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Approved For Release 2 t~ N 1 I dE 1111110171 R000400150002-6 Log No. 78-8 , Copy INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY SUPPORT TO DEVELOPERS OF TACTICS AND DOCTRINE 0 Prepared by The Intelligence Community Staff for The Director of Central Intelligence Authors \intelligence Community Staff 11 Approved For Release 205oWf:IMF}8fIqp171 R00 /? Approved For Release 20 8 j:k6 S416 j f 0171 R000400150002-6 t t t I (U) This report summarizes results of a study to determine if support from the Intelligence Community to developers of tactics and doctrine could be improved through systematization. The study expands on previous work which examined intelligence community provision of scientific and'technical intelligence in support of Defense research and development. To view intelligence support problems from the vantage point of the consumer, the study team interviewed selected users at about 30 commands and activities throughout the country. Based on analyses of data collected in these interviews, the report gives findings and recommendations for improvement of intelligence support to developers of tactics and doctrine. Approved For Release 21J N1R/#3A SSI0171 R000400150002-6 Approved For Release 20050 F I Y l A 1171 R000400150002-6 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND 25X1 1. This document summarizes results of a study that analyze problems in providing scientific and technical intelli- gence (SFTI) to managers of programs for development of tactics and doctrine. The study also addresses the S&TI needs of those who state mission requirements for systems and those who test weapon systems. A previous study, on which this study effort builds, dealt with problems in providing S&TI to the R&D com- munity. The two studies taken together provide an analytic I framework for improving community S$T intelligence support to the entire materiel acquisition structure. TACTICS AND DOCTRINE SUPPORT PROBLEMS 125X1 for developing tactics and doctrine are in two main categories: direct support personnel and production management. The problems are inseparable, but amenable to solution. Although personnel involved in direct intelligence support to materiel acquisition are often intelligence careerists, they occupy spaces not funded under Program 3. In the case of support to development of tac- tics and doctrine they are largely funded by Program 2, General Purpose Forces. In the case of support to R&D, they are under Program 6. Corrective measures, therefore, would involve coop- erative interdepartmental action under the. aegis of the DCI. 3. 0 The following summary sentences highlight intelli- gence personnel problems in supporting developers of tactics and doctrine. ? Selection practices are poor. Often personnel are placed on the basis of availability, not qualifications. ? Training is inadequate. Most personnel are not familiar with the tools of their trade and the functioning of the overall intelligence system. ? Management of direct support personnel is de- ficient. Middle management has not established and enforced realistic standards of performance. ii Approved For Release 20171R000400150002-6 Approved For Release 20 >ff0171 R000400150002-6 to U Wr I t 'xl t t 4. 0 Problems in production management of SETI to support developers of tactics and doctrine are as follows: ? Developers of tactics and doctrine (TED) do not know what intelligence is being produced. ? The S&TI needs of T&D developers are not stated systematically to producers. ? S&T intelligence producers do not know who are their users in the tactics and doctrine community. ? Distribution is faulty. Users often do not re- ceive needed, expensively-produced documents. Many receive unneeded documents. ? There are no systematic procedures for evaluation of S&TI products with a view to improvement of their utility to T&D users. COMMUNITY PROBLEMS 5. 0 The following problems became evident in the course of the study. They apply not only to S&TI support to developers of tactics and doctrine, but to the entire materiel acquisition community. ? Support from producers of S$TI to the materiel acquisition community is managed intuitively rather than systematically. Among the reasons for this is the mistaken but pervasive belief that an "invisible hand" guides S$TI production in the best interests of consumers. ? The rational process spelled out in DIA publica- tions for requesting, producing, and evaluating S&T intelligence is little used. It is actively resisted and frustrated by some intelligence managers, and ignored by many others at all levels. ? Community sharing of S&T intelligence is poor, both horizontally (among producers) and verti- cally (within Services). Questions and responses in one element of the community are not trans- mitted to users with similar needs in other ele- ments. e Formal justification for the large S&T intelli- gence production program is woefully weak and will not stand up to inquiry by oversight author- ity. Approved For Release 2eH/r'ff#ifAIV100171 R000400150002-6 125X1 Approved For Release 2011/~GI- I CJFf8IIf CO171R000400150002-6 r t 1 1 SELECTED FINDINGS 6. (U) The following are the principal findings of this study on which to base action for improving S&T intelligence support to managers of programs for development of tactics and doctrine: ? The personnel and organizational structure exists for furnishing direct support to developers of tactics and doctrine. It is in need of improve- ment. ? Programs for development of tactics and doctrine are documented and can be associated systematic- ally with S&TI production programs to ensure that user needs are met comprehensively and economic- ally. ? The system developed for S$TI support to R&D (see Appendix A) is applicable to support of managers of programs to develop tactics and doctrine. In- deed, it could be used to advantage by any commun- ity of intelligence producers to support any com- munity of users. 1 1 t RECOMMENDATION 7. (U) That the DCI sponsor interdepartmental planning to systematize SET intelligence support to the materiel acquisition community. Approved For Release 2IJ Nfj/~2 SI& FF> d1~0171 R000400150002-6 1 11 1 1 11 1 t 1 I,3A I&44E11J0171 R000400150002-6 Approved For Release 2 1#114 Page ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi I. PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Background; Need for Current Study; Problems; Objectives; Approach; Scope; Definitions. II. INTELLIGENCE NEEDS OF TACTICS AND DOCTRINE COMMUNITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 General; Comprehensiveness of S$TI Supporting R&D; Relationship of S$TI to Threat Support; Summary. III. DOCUMENTATION OF PROGRAMS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TACTICS AND DOCTRINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Importance of Documentation; Charac- teristics of Tactics and Doctrine Documentation; Association With S&,TI Tasking; Summary. IV. EXISTING SUPPORT ARRANGEMENTS--PERSONNEL AND TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 General; Personnel Resources; Problem Areas; Support System Problems; Solution. APPENDIX A: SUPPORTING DEVELOPMENT OF TACTICS AND DOCTRINE WITH SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE (S$TI) . . . . 22 APPENDIX B: INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY SUPPORT TO DEVELOPERS OF TACTICS AND DOCTRINE- INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . 36 Approved For Release 2 f # Ct3A C fPPE100171 R000400150002-6 Approved For Release 204J/ICt:A:SS41F$1E9171 R000400150002-6 r a 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 LIST OF TABLES Page 1.1. Selected Intelligence Users for Development of Tactics $ Doctrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 A.I. Research and Technology Work Unit Summary (Notional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 A.2. S$TI Task Sheet (Notional) . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 A.3. SETI Tasks Supporting Individual Commands . . . . . 31 A.4. R&D Efforts Supported by Individual SETI Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A.S. Priority "A" Association of SETI and RED Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 B.1. Intelligence Community Support to Developers of Tactics and Doctrine--Interview Highlights . . . . 37 Approved For Release 2ON113A &&f $FP10171 R000400150002-6 STAT Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R000400150002-6 Next 53 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R000400150002-6