a debate that I believe is borne out by a genuine belief . on both our sides that we can get the job done with our language and pro- tect civil liberties. . Mr. President, I think it is useful for us to really understand just how narrow the difference is, because it gets kind of complicated. We are going. to get into fairly esoteric arguments and it is a little bit hard to follow. I suspect that we shall both or all of us on the floor may very well-at various times in the debate, our decibel rates may rise and we may also be making .appeals as to the same basic set of ar- guments and our colleagues are going to argue, how can they both be saying the same thing? Mr. President, there is much more to talk about in this bill. There is a sec- tion on whether it is constitutional to penalize nonemployees: We are going. to be talking about what happens without the intent language, what happens with the intent language. We 'are going to be arguing about what the Agency thinks .will get- the job done, we are going to be arguing about how badly all these things are needed. Rather than get into those things now and rather than make a more lengthy floor statement, I want to reiterate where the bone of contention is going to come. The argument we are going to be fo-; cusing on in this bill is whether or not the language which says "with .the intent to impair or impede" should be stricken and we should have language that says "with reason to believ.e." It is going to come down to that. That is the big issue. I am anxious to get it settled. I am anxious to have a resolu- tion, because we need a bill. These folks need protection and I am confi- dent "that whatever version we come - Approved For Release 2007/05114 :CIA-RDP83M00914R001900160047=8 - S 1168 ` CONGRESSIONAL RECORD =SENATE Februacry 2~, 1982 out with"1ve can get passed in the U.S. Cong-res9, we can get the President to 'sign, and we can ,get on with the busi- ness of putting it in shape. So without getting into the details of my~ argu- ment as to why I think we should stick with the committee version, let me yield to my colleagues who also have opening statements and, maybe, a dif- ferent perspective on this question: Mr. DENTON. Mr. President, first I would pose a rhetorical question to the Senator from Delaware. I wonder why the. Senator is so firm on the intent standard regarding the applica- tion of legislation to protect the lives of our. intelligence agents -and yet does not come down on that same standard on the issue of voting rights. Mr. BIDEN. I said it was going to be. an interesting debate-. I, will be happy, since it was a rhetorical, question, to speak to that quesl; detail as we get down the.line here. =:.. Mr. DENTON. I yield. to the Senator from Arizona. ~ - Mr. GOLDWATER. Mr. President, .I thank my _ friend..:.The:. ;.Intelligence Identities Protection :Act {S. 391) before us today will help protect our intelligence personnel on difficult and dangerous assignments .in foreign. countries. It also will help stop our in- telligence sources from turning away from us because they are afraid we cannot be trusted to protect them. It might help us get information that is vital to the security of:our country. Last November, the "Covert Action Information Bulletin" published the names o.f 69 alleged CIA officers serv- ing in 45 countries abroad iii a section titled "Naming Names:' In addition, the "Bulletin" reprinted the names of 272 alleged covert agents which had been identified in the 12 previous edi- tions of the magazine. One week later, the pro-Sandinist paper, Nuevo Diario, identified the names of 13 alleged CIA officers as- signed to the U.S. Embassy in Mana- gua, Nicaragua: Several of those named have already received death threats, been ~ roughed up .in their homes at night, and the families of a number of these American officials have been evacuated for their personal safety. U.S. officials in Managua have linked the publication of these names with the visit of Philip Agee to Nicara? gun last month. There has already been one murder. Rciiard Vvelch was muruered iii Greece after being named. In 1980, two attempts were made in Jamaica to assassinate American personnel. They were set up as targets for assassination by other Americans through the unau- thorized disclosure of .names. There are two ways this is being done. One is the naming of names at press confer- ences, and the other is listing names in books and publications. These unau- thorized disclosures have been exten- sive and many have been made by former CIA employees. The tragedy is that we do not have any laws to stop it. - It is bad enough that our overseas employees are exposed to violence, but to allow someone here at home to do it by putting ID tags on them so that they may become- targets makes no sense at all. So far, some 1,200 names have been made public in magazines or newspa- pers. Another 700 appeared in a book. A bimonthly bulletin exposes CIA, FBI, and military intelligence person- nel and assignments. A worldwide net- work called CIA watch is operated for the purpose of destroying the CL9. Every time I read about something like this, it bothers me, I cannot help but wonder why we let it continue and why someone does not do something about it. That seems to me as morally wrong as anything I can think of and something I can accept no longer. . - We are in a rut on this subject, and I am afraid it will become our grave if we do- not stop talking and do some- thing. We must tell the world that we will not tolerate such disclosures any longer and show that we care for the CIA and plan to do something about it. . Thus, the immediate goal for this Nation-and for this Congress-should he the rebuilding and revitalization of the intelligence community which wi21 benefit all our citizens. We should have had this bill before us sooner, but now that it is before us, we must act promptly. This bill was re- ported .from the .Senate Intelligence Committee by a vote of 13 to 1 in 1980, after 9 days of hearings and over S50 pages of testimony. It picked up 47 co- sponsors in 1981. It passed the House by a vote of 354 to 56 last year, and has had the support of both the Reagan and Carter administrations. The purpose of this bill is to protect the lives of American citizens working abroad in the intelligence operations of this country from other American citizens who deliberately wish to set them up for exposure to violence by the unauthorized disclosure of names. The bill also places a price on the ac- tIvities of those. who use this means to impair and impede duly authorized American intelligence activities around the world. . The biggest obstacle to this bill in the past were claims that it would in- terfere with free speech and freedom of the press. That has been worked out, and those claims are phony. The Supreme %ourt would not hesiiaie to say so if Congress were to go too far. If someone wants to criticize foreign policy, that is their business. If they want to write about the lousy conduce of-some of our citizens, that is OK, too.. But they do not have to name names, because that places the lives of human beings in danger. That is not OK. It is not acceptable in the Ameri- can society. There have been at least six bills on both sides of the Capitol to deal with this, but all of them have been bogged dawn in discussions over how best to arrange words. The problem has been how to protect first amendment rights while allowing for. pros~cntion of those who abuse those righffi. I hope we have not become so helpless that we cannot recognize a serious situation and. solve it just because we cannot agree on words. I believe that first amendment rights were considered and that the bill will protect those rights while allowing for prosecution of those who name names solely for the purpose of harming the Govern- ment's foreign intelligence activities. There is another amendment in the Constitution that is important, too. That is the 14th amendment, which guarantees the right of equal protec- tion to all citizens. I believe this bill will protect those rights and the first amendment at the same time. This bill will outlaw unauthorized. disclosure of names in three ways. First it covers those who have access to classified information which identi- fies names. Second, it applies to those who have access to classified informa- tion but not-names, and who learn of names because of that access. Third? it hits those who make a business of naming names in a deliberate and sys- tematic way even though they claim not to havt access to classified infor- mation. ' Some have said that this bIll will not do much more than help patch the image of the CIA. I believe Lhat there is a lot more at stake than that. It has nothing to do with whether you like the CIA .or do not like the CIA. Saving lives is what this bill will do. This is so serious that if we do not pass this bill the KGP people are the only ones who will get a laugh out of it. Everyone else wail think we are crazy and start looking at us as accessories to negli= gent homicide. It would mean that the would prefer to protect those who would harm us instead of those who work for us. A high-ranking CIA official testified before the Senate Inte_iligeace Com- mittee in these words: - Our intelligence sources and methods are part of the national treasure- Once dis- closed, our sources can be denied to us and our methods thwarted by relatively simple actions by foreign authorities. The law cur- rently Lacks teeth in seeing to it that these sources and methods are adequately pro- tected from unauthorized disclosj.~se. Mr. President, those words certainly make sense. There is no good reason why our intelligence employees or agents who operate under protective cover on official Government business - should be placed in needless danger by permitting their identities to .be re- vealed deliberately. Mr. -President, I might comment that we are the -only country in the world that allows this to ga on. The penalty for doing this in 2ny other country would undoubtedly be death or life imprisonment. But we allow it to go on out of an office on DuPont Circle, and I am fed up with it. These disclosures of identities have no redeeming social value and were- Approved For Release 2007105114 :CIA-RDP801V100914RQ01900160047-8 `February 25, 182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 1169 - ovuac v ycaao. cuav, uy ua~py pVlIIla- _~`reedom of_speech or of the press in- ished quality of intelligence we can dence, the floor leader for the minor- ' corporated in the first amendment to expect to receive unless we take action ity on this .issue, representing the Ju- our Constitution. now. - diciary Committee.. also serves on the Nearly ail major foreign intelligence It seems to me that we sometimes Intelligence Committee. So he is very, services with which the United States forget that the intelligence agencies very familial' with the issues that u e has liaison relationships have under are on our side and sometimes need are struggling with here today. He taken reviews of their relations with our help. It makes no sense for us lends great insight to the problems the Agency. Some immediate results always to be looking for faults. that we face. - of continuing disclosure have included This is an emergency situation that ~., president, briefly let me review- reduction of contact. reluctance to needs legislation to deal with it now. the matter. " engage joint operations. and reduced We cannot avoid this issue just be- We have members who serve on. the exchange of information. cause we may get some bad press. We Senate Intelligence Committee wlio That in itself is a very serious thing must pass,the Chafee-Jackson amend- to have happened to our country when ment, and we must pass this bill. We travel around the world and spend a we cannot exchange classified intelli- must have the courage to do what is good deal of time with American Intel- . gence information. with other coun- right. This bill is good for our fellow ligence agents both at home and . tries and slowly lose them as sources Americans wha serve us on difficult abroad. They are fully aware that the because they are afraid for the lives of and dangerous missions abroad, And it most nagging problem. facing our their own people and they do not like will do us a lot of good, too. agents-one which elicits the greatest the possible disclosure of tog secret in- Mr. President, the most important concern from those who lead the- In- - formation of. their own. . _ ~ function of the legislative branch is to teIIigence Agency-is the fact tYsat There is an urgent need.for effective legislate when it is needed: We need it names of alleged agents are published legislation both. to discourage" these now. I,et us go ahead with Senator freely by American citizens. As the dis- unauthorized? disclosures and to cri CxaFSe . znd Senator Jncgsox's tinguished floor leader for the minor- minalize them when they occiu. The amendment. ity on this issue pointed out, we-have credibility of;our country in its-rela- I wish" to take this opportunity to h'i~ ~ this- legislation, whether it is tionships with foreign liaison services thank the Senator from Rhode Island the committee's bill or whether it is in and agent sources is at stake. The per- for his constant courage. in pushing the amendment that Senator Jnc~asox sonal safety and well-being of patriotic forward on this matter. It is long, long and I have. proposed, to grohibit the Americans serving their country in the overdue, and it will do more in "my ? Publication of these agent's names far reaches of the globe are at stake. humble opinion to once again create a from three sources oY publication, or The professional effectiveness and giant and effective force of inteili- potential sources of publication - morale of this country's intelligence gence in this country than. anything I The first category of person :naming officers is at'stake: In sum, the Na- can think of; a force which was dimia- names is the person who had author- tion's national security is at stake. ished. by the so-called Church evmmit- ized access to information that identi- U.S. intelligence. officers overseas tee which almost deprived us of intelli- fies a covert agent. This person may must establish what are, in effect, con- gence during the years it was in exist= work for an intelligence agency. The tratual relationships with foreign na- ence. second category deals with those who tionals occupying key posts and who Mr: President, I yield the floor, had access to some secret information are willing to provide information to . Mr. DENTON. Mr. President, I was but they themselves did not have spe- the U.S. Government. Since. many of delinquent in not yielding to my ad- cific access to the name of a covert our most valuable intelligence sources mired friend from Arizona more elabo- .agent. live in societies were anything less rately. Finally, you come to the most diffi- than total allegiance to the state could He ran for the Presidency in 1964, cult group of persons naming names. subject an individual to ions of life or and the respect held for him in the ~~ category includes those who did liberty, they rightfully demand an ab- hearts of the people of my State was not serve or are not currently serving solute assurance that the cooperative such that ~he not only won that State in an intelligence agency, and who do relationship they are about Lo enter in that election but he got the first not. have access to classified informa- intoswill remain private. You. can five Republican Congressmen from AI- tion Nonetheless they proceed to imagine the effect it must have on a abama since Reconstruction elected on identify names of alleged agents source who one day discovers that his his coattails. through determined efforts on their contact has been openly identified as a I have had personal opportunity to part to ferret out the names of what CIA officer. The impact in this regard admire him for decades, and then to might be agents, and then they pro- fs twofold. First, there is a substantial .serve with him on the Armed Services Geed to publish these names.. adverse impact on the CIA's ability to Committee and to be invited by him to That is the cause of the collect intelligence; second, some of participate in hearings on the Select problem, our foreign sources, who, notwith- Committee on Intelligence, and I and. that presents the difficulty Eve standing the disclosures, must remain cannot think of a man in the United have here this afternoon- as we debate ir. place, may be subject to severe pun- States to whom we owe more for pro- this legislation. Can you punish some- ishment or worse. tecting this Nation's security interests. one who himself has never had axcess . As matters now stand, the intention- I strongly recommend that we pay to classified information, who never, al exposure of covert intelligence per- close attention tv what he just had to perhaps, served is an intelligence sonnet without punishment implies a offer us. agency, but who,. using unclassified governmental position of neutrality in I will yield to the distinguished Sen- documents, a whole series of them, the matter. It suggests that U.S. Intel- ator from Rhode Island who has been carefully seazches through Lhem and ligence officers are fair game for those a central figure in bringing this meal- ferrets out and produces n. _ I hope we are going to hear from, on Monday, my colleague from Pennsyl- vania, a former prosecutor, on the other side of the aisle, who, I think, will make the case fairly eloquently that it ~ ould be harder to get a convic- tion under the "reason-to-believe" standard than under .the "intent" standard. I will also argue in some detail on Monday the constitutionality of the. standard of "reason-to?beIieve." I would just like to note for the . record and put in the RscoxD a list of over 100 law professors, the most out=- spoken .one of whom is. Prof. Philip Kurland of t11e. University of Chicago. They ,all say that the "reason-to-be- ' lieve" language is unconstitutional as it is applied in the proposed statute. One other point I would like to make-there are man9 more to make, but just one. other point at this junc- ture-the Senator from Rhode Island; as he always is, is.eompietely candid; and let me be completely candid. The argument is not whether or not this administration wants the Biden lan- guage or the Chafes language more. It wants the Chafee language more, there is not any question about it. This administration says, "We want the Chafee language:' but they also said in testimony before our commit- tee, ,they have always said repeatedly, -that the Biden language can get the job done. What we are about here is getting the job done of putting these folks in jail who are, in fact, attempting to impede or impair the foreign intelli- gence activities of the United States of America. I suggest to you that in our public and private conversations the adminis- tration feels fairly strongly about it. But they also feel. fairly strongly about the Senator from Rhode Island, and I would, too, if I were a Republi- can President. He is one of the most ly takes two portions of the statute to competent people they have, and if he' come up with the conclusion that came to me and said, "This is impor- there was intent. The point I really tant to me, but I thing this is right- want to make here ?is I spent 2 years not that it is important to me person- doing a study for the Intelligence ally-but this is the way to go, and Committee on the espionage laws of both of them mill get the job done,. but this country and. in fact ~t~ith the help the Chafee language will do the job," I of Mr. Gitenstein, who was then on would sure say, "The Chafee one is the Intelligence Committee and now the one I want." on the Judiciary Committee staff, we I admit that this administration does. went back and looked at every damage not. think-it has consistently not assessment report for the previous 10 thought-that the Chafee language years on leaks in espionage activities could be unconstitutional. So looking to carte a tough espionage statute_ at -it from the President's side of the You know what we found out? We ledger he says, "Both can get the job found out. there is hardly any success- done. One is constitutiorial,'one is in- ful leak prosecutions under the Espio- troduced by BIDSrr, not a very strong nape Act, hardly any. supporter of mine, and the other one I would respectfully suggest to you is introduced by the Senator from that one of the reasons why it is diffi- Rhode Island. Which one am I going S 1178 ,. .Approved For Release 2007/05114 :CIA-RDP83M00914R001900160047=8 " " CONGRESSIONAL RECORD'- SENi~TE" ' -February 25, 1382 ~- to go with? Of course; I am going to go with the;Chafee one." But that is not really the issue. The issue. is on my side of the argument, "Look, it simply comes down to this: Why take a chance on its being uncon- stitutional? Why take a chance on it being harder to get a prosecution be- cause the statute is struck down and go with the Chafee language when we both admit they both get the job done?" The Chafee side of the argument, I would suspect, comes down in the final" analysis to, "Look, even though they can both get the job done, they are both constitutional, why fool around with the Biden language because I think ours can get the job done better and faster?" I mean, we are'really arguing on the margins here, and I am constrained to wind up now because there is a very strong supporter of this -position of the committee's who aunts to -speak now. Again I will have much more to say, lint I would like. very much to submit for the Rscoaa, ,and I ask unanimous consent, a list of all those law professors who concurred with the position I just took, and a letter from Professor Kurland be printed in the RECORD, along with a letter from LauT-~ core H. Tribe, professor of law at Har- yard University to Senator KEIVNEnY in. September of 1980. " -. There being no objection, the mate- rial was ordered to be -printed in the RECORD, as follows:- PROeESSOR KDRLANn?ON S. 2218 Perhaps the sharpest and most succinct scholarly criticism of S. 2216 came from Philip B. Kurland, Professor of Law at the University of Chicago and- one of the na- tions leading constitutions} scholars:. - . . HOn. EDWARD KENNEDY, _ _ -, - Committee on the .ludiciary, Washington, D.C. DEAR SENATOR KENNEDY:- In response t0 your request, I can frame my op[nion on the constitutionality of Sec. 501(c) very precise- ly. Yhave little doubt that it is unconstitu- tional. Icannot see how a law that inhibits the publication, without malicious intent, of in- formation that is in the public domain and previously published can be valid. Although I recognize the inconstancy and inconsisten- cy in Supreme Court decisions: I should be very much surprised If that Court, not to speak of the lower federal courts, were to le- git;imize what is, for me, the clearest viola- tion of the First Amendment attempted by Congress in this era _ With all good wishes, ? . Sincerely yours, ' ' PHILIP $. KvRLAND, SEt rErIflER 25, 1980. ~'Ve believe that Sections BOl(c) of S. 391 and 501(c) of H.R. 4, which would punish the disclosure of the identity of covert CIA and FBI agents derived solely from unclassi- f~ed information, violate the First Amend- ment and urge that they be deleted. Charles Abernathy, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law School. Bruce Ackerman, Professor of Law, Yale University Law School. " Barbara Aldave, Professor of Law, Univer- sity of Texas Law School. ? George Alexander, Professor of Law, Uni- versity of Santa Clara Law School. '-Judith Areen, Professor of Law. George- town University Law School. Peter L. Arenella, .Professor of 'Law, Rutgers University School of Law. Richard Arens, Professor of Law, Univer- sity of Bridgeport School of Law. Charles E. Ares, ?.:'ofessor of Law, Univer- sity oP Arizona College of Law. Robert Aronson, Professor o1 Law, Univer- sity of Washington School of Law. Frank Askin, Professor of Law, Rutgers University School of Law. Barbara Babcock, Professor of Law, Stan- ford University. '. Fletcher Baldwin, Professor of Law, IInI- versify of Florida College of Law. Elizabeth Bartholet, Professor of Law, Harvard University Law School. Patrick Baude, Professor of Law, Indiana University School La~v School. Paul Bender, Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School. Carolyn Bratt, Professor of Law, IIniver- sity of Kentucky College of Law. Ralph S. Brown, Jr., Professor of Law, Yale University Law School. ? Burton Caine, Professor of Law, Temple University School of Law.' Oscar Chase, Professor of Law, New York. University School of Law. Paul Chevigny, Professor of Law," New York University School of Law. Michael Churgin, Professor of Law, IIni- 'versify of Texas Law School. Richard A. Chused, Professor of Law,. Georgetown University Law School. Robert Emmet Clark, -Professor, of .Law Emeritus, University of Arizona College of Law. ' Sherman Cohn, Professor of Law, George- town University Law School. Tom A. Collins, Professor of Law, College of William and Mary, Marshall-Wythe Law School. Vern Countryman, Professor of Law,. Har- vard University Law School. Alan M. Dershowitz, Professor of Law, Harvard University Law School. Norman Dorsen, Professor of Law, New York University School of Law. Steven B. Duke, Professor of Law, Yale University Law School. Thomas I. Emerson, Professor of. Law Emeritus, Yale University Law School. Nancy S. Erickson, Professor of Law,. Ohio State University College of Law. David B. Filvaroff, Professor of Law, Uni- versity of Texas Law School. Caleb Foote, Professor of Law, University of California Law School. Jack Getman, Professor of Law, Yale Uni- - versify Law School. Steve Gillers, Professor of Law, New fork University School of Law. David Goldberger, Professor of Law, Ohio State University College of Law. Peter Goldberger, Professor of Law, ViI- lanova University School of Law. Louise Graham, Professor of.Law, Univer . sity of Kentucky Law School, Arthur S. Greenbaum, Professor of: Low,' Ohio State University College of Law. Linda S. Greene, Professor of Law, Temple University School of Law. - Trina Grillo, Professor of Law, Hastings College of Law. Daniel. Halperin, Professor of Law, Georgetown University law School. Charles Halpern, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law School. . Joel Handler, Professor of Law, George- town University Law School. Michael C. Harper, Professor Boston University Law School. John M. Hyson, Professor of Law, Viltan- ova University School of Law. Stanley Ingher, Professor of Law, Univer- . arty of Florida CoIIege of Law. Louis A. Jacobs, Professor of Law, Ohio State University College of Law. Peter Jas2i, Professor of Law, American University, Washington College of Law. Arthur Kinoy, Professor of Law, Rutgers University School of Law. Lewis Kornhauser, Professor of Law, New YorkIIniversitySchool of Law. John R. Kramer, Professor of Law, , Georgetown IIniv~sity Law School Stanley K. Laughlin, Professor of Law, Ohio State Universfty College of Law. Howard Lesnick, Professor of Law, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania Law School John Leubsdorf, Professor of Law, Boston University Law School . Allan. Levine, Adjunct Professor of Law, Cardo2o School of Law. Sanford. Levinson. Professor of law, Uni- versity of Texas Law School. John Levy, Professor. of Law, College of William and Mary. Marshall Wythe Law school . Lance Liebman, Professor of Law, Harvard. Vniversity Law School. Jeffrey A. Meidmaa, Professor of Law,. Massachusetts Insttute of Technology. ' Louis Menand, Professor of Law, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology.. . Roy i3,iersky, Professor of Law, University of Texas Law School. - Elliot Millstein, Professor of Law, Ameri- can University, Washington Collage of Law. ArvIl Morris, Professor of Law, University of Washington 5cleool of Law. Jack Murphy, Professor of Law, George- town University Law School. Winston P. Na,gan, Professor oY Law, Ulii- versfty of Florida College of Law. Barry Nakell, Professor of Law, University of North Carolina Law School. James- C. Oldham, Professor- of Law, Georgetown University Law School. Joseph A. Pa?~e, Professor of law, George- town University Law School Ri,^.l:a.^-d '.~. Paco,.?? Profe, :Cr of T..::l, H?r= yard University Law School.. ? Daniel Parton, Professor of Law, Boston University Law School Cornelius Peck? Prafes5or of Law, Univer- sity of irVashinaton. School of Law. Willard H. Pedr~k, Professor of Law, Ari- zona State University College bf Law. Leroy Pernell, Profes,5or of Law, .Ohio State University College of Law. NGchael Perry, Professor of Law, Ohio State University College of Law- Daniel H. Pollitt, Professor of Law, Uni- versity ofNorth Carotins Law Scleool_ Aadrety Popper, Professor of Law, Ameri- can University, Washington College of Law. Sant Powe, Professor of Law, University of Texas Law School ' Sohn: Quigley, Professor of Law. Robert Sedler, Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School. Louis Michael Seidman, Professor of Law, Geozgetown University Low School_ Ed Sherman, Professor of Law, University" oY Texas Law School Andrew Silvenaan, Professor of Law, Uni- versity~ of Arizona College of Law. James Simon, Professor of Law, New York Law Srhooi. Avialn Soifer, Professor of Law, Boston University Law School. Lawrence Berman, Professor of. La~v, Ohio State University College of Law. Morton J. Horwitz, Professor of Law, Har- vard University Law School. Annrnvari Fnr Ralaaca 7(1(17if1511d C;IA-R.I7P State University College of Law. - Girardeau A. Spann, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law School. Roy Spence, Professor of Law, University " of Arizona College of Law. M 00914 R 001900160047-$ .Approved For. Release 2007/05114 ?CIA-RDI'83M00914R001900160047-8. . Februixry 25, 198,E ~ ~ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD' -SENATE - Geoffrey Stone, Professor of Law, Univer? and discussion of governmental affairs" id. to the United States." Even under such cir- r sity tSf Chicago. Law School ~ ~ at 839 (majority opinion); Neto York Times cumstances-and assuming that any matter Telford Taylor, Professor of Law, Colutri- Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 269-70 (1954), so vaguely flefined can be "known"-? 501(c) bra University Law School. or the correlative principle that no govern- would not require the Government to prove. Charles Thompson, Professor of Law, mental restriction on "uninhibited, robust, any causal link between the culpable disclo- Ohio Stati: University College of Law, and wide-open" political debate, id. at 270, is sure and a harm that would justify punish- Gregory M... Travalia, Professor of Law; constitutionally acceptable unless- ing it. Ohio State University College of Law. (a) the restriction is designed to achieve a This mismatch between the Government's James Treece, Professor of Law, IIniversl- compelling governmental objective, and is chosen means and its professed ends not ty of Texas Law School. narrowly drawn to achieve neither more nor only dooms $ 501fe> on its face but also un- Lawrence ,Tribe, Professor of Law, Har- less; and derscores doubts, independently generated vard UniversIty.Law School. (b) the restriction's enforcement in a by the provision's history, about its true Richard C,.. Turkington, Professor of Law, given case is shown to be truly essential to aims, and, indeed, about those of ? 501 as a Viilanova University School of Law. ~~nlP.,a rh~r ,.,,,?.,e,,:.... __.._._~__._.. _ Frank IIpham, Professor of Law, Ohio ace czrsc ~vartonal Bank v. Bellotti, 435 State University College of Lam. . U.S. 765, 787 (1978); In re Primus, 436 II.S. Pete Wales, Professor of Law, Georgetown 412 (1978); Buckley v. V?leo. 424 II.S. 1, 25 University Law School. (1976) (pee Curiam),z Section 501(c) quite Bttrton Wechsler, Professor of mow, clearly fails to meet these tests. American University,. Washington College The provision's proscriptions-which of Law. = ~ ? apply even when the information 311ee'~ally Wendy Williams; Professor of; .Law; ~ disclosed' was lawfully obtained, and even Georgetown University Law School. .. when the; only result of its suppression Bernard Wolfalan, Professor of Law; Har- would be to stifle criticism or exposure of ai- vard University Law School, . -. leged- governmental ineptitude or wrong- Diane Zimmerman..Professor of Law; New doing-are net limited to cases In which a York University School of law: :. judge or jury finds that "disclosure" of the _ fnformation in question has harmed, or is HAavAaD F31P~ZVEi15ITY~F.A~p ~gppy~_ - .- ~ ~ ~ likely to harm, the safety or security of any Canzbrtdge,-Mass", September 8, 1980. ~dividual or the success of any specific Hon. Ebwnan M. KENNEDY, _ lawful governmental undertaking. Cf- Committee on.the Judici? - . - _- Bridges. v. Cali,Porni?, 314 U.S. 252, 263 ~~ (1941); Pennekamp v. Florida, 328 U.S. 331, Washington, D.C.. 347 (1946); Craig v. Harney, 332 U.S. 367, DEAR SENATOR KENNEItY: Thank you for 376 (1947); Wood v. Georgia. 370 U.S. 375 inviting me to offer my views on ? 501(c) of (1962): The provision at issue'wouId Imper- the Intelligence Identities Protectfon Act of missibly penalize unauthorized .disclosures 1980, 5.2216.r I believe~that this provision, if without requiring any such showing of made law, wotjld violate the First -Amend- actual or probable harm. meet. -: It is no answer that the disclosures for There is no doubt, of course, that "the Ex- which ? 501(c) prescribes punishment Rzth- ecutive . [may) ;., ,:., ... promulgat[e] and out requlring'such a showing of injury are' enforc[e]' ...::executive regulations[ 7 to limited to disclosures made "in the course of protect the. confidentiality- necessary to a pattern of activities intended to identify carry out its responsibilities in the fields of and ex international relations and national de- pose covert agents and with reason to tense." Nero -York Times Co. v. -United believe that such activities would impair or States, 403 U.S..713, 729-30 (1971) (Stewart, impede the foreign intelilgenCe activities of J., joined by White, J., concurring). Nor is the United States." Indeed, the vague "pat- there any doubt that "Congress [may] , , - tern of activities" requirement demonstrates enact .. ,criminal laws .to protect eovern. that the proposed law would be anything .,...,,o aw nu ,av. OLL4 LRe 2?'IISL amendment severely circumscribes the Government's power to achieve such ends by punishing journalists and other private citizens for re- peating or publishing truthful information either (1).lawfuily derived or deduced from information that has already found its way into "tyre public domain," Cox Broadc?sting Co. v. Cohn, 420 U.S. 469, 495 (19751, or (2) innocently received as a "leak" from same- one with access to classified, or otherwise confidential, government materials. ~Land- tnark Communic?tions, Inc. v. Virgin4a, 435 U.S. 829, 837-46 (19?8). Ttle need for secrecy. in the foreign intelli- gence sphere is among the most pressing of governmental interests. Cf. id. at 849 n. (Ste~o?art, J., concumng in judgment). But this cannot obscure either the priority given by the First Amendment to "public scrutiny 'The provision reads as follows: "(c) Whoever, in the course of a pattern of activi? tics intended to identify and expose covert agents and with reason to believe that such activities v:ould impair orimpede the foreign intelligence ac- tivities of the United States, discloses any informa- tion that identities an individual a.4 a coveK a,ent to any individual not authoriaxd to receive ciassl? tied information, knowing that the information so disclosed so identifies such individual and that the United States !s taking affirmative measures to con- coal such individual's classified intelligence rela- tionship to the United States, shall be fined not more than S15,000 or imprisoned not more than three years or both." - protecting the image and reputation of gov- ernmental officials and agencies,- or the smooth operation of governmental pro- grams immunized from public examination and ccitique, is insufficient justification "for repressing speech Lhat would otherwise be free." Neu+ York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 37fi U.S. 254, 2?2-73 (1964k Thus, for example,. the provision's restrictions on disclosure cannot be justified by' the Government's wish to preserve the CIA's "plausible denia- bilitg," or to -avoid "political outcry" over American covert operations in foreign coun- tries, or otherwise Lo preserve, among other things, access.,'to appropriate targets"' of re? cruitmenG abroad. New' York Times, Sep- tember 6, 1980,.at 22, coL_1 (quoting testi- mony of Frank C. Cazluccl, Deputy Direc- tor, CIA, before Senate Judiciary Commit- tee on September 5, 1980)_ Such justifica- tions bespeak purely political purposes beyond the Government's power to accom- push by stifling protected speech. Moreover, such congressional action, frankly Larget- ting for special restrictions on First Amend- ment activities a readily identifiable group of private citizens-in this case, apparently a, group of journalists associated R?ith the Covert Action Information Bulletin-hears a distressing resemblance to past legislation whose purpose to punish dissenters or pe- nalize partisans of defeated enemy causes. was evident from the legislation's face or history-and which was hence invalidated. by .the Supreme Court as a forbidden .ex post facto law or bill of attainder.a Fnr hho re., ~...... r s....._ ___. _~< zt to and certainly more than is required in a prosecution under the "infect' stand- ard. Under areason-to-believe standard it suddenly becomes relevant to the de- fendant's case what effect the disclo- sure had or would have on certain in- telligence activities. In other words. the objective "reasonable man" stand- ard necessalily forces the Government to reveal. what the agent, whose cover was blowrs,.was doing in the country to which he had been assigned.. Such in- formation would not have to be re- leased under the "intent" standard be- cause it would be irrelevant. A "reason-to-believe" standard could, thus,. chill not only legitimate journal- ism, but also the very prosecutions which this legislation is designed to bring about. The White House; the Justice De- partment and the CL~ have all stated that either an "intent" standard or a "reason-to-believe" standard would be acceptable to them. They profess to believe that both are constitutional Approved For.Release 2007/05114 :CIA-RDP83MQ0914R00190016Q047-8 February 25, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-='SENATE acid enforceable.` Though they. have reason-tabelieve language. As the dis- expressed their preference for .the tinguished Senator from Delaware "reason-to-believe" standard,. their top pointed out, 100 constitutional lawyers priority seems to be the immediate and professors in this country have passage of a bill which would end the voiced their concerns about .the prob- destructive and sinister enterprise of lems of constitutionality: . naming names. - If we really want to have a constitu- I believe that S, 391 as reported by tional bill, why not go with the intent the Senate Judiciary Committee will language that we know is, going- to be accomplish that end, and will do so in constitutional and not -take a chance an effective, efficient, and constitu- that the courts are going to throw the tional manner, and. I urge my col- whole bill out? That is why it is per- leagues to support it. ~ ~ ? plexing to-me to hear the administra- '. Mr. President, I want to pay particu- tion say that they prefer the Chafee lar reference and compliments. to my and Denton language to the Biden lan- distinguished freshman colleague; guage, because there is no doubt that Senator Daxxorl, who has been very the courts would find intent to be con- active iii this and .other matters.%l3e stitutional. has made an immense Second, Mr. President,'when you are the committee on which we serde to- dealing-with a"criminal statute, intent gether, and he will continue to iri_ ake is the`- proper standard of "conduct. an immense ;contribution : Lo,;= this Reason : to ~ believe ~ is a negligence Senate. - - ~ = = ~~ " standard in civil cases. A criminalstat- I also want to pay_iny-respects to ?the iite such as this should "have the mini- distinguished Senator from Rhode mal legal ingredients of what criminal Island who continues to be one of the acts do constitute, and that is intent. c osatp respected..:_.Members of the Mr. President, again, I commend my But I must say`to" these two distin= guished .gentlemen.. that I disagree with them on this issue. But I do hope that we .pursue this debate Monday and Tuesday in the spirit that .the Senator from Rhode Island discussed iri concluding his remarks. This issue is not, an issue over who supports civil rights and who supports the first amendment.. W_ a all do. The issue is not over who supports pros- ecuting those who violate a very strict code of conduct, 'or over who wants to have agent identity legislation passed, because we all do ?- The question ?comes down to- what statutory language is the- preferable language to achieve both of those goals. There has been a' lot of discussion these last few weeks on televising the proceedings of the U.S: Senate. T happen to be a supporter of that: But those who- argue on `the` other side keep pointing out the difference be- tween this body and the other body. They talk about the U.S. Senate as a deliberative'body,,ond .they applaud how the U.S:. Senate takes its time on very important" issues. I hope that Members of this distinguished body do take their time on this very important issue and that we think it through: I. hope that we do not jump to an emo- tional conclusion, simply choosing whichever emotion happens to trigger us the most, whether it is the first amendment rights or the need to pro= tect our Nation's security. I hope that we think through this process very clearly and very deliber- ately. Ihope that we resolve this Issue in the way the legislation was reported from the Judiciary Committee. This is the proper resolution to the issue. Basically, Mr. President,. the reason-. to-believe language is not preferable to the intent language for two simple reasons. FIrst, I think there is a legiti- mate .constitutional question on the colleagues. I hope that we proceed along the lines of this debate in the next few days, a line of facts, a line of reasoning, and not one of simple reac- tion to motions without a thorough study. The debate may be intense at times. That is what our debate is all about. If we Lake our time, I am certain that the Senate will come down to the Ian- guage, and I am hopeful. it_will come dotivn to the language, as reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The members of that committee put in a lot of hours. They are the ones that put in a lot of work. A majority of that committee has concluded that the intent language is preferable. I am hopeful that a majority of this body will agree with them. - I yield the floor. Mr. DENTON addressed the Chair. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Alabama. Mr. DENTON. Mr. President. I thank. my distinguished freshman coI- league from Indiana and return his sentiments of respect. I admire the equanimity with which both he and the Senator from Delaware have ad- dressed the issue, I totally. concur that we should do so with great delibera- tion. . It is my fear that the complexity of the wording ~ and of some of the thought patterns applied to the rationale are going to defy the com- prehensions of many of our colleagues who, when they come in here to vote, do not have much time to deliberate. I hope there is some attendance to the speakers to the debate which is taking place so that our collective judgments will be relatively enlightened. I believe the Senator from Delaware, the minority manager, made reference to the President's preference for, the Chafee language on the basis of his being of the same party, but I may have missed the implication... S 1181. Mr. BIDEN. If I may. I think he pre- fers the Chafee language because he, prefers it, but it is also an added incen- tive that it is not the language of the Senator from Delaware. Mr. DENTON. The point I would - like to make is that the Carter admin- istration Justice Department also pre- ferred the Chafee language. Mr. "CFiAFEE. Mr. President, the dis- tinguished Senator from Delaware always has kernels for thought ~ and cogitation. I have been pondering the " comment he made that the President was for the Chafee-Jackson language because I was Republican. All weekend I am going to be pondering why the Carter administration was also for this = language. Did they look at me as a po- tential .convert? I cannot fathom -iii ,any way why they too would be sup-. - portive of my language. Admiral Turner was a Democratic appointee, as head of the CIA. Attorney General Renfrew was a Democratic appointee of the Justice Department. I am still waiting to discover the answer. So I am looking forward to the debate on Monday and hope I find out what par- ticular appeal i might have had to the . Carter administration 2 years ago. Mr. DENTON.. Mr. President; . I would like to go oil record in fully. sup- porting the amendment to section 601(c) offered by my friend and distin- guished colleague from Rhode Island. I truly regard it as the best. and most appropriate standard. by which to criminalize this statute for naming names resulting from a study of un- classified sources. _ I must -acknowledge .before this body; and before anyone covering this session, that .I am not a lawyer, but I . am supposed to be good at logic. Iti fact, I did not have to take a course once because I answered a question posed at the beginning of a college course in logic that. the man posed for over 50 years of teaching. I do think that I understand enough of the law . to apply logic to this situation. It seems to me that we have an in- teresting inversion here, in that we have Democrats and nominal liberals propounding an approach which will be intrusive, one which will involve a subjective standard, one which the dis- tinguished Senator from Delaware proposes. .'I believe the use of the "intent" standard will open a Pando= ra's box in this particular case, which defeats the objective of avoiding witch hunts. We have the reason-tabelieve stand- and in which the defendant's political belief, past conduct, critical remarks about the Government, et cetera, are all irrelevant. We have a finding by the committee, the very committee to which the Senator from Indiana re- ferred, that: 'The disclosure of such relationships to un- authorized persons is detrimental to the successful and efficient conduct of foreign intelligence, countetinteiligence, and coup= terterrorism activities to the United States; s i1s~ ' Approved For Release 2007105114 :CIA-RDP83M00914R001900160047-8 . - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE F,ebruury 25, 1982 tive, standard that was in the original bill as introduced by_ the Senator from Rhode Island. The objective standard was deleted in the Judiciary. Commit- tee by a single vote and an intent_or subjective standard was adopted. . But, Mr. President, it was the objec- tive standard that I and our 40-odd colleagues chose to cosponsor when we endorsed S. 391. It is this standard also that was overwhelmingly endorsed by the House of Representatives and is now in H.R. 4, the House version of S. 391. Finally, it is the objective stand- ard that is endorsed by the intelli- gence community itself-the Central Intelligence Agency. the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Asso- ciation of Former Intelligence Offi- cers..I wish to confine my remarks to a defense of the reason to believe stand- and and to urge my colleagues to sup- port and endorse it with me. We are being told, Mr. President, that . the objective standard of the reason to believe language is unconsti- tutional, that it fails to define a bad purpose, that its enactment . would jeopardize the effectiveness of the bill and also that it would have a chilling effect on legitimate discussion of intel- ligence policy and activities in .the public forum. I would like to address these charges seriatim, but I would like. first to point out that some. of them are. mutually contradictory. If reason to believe is unconstitu- tional, it would be overturned by the courts. This is the argument of its op- ponents, who say that they would like an effective bill. Yet they also argue that reason to believe would have a chilling effect. If it is to be overturned, then it obviously could not have a chilling effect. Vife cannot accept the mutually exclusive propositions that a law would be both effective and inef- fective. In regard to constitutionality,' I would like to point- out that nine Fed- eral criminal statutes make use of the reason to believe standard, and these include both the Espionage Act and Atomic Energy Act. Moreover, five Federal court cases have upheld the reason to believe language as constitu- tional grounds for prosecution. The most .significant of these cases is that of Gorin v. United St?tes, (312 U.S. 19 (1941)), in .which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the reason to believe standard in the Espionage Act of 1927 against the defendant's claim that the language was vague and indefinite- precisely the same cHarge that is being made today and with .as little founda- tion. While it is true, Mr. President, that the intent standard is also constitu- tional and that the. Department of Justice has stated that an intent standard would be acceptable, the ad- ministration, the Department of Jus- tice, and the CIA have been emphatic that they all prefer the reason-to-be- - lieve standard, that reason to believe is constitutional and is a more effective prosecutorial tool. Why is reason to believe preferable to intent? In order to convict a defend- ant under the intent standazd, the burden of proof is far more difficult to establish and actually requires more instrusive investigation than reason to believe. Proof of intent requires in- quiry into the state of mind of the de- fendant before or during the commis- sion of the offense. In the context of the intelligence identities bi71, it would also require inquiry into the political and personal associations of the de- fendant-whether, for example, he had been involved with Counterspy or Covert Action Information Bulletin, what his attitude toward intelligence gathering was, and other beliefs and associations. Since those who oppose reason to believe on constitutional and civil libertarian grounds are concerned about such intrusive inquiries, I would think they would prefer the far less intrusive standard of reason to believe. Reason ~ to . believe simply means what any reasonable man would be- lieve. Thus, use of this standard would not require any intrusive investigation into a defendant's background nor the presentation of evidence concerning his political and personal associations. For this reason, it is preferable to the civil libertarian as well as to the pros- ecutor. The argument that reason to believe would have a chilling effect on the ex- ercise of first amendment rights and on discussion of intelligence activities is also without merit and has been grossl}r exaggerated by .the opponents of the bill in the -Congress and the media. I would point out first that the U.S. Supreme Court in a 7-to-2 decision this summer in the case of Haig against Agee found that: Agee's. disclosures Cof covert agents], among other things, have the declared pur- pose of obstructing intelligence operations and the recruiting of intelligence personnel. They are cleazly not protected by the Con- stitution. If the disclosure of agents' identities is not protected by the Constitution, then a law punishing disclosure of identities cannot have a chilling effect on the exercise of legitimate rights of expression. The chilling effect argu- ment is therefore without foundation. However, . the language of the reason-to-believe section has been carefully drafted to avoid interference with legitimate discussion and investi- gation. It is absolutely essential, Mr. President, to bear in mind that reason to believe is only one of the six ele- ments of proof required for conviction in this bill. Section 601, as originally intro- duced, contains the reason-to-believe language, which would make it illegal for a person to reveal the identity of a covert agent if that person: First. Knows that the persons to whom he reveals the information are not authorized to receive classified in- formation; Which tends to support the reason- to-believe standard as a method of proof.. But if you go into intent, you get a chilling effect on expression, .because you then have to start talking about the man's of woman's past speech or activities, which would be directly rele- vant to proving intent. Clearly, the specific intent standard creates a far greater potential for in- trusive investigations into individual political beliefs. I do not want to be a witch hunter, but I think that, in this particular area, you open that Pando- ra's box. The witch hunt would be un- dertaken frequently as the only means of "establishing intent,.. and perhaps -more tragically than that .witch hunt- ing is that the effort _ to establish intent would all too frequently be ,un- successful. In spite of the fact that the accused might be guilty, it would be unsuccessful... .- - .. So if we let this erroneous commit: tee amendment stand, which stood on a vote of 9 to 8 with .two administra- tions who are expert in this._ one Democratic, one Republican, standing against it with, I have to believe,-much more expertise and learned - fore- thought about the constitutionality, I believe that we will not only be tempt- ing prosecutors into witch hunts, but we will be letting down those coura- geous men and women who risk their lives on a daily' basis to preserve the security of this country. It is the KGB which is laughing at this debate, and yet it is being con- ducted on both sides with good will. I think the statute with the specific intent standard rather than areason- to-believe standard would be' counter- productive. It would purport to pro- vide asolution to a serious problem of unauthorized disclosure of intelligence. identities without actually doing so. It would raise the specter of the in- trusive techniques and the witch hunts. - _ Mr. EAST. Mr.' President, today we are considering S. 391, the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1981. This bill, which has almost 50 cosponsors, of whom I am proud to be 1, is the most significant proposal for the reform and strengthening of the Intel- ligence community that the Senate has considered this year. I believe that it is absolutely essential that we pass a bill that would protect the classified identities of American intelligence of- ficers-not just any bill but an effec- tive law that would deter the exposure of their identities, one that is both constitutionally sound and will pros- ecute those who have specialized in the contemptible and pernicious prac- tice of systematic exposures. I believe that until we pass such a law, there is little purpose in talking about the need for a stronger CIA or FBI. In short, w-e must put our money where our mouth is. I wish particularly to address the issue of the constitutionality. of the proposed reason to believe, or objec- Approved For Release 2007/05114 :CIA-RDP80M00914R001900160047-8 Februariy.25, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --SENATE - Second. Knows that the information revealed in fact identifies a covert agent;, _ Third. Intends to disclose informa- tion that identifies a covert agent; Fourth. Knows that the Govern- ment is taking affirmative measures to conceal the identity; Fifth. Engages in "a pattern of activ- ities intended to identify .and expose covert agents' ;and Sixth. Has- reason to believe that such activities would impair or impede the foreign intelligence activities of the United States. In sum, before. a person can be pros- ecuted under the reason-to-believe lan- guage, the prosecutor must prove all five elements of proof in addition to the reason to believe element. . Furthermore; one of these elements is already ari intent standard, and it must be noted ,that in those parts of the bill that establish defenses and ex- ceptions, there are .three areas of dis- closures that are excluded from any prosecution,"including the revealing of. a covert identitg to the.._ House or Senate Intelligence Committees. -This latter exclusion- is intended to allow for the disclosure to responsible au- thorities outside the intelligence com- munity of abuses or unauthorized in- telligence activities without danger of prosecution to the disclosing party. To prosecute a journalist who inves- tigates intelligence activities, there- fore, the prosecutor must show that every one 'of 'the elements applies. There are few if any legitimate jour- nalisttc investigations i:i which the re= vealing of names or identities would be useful, and it should. be noted that the entire investigation of the Church committee into -CIA activities took place without a single revelation of a covert identity. In other words, pre- venting the disclosure of agents' iden- tities would not cripple our ability to learn of or, prevent intelligence abuses.. It is almost inconceivable, Mr. Presi- dent, that legitimate discussion of in- telligence activities could be prevented or in any aay discouraged by the reason to believe language that is pro- posed. '. I urge my colleagues to join with me in supporting the amendment of S. 391 to adopt Lhe reason-to-believe stand- ard that is so necessary for the protec- tion of our intelligence agencies and their personnel, for the security of our country, and for the strengthening and reform of the intelligence commu- nity. (By request of Mr. DENTON tk~e fol- lowing statement .was ordered to be printed in the RECORD:) s Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, this proposal to amend S. 391 would restore the original language of sec- tion 601(c). In both versions of the bill, this sec- tion addresses the situation in which a -person who does not have direct access to classified information knowingly identifies individuals as covert agents of the United States. Beyond this gen- eral statement; the technical subtle- ties of. the separate versions make them quite distinct, and because I feel that the amendment offered by the? distinguished Senator -from Rhode Island embodies the preferable ver- sion, Isupport its adoption. The language of the proposed amendment reflects the requirement that a putative defendant be involved in the course of-a pattern of activities which is intended - to identify and It is "obvious -and unarguable" that no governmental interest is more compelling than the security of the Nation. Protection of the foreign policy of the United States is a governmental interest of great impor- tance, since foreign policy and national se- curity considerations cannot neatly be com- partmentalized. Measures to protect the secrecy of our Government's foreign intelligence oper- ations plaiNy. serve these interests. Thus, in Snepp against United States, we held that "[tlhe Government has a compelling inter- t+ct in nrntonlino hnYH f6n emrnnv nF inin._ section 606(10) of the bill, this re- quires aseries of acts with a common purpose or objective. Clearly, then, a single event of .republication, without a further showing, probably would amount to a violation of the act. Moreover,- this amendment man- dates that it be proven that a putative defendant, while participating in such a pattern of activities, possessed a reason to believe that these activities . would impair or impede the foreign in- . telligence activities of this country. This standard has been-the object of much debate and discussion due to its so-called reasonable man aspect, which,.it has been said, is a departure from customary criminal law stand- ards. However, in the field of espio- nagelaws, this standard is quite.con- sistent. For example, 18 U.S.C. 793(e3 pun- ishes unauthorized disclosure of na- tional defense information which the person "has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States . or to the advantage of any foreign nation." Similarly, 42 U.S.C. 2274(b> punishes. .disclosure of restricted atomic energy data "with reason to be- lieve such data will be utilized to injure the United States or to secure . an advantage to any foreign nation." This statute clearly distinguishes disclosure "with intent to injure the United States or with intent to secure an advantage to any foreign nation," which is punished under section 2274(a) with more severe penalties. Therefore, the language of the amendment is consistent with past leg- islation where Congress has punished disclosure without requiring proof of specific intent, but rather proof that the reasonable foreseeable result would be injury to the United States or advantage to a foreign power. I believe the amendment of my dis- tinguished colleague from Rhode Island not only is consistent with prior law in this area, but also offers greater protection for the rights of individ- uals. It must not be forgotten that in any prosecution under this act each and .every element must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to the sat- isfaction of the triers of fact, not only as to the 1?equisite belief of the wrong- doer, but also as to his involvement in a pattern of activity. I finally want to remind my fellow Senators of the words of the Supreme Court when it decided Haig against Agee this. past June: maLion so unporLanL to our national secu- rity and the appearance of confidentiality so essential to the effective operation of our foreign intelligence sen~ice." (Citations .omitted.) I firmly believe that the interest of our Government would be afforded greater protection with the addition of this amendment to this bill, and I urge its adoption.o~? COMMEMORATING ROGER._ WILLIAMS Mr. S.TEVENS. Mr. President, I ask that the Chair lay before the Seriate a message from the House of Repre- sentatives on Senate Concurrent Reso- lution 64. - The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the, Senate the following mes- sage from the House of Representa? tives: ,. . _ ., _ Resolved, That the- resolution from the Senate (S. Con. Res. 64) entitled ''Concur- rent resolution to authorize the Zeta, Beta Tau fraternity to conduct a reception in the rotunda of the Capitol on March 31, 1982, to commemorate Roger Williams for his con- tribution to religious toleration and freedom in the United States", do pass with the fol- lowing amendments: Strike out all after the resoh~ng clause, and insert: That appropriate ceremonies are authorized to be conducted in the rotunda of the Capitol on March 31, 1982, to com- memorate Roger Williams for his contribu- . tibns~to religious toleration and freedom in the United States. These cerezrionies shall be conducted in accordance with conditions prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol: Amend the title so as to read: "Concurrent resolution to authorize ceremonies in the ro- tunda of the Capitol for March 31. 1982, to commemorate RogerWilliams for his con- tributions to religious toleration and free- dom in the United States.". Mr. STEVEN5. Mr. President, I move that the Senate concur in the House amendments. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the motion. The motion was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER.. The question is on agreeing to the concur- rent resolution. The concurrent resolution, , amended, was agreed to. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by tivhich the concurrent resolution, as amend- ed, was agreed to. Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. ..