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Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 OCi.JSC I A Guide to the National Intelligence Community's Production Organizations and Their Products State Dept. review completed October 1975 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET A Guide to the National Intelligence Community's Production Organizations and Their Products Prepared by the Product Review Division of the Intelligence Community Staff in response to a request from the WorkIng Group of the National Security Council Intelligence Committee. Questions or comments on this publication should be addressed to Chief Product Review Division, Intelligence Community Staff, CIA Headquarters Building, Washington, D.C. 20505, SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. ORGANIZATIONS FOR PRODUCTION 1 A. National Intelligence Officers B. Central Intelligence Agency C. Defense Intelligence Agency .1 D. State Department/Bureau of Intelligence and Research E. Other Intelligence Community Members 4 III. MAJOR PRODUCTS A. National Estimates B. Defense Estimates C. State/INR Analytical/Estimative Papers D. Current Intelligence t; E. Warning ANNEXES Pagy A?Selected Intelligence Products 9 B?National Intelligence Officers 1:i C?CIA Production Offices 14 D?DIA Production Offices 15 E?Defense Intelligence Officers 1 6 F?State/INR Production Offices 17 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 fital Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET A Guide to the National Intelligence Community's Production Organizations and Their Products I. INTRODUCTION This paper indicates which elements of the intelligence community are pri- marily responsible for national intelligence production. It also identifies and briefly describes several selected end products of the intelligence process. Much of the data in this paper is summarized in matrix form at Annex A. II. ORGANIZATIONS FOR PRODUCTION A. National Intelligence Officers 1. By memorandum of 3 October 1973, the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) advised the United States Intelligence Board (USIB) of the estab- lishment of a system of National Intelligenc,_.. Officers to replace and expand the functions previously performed by the Board and Office of National Esti- mates, which had been disbanded. 2. The DCI memorandum states that each National Intelligence Officer (NIO) is his personal representative and reports directly to him. By tasking USIB members through the normal chain-of-command, the NIOs satisfy the requirements for National Intelligence Estimates, for the responses to National Security Study Memoranda, and for DCI briefings. The task of each NIO offi is "to provide contact laterally ... across the functionally organized intelligence community and with customers and outside consultants as required" to provide coordinated products using panels of experts or ad hoc committees. 3. The specific tasks of the National Intelligence Officers are to: sal a. identify customer needs for nationa, intelligence; b. evaluate the intelligence product and the effectiveness of programs; c. specify uncertainties which require collection guidance; and d. report problems in analysis, production, or national policy on which national intelligence might offer assistanc,,. 4. The directive states that National Intelligence Officers will maintain close personal contact with the National Security Council ( NSC) Staff and other principal intelligence consumers and contributors. Every NIO will also present fully objective presentations of alter native views. 1 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET 5. The Director of Central Intelligence placed the NIOs outside the CIA organization and created a Deputy to the DCI for the NIOs. The directive states that NIOs may be appointed for geographic areas or functions as the DCI may deem necessary from time to time. NIOs are chosen for their expertise, not their affiliation, and may be selected from the military services, CIA, DIA, NSA, State, and other government departments, academia, or industry. A list of the current NIOs and their assignments is attached (Annex B). 6. In addition to overseeing various kinds of national intelligence production, the NIOs have specific responsibility ( as noted above) for the preparation, coordination, and dissemination of the four major types of national estimative papers and Intelligence Alert Memoranda. 13. Central Intelligence Agency 1. As indicated on the chart at Annex C, the bulk of CIA's production responsibilities rests with the Directorate of Intelligence (DDI), in the fol- lowing seven specialized offices: a. Office of Current Intelligence ( OCI )?This office produces all-source current intelligence in support of the White House, the NSC and other agencies as directed by the DCI. OCI, in conjunction with other CIA offices, prepares the National Intelligence Daily (NID), the Weekly Review, and the Weekly Summary. It provides the managing editor and other staff support for the National Intelligence Bulletin (NIB), including its actual production and preparation for dissemination. At the request of the DCI and NIOs, it prepares special studies in support of the policymaking appa- ratus of the government and the production of National Intelligence Esti- mates (NIEs). b. Office of Economic Research ( OER )-0ER produces all-source eco- nomic analyses of the national policies, internal structure, recent develop- ments, future prospects, external policies, and strengths and weaknesses of all foreign countries of significance to US policy. OER publishes two weeklies, the Economic Intelligence Weekly and International Oil Develop- ments, as well as numerous intelligence memoranda representing detailed economic analysis on major intelligence topics. Its analysts participate in the preparation of all national products which have an economic dimension. c. Office of Political Research ( OPR)?This office produces political and interdisciplinary studies of key intelligence issues affecting important US interests including, for example, analyses of the external actions and policies of major countries and regions as well as studies that describe and forecast the interaction of social, political, economic and military considerations in the development of major policies of these countries. During the past year, among others, OPR has published papers on possible longer-term (5-10 years) developments in Sino/ Soviet relations, on authoritarian movements in southern Europe, and on Japan's changing leadership. d. Office of Strategic Research (OSE )-0SR produces all-source military and military-economic intelligence on foreign military forces with principal emphasis on the USSR, the PRC, and other Communist countries. It responds to requirements from the NSC Staff and the Office of the Secretary of 2 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17 : CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET Defense. It provides support to the SALT and MBFR delegations and to the Verification Panels. It provides major support to the NIOs in the pro- duction of NIEs on Warsaw Pact forces and Soviet intercontinental forces. OSR also produces both intelligence repo i ts and current intelligence as an input to the publications of DCI. e. Office of Geographic and Cartographw Research (OGCR)?This office is responsible for producing all-source basio and geographic intelligence and for providing map reference and specialized all-source cartographic services. It coordinates and produces the National Basic Intelligence Factbook. f. Central Reference Service ( CRS )?CRS produces all-source biographic intelligence on leading non-military foreign personalities. Major products include: one-page biographic reports for inclusion in briefing books prepared for high-ranking US officials; longer, definitive studies on all new heads of State and Ambassadors to the United State? issued in the Biographic Report series of intelligence publications; Biographic Handbooks, containing reports on the major figures in each country. g. Foreign Broadcast Information Servi( e (FBIS)?Although not a pro- ducer of all-source intelligence in the sense that the other six DDI offices described above are, FBIS produces daily reports of radio broadcasts which receive wide dissemination inside and outside of the intelligence community. It also produces the weekly Trends in Communist Media, providing analysis based on media sources it monitors. 2. CIA's Directorate of Science and TechPology (DDS&T), in addition to collection and processing responsibilities, has major production responsibilities. These are concentrated in the following two elements: a. Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) ?OSI produces all-source intelli- gence on foreign scientific and engineering research and advanced tech- nology in the physical and life sciences. Current intelligence items in these areas are contained in the Weekly Surveyor. A monthly compilation of ana- lytical articles is provided in the Scientific Intelligence Digest and in-depth studies are published as Scientific and Technical Intelligence Reports (STIRs). b. Office of Weapons Intelligence (0W1)?This office is responsible for producing all-source intelligence on the technical capabilities of foreign offensive and defensive weapons systems and space systems. OVVI produces a daily Weapons Intelligence Summary, prepares special studies on weapons- related issues (mainly STIRs), and contributes heavily to the Weekly Surveyor and the Scientific Intelligence Digest. C. Defense Intelligence Agency 1. The organization of the Defense Intelligence Agency for production is given on the chart at Annex D. Four majo) components are involved. 2. Defense Intelligence Officers (DIOs )--1 he responsibility of DIOs within DIA is similar to that of the NIOs with respei t to the community as a whole. A list of the current DIOs and their assignmi nts is attached (Annex E). 3 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET 3. Deputy Director for Intelligence (DI )?All-source finished general in- telligence is produced by this directorate, including current intelligence (daily reports and memoranda) and studies in the area of military capabilities. Studies and reports are produced on such subjects as military economics, demography, terrain, transportation, and escape and evasion. This directorate develops and maintains all target systems and produces assessments of bomb damage and research on physical vulnerability. It also makes in-depth assess- ments of military operations. DI produces the Defense Intelligence Notice (DIN) and the DIA Intelligence Appraisal series as well as contributing to the NID and NIB. 4. Deputy Director !or Science and Technology (DT )?This directorate has three divisions which produce scientific and technical intelligence in their designated areas: Nuclear Energy and Applied Sciences, Weapons and Systems, and Electronics and Command and Control. Over 200 annual products, cata- logued in the Scientific: and Technical Intelligence Register (STIR), provide military S&T data and analysis at several classification levels to developers, operators, and leaders. 5. Deputy Director for Estimates (DE )?This directorate produces all DIA estimates on foreign military strategies, policies and capabilities primarily for Doll planners and policymakers. It is the primary source of military intelli- gence estimates for national-level authorities, other governmental authorities and for certain allies. DE works with the NI0s, DIOs and other departments and agencies in production of national estimates and other estimative studies and memoranda. 1). State Department,' Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) 1. INR's products are intended primarily to support departmental needs but are also distributed to other elements of the intelligence community. INR analysts do, however, participate actively in the preparation and coordination of national intelligence products, such as NIEs, the NID, and the NIB. 2. As indicated by the chart at Annex 1,', INR consists of three major produc- tion elements. Most of the analytic and estimative work is done in the Re- search Directorate, which is subdivided into four geographic and four func- tional offices. 3. The Current Intelligence Staff, in addition to producing the daily Brief- ing Notes for senior officers of the Department, is heavily engaged in the preparation and presentation of oral briefings. 4. The Office of External Research manages the Department's program of contract research on foreign affairs; arranges for outside experts to work with the Department as consultants, conferees and seminar leaders; coordinates other government-supported research on foreign affairs; and collects and dis- seminates academic research papers and reports. E. Other Intelligence Community Members The intelligence organizations listed above are the primary producers of finished national intelligence in the United States. Additionally, other members of the intelligence community, including Treasury, National Security Agency 4 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET (NSA), Environmental Research Development Agency (ERDA), and the mili- tary services do publish intelligence information?some of which reaches a wide readership outside the publishing organization ?that also contributes to meeting the needs of national and departmental intelligence consumers. These issuances are not addressed here because they were not viewed, by us at least, to be within the scope of this paper. III. MAJOR PRODUCTS fas A. National Estimates 1. There are four major types of national estimative papers, as listed belov? . They are prepared and coordinated among appropriate elements of the com- munity under the sponsorship of the appropriate National Intelligence Officer. 2. National Intelligence Estimate ( NIE )?The NIE is intended for NSC- level policy-making authorities. Topics selested for treatment in the NIE for- mat are limited to those of high policy concern. The exposition is normally structured in such a way as to illuminate pulley issues and, when appropriate, wig the choices which may be open to policy authorities. If back-up material is required, it is often published in separatt annexes. NIEs are published by the DCI after approval by USIB. 3, Special National Intelligence Estimate (SNIE)?SNIEs differ from NIEs in that they address specific policy problems immediately on the horizon. They are generally shorter and prepared more quickly than NIEs. 4. National Intelligence Analytical Memorandum ( NIAM )?The NIAM is intended for officials involved in policy support activities below the NSC level. Topics selected for treatment in NIA Ms are of important policy concern but usually do not have the high priority ol NIE topics. The analysis and sup- porting evidence in a NIAM will normally be exposed in some detail. NIAMs are issued by the DCI generally after telephonic approval by the USIB. 5. Interagency Intelligence Memorandien (JIM )?The key difference be- tween an JIM and other estimates is the fact that an JIM does not require USIB concurrence. The JIM is a coordinated effort of several agencies which addresses relatively broad and complex issues and is intended for a high-level audience. vemowe mot B. Defense Estimates 1. DIA produces four main types of estimative papers. They focus primarily on military subjects and are addressed primarily to National and DoD con- sumers. 2. Defense Intelligence Estimates (DIF) are coordinated with the intelli- gence chiefs of the services whereas Defense Intelligence Estimate Memo- randa (DIEM) are not coordinated. DIE Ms often are used as vehicles for more immediate estimative responses than are possible with DIEs. Special Defense Intelligence Estimates (SDIE) generally address subjects or issues which are narrower in scope or more spc ific in impact than the subjects of DIEs. SDIEs are coordinated with the sm. ices. Defense Intelligence Analytical 5 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET Memoranda (DIANM ), which are not coordinated with the services, are used to address major analytical problems and often include a historical review. They do not necessarily include a forecast as an estimate would. C. State' INR Analytical' Estimative Papers INR produces Reports designed to give State Department officers back- ground information on policy-related subjects or to draw their attention to phenomena of potential importance for the security or foreign relations of the United States. These studies may, for example, examine the social and po- litical factors shaping the outcome of an election, changing patterns of third- world cooperation and competition, the implications of trade arrangements, the issues to be discussed at an international conference, or general political, eco- nomic and military developments. They may speculate on the thoughts and plans of national leaders. Wherever possible, estimates of likely prospects are included in the studies. D. Current Intelligence 1. Dailies? a. National Intelligence Daily?A compilation in tabloid format of key items of current intelligence produced six days a week by CIA's Office of Current Intelligence. To the extent possible, it is prepared in consultation with all appropriate elements of the community. The dissemination is very limited, and there is no classification limit. b. National Intelligence Bulletin?With CIA's Office of Current Intelli- gence acting as the DCI's executive agent, the NIB is published six days a week by an interagency editorial board. The NIB receives a relatively wide dissemination. TS COMINT is the highest classification included in the NIB. c. Defense Intelligence Notices?Prepared by DIA, DINs each discuss a single development of current intelligence interest. They are issued ir- regularly ( normally several a day) and are disseminated in as near real-time as practicable. Those items which deserve immediate attention to support current decision making are identified as Special DINs. Distribution is largely within the DoD and to the military commands world-wide. d. DIA Executive Summary?This summary is a brief recapitulation of the DIA DINs and Intelligence Appraisals published during the preceding 24 hours. It is produced six days a week, and its distribution is very limited. 2. Weeklies? a. DIA Weekly Intelligence Summary?A world-wide compilation of items of current intelligence interest issued on Fridays. 1). DIA Intelligence Appraisal?DIA's current appraisals are issued ir- regularly ( normally one or two a week) and contain in-depth analysis, re- flect community-wide consultation, and present greater graphics support than is possible in the DINs. 6 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET c. CIA Weekly Review?Issued every Friday by OCI, this review reports and analyzes significant developments of the week through noon on Thurs- day. Material in this periodical is at thc TS/COMINT level. An expurgated version of the Review at the Secret le el, entitled The Weekly Summary. is distributed more widely. d. C/A Weekly Surveyor. This publication, which is distributed through- out the Intelligence Community, contains items briefly analyzing current significant material received in CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. e. Economic Intelligence Weekly?Au analysis of major foreign economic developments and trends, published each Wednesday morning by CIA's Office of Economic Research for top-level policymakers. It is accompanied by an unclassified annex, Economic Indicators, which provides the latest statistical data on domestic and external economic activities of the leading non-Communist developed countries. f. International Oil Developments?An analysis of major developments in foreign oil production, consumption, prices and policies, published each Thursday morning by OER for official, dealing with energy matters. It is accompanied by an unclassified annex-, International Oil Developments: Statistical Survey, which presents comprehensive data for leading producing and consuming countries. E. Warning 1. Intelligence Alert Memorandum (JAM )?An interagency publication issued by the DCI on behalf of the community. It is addressed to the members of WSAG and disseminated, inter alia, to all USIB Principals. It provides ex- plicit warning of possible developments abroad of major concern to the ITS and is normally prepared under the direction of the appropriate NIO. 2. Strategic Warning Notice?Issued by the Special Assistant to the D(1 for Strategic Warning to the DCI, who will notify the President and NSC or take such other action as he deems necessary. When time is of the essence. the Special Assistant may issue such notices directly to the President and NSC with concurrent dissemination to the DO and USIB Principals. 3. DIA Warning Appraisal?This publication is a form of time-sensitive alerting intelligence which contains greater depth of analysis than that per- mitted in a Special DIN. 4. Strategic Warning Staff ( SWS) Monthly Report?This publication is pre- pared by the SWS for the DCI and is disseminated within the USIB Coni- mittees. It summarizes developments bearing on the staff's capability to provide strategic warning. 7 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 25X1 ?-Z0009000800n1I-L1-001A1?8dC11-V10 LI-/L0/800Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddV ANNEX C ,CIA Production Offices DIRECTOR CIA Deputy Director for Intelligence Office of Current Intelligence H Office of Strategic Research Office - Office of Economic Research H Office of Political Research H h. Office of Geographic & Cartographic Research Foreign Broadcast Information Service Central Reference Service H Editor National Intelligence Bulletin HEditor National Intelligence Daily Deputy Director for Science & Technology HOffice of Scientific Intelligence H Office of Weapons Intelligence ?-Z0009000800n1I-L1-001A1?8dC11-V10 LI-/L0/800Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddV Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 IL ANNEX D DIA Production Offices Director Deputy Director Defense Intelligence Officers Deputy Director for Intelligence Contact Point for DIN's and Appraisals Deputy Director for Estimates Deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET ANNEX E DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS STRATEGIC FORCES and SAL SOUTHEAST ASIA GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES and MBFR EUROPEAN and SOVIET POLITI- CAL/MILITARY AFFAIRS LATIN AMERICA and SUB-SAHARA AFRICA MIDDLE EAST and SOUTH ASIA 16 SECRET Mr. Gordon Negus ( 695-0243 ) Mr. Charles Desaulniers ( 695-0257) Brigadier General Wallace Magathan, USA (Ret.) ( 695-0269) Dr. Wynfred Joshua (695-0074) Dr. Richard A. Geisler ( 695-0198) Dr. Waldo H. Dubberstein (695-0279) Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 ?-Z0009000800n1 1-L1-001A1?8dC11-V10 LI-/L0/800Z eSeeiei Jod panaiddV ANNEX F State/INR Production Offices Director for Intelligence and Research Deputy Director Deputy for Management Office of External Research Deputy for Research Current Intelligence Staff CA ?-Z0009000800n1I-L1-001A1?8dC11-V10 LI-/L0/800Z eSeeiei Jod panaiddV _ Approved For Release 2008/07/17 : CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET _ _ Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3 SECRET SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/17: CIA-RDP83M00171R000800050002-3