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Approved For Release 2002/08/15 :CIA-RDP83B00823R000400040008-2 ~. 1, ~'h~: Uffice of Security ~ia?I six FY 1976 Objectives, two at the DC:[ level a.nd fs~ur at the DDA level. Of the llCI level ob j actives a one pro~ra~:, tae Secuxi.ty Access Control 5yste~~ (SACS) encountere3 slil~~~age during FY 76 and adaatiQnal slipg~.~e is forecasted ;sefore the sysfi.e~u becomes ogexational. ~~ith xe~s~~ect to the seeond DCI level objective, the purin~ of Off3.ee of Security reeords, the Office of Security is rc~structurin~ the objective wit~~ broader recluir+~~~ents encl. establ~.shl.n~ it as a I~DA 1eve1 FY 77 Objective. 2. Co~zcer~~an~ the faux a~lA level objectives, two are cs~mglete; a t~iird xec~uired revision of the action plan and wall be continued as a a-year objective.. T~~.e fouxth objective required slil3~page of milestones anti an estimated coml-letion date of Janus.xy 1377 ids been established. 3. Presented below is a brief ;liscussion o# r~aclY o# our six rY 7C~ Objectives including, as apgxogriate, their Status as of tie Transataonal i~uarter and. a brief evaluati?n of FY 7E~ accomglishments. a. t)S-Q?fl1~76 I3y 3l Itecember 1375, com$lete a study an3 ~,xo~~?se a plsn ~to reduce by at least 1~J?~ tl~e {total. volume of Office laarcl-copy rec?rcls as 25X1 US G AGb~s r Approved For Release 20 >%~I~~~~~~>~~00823R000400040008-2 + ~ Approved For Release-2002/0~?~~~5 ? ~ 83B00823R000400040008-2 ~~.~~ ~~, measured in the FY 1975 records management inventory. Such reduction Would be carried out by ic~entify~i.ng types of material ~ that must be ~aerriasently c?~llccted and by identifying far destruction duplicate and other unnecessary file m~.texial sQ txat its ~.egal destruction could be~ accos~plish~id as soon as authorization was graz~,ted following the conclusion o# current i~Evestigations of Agency activities. (1) 'I'he final nilestonc of this Obj?ctivs was placed in ai~eyance pending t~xe .results of the recent IG survey of the C~ffite of Security. it is anticipated that the IG report. will. include a recom- mendation that the ?fiice of Security conduct s.n accelerated program to purge i11egQ1, improper and unnecessary materials within our record holdings, (2~ In order that our records purge plan be consistent with those recommendations we are proposing an FY 77 tJb3ective which gill both implement the plan identified izt our FY 76 Qbjective and. satisfy the expected c3eman:is of the IG proposal. {3) ~e sh~11 defer preparation of a specific FY 7? Action Plan until issuance of the IG repor ~, as-~-~4-~~ Approved For Release 2002 ~-. 4 p~~~F~~3Fy~D0823R000400040008-2 25X A roved For Release 2 (~F pp 1~: ~C ~"~ (2) Evaluation of xY 76 Accomplishments c. t~S-A-U~-76 ' I~~plement completely by 3~ June 19?6 an Agency a~itomated inventory system for the control of collateral Top Secret material.. (~.) T~ Status (a) ThQ Top Secret Control.Au~omatec~ ~?ata 5yster~ is xtow ?geratiQnal and receiving 1:he full participation. of t~ac~ Age~~cy ~ s 6~ Top Secret Control t~fficers. (2) iy'alus.tf,on of pY 7f~ Accomglsh (a) 25X The Tog Secret Control Autgmated System data base consisting o# an inventory of 131,4~D0 Top Secret documents fs.r exceeds tlxe initial inventory estimate of ~~,a~~? Tans disparity arose because Area Top Socret Control tJff icons , in repoxting their estimated inventories, clicl not include copies, atts.c~~ments acid retired or archival Top Socret mstorials. (b) tine mi~~or setback with respect to the complete aeh~.ever~ent of tiiC objective Approved For Release 200 ~: f19P~ 8238000400040008-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 :CIA-RDP83B00823R000400040008-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 :CIA-RDP83B00823R000400040008-2 . Approved For Release?20 ~ ~ ~?~~~~~~~~00823R000400040008-2 e. OS-A-C17-7b wise by ~~ A~ovember i9~'~, systems and procedures to develop a~td establish a seri~ss of positive indicators against which the significant program ~r~~.ssi?ns (functaons) tan be ~iudged. (l) The Office of Security has identified ~~ossible perforruance indicators for twelve program sulxrniss ion packages . 2-~owever, we are encountering diff3.culty in identifying suitable indicators for tha rs~aining three packages. We will tontinuv to e~amino those packages in an attempt t4 establish indicators we believo to be appropriate. (Z) used upon the amount of time required to identify indicators thus far, we b$l3.eve a two-month slippage iu 'Mile- stone 2 t~zr~augh S, as indicated in tl~e attached action plan, ~.s necessary for achievement of thin objective. Install and have operational in the ~ieadquarters ~3uil~3ing by 3t? September 1376 the Security Access Control Sys tem. As of 1 Atovember I~7G, a review of the ~3acige Machine program strongly indicates that ad- ditivnal tine is required before ail Headquarters entrances become operational. At the ~~resent time, the Office of Security is conducting a thc+rough_study to ascertain specifically what remains tv be accomplished to effect full implementation, 8y 5 ~3ovember, it is anticipated that the results of this study wall permit preparation of a dain~:tive progran evaluation to include a firm Estimate of the program's completion date. ~. Based upon a recent conversation between an Jffice representativr~ and Chief, ~=~anagswent and Assessment Staff, F j' '' ~ :. t i~ ~b?~~ t. F Approved For Release 2002/08/15: CIA R~~~~3~'00823R000400040008-2 ? Approved For Release 200~t~ /..515,.; ,CIA-RDP83B00823R000400040008-2 ;3I~A, sae s~iall defer until 5 November submission of the ?ffice o? Seeu~city APP/EE0 reports requested in reference ~}J) . 25X1 R4t~srt ~1. Gambino At t Distribtition: Orig $ i - DDA 1.- - D/ S - OS Reg 1 - PPG Chrono 25X1 OS/PPG laj 29 Octbber 1976 Retype a~ 1 November 1976 Approved For Release 2002/08/15: CIA-RDP83B00823R000400040008-2 ? ~ . A.~.~.~~_.~J r~.~ A.1.... /fAA/1/AD/AG /CIA 1'll'11'1071-fAAO/171'IAAA AAAA AAAAO /1 1~ ?t 1 rn Z Approved For Release 2002/08/15 :CIA-RDP83B00823R000400040008-2 (1 -DICE ~~ SECUE~I-(Y ACTIa~~ PL~~~ >~/ I 8 '~'~'~'r"~~(~~~~.~~~8~!~ R00 0040008-2 ~.`~~~.: S -STATUS . ?} ~~ ~ ' ' :. JECTIVE S CATE~~E~lT E ' ~ ~ STIMATE OF . RESOURG~S .~ JUirWAUG ~ 31 December 1975, complete a study ar_d propose a plan to reduce at least loo the total volume of Office hard-cagy records as ~ 27,b00 SEP-OCT ~ casured in the FY 1975 records management inventory. Such reduction 1 ~~ - NOV-DEG A ould be carried out by identifying types of material that must be . ermanently collected and by identifying for destruction duplicate and - JAf~i~FEB _. her unnecessary file- material so that its legal ~destruct~.on could be CTION OFFICER: ~/P~iM MAR-APR _ _ ~ ccomplished as soon as authorization was grant t investi ~ations of A en act ed,follocuing the conW iv~.ties. 25X1 MAY--JUN ~ ~ . , ~ ~ ~~ ~. r1I LESTO( S ~ ~ COP~PLETIO~~d DATES _ ~E ~ ~ ~' ~ JULY l1UG SEFT OCT P~OV DEC 'JA~J FEB P~1AR APR . h1AY JUi~(E.. Identify. types and volume of records held by: Office of Security components. ?: ~ ~?` ' ? a egorize eac~ re kept. by law, directive or regulation; (b) must be destroyed; (c) should be kept; and, 0~ _~~ _~__ ____ ?~ Identify problems, priorities an options for. carrying out destruction and estimate ~ resources re aired. p_ _.._~ ' __.._ ____ ~~ Out~~lline schedule an su nu propose ' _ _, ~, ~ . . . r r w ~. .nw~. Approved .For lease w . . 002/0 15: ; CI -RDP 36008 3R000 000400 8-2 ...u..w...~ , ...Approved For Refease~~002/08/15 :CIA=RDP83B00823R00040004U008-2 - (lj 18 1~Tovember 1975: The various types of records held by Office ?~ :. of Security coirmonents kere identified on schedule in September according to milestone 1 along with the volume measurement of each type. Categorization according tv milestone 2 has beer. completed for she records held by all components except the Security Records Division. This division, which maintains the vast majority of ~- categorisation process in regard to security dossiers may require. ?S riles, has a significant problem in trying. to categorize, in accordance with milestone Z, the security dossier holdings.. I~iTe have slipped the completion date of this milestone until Aovember to permit further retiiew of this problem, recognizing that the a totally different approach...., (2j 23 ,7anuary 1976: We have slipped completion of Milestone 2 to February to permit the continued identification of selected categories of SRD security ~ssiers to be purged and to study a proposal for restructuring and reducirbg t'r~e Interrogation Branch file system. Slippage-~of this milestone tell ertaii slippage of Milestones 3 and 4 to March 1976. (3) 24 Aiarch 1976: Fu~-titer tL~ne is needed to study the nronosal for systen. Tris kZ.ll require sliot~age of A'lilestone d tc, Anr; i ~ Q7F t., .~.... 3l1i?cut_t.si~, v! !1!C l~Z1R "Q15slaenrs." (4) 24 A~ay 1976: Additional time is needed to complete final draft and 4 to June 1976. ~. - ? coordinate our proposed plan. This will require slippage of milestone (5) 30 July 1976: Completion of the final milestone on this objective has been further delayed. The results of the recent Inspector General . survey are expected to include a recormnendation to~carry out an accelerated program aimed at the purging of illegal, improper and ? unnecessary material in our record holdings. ?Submission of our pure ob~ectYVe which would both implement the Ulan identified in this j~nth these recommendations. Further, we are proposing a FY 77 . IG recommendations, in order to ensure that the plan is consistent' pan and schedule is being held in abeyance pending receipt of the plan. and schedule roll be finalized by September 76, if the IG~. ~Y 7b objective and satisfy the expected IG proposal. Hopefully the recorunendation is defined. by that time. (6) $ September 1976: Records Purge. This Objective has been supplanted:' by a ne 1977 Ob ' w jective OS-A 09-77 which will both implement the plan Approved' For #2ele a:~.002/0~~15 : CIA;I~DP83B008~~RA: OFFICC OF SECURITY ACTIOI~ ~~ 03JECTIVE STATEMENT: ~JLL 1-t Y G e~'~~{~C~(? 50S D OZ 763 LCV ~~~ DCI STATUS + - ~ -, ST~MATE OF RESOURCES (FY ) J UL-AUG I 3 ~ 700,, 00 75 nstall and have operational in the Headquarters Building ?` ~~- ) SEP-OCT ~ by 30 September 1976 the Security Access Control System.. , , , . ~ 176, 000 (FY 76) NOV-DEC s . .. ~ ~~ FY 76 2/3 ~ MY .' ~ ~ ~ ~ CTION OFFICER:~ DD/PTOS .JAN-FEB ? , 25X1. MAR-APR ffi _ _ MAY-JUN ~ MI LESTOC~ES~ ' ~ ~ COMPLETIOtJ DATES ? ~ ~ ~ ~ JULY AUG SEPT OCT