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App,roved For Release +001"/P4/0t'Pc .~ 4 3B00823Fi 0800130015-0 1'7 JUUN 197% MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Executive and Planning Division THROUGH Deputy Director of Security, Personnel Security SUBJECT Office of Security Directives 1. The Security Records and Communications Division has reviewed the attached Directives as requested and we recommend that the following be rescinded: Directive No. Subject 64-5 Accountability of TS Material 63-3 SRD - Administrative - PSU 63-1 Designation of Restricted Data Control Officer 62-10 Telephonic Requests for Indices Requests 62-9 OS Administrative - File Charge Slips 62-7 Title Designation 59-8 Files and Correspondence 59-5 Requests for Files and Indices Searches 59-2 Indexing and Searching GROUP I Iw0 00800130015-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/0r~5 :~Clr CIA-RD CON F I D E 1 IAL. n Approved For Release.2O01/~4/05Fiplt-w P8L00823R&00800130015-0 2. Although some of the Directives listed below require minor changes, we do not feel that the changes are significant enough to justify an update and rei.ssuance of them, therefore we recommend that they be retained. Directive No. Subject 63-4 OS Administrative - Form 745 62-11 SRD - Administrative - Purging 61-7 Personal Mail `~?1 ' W 59-6 Transportation 25X1A Chief, Security Records and Communications Division Attachment: As Stated Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 CONFDENTAL 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 Approved For Release 1/04/05 :CIA-RDP83B00823R0800130015-0 Tuu 3. Additional forms may be obtained from the BSO or by contacting the Area Top Secret Control Officer, extension 7831. Approved For Release~001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 'Approved For Releas O01/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823 0800130015-0 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-,T-A-L 20,.March .1963 OFFICE OF SECURITY DIRECTIVE NO. 63-3 FOR : All Office of Security Personnel i ? SLLB,JEC.T,~;.Security Records Division Administrative ' .(Personalized Service Unit) 1. Effective 25 March 1963, the Personalized Service Unit of the Security Records Division will be activated in.Room GE-13 to handle all telephonic and personal-visit requests for indices searches, files and, where required, Set- ting up of new file jackets. 2. The Personalized Service Unit will operate as follows: a. Telephonic requests for files, indices searches, and/or the setting up of new file jackets should be made on extension 6755 or RL 9446. Telephonic requests should be limited to urgent matters not exceeding five names at any one time. b. Personal-visit requests should be limited to matters of the highest urgency. These requests will be handled immediately by,SRD personnel stationed at the service counter located in the reception area in Room GE- 3. The majority of requests are of such a nature that they should be han- dled by the forwarding, through the regular courier service, of Forms 745, 744 and/oras required. These requests will be given prompt attention, thus limiting the need for telephonic or personal-visit requests. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 5 IS.;f 1` declassification .GROUP I Excluded from auto- matic downgrading and Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83.B00823R000800130015-0 Approved For Releas@'01/04/05: CIA-RD.P83B00823F0800130015-0 C-O-N-F-I-D.E-N 4. With the establishment of the Personalized Service Unit, the entrance to the Security Records Division will be through the reception area located in Room GE-13. The reception area will contain a-m~rof-thir-r t?ion can--be-done by OS-employees, and to les and chairs where files can be reviewed. There will also be a telephone available for the use of visitors. G~a I C-O-N-F-I-D-.E-]N,T-I-A-L Lo 6 SO-sj V Approved For Release 2001/04/05 CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 Approved For Releas 01 &;lei BL .0 0$813 bO800130015-0 OFFICE OF SECURITY DIRECTIVE NO. 62-I 0 FOR : All Office of Security Employees SUBJECT: Telephonic Requests for Indices Searches 6 November 1962 1. In order to correct misunderstandings arising from telephonic requests for Indices searches, effective immediately, upon the comple- tion of the Indices search, Form No. 745 will be forwarded to the tele- phonic requestor. It will then be the responsibility of the requestor to ensure that the spelling of the name(s) printed on Form No. 745 coincide with the name or names which had been given over the telephone. 2. It is requested that telephonic requests be limited to urgent matters not exceeding five names at any one time and that the requestox indicate whether an all trace search or subject files only search is de- sired. Files Section can readily furnish overt digit file numbers; how- ever, the covert and miscellaneous numbers must be obtained from a search of the OS Master Index by the Indices Section. The requestor should indicate whether he wants the files resulting from the search or he wishes to be advised only of the files numbers. 3. All employees are again reminded that there are nine Courier and dumb-waiter runs a day as indicated in OS Directive No. 62-9 dated 14 September and that requests for immediate delivery of files should be severely limited. Approved For Release 206147~5FC11id?R~E)F30~0RO 25X1A Group 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and ication ,-Approved For Relea 00IU04iQf l RRDR '00823 00800130015-0 FOR: All Office of Security 'E iiployees SUBJECT: OS - Administrative (Revised.File Charge-(Out Slip) 1. Effective this date, revised file Charge-Out Slip, Form No. 744, will be used:to request and/or recharge files. This new form will require the same information `as before and the requestor will designate in the approp- riate space, below the file number, the type, of file desired. 2. Requests for files must be submitted in duplicate. , The original will be used as a.charge-out slip, -while the copy will be a routing device to forward the file to the requestor. Should.the file be charged out, the requestor's copy will reflect the name of the person to whom charged .and .the date when charged. When there are two Subject files, an overt and a covert, bearing the same file number, and one file is charged out while the other is on the shelf, the requester will be charged with the available file which is being forwarded' to him and will lap, advised of the location of the other. file which is already charged out(t must be remembered that the. Files Section can readily furnish overt digit file: number=- however, the covert and miscellaneous numbers must-4p obtained from a search. of the OS Master Index by the Indices .Section heneve.r the file number is available, it should-always be furnished iri` preclude unnecessary. searching and to permit prompter service. 3. This new form will also serve as .a recharge slip.when approp- riately marked by an X in the recharge block.. It will remain the responsibi.-.'.. lity 6f, the reqtiestor to.furnisha,recharge slip to the=,Security. Records_Divi- si.oih.:'W'henthe file goes'9ut~ ide of normal processitvg. procedures. .,The Prom pt submittal of recharge slips will greatly assist lin the location of files when they; ar.e not in the custody'of"the idiviclual shown. on the Charge -flu't Slip. It has~'become increasingly difficult to. handle` the. numerous Office, It .should:be noted that the. Security 1~;ecor:ds.Division_has..5. internal requests for immediate delivery of. files i'd the various sections within t h6 Approved For Release 2001/8449 _ A APR8$ ea$ pO Group 1 om automatic and',, declasoafica.tio. Approved For ReIe 001/04/t5.L9 G1A Rb$3`BOM2 00800130015-0 11:oo r2!30 courier runs at 9:00 A. M., 1.0:455 A. M. , ].2:45 P.M., 2 i ? P.M. and 4:30 P.M., as well a Dumb Waite 0 aM-=~' ,s~--~ 94~ ~y! -11:30 A M ---L-30 P. M. Unless there is an emergency situation requiring immediate delivery of a file via the Dumb-Waiter, requests for files will be serviced in accordance with the schedule set forth above. In view of the fact that over 1, 000 files have to be pulled each work day, emergency requests should be kept to a minimum in order that the Security Records Division may continue to render the best service possible. 5. -Only personnel assigned to the Security Records Division are per- mitted to pull or file case folders and correspondence. Any exception must be approved in adva ce by the Deputy Director of Security (Investigations and operational Support). When SRD personnel are not on duty, the Night Security Officer on duty may pull case folders, whenever required for official purposes. In such cases, he will prepare and file an appropriate Charge-Out Slip, Form No. 744. If he transmitts the file to a second person, a recharge slip will be prepared by him and forwarded to SRD to replace the original Charge-Out Slip. It is recognized that during non-duty hours Senior Office of Security Officials may require direct access to SRD records. In such cases, the Night Security Officer on duty will permit such access and assist the official as required. 6. a ds pertaining to the File Retirement Program v thinythe Security Records Division have been the Files Section. Re- quests for retired files and related information can be obtained by calling extensions 8 and 7239. 628' R ?'7d . 25X1A Director of Security C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T --I-A-L Approved For Release 2001/04/0.5 :.CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 Approved For Release `91/0C4/g~llADF~Q83B00823R800130015-0 -I-A-L 14 August 1962 25X1A OFFICE OF SECURITY DIRECTIVE No. 62-7 FOR : All Office of Security Personnel SUBJECT: Title Designation Effective immediately, the title the Security Records Division Official responsible for th. Outside Agency Name Check Program is"SECURITY RECORDS LIAIS,N OFFICER." is the incumbent in this,'position. 25X1A 25X1A Excluded from automatic C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-I, downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B008 Approved For Release 201/04/05 : CIA-RDP83B00823R0800130015-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 12 October 1959 OFFICE OF SECURITY DIRECTIVE #59-8 SUBJECT: Files and Correspondence I. In order to account periodically fo and covert security files, all such outstanding to the holder approximately every ninety day, Division will notify all Divisions and Staff advance of the date set for returning or of files which have been "permanently) should assess their needs to deter nite holding is necessary. Thos holders thereof should be retu are retained. charge slips (Form 744 or 7 thereon. outstanding overt le s will be recharged The Security Records approximately one week in echarging the files. Holders or indefinitely charged out ne whether "permanent" or indefi- files which are not needed by the ed promptly to the File Room. Re- 4a) must be submitted for all files which 2. The cooperation of all components is necessary to in- sure the success of recharge program. In preparing a recharge slip, the requesto/must indicate his component and room number B. Correspondence 1. In order to insure that correspondence or other material has been reviewed by an official before it is filed, each document des- ignated for filing should be appropriately marked and initialed by the official who has reviewed it. STATINTL Dire.'6r of Security Distribution: . All OS Personnel Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 Approved For Release 01/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R 0800130015-0 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 16 September 1959 OFFICE OF SECURITY DIRECTIVE NO, 59-5 FOR: All Office of Security Employees .SUBJECT: Requests for Files and Indices Searches 1. The Security Records Division receives more than 200 telephone calls each day asking for expedite indices searches or the pulling and handcarrying of files. It is recognized that in some instances there is need for immediate information or records from the Security Records Division, and telephonic requests in such instances are justified. 2. Because the processing of the current large daily volume of tele- phone requests retards the normal work in SRD connected with clearance actions, all personnel are advised that telephonic requests for files or indices searches must be limited only to those instances where expedite handling is absolutely necessary. All other requests should be submitted to SRD on appropriate forms as described below for routine processing. SRD will be expected to process such requests and serve the requestor normally within 24 hours. 3. On routine requests, when it is known that a subject file exists, requests should be made on forme. `/y! -Use Farm 744 (White Charge-out) =o. For Overt files Use Form ?44a (Blue-Charge-outaSlip)- 4. When a subject file is not known to exist, Form 745 (Indices Search Request) should be ,used in routine cases. If a record is found, the file will be delivered to the request:or. STATINTL Director of Security Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Rele se 1/O DA5 A- PP8JAq 3R 800130015-0 12 March 1959 OFFICE OF SECURITY DIRECTIVE NO. 59-.2 FOR: All Office of Security Employees SUBJECT: Indexing and. Searching 1. The consolidation of our Office of Security indices holdings into a uniform master index is being initiated at this time in the interest of increased efficiency of operation. In order to achieve uniformity, all index cards will be standardized with regard to size, texture, information to be included. thereon and the purpose for which they are used. 2. Effective 1 APRIL 1959, information to be indexed will be placed on 3" x 5" hardback cards. A card which is used to index the name of the subject of the security file will be known as a Primary Index Card (formerly Subject index card). A card which is used to index any name or data other than the subject of the security file will be called a Secondary Index Card (formerly Reference or Asterisk index card). In order to distinguish a primary index card from a secondary index card and also to distinguish whether in- formation has been indexed to an overt or covert security file, a color system of index cards will be used as follows: a. Primary Index Cards: (1) Blue - to index the subject of any overt security file. (2) White - to index the subject of any covert security file. b. Secondary Index Cards: STATINTL ' (1) Salmon - any indexing to an overt security file or record other than the subject of a file. (2) Yellow - any indexing to a covert security fil or record other than the subject of a file e . Approved For Release 2001 / ~ ~,kL 0W2 000800130015-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 Approved For Release Wb1/04/05: CIA-RDP83B00823RQp0800130015-0 identifying data described above, a brief descriptive phrase may be placed on a secondary index card, when appropriate. For instance, Illustra- tion "B" indicates that William M. SMITH was a member of the Institute of Pacific Relations in 1946. Other examples of descriptive data might be the following: "Friend of Alger Hiss", "CP Nominating Petition Signer", or "Dismissed from Commerce Department - Morals". This information will then be included on the search sheet denoting the results of the indices search and it can be used by requestors for identification or elimination purposes if they so desire. 8. In order that index cards may be searched more readily and may be uniform in appearance, it is requested that information on the cards be located and spaced according to the illustrations. The sub- ject's name should appear approximately one-quarter inch from the top of the card and one-quarter inch in from the left-hand side. His last name, which should be in solid caps, should be listed first, then his first name, the middle name or initial. The first and middle names should be typed in initial caps. The file number should appear in the right-hand corner opposite the subject's name. Identifying informa- tion should appear on the top half of the index card. The placing of an asterisk in front of the file number on a secondary index card indicates in Illustrations "B" and "C" that John J. DOE is the subject of that file number. 9. If an individual other than the reviewer of the document is going to prepare the index card, the reviewer should use the following procedure in marking the document for indexing: The name of the in- dividual, company, organization or other data. to be indexed should be circled. The use of ink or colored pencil for the circling of a name is optional. In the lower right-hand corner of the first page of the document, the reviewer should place an "X" or an "Asterisk" stamp. He should also similarly mark the lower right-hand corner of each page of the document which contains names to be indexed. In the event that the document is already filed, the reviewer should attach a buck slip to the top of the file indicating that there is indexing to be done in the file. He should then attach a 3"x5" slip of paper to the right side of the first page of the document which has been marked for indexing and he should place an "X" or an asterisk on the slip of paper. This slip of paper should protrude about 2" from the side of the file in order that it will serve as a flag for the location of the names to be indexed. The individual who prepares the index cards will then remove the slip of paper and will cross through the circled names as the index cards are prepared. He.will also initial the "X" or "Asterisk" stamp 4 Approved For Release. 20V1M, 4 055: C -, RQf?.,$u3B00 3R000800130015-0 Approved For Releas8 11,'/, /R,,AFIO JJpE8.3,B00823RWD800130015-0 at the bottom of the page to indicate that index cards have been prepared on names listed for indexing on that page. In the event that an individual's name appears several times in a document, it will. only be necessary to circle his name the first time it appears. A notation should be made on .that page, however, that the individuals name also appears on other pages (listing page numbers) in the document. The index card will then .indicate all of the pages on which information appears concerning that individual. If the reviewer of the document is going to prepare his own index cards, it will only be necessary for him to circle and cross through the indexed names and to initial the bottom of the page signifying that he has prepared the cards. 10. The question often arises as to whether a certain name or item of information should be indexed. Ba,sic:ally, the determination as to whether certain information should be indexed rests largely in the discretion of the professional individual reviewing the material; however, certain guide lines are set forth in assisting the individual in making his determination: a.. Security Records Division automatically prepares all primary index cards since all files are established in the Security Records Division. When a document is sent to the Se~:uri.ty Records Division with a request that a file be established and the ,:;object of the document is not clearly evident, the requester should advise SRD the name of the subject under which the file is to be set up. Since the great majority of our files are established under the proper name of an individual, this procedure should be followed wherever possible. b. In considering the Preparation of secondary index cards, the determination sh01.11d be made as to whether the information is or might be of current or future intelligence, investigative or security value. In other words, is it of sufficient importance to warrant subsequent retrieval? c. In the event that prior information already exists and has been indexed in our files, the determination should be made as to whether the current information adds something new and different. to that which is already indexed. Approved For Release 2001/04/05.: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130015-0 CIA INTERNAL USE 1,4LY., Approved For Release 01/04/05: CIA-RDP83BOO823F 0800130015-0 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY d. Under the new uniform system for the operation of the indices 9 copies of index cards will not be dis- seminated. An index card becomes a permanent integral part of the master indices to be used only to locate information contained in some security file or record. Therefore, no information other than identi- fying information described above should be included on an index card. 11. It might be beneficial at this time also to draw a distinction between searching and indexing.. A search of the indices is generally performed to ascertain and obtain info rmatiaona with regard to a parti- cular case, or situation of current interest. If on the head" search for subject files only is all that is desired, the search request form should so indicate. If, on the other ha~.:ad, all available information is desired, a complete search of both primary and secondary index cards will be conducted. When information exists which is not only pertinent to the instant case but which also has an actual or potential future in- telligence or investigative value, that information should be indexed. Selective indexing of information, as opposed to indiscriminate in- dexing of all information, will increase the potential of the indices to direct us to pertinent information rapidly and efficiently, thereby enabling us to obtain maximum use and benefit from our resources of security information. 12. The Security Records Division, upon request, will index any name or other data which is marked for indexing. However, the project of consolidating and unifying the indices in the Security Records Division has placed a tremendous workload on that Divsiion. It is suggested, therefore, that wherever possible index cards be prepared in the office of the individual who reviewed the document using the uniform system as set forth above. This will be extremely helpful in enabling the Security Records Division to cope with the current workload since the complete consolidation of the indices will extend over a period of several months. Any particular problems encountered with respect to indexing material should be referred to the Security Records Division for assistance, advice or guidance. STATINTL Director of Security Approved For Release 214/ ~k&g~A ~Pg ,(P0823R000800130015-0 ApproV STATINTAppro SENDER V'. I..L G I F1= O O E L OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I 2 3 DDS PS 4 C/EPD 506 Ma g. Bldg. 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : RETURN TO SENDER AND PHONE NO. DATE CONFIDENTIAL -T-- 8 SECRET d FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 G 00130015-0 00130015-0