H. RES. 138

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Publication Date: 
February 19, 1975
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19 February amendments inserted Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 House Calera ar No. ? 9-1,ri-i CONGRESS 1ST SF5SIO:i 7 ? a r [Report No. 94--121 FEBRUARY 4) 1975 M . GL\Ilro (for himself, Mr. Ni:nri, Mr. Moss, Mr. McFAu., MIr. BiT\cx_\_lI) r Mr. IL miNx.Toa, and Mr. DAN-IS) submitted the following resolution; which wa.s referred to the Committee oil Rules FEBRUARY 18, 1975 Reported with amenclnients, referred to the House Calendar, and ordered to be printed [Omit the part struck through and in:: rt the part printed, in italic] 10 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 Resolved, That (a) there is hereby established in the 2 House of Representatives a Select Committee on Intelligence 3 to conduct an inquiry into the organization, operations, and 4 oversight of the intelligence community of the United States 5 Government. 6 (b) The select committee shall be composed of ten Members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker. in een ;1t tion the er -ft n of t ose 4 . eeniifiittces a etHUE- o ilitelli b ge*ee m -t-i-e The Speaker shall designate one of the Mein- bens as chairman. V Approved For Release 2000/09/03 CIA-RDP83B00823R00070004002.9-6 Approved For Release 2000/09/032:_ CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 1 (c) For the purposes of this resolution the select coin- 2 rnittee is authorized to sit during sessions of the House and 3 during the present Congress whether or not the House has 4 recessed or adjourned. A majority of the members of the 5 select committee shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business except that the select committee may 7 designate a. lesser number as a quorum for the purpose of S taking testimony. 9 S1:e. 2. The select committee is authorized and directed 1o to conduct an inquiry into- 11 (1) the collection, analysis, use, and cost of intel- 12 ligence information and allegations of illegal or improper ;1.3 activities of intelligence agencies in the United States 14 and abroad; 15 (2) the procedures and effectiveness of coordina- tion among and between the various intelligence com- 17 ponents of the United States Government; IS (3) the nature and extent of executive branch over- 19 sight and control of United States intelligence activities; 20 (4) the need for improved or reorganized oversight 21 by the Congress of United States intelligence activities; 22 (5) the necessity, nature, and extent of overt and 23 covert intelligence activities by United States intelli- 2?1 gence instrumentalities in the United States and abroad; Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 3 1 (6) the procedures for and means of the protection 2 of sensitive intelligence information; and 3 (7) procedures for and means of the protection of 4 rights and privileges of citizens of the United States from 5 illegal or improper intelligence activities; and 6 +7+ (8) such other related matters as the select 7 committee shall deem necessary to carry out the pur- 8 poses of this resolution. 9 Sic. 3. In carrying out the purposes of this resolution, 10 the select committee is authorized to inquire into the activi- 11 ties of the following 12 (1) the National Security Council; 13 (2) the United States Intelligence Board; 14 .. (3) the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory 15 Board; .16 (4) the Central Intelligence. Agency; =,.. - 17 (5) the Defense Intelligence Agency; 18 (6) the intelligence components of the Departmei-ts .19 of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; . 20 (7) the National Security Agency; 21 (8) the Intelligence and Research Bureau of the 22 1)epartment of State; 23 (s1) the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 'Approved For Release 2000/09/03: CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 1 (10) the Department of the Treasury; and the Dc- par?tinent of Justice; (1 _i) the Energy Research and Development Ad- Ministration; and (12) any other instrumentalities of the United (s States Government engaged in or otherwise responsible for intelligence operations in the United States aiicl abroad. z) SEC. 4. The select committee ' may require, by subpena 13 or otherwise, the attendance and testimony of such witnesses ii and the production of such books, records, correspondence, 12 memorandums, papers, and documents as it deems necessary. 14 of the select committee or any member designated. by bim, 1- and may be served by any person designated by the chaiimnn 16 or such member. The chairman of the select committee, or 17 any member designated by him, may administer oaths to 13 Subpenas may be issued over the signature of the chairman 18 'any witness. 19 SEC. 5. To enable the select committee to carry out the 20 purposes of this resolution, it is authorized to employ investi- 21 gators, attorneys, consultants, or organizations thereof, and 22 clerical, stenographic, and other assistance. 93 Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6. Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CJA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 3 Six. ~. The select coiiimittee is authorized and directed 4 to report to the House with respect to the matters covered 5 by this resolution as soon as practicable but no later than 6 January 31, 1976. Sic t' he authority granted Herein shall expire three 7 S months after the filing of the report with the House of ing eng. gament, magazine a.rttcle. book, or other ecctt:a:or connected with tha Investi- gltin~z and study undartaken by this com- - rattt rc.' --- .5EC,.7 eacpenses- or- the etzet"c~?~>~'r 'inltteaunder..thls resolution shsll it0te~a'?d__ r$750,000,?.otrwhlch :;anlouxltrnoti:t 3cic t `$100,000sha1?be-availshle-for,tha.-p;oci ~'qi ment of.the services of.indlvidusl consaltaa's':'` ;or_organlzatlons thereof. Such expenses:sh311~ -.be paid from .the -conti^gent:lunc(;=gf tt3_=c_ j ;House upon vouche_s:signed;bt?tlia.-,cha!r= =_- mall or the select- committee- n.l ppo+ ?he Cns~[--ems.." . _ .. - - .:~ .: ... b y Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 p y.deem necessary to prevent cecces s itma '.(1) the-disclosure,. outside.. the select . com mittee,: o!, any Information relating to :the' activities ot:tbe-Central lntellloence Agency-' or=anp other =departrrient or .agency'.oi they ':;-Federal' Government engaged .1n. IntelItgeace. ,activities,-obtained -by the select :committee,: =during - the.course of 1ta study and vest gatioir,-n authorI ed'by- the lse:ect com- ?. mittee to be disclosed; -and (2) the `dlsclo- sure, outsida? the select committee, or any. information which would adversely affect the-;intslligesMa. acti^1*'ee cc't-tbe Central. .'Intelligence Agency In-foreiogri: countries ot. ;. the- lntelllgencs_A.ctivlttes.in.foreign coun- .tries 9f,' any .other de~artnzent or 'agency ot? `trig -Federal Governor tit;_ - . ~? Y?'(b),lto employee- of- tie select committee ? or any'persori... engaged .by-contract.or-ottier.! ;; =o/tsa, tn-parforMr_sezvices .for. the' select: cord-* mlttee shaII.be given-access to.anyciasaided=?,. Informatton-.by.the. select-.committee--unless-. `snc ), employee or person ties=received au ap~ .]{'::r.:.- >c_ , :.;...,P.i::"..c=?:iia-Q?l..v?r...^-_~i ?propriate security clearance as'determined by. the select committee. The type of security clearance to be required In the casa of any such employee or person shsll, within the cle- terrnination of the select committee, be com- mensurate with the sensitivity of the.classi- Sed information to --htch such employee or person w;11 be given access by till- select committee. --(c) As a condition for employment rs de- scribed in.sectlon 5 o. this resolution, each person shall nree not to accept any honorar- lum, royalty, or-other p: ymeut for n speak- EL . Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6 a J y y ti 0 tam " d J H ~~S J Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000700040029-6