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Approved For Release 2000108f3'1 ciA-RdP83 00823R000600090032-8 25X1A Monthly Report MARCH 1. OVERSEAS ACTIVITIES (C) PHYSICAL SECURITY DIVISION OFFICE OF SECURITY Cumulative Monthly `I'o t al FY - 78 2. DOMESTIC ACTIVITIES (C) 25X1A Surve Acti 't Surveys Completed vas nzragton Metropolitan Facilities Surveys Completed Non-NFIB Facilities Surveyed Non-NFIB Facilities Follow-up and Support 14 2 36 Approved For Release 2000/051-3 CIA `~R?P83600823R000600090032-8 E2 IMPDET CL BY 058757 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 C1A-RbP83~00823R000600090032-8 PhySD Monthly Report MARCH 1978 (Continued) Cumulative Monthly Total 11Y- 78 Advice and Guidance Security Violations Pro r 14 g am Investigated Domestically Domestic Charged 65_ 381 Overseas, Correlated/Charged 40 _ 198 Briefings 25 158 Investigations 0 5 ~ Support Activities (Capitol Hill 2 ~ ) Special Projects or Assignments B i 22 r efcase/Package Inspections 6 - 31 0 0 3 3. HEADQUARTERS ACTIVITIES (C) Security Duty Office Incidents Involving Written Reports S i 44 ecur ty Assistance Cases Security Inspections of Agenc 1, 581 9, 821 y Facilities Receptionist Section 388 2,282 Total Number of Visitors P r Collateral Clerk office ocessed 11,849 61,170 Number of Fines Collected Money Collected 1 013 Identification Section $.1,1611` 6,427 Staff Badges Issued VNE Badges Issued Credentials Issued 115 _ 744 Staff Badges Destroyed 357 - 1 0'8 VNE Badges Destroyed 1 564 Credentials Destroyed 143 - 712 Security Services Section 156 25X1A Security Equipment Service Calls S ecial S 971 up ort A 1 p ssgnments/flan-hours 5,169 Escort Assignment 1,626 Classified Escort Assignments/Man-hours 963__ 5,269 42 149 4. SAFETY ACTIVITIES (U/AIUO) Safety Surveys Man.-hours 4 3.0 Special. Safety Inspections 234--- 780 Man-hours 4 31- * Cumulative Totals adjusted. ;. w Approved For Release 200 5l RDP83B00823R000600090032-8 0 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP8I 3B00823R000600090032-8 PhySD Monthly Report i MARCH 1978 (Con.ti.nue(1) Cumulative Monthly 1 otal FY_. 78 Accident Investigations 3 Accident Reports Processed Analytical and Statistical Reports 9~-- Prepared 1 Training Given - - ---- Formal Full-time Programs 1 Number of Students I . 0 Student Man-days 20 Briefing Sessions Number of Sessions 4 79 308 Number of Attendees 2 _ 44 Student Man-hours 61 _ 3,957 61~ 4,057 Special Programs ~- -- Number of Attendees --- l~ .9 S 3 0 Safety Literature Distributed _ 1283Z-- Fire Alarm Tests Conducted ,830 155,53 Support Actions 0 0 Fire Drills 23 gg 0 5. INDUSTTRRIAl, SECURITYBIZANCH ACTIVITII_ S (U/AIUO) Audit Activity Audits Completed ISIS Travel* Man-days on Domestic TDY ISB Training- -MaTI-11011rS* 6. PHYSICAL SECURITY DIVISION TRAVEL (C) Man-days on overseas r1,1)Y Man-days on Domestic TDY Total Man-days on TDY 7. PHYSICAL SECURITY DIVISION TRAINING (U) Man-hours Receiving Training Man-hours Conducting Training 85_ 1,764 ** 20 *ISB's figures also included in overall Division figures (#6 and #7). ** Cumulative Totals adjusted. Approved For Release 2000/05131 I74`REF8aB00823R000600090032-8 7 395 _ 40 _..169- 14 293 83 - T- 528 -9 7- -`_ _Ml Approved For Release 29 1 Q~~ 1 ~C I I f,8 P~ JR000600090032-8 OFFICE OP SECURITY 25X1A Monthly Report MARCH 1978 Cumulative Monthly Total FY-78 1. OVERSEAS ACTIVITIES (C) 2. DOMESTIC ACTIVITIES (C) Survey Activit 25X1A Surveys Completed Washington Metropolitan Facilities Surveys Completed Non-NFIB Facilities Surveyed Non--NFIB Fac:i.lities Follow-up and Support 14 Approved For Release 2000/056 1 x CAARQP$3,Bd0823R000600090032-8 AE 2 IMPBE'T CL BY 058757 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 CIAL DP83B(0823R000600090032-8 PhySD Monthly Report MARCH 1978 (Continued) Month Cumulative Total. FY-78 Advice and Guidance 143 573 Security Violations Program Investigated Domestically 65 381 Domestic Charged 40 198 Correlated/Charged Overseas 25 358 , Briefings 0 S Investigations -.24 Support Activities (Capitol IIil1) 22 Special Projects or Assignments 6 31 Brief case/Package Inspections 0 3. HEADQUARTERS ACTIVITIES (C) Security Duty Office Incidents Involving Written Reports 44 :316 Security Assistance Cases 1,581 8 21- Security Inspections of Agency Facilities 3 2,.282 _ Receptionist Section Total Number of Visitors Processed 11,849___ 65170 Collateral Clerk Office Number of Fines Collected 224 7.01.3 Money Collected $1,161__ -------- ~ 6 , 4 2 7 Identification Section Staff Badges Issued 798 5 ,628 VNE Badges Issued 11.5 744 Credentials Issued -357 1,038 Staff Badges Destroyed 172 _1 L564 VNE Badges Destroyed 143 712 Credentials Destroyed 25X1A Security Services Section Security Equipment Service Calls 971 ^ 530169 Special Support Assignments/Man-hours 436 i 269 gnments Escort Ass 963 5 Classified Escort Assignments/Man-hhot;urs 149 4. SAFETY ACTIVITIES (U/A1LJ0) Safety Surveys 4 32 Man-hours _--.2 6_- 780 Special. Safety Inspections _4 31 ._---- -- Man-hours 28- X14 * Cumulative Totals adjusted. Approved For Release 2000/05/31 `DLA-RDP83B00823R000600090032-8 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 '`. C1A=RDP83BOO823R000600090032-8 PhySD Monthly Report MARCH 1978 (Continued) Monthly Cumulative Total--FY-78 Accident Investigations 3 Accident Reports Processed 90 Analytical and Statistical Reports Prepared 1 3 Training Given Formal Full-time Programs 1 4 Number of Students 10 79 Student Man-days 20 308 Briefing Sessions Number of Sessions 2 44 Number of Attendees 61 3,911 - Student Man-hours 61 4z057 Special Programs 1 Number of Attendees Safety Literature Distributed 1,832 1 Fire Alarm Tests Conducted 0 0 Support Actions 23 99 Fire Drills 0 5. INDUSTRIAL, -SECURITY BRANCH ACTIVITIES (U/AIUO) Audit Activity Audits Completed ISB Travel* Man-days on Domes t -i c TDY ISB Training--Man-hours' 40 169 6. PHYSICAL SEC JRITY DIVISION TRAVEL, (C) Man-days on Overseas TDY 14 293 Man-days on Domestic TDY 83 528 Total Man-days on TDY 97--- 821 7. PHYSICAL, SECURITY DIVISION TRAINING (U) Man-hours Receiving Training _ 85 1,764 Yr Man-hours Conduct-In.(; 'I'ra i.nin(T 20 IS11's fii.I7ures also included ire overall Division figures *x Cumulative Totals adjusted. !`6 aiid 1 7) . Approved For Release 2000/05131 CIA-RDP83B00823R000600090032-8 25X1A I-I UNCI ASCI FI ED M INTERNAL rdlyffiqrVAND RE:CC)RD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: Chief, PhySD EXTENSION NO. DATE 11 April 1978 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1 C/PPG/OS /~ ///T je 7 A1~` 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. F 1