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Approved0 Release 2006/01F5SR IA-RDP83B0.7R000100060016-4 National Intelligence Officers THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DDI #565-82 22 January 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: airman, National Intelligence Council Robert M. Gates Deputy Director for Intelligence :I National Intelligence Officer for Warning SUBJECT . Intelligence Support to Crisis Management 1. The attached paper is the latest in a series of drafts prepared by a member of the Intelligence Community Staff. While sharing his concern that we may not be as fully prepared as we should be to support the DCI in crisis situations, I do not agree with this paper. 2. This paper addresses the issue of a Community SITREP for "senior national consumers" without any discussion of what other situation reports may be contemplated or in existence. This con- cept paper assigns a situation report drafting responsibility to the NIOs that is at variance with the crisis role of the NIOs over the past eight years. The resources and the production responsibilities of the Directorate of Intelligence are not directly mentioned. There also is a reference to the NIO "shifting his flag" to DIA, NSA or State/INR that implies taking control or otherwise interfering with the responsibilities and prerogatives of those agencies. Finally, the author plans to circulate the concept paper at the NSC staff; an inappropriate move at this stage by the wrong DCI organization. 3. My judgment is that these issues need to be addressed, now, and by the two of you before the Community and the White House become involved. I recommend that you ask the DCI to restrain the IC Staff until we get a plan worked out here. 25X1 Attachment 25) 25X SECRET Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP 3B01027R000100060016-4 Approved Fo*lease 2006/01/0?~CW RDP83BO10 D00100060016-4 DDI #565-82 SUBJECT: Intelligence Support to Crisis Management 22 January 1982 Distribution: 1 - C/NIC 1 - DDI 1 - NIO/W 1 - NIO/W Chrono Y 1 - DDI Registry 1 - DD/OCO (wo/att.) -2- SECRET Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000100060016-4 INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF 19 January 1982 LOX TO: Doug MacEachin OCO/CIA Hqs, Langley A I 25X1 .... . 25X1 0 Pentagon 25X1 25X1 V-3/NSA 25X1 I tBob Martin PMT/State INR 25X1 25X1 OX-- CIA Hqs, Langley 25X1 I INFORMATION Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R00010006001t 4 Approved Foolease 2006/01/03 CIA-RDP83B010000010006001614 INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF 19 January 1982 rentl emen, The attached is a revised version of the concept paper I sent you last month, outlining how we might prepare a community crisis SITREP. With your concurrence, I plan to forward it to the NSC Staff as a "working level" community position. If it generates any interest there, we can pursue the matter in more detail. I would appreciate your comments. IC Staff INFORMATION Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R00010006001@-4 Approved Fo*lease 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP83130f8~O111 A Concept for a Community Crisis Reporting System Purpose: During a crisis, national decisionmakers must he provide informs on more rapidly and at more frequent intervals than conventional current intelligence publications allow. Specially created situation reports, or SITREPS, are issued t o cover these crises. Their purpose I s to apprise consumers of developments, interpret the meaning and impact of those developments, and convey whatever uncertainties exist about the situation. This concept paper describes how such a SITREP will be prepared for senior national consumers, i.e., that President or Vice President, their staffs, members of the National Security Council or- members of the NSC staff. Initiation: The Intelligence Community Situation Report will be initfa y e DCI either on his own cognizance or at the request of the White House, a member of the National Security Council, or the NSC Sta f. It will be issued at a frequency specified by the DCI, depending on th nature of the crisis at hand and will generally follow issuance of an Alert Memorandum. On conclusion of the crisis, the situation report w 11 be terminated by the DCI with the coordination of the official origina ly requesting it. Content. Crisis reports will contain the following sections: o Principal Developments: A recital of the facts which hive been reported to the 'intelligence Community since the previous SITREP and the background necessary to put then in context. Analysis: An interpretation of the meaning of those f ts. o Outlook: Expectations for near term developments Collection Considerations: A look at US/Allied collec ion posture, capability and problems. (This section will my report what collection is underway. I t will not serve as a tasking mechanism.) o Cootatity Perspectives: Differing CIA, DIA, NSA or State/INR views on any of the foregoing. AV -07 f n !7 U bit L J.J` 17-1 A t tr\ - Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP83B01027R00010006001 Drafti pr8 ~~ e--~6 ~/~ : C~ P~,,A06 first gee actions. oTTec on Cons~dera o'n"s tiion s'hou`lcr prepared by a representative of the IC Staff, and "Community Perspecti will be prepared separately by the DIA, CIA, NSA, or State/INR, with I representing Service Intelligence elements. This section will be incl exactly as subs tted by the member agency. Location - Personnel involved in the preparation of this report not be centrally located but will remain with their parent agency. A outset of the crisis, however, each agency will designate to, the DCI of its officials are authorized to represent it for crisis reporting. this fashion the task group will he "decentralized" and connected onl electronic means. !ves" 7A luded Ill the hich In by Coordination - Crisis reports must be prepared in the most time- sensitivetua ons. Coordination inevitably slows the preparation process, so no Community-wide coordination will be required. All exceptions, reservations, footnotes, etc., will be expressed in the "Com uni iy Perspectives" section. Preparation Sequence - The NIO will prepare the first three sect ons of the repot and send them to Community members to insure their rece pt at least one hour In advance of the expected release time. Agencies will review those sections and submit comments for inclusion under "Commun ty Perspectives" within the prescribed time. Final release of the finis led SITREP will be by the NIO or another official designated by the DCI.. Communications - Community members are authorized use of all communication -ITR-s- except the NOIWON. This net must be maintained o en for alert center requirements on other areas of the world. Staff Support - The NIO preparing the report will act as a Commu ity figure an , as such, is authorized to consult with or renuest assista ce of any Community element, within the limits of the above provisions. In practice, the NI0's' location at Langley will make him largely depende t on CIA resources for support. If, however, the NIn should decide that Advantage is tube had by shifting his "flag" to DIA, NSA or State/IN , it si. ll be the responsibility of that agency to provide the necessary? 'Pice ,a space, secretarial assistance and communication support. Post Flartem - A post mortem would be required for every crisis S 91 tua on e- ared. . L_ I r'16- TREP Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP83B01027R00010006001'-4 ?9 $trb,p Toned Tg& `f gP2 ~f056/~ic~' ~I h L~t~icreRPrrfrr q~~tpgt%. 0 . Wet- it will beF s cted to US national pol icymakers and principal mil i comanders. This Is Intended as a measure to allow increased candor i the report and to accommodate more restrictive security compartments a cavefts. This SITREP will therefore not replace any existing SITREPS. General - This SITREP is intended to he a report prepared sent official s76r senior officials. Agency heads or their immediate representalfves should be involved. The report should be brief, on a appropriate level of generality, and tailored to the needs of the nati pol icyseker. Inoplementatlon - This concept would be implemented by DCID. . i .. L 6 e . ; I- I %, ti. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R00010006001 `' Approved Fo&lease 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP83B0104&0010006001614 ,;_urr : A Concept for a C unity Crisis Reporting System Distribution: .5 - see LDX list 25X1 t - OAbE~ 1 OA&E rono 25X1 DCI/ICS/OA&E4 ICS Registry (19 Jan 82) Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP83B01027R00010006001