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Document Release Date: 
May 29, 2007
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Publication Date: 
October 29, 1979
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Approved For Release 2007/05/29: CIA-RDP83B01027R000300170017-2 Slmteg~x Warning Std 29 October 1979 25X1 kMMORAND` : FOR: Warning Working Group USSR-Afghanistan The NIO/W asked that -e forward the attached to all members of the WWG. Attachment a/s DOUGLAS J. MacEAGIN Director Approved For Release 2007/05/29: CIA-RDP83B010 7R000: 00170017-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/29: CIA-RDP83BO1027R000300170017-2 .0 ? to kv Warning Std MF2 )RAS M FOR: National Intelligence Officer for Warning USSR-Afghanistan 1. We are concerned that in the month that has elapsed since the USSP.-Afghanistan. Alert Memorandum and t'h?? ILM Soviet Options ir, Afzhanir .~'an were issued, the Soviet: appear to put ;_he:aseives in posiuion to move a larger ground combat force into Afghanistan in less tiS--_- and affording less advance warni than was believed possible at the time those papers were written. 25X1 4. In sum, if I motorized divisions located on the Afghanistan border are now manned at higher states of readiness, as the evidence suggests they may be, the Soviets would bk able, within about a 48 hour period, to insert an airL; rne. division (the 105th at Fergana) into Kabul, a motorized rifle division, into Kandahar, and at least major elements of a motorized rifle division into Mazar-i-Sharif. A major ground force intervention along these lines would not nerd to be pre