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Document Release Date: 
March 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 16, 1975
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Approved For Release 2000/09/03.: CIA-RDP83B00823R000800020005-3 '16 JUN 1975 ,-IFMORA''-TDLR,1 FOR: Deputy, Director for Administration 'ieeting` with the FBI on FOIA 1. On 12 June 1975 a meeting was held with represen- FBI on FOIA. Present from the FBI were and the undersigned. 2. The meeting extended over about a two-hour period. The Bureau agreed,that the Third Agency material in each of our files was a problem and both the Agency and the Bureau agreed that we would prefer that no other agencies indicate to a requester that it has our material in their files. - - Bureau representatives also indicated that they find them- selves in conflict with the Department of Justice on this material but they feel that if we could discuss the matter with responsible Justice officials and explain our problem, perhaps we could get then to modify their, position. 3. speaking for the DDO, briefed the Bureau on our position on Third Agency material, i.e., that it is not-our material and has been defined out of our files. He said that it was the DDO position that weeshould stick with thin position until the matter is tested in court. DDA repre- 25X1A sentatives were inclined to agree with but felt that we would probably lose in court and"shou have a backup position. The Bureau thought that the Agency position was a highly desirable one but said that they already are admitting the existence of Third Agency information, on instructions from the Department of Justice,w ;. At the conclusion of the meeting it was agreed that -perhaps the best thing '~.nto `do would be to define our position, ~ J!: '?T inary 0, nd a secondary one, ?n, then discuss the elatt :, with appropriate Justice D--part:nt of ..ic als -'aiter Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000800020005-3" Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000800020005-3 our ;problems had been explaine toshen. bIt:Was further ion * agreed that the Agency s Pa a. We continue to stici with our definition of files until this position is overturned by the court., or formally rejected in writing by the Department of Justice. b. If our primary position is rejected, eit,er by the court or Justice; we would treat FOIA requests where Third Agency information is indour_ files (from the FBI) as follows: (1) We answer the requester we have fromtanoth erthe same name as the requester may not be identical Government agency which may or with the requester, The requester would be told other that the x.nfornatiowo~pdt~ficatian;eandoifhidentical Government agency for that Aency.wculd respond to the request. n~ S. The ntixt course of action, as I see it, is for us to coordinate that position within the Agency, inch.;ding the -tould k,.neral Counsel's Office. O cethat is them donwhie .4 ildaincl de with the P3I for another meeting j and a De)artren.t of Justice representative. t?,e = r legal counsel get rom that neeting we would hope to gea policy position re- garding the Tai-rd Agency Rule. Distribution: prig. F, 1 - Addressee 1 - PPG 1 - Chrono DS/C IKane:rjw (13 Jun 7S) ? Charles W. Kane Director of Security X. Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000800020005-3