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IDENAPIPTceT.Flf9:0R81"ACqCISPR9e):2:9NRETS)8gIRTPIR9A_2891Nmponent respon- sible for exit interview briefings of staff and contract internal personnel. ACTIVITY CODE: I, B, (b), 1 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? ADate(s)? 25X1A 30 May 72 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? -Agency employees, Office of Personnel, and Office of Security Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do (as) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes . NoX so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component. do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X _ If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by Os that you feel is more ilqportant than this one? Yes No X If so, whrit? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENT FtekrPrliFIVRVf-is.f3V21aPc/P9Mi'fiPl%FPregBR8VPAIRctoP2R17p13nent responsible for official foreign travel briefings of staff and contract internal personnel.- ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 2 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 25X1A 26 Oct 72 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? The Agency and its employees. Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes -X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without . significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more . important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTIFIT&FT-FReikeris999g1?9/ ACTIVITY CODE: I, B, (b), 3 25X1A ? COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: ? What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? . Date(s)? 2 5X1 A 21 Oct 68 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? The Agency and its employees. Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of. Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTIAMiliWifi-ReArMq1M9/GhiP16-FRPN 13(9?1WMPW1291;11-1 mTonent responsible for personal foreign travel briefings. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 4 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 25X1A 13 April 66 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? The Agency and the employees Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes r No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes..?.. NoX If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more,efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? ? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 .25X1A ? IDENTIFPommM FerRRITITN0101.09 ACTIVITY CODE: I, B, (b), 5 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: ?What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? .Date(s)? 25X1A Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Office of Security Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity- should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more dAportant than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 ?:,,CIA-SIPf8i3c13e0008i3lVeOginG2OLy On-Ap IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVITY: ine onent responsible for making the Office of Security decision concerning the separation in absentia of an Agency employee. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 6 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? None. This is an administrative procedure to Insure that Absentia separation employees return all Agency property and sign Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes No Secrecy Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Agreements. OS and Office of Personnel Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes NoX If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X. If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly?. More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more - important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTM3RrVcr IFfecPPIW!?2iRktiTI.WW3HTOWV2i!x(3* onent responsible for making the Office of Security decision concerning an. employee's intent to take outside employment while still an Agency employee. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 7 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: What is 25X1A are our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 5 Feb 70 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? 25X1A Employees component Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes ' No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes a No Ic so, how? By having the employees administrativecomponent adhere to the .intent of the regulation. Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes X No If so, where and why? The employees administrative component who should determine if such employment will effect his performance. Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes x No If so, which component and why? Same as above. Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity he reduced in scope/size or discontinued significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes X If so, how? By rewriting the regualtion only it tnete is security si Is there any activity not now Dein important than this one? Yes without No - indicating that approval is required niticancp- pursueu oy OS that you feel is more No x If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/02: CIA-RDP83B00823R000700020017-1 IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVITY: The Office of Security component responsible for making the Office of Security decision concerning i an employee's intent to engage n a non-Agency training program. ACTIVITY CODE: T, B, (b), 8 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/FAB EVALUATION: 25X1A DATE: ? What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 2 April 1964 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes x No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Employees component Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes ' No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes ?X No If so, how? By having the employees administrative the intent of the regulation. Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes X No If so, where and why? The employees administrative component. If the employee is taking too many courses it could interfere with his Agency iob Can anothe'r component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes x No If so, which component and why? As indicated above, the employee's administrative component has the vested interest in this type of activity. If there is no security. significance, -the employee component should approve the Does the activity include anything questionable in the light_ ot request. Watergate? Yes No x If so, what? component adhere to Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes X No If so, how? By rewriting the regulation - indicating approval is required only if there is security significance. Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP831300823R000700020017 1 _ IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVITY: The Office ot 5ecurity coMponent responsible for making the Office of Security decision relative to an employee's intent to make public appearances. ACTIVITY CODE: I, B, (b), 9 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? .Date(s)? 25X1A 5 Feb 70 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? OS and Assistant to the Director Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes Nox I37 so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does- the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more - important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02: CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/02: CIA-RDP831300823R000700020017,1 IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVITY: The Office (lit security component responsible for making the Office of Security decision relative to an employee's intent to present a ? manuscript to a publisher for publi- cation. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 10 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 5X1A 5 Feb 70 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? OS and Assistant to the Director Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes NoX If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reducedin scope/size or discontinued without. significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes NoX If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDAPPTVeCifiolliWe@PeAR*1,3fgair::C141WPIRRK2WVeMM.1)7-1component responsible for making the Office of Security decision relative to an employee's intent to visit a foreign embassy. ACTIVITY CODE: I, B, (b), 11 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25)0A , What is (are) our reference (s) for this activity? .,Date(s)? ? 1 April 61 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? The Office of Security? Cover and Commercial Staff, and the employee component, and employees. Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes x No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? les X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No L- so, how? X Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size, or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more iinportant than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDEAPPrDivefifP6PseARTP194Y-.:CMDF;93 j!:T2g7ITTiprT7 component responsible for counseling Agency employees relative to foreign social contacts. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 12 COMPONENT: OS/PST/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 1 April 61 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneTiciary(ies) of this activity? OS, CCS and Agency employees Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? YesX ? No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes NoX ? If so, where and why?. Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reducedin scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No x If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDF:#13PrionckfTrAelgItseAPP9kPiqq::CIPt-g)PCPP2R23gTqaq9MF-tomponent responsible for counseling Agency employees relative to court appearances. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (h),13 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? .Date(s)? 2 April 64 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? CCS, OS and Agency employees Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes . No X I a: so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why?. Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes Mox If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more - important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDE#PPTITqfnelerein9iITTN: : CIARDP83B00823R000700020017-1 The Office of Security component responsible for counseling Agency employees relative to jury duty. ACTIVITY CODE: I, B, (b), 14 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 2 April 64 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? CCS,OS,OGC and Agency employees Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No x If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 L02 : CIA-RDP83130082313000700020017-1 I DEhlITM41138sTlii?011- Y : The Office of Security component that counsels Agency -employees relative to questions they may have to answer on applications (school, community organi- zations) concerning their employment. ACTIVITY CODE: I, B, (b), 15 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference (s) for thisactivity? Date(s)? 7 June 71 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes x No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? CCS and Agency employees Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , NoX If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTIAPTivikckroOPeeiMM9/(11iCifriRPFSQ1319q8233M991(10P2Wiltnent that counsels Agency employees concerning their Summaries of Agency Employment. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 16 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: 25X1A DATE: ,What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 30 May 72 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Agency employees and Office of Security Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes Mox If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENT 1 AppkoiviedNF of) IRet!eTq V:1010/0:9/02TRATFRPIR308FWM.R190Wilonent that reviews all retirement actions and documents the security file relative to Agency decisions on each individual case. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 17 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 30 May 72 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Office of Personnel Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes If so, how? No No X Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred . to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTIPpemov0FoRelies2AGR09/02tRA-131:Tfag?9)8f23WRIPPF:Si) onent that prepares respons-es to correspondence received by the Agency or the DCI, relative to matters under purview of the Office of Security. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 18 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? UNKNOWN Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? 0/DCI and other Agency components Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes x. No II: so, how? Index name of correspondent and provide brief . description as to type of correspondence. Destroy actual correspondence rather than filing in SRD. Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of, Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes X No If so, how? Review correspondence for threat only. Index as noted above, and destroy. Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more . important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTIAMMOF19tQsPAPP9/9?/?2`1W-189MErn3MUP9CIPTLIp onent responsible for making the Office of Security decision relative to an employee's intent to join a club or organization. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 19 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: 25X1A DATE: .What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? .Date(s)? 2 Mar 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? OS and Agency employees Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes x No Can the activity be done more efficiently br less costly? Yes No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes X No If so, how? By having the employee submit requests for approval only for those organizations which they feel may be questionable. Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 I DENT I FARFMTA\Fct51RekaPT \MEVIPM419.PW-FPF@Pgq82?PqFP@PAPQM nent that counsels Agency employees relative to public media contacts. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 20 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 13 July 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes x No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Assistant to the Director Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes "X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes., No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? The responsibility for this activity belongs to the Assistant, to the DCI, not the Office of Security. EAB acts, as a channel for such requests. Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in .the light of Watergate? Yes No K If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes ? No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 I DENT/M/1MM EQ'r lea?s,e-2,0Pg/09/92'SIA-ROP83B00823R000700020017-1 1Y. Te Office of Security component that makes the Office of Security decision relative to an Agency employee's application for Federal Employee Compensation. ACTIVITY CODE; 1, B, (b), 21 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A .What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? :Date(s)? 18 Jan 73 ? Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? AXXIXXXXWaXXXX Cover and Commercial Staff Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes )( No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No If so, how? X Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity. include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what?, Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 I DENT I4PlinviefiCrT rAp I eRes notomp 2 :,Filieek-ISPi8i3pgogvilo:Fuoroio.?yooi7-1. component that makes the Office of Security decision relative to bestowing an Honor or Merit Award on an employee. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 22 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 10 Dec 73 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Honor and Merit Awards Board Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No X DT so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes NoX If so, how? ? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 le/MT RGI?f?P?2'tRATljtPfPg?ge123AVPFPPP:qtT4 onent that IDENTIWVAvielAtree makes the Office-of Security decision relative to Agency employees hospitali- zation insurance applications: ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 23 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A ? What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? ..Date(s)? 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? All Agency personnel Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes x No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes_X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? ? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without siudficant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more ? important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTPLIVInTqfPr 130eA21419111P/92 WeIRRNPM-PR8EPPM?1161ip onent that makes the Office-of Security decision concerning an Agency employee's intent to sponsor an alien. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 24 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? ? 5 Feb 70 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes x No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? OS and Agency employees Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No x If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No x If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? 0 . Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTPfPTATISC:Rr t3leAteriCtap/i029/:02.:9&-R6MBRO8R11807u0191W01oc7-tp m onent that nx-441cmc x44-KenckttjxcxxxxfoaEgmxixtiaxcloatakixix carneaniagoaxixeuaapermarix xocfocsagawalconac Atm xixbRoatxxonctxtmx xiktiamcck Agoartarinixx ADVISES the Suggestion Award Committee relative to Security aspects of Committee activities. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 25 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: 25X1A DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 4 Feb 75 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Suggestion Awards Committee Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes If so, how? No No X- Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include an thing questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No A If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 ? CIA-RDP831300823R000700020017ini IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVITY: The ()trice or becurrry co ponent that assigns and processes covert site investigations. ACTIVITY CODE: I, B, (b), 26 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/FAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 1 April 61 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? OL/Safehouse Branch Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes NoX If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes NoX If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTAPPMATIleOr ffPleAMNPFIC1191?2:91RPPRW8nRgra-719PRCIPV614 onent responsible for-giving the Office of Security coordination on use of cover. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 27 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Cover and Commercial Staff Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes x No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No If so, how? X Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No. X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No x If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not how being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENT APPUIVP0 glQr Rglemcaripp/10NO2 : ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 28 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? The Agency Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No x If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENTIVPTATqffRr130eWTIROPIP19/92:f-A-FtPP18?ROVORSPRUPPROFoliponent that makes the Office-of Security decision relative to the approval and issuance of CIA Investigator Credentials, True/ Alias. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 29 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? _Date(s)? Hq Manual Sect 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the.beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Office of Security Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes 5( No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No If so, how? X Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes_ No x If so, where and why? Can another component ? do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity, include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If co, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 25X1C . IDENTAPPMPOS-ifor liPlent4RAP4?19? ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 30 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: 25X1A DATE; What is are our for this activity? Date(s)? 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes x No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Office of Security Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes NoX If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No x If so what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more - . important than this one? Yes No X If co, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDF\Tfkppinrcigr ee[2P94IPPIP2 ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 31 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB What is (are) our reference (s) for this activity? .Date (s)? Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No x If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 25X1C ? I DENT f`IltcWil f?1- tWeAter.4{kPINIG19/P ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 32 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 7 April 71 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes x No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? DCl/Security Staff Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , NoX If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No x If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDEyffffrnTIRrFa-RETNRow-PRIAgfvamovoinponent that makes the Office- of Security decision relative to the certification and issuances of CIA Firearms Permit. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 33 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 7 April 71 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? The Agency Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No If so, how? X Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X . If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more,efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why?. Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reducedin scope/size or discontinued without. significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If co', how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If co, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 25X1A- IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIViii . Approved For Release 200.0/09/02*: ? ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 34 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A 'What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? ? 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Cover and Commercial Staff Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable .in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS, that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENT ERr tWerg[R091P19/921:`IcclAtFiErie@P?14234109147-CRO)200374-onent responsible for the processing of OS personnel cover requirements. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 35 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? :Date(s)? 30 Nov 59 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Covert OS Personnel Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No x If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No x If so, what? Can this activity be ?reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENARIVEYOIWISaileW19940/14192: 1114-RSIFIVLBOOR3FIMPNOPt290Voliponent responsible for giving personnel briefings on Office of Security cover. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 36 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A ? What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 30 Nov 59 ? Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Covert OS Personnel Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , NoX IT so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? - Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 25X1C I DENT#P1IreXEI4 5ckr iWegfceri2P9Q/PW92 ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b),.37 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION.: 25X1A DATE: ,What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 1 Apr 67 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Operating components of the Agency. Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes NoX I= so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No x If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No x If so, what? Can this activity be ?reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If co, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 25X1C ? IDENT ffTreXtq 8Rr Veef4(399/P9/:? ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 38 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 1 Apr 61 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Operating components of the Agency. Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No x If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 IDENT4TRITXTqW00, 1:199/91192 Wk6RBFfl.31Bc0e08giRg0e0j8r3.t20)5)17-1 component 1-2 responsible for the procurement of federal personnel records. ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 39 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: 25X1A DATE: What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Office of Personnel Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If co, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 DE.NTIMirRyirgorol?..elnsieAppM/02 ? 25X1A ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 40 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 1 Apr 61 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Operating components of the Agency. Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes NoX If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more.efficiently? Less costly?' More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of ? Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reducedin scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/8A-RDP831300823R000700020017-1 IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVITY: ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b), 41 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? Yes X No Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity? Operating components of the Agency Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes X No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes .X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes , No X If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No X If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? .Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1 25X1A I DENT I F144:01101Mist FOFIRPMMTVPPA.09/0 ACTIVITY CODE: 1, B, (b),42 COMPONENT: OS/PSI/EAB EVALUATION: DATE: 25X1A What is (are) our reference(s) for this activity? Date(s)? 22 Nov 65 Is (are) the reference(s) still in force? YesNo Who is (are) the beneficiary(ies) of this activity?X Operating components of the Agency Do you feel the activity is still necessary? Yes x No Do(es) the beneficiary(ies) feel it is still necessary? Yes X No Can the activity be done more efficiently or less costly? Yes _ No x If so, how? Do you feel that responsibility for the activity should be transferred to another OS component or to another Office? Yes No x If so, where and why? Can another component do the activity more efficiently? Less costly? More properly? Yes No X If so, which component and why? Does the activity include anything questionable in the light of Watergate? Yes No X If so, what? Can this activity be reduced in scope/size or discontinued without significant effect on overall Agency security? Yes No X If so, how? Is there any activity not now being pursued by OS that you feel is more important than this one? Yes No X If so, what? Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000700020017-1