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Publication Date: 
April 5, 1950
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' mOra UNITED. STAT GOVERNMENT Din-yntor of Central Intelligence FROM chief, Inspection and Security Staff SUBJECT: Project Bluebird DATE: APR 5 1950 There is subnitted for your approval and authorization for allocation of funds Project Bluebird. in view of the extreme sensitivity of this project and its covert nature, it -t_s deemed advisable to submit this project directly to you., rather than ftrou ;h the channel of the Projects Review Committee. Knowled>e of this project should be restricted to the absolute minimum nwaber of pe rso 11s . This project is now extremely important because of the expressions of interest in this type of a program develooing in various areas of the Agency. It is most import-ant that Vnese varied interests,be brought into a single project where appropriate controls can be exercised. This will avoid corroromise of our techniques and interest in this field', It is requested that this project be approved and authorization granted for the necessary- funds as set forth in the attachment. 25X1 nel, GSC 25X1 Concurrences: See attached memorandum of concurrence) ~~OPC Chief, Inspection and Security Staff Vaasa ao a ep }^ --- -~ -_ ~T~ Jfa 3COf-TF r ^G?r'-,-, (i16 1QNOO ^; 'a 3IY:f I~FOU.r's 0511 c/~ . ,-V7J 25X1 7-00 LtIN {i t.S ADD sR~ Nic, Gssc to Ur CSt4TF,,h1_ oIb E aaroved For Release3 a : Approved FortReleaj 183-01042IOd080010003-1 Type - Operational Support 1. Pueferences. 1 eeting of representatives of ADOSO, ADOPC, ADOSI, and Chief, I&SS, on 14 March., where =:3.g;reement was reached on the following proposal. 2. The purpose of this project is to provide for the immediate establishment of interrogation teams for the operational support of OSO and UPC activities. The teams 1^rL utilize the polygraph, drugs, and hypnotism to attain the greatest results in interrogation techniques. It is important that this project be es- tablished inasmuch. as a considerable public and government interest has recently developed in he use of hypnotis:ra for interrogation and for o ersonality control purposes. This interest steiais from the recent spy trials in Hungary and other satellite countries. 1,1ithin a number of areas of CIA there has developed con- siderable interest in the field of hypnotism and one of the basic purposes of this prograr- i.s to bring all such interests within the purview and control of a single prow e et. It is extremely important that any action by CIA in these fields be restricted to the icnolvrledge of a minimum number of persons on a Top Secret basis to prevent compromise and unfavorable repercussions. Further, activitiers ix this field are so highly specialized that untrained personnel . should ~d n., ~. of cr attemp.~ ` to a^a-1-ply the to chiiques of harpnotiem under any circuius tanoes . This project will provide highly qualified and technical personnel to perform all aspects of interrogation for all areas of the Agency. The i*_,aaeda.ate purpose of tl program is to provide interrogation teams utilizing the cover of polygraph interrogation to determine the bona fides of high potential. defectors and agents, and also for the collection of incidental intelligenceom such projects. it team is to be composed of three persons consisting of a doctor -- psychiatrist, a polygraph -- hypnotist, and a technician. It is proposed that two teaiiz be established to meet current anticipated requirements. its it will require approximately five months to adequately train two polygraph. -- hypnotists, I&SS will make available irrrdiately its hypnotist -- specialist for field assignments in order that a team mill be immediately avail- able for serv._ce. ?1'o complete the team a doctor and a technician will also be required for immediate service. In order to provide for two team it is proposed that two doc.- :) :s - psychiatrists, two polygraph -- hypnotists and two technicians be auth_2ried under this project. In this manner one team will be available for in-mediate service and iri.thiai six months two full time tea-ns will be established. It is further proposed that the doctors -- psychiatrists be set up in an office in Washington which will serve as a cover for training, exneriu!entation, and in- doctrination. Jurposes in the use of drugs and hypnotism. The doctors will be available for field assigments with the interrogation teams. All training of the team personnel -crill_ be conducted by Y:SS. The team personnel, when not on Approved For Release 2 Approved For Release 2004T0f 042R0 800010003-1 field assignments, will roe utilized for defensive training of covert personnel, study, and experi_ment_.tion in the application of these techniques. This pro- ject is for the defensive use at this time of drugs and hypnotism. Ha-.;ever., positive: ap,)iication of hypnoti_sa } ill not be used until furt'-er experience in this fiel-, has been obtained and subject to approval of the DCI. 3. Opera tional Control. S, Trill serve as a board for the operational The 0301 i DOPC, and Chief, J& aoir roi on the use of interrogation teams. OSO and OPC will submit to the board proposals for the use of interrogation teams on specific projects. Board auoroval trill. be granted only for specific projects and will not be granted for general assignment to a geographic area without a specific project in mind and ;;ithout adequate controls. . Se curt ter. The use of interrogation teams will be considered as Top Secret and knowledge of such activity within C`F will be restricted to only those who of necessity must have knowledge of such operations. The use of interrogation teams for o-.nnerational s u') )ort projects will in each case be granted only upon consideration of all security factors involved to prevent compromise of their use and techniques and, to avoid repercussions to C.=A. The >ersonnel of the teams will be assigned to Chief, I!SS, and will remain under L"S'S control except when on specific assignments to the field. ;,hen not on field tss-i --cnents the tears will be utilized for training, indoctrination, .end experiT:ner ation purposes on mutually agreed projects in support of the covert off:i4ces. 6. Training. All training of team personnel in polygraph, drugs, interrogation, and hypnotism will be conducted by Ik&SS. -7. Yield Support. Field eup Tort for interrogation teams will be provided on specific projects by either O or O?C, in accordance with the decision and control features of the operational control board. Budget. The estimated budget for this -proe ct for one year is as follows. Details Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010003-1 CON Approved For Relase 2004/01/29 ETA`-MM01042ROW800010003-1 Personnel $4o,800.00 Sun-olies 1,025.00 Equipment 3,190.00 Transportation 18,000.00 Pent 2,500.00 $65,515.00 177,"'~ii: ,. Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010003-1 Approves For Relgse 20(6i 2ROQP00010003- C ATTACF ENT A 1 Doctor c0-15 (Psychiatrist) (Q) ?10,000.00) $10,000.00 1 Doctor GS-12 (Psychiatrist) (3 f? 6,L00.00) 6,1oo.oo 2 3.1. and Polygraph Specialists - GS-13 (@ :i?7, 600.00) 15, 200.00 2 Te chn c . - 0S-9 (? $., 600.00) 9S200.00 Supplies: Polygraph Paper 300.00 Ink (1 qt., ? 10.00 Pen tips, ?-ponges, electrode plates 15.00 Clerical (usual channels) Medical Drags 100.00 Photograph 'Lc (fi3.m,. bulbs) Processing chemicals) 400,00 Reco "ing (Tape) or (Belts) 200.00 Equipment: Polygraph Yachino (Kocl_er) 1,295.00 Spare part. kit 100.00 Medical Syringes 25.00 Towels, etc. 5.00 Physical ex4naination equipment Monitoring and recording equipment 2 recorders Microphones ',lire Repair and installation kit Photographic Still caw,era - 35 mn Movie ca.,-(e,,- -a Developiji equipment Transportation: ;1500.00 per trip jer person (3) 4 trips per year average Doctor '> office (-:,200.00 per month) Telephone (Private line) Approved For Rele4s, 100.00 900.00 75.00 15.00 75.00 250.00 300.00 50.00 l8, 000.00 2, 1400.00 100,00 ,6DP83-01042 R0008000 jgOO3-1..0 00 Approved For Re4 4e 2f3Q4/01/2' ,z The 1oi1.o dng constitutes the a13+ ` T ds in support of this project. Covert consultants - contractual $16,400 Services (Services Budget) 100 I, SS tJV .01 (Pers. Services) 24, 400 Reent, (Office covert consult ants) 2, 400 I&SS 1S2 I. ns-,')e ction travel (U.V.) 18, 000 Vrouchored Funds 160-101. quipment (09) 3.,19 0 :C&SS Vouchcred Funds 160-101 Supplies (08) 7_, 025 5,= ,01 (i:ersonaJ Services) Covert Consultants (Contractual) ) -1 GS-15 (psychiatrist) >l0,000) Assigned to IS 1 C k,-1.2 (psychiatrist) 6x4OO) 2 Security analyst GS-13 (Polygraph Operators '?7600 2 Teclrni c.ians 17Z-9 (4, 600) .02 (Travel) $1500 per trip per person (3) 4 trios per year average .014 (Conn_unlcations) Private telephone line .05 (Lents dnd Utilities) Doctor's Office ('x 200.00 per mo.) .08 (Suupliev ,r [aterials) gra -3h Poly .09 Syringes 25) Towels, etc. 5) 15,200) I&SS T/0 Unvouchered 9,200) ) To be included in IQ,SS UV 18,000) JV 1S2 (Inspection of Foreign Installations) Absorbed in Services Budget 100) 2,400) Paid by L' SS as ope rating expense of consultant Paper 300) Ink (1 quart) 10) I&SS Vouchered Funds Pen tins, sponges, electrode plates 15) Drugs 100) Photographic (fiJzn, bulbs) Processing chemicals 11.00) Recording Tape (tape) or (Belts) 200) (L Cj ri p' d{:: 11'U ) Poly; -r a ;-)h. ,Lachine (Keeler) 1295 Sparc part kit 100 Physical eYxan.. equipment 100 2 re c. orders .. , __~ . 9 00 i= cropbones 75 Approved for Re T4I4 RDP83-01042R000800010003-1 Approved For Relose,.2Q04/01I29,::CIA-RDP$3- ix sr a i_r and. :Installation kit 15 75 Still C -.,;sera 35 mm 250 i:ic~ Tie G :"era Developing Equipment 300 50' SEED 042ROQQr800010003-1 Approved For Release 2004/01129.:-CRs1 3-01042R000800010003-1 DP83-01042RO$Ofd'3-1 oily I :f S. 25X1 F?'..t 1. handlln=: n Oject t a. be handcarrri h Si S. 'LOON 11UENT1 [ tank De ityx/InsPe-ction and ecurtty nirn ; to the roject BLUEBIRD require sA>eciia.l the control of documents pertaining to this G + y re:yuirexnerr-s are set forth: in CIA will be classified TCP SECRET and ill W ion from one office to another oil an t'E es Lnly'* cta :.-.~?t W 1' when the iect matter zx: r ,~. rornt does not specify the tru pur>ose of this i~rogra does it m ICE ij. ct refs-rcc t e i a nce of t kr s , i - r. r-v*. o t ne mat,er::als and means utilized in furthc: t_ . .;. ~~ ts. s*),ould be made with key officers in Arx 1a Navy, nd F BI i n U ? i rv'e as c iti tact < oints in their respective departments foa chan,;pe of inf-o m kkM n. corscerrinv this program. Dot.v)r I - n f >nt from CIA to the above de artn,ents should be on a ' i T " ' ?l { basis to the contact officials in each eie? he c o A,ers ?ns who have "need to know. 't e* know and r each offi c- x-, bates briefet:l wierar~x. to -set 25X . rontro1 list will be available to the reepe,ctiv offices SHEF'FI, LC? F-D--VARDS Colonel. CC A11~~*~I NT be establishers for all persons who have a need to & yE .I .S and J) will kzee' I S Inf th _ orme of Atat ? :,,-Hied to the cor1 rol list. For coordination and !M- Approved For Release 20IA-RDP83-01042R000800010003-1 Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010003-1 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE TO: Janice ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION I FEB 55 24 I REPLACES FORM 36-8 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010003-1 Approved For,,$elease 20 G~3-0104IIr100080001 $ E7ms _ ?4.~ - ..r SAQ i).+.J L~dV the f ~.::!. ~z :tai ~1 a}~ r% i+ /~ :f - 41 rx,la,J i ~:aiiS 4'"... . ~. a COX ILLEGIB f, /3 /~ 25X1 Pr joct ~LS1ucbird" " to c all a .iGr t.i.4Jr j at 2:00 .1.-as Vi 7";.t chs " ;: ..,:~..:,. IY_ ,, _3 ~_M Ln ~. ," ..X ..4~. ,.. ;ip r. G" or t y` .-. ! S T?(. 1?.+ yl M;'t~rr ?. h ws V t%= rs :t~ ~i ?`}.. of ~ .. 2. .. .. C,.. to i..'~.?ey. Li :.7.. L~+ Lv xu iw~~~,~..~.Q.`:iup~?}~ l:i .. ... y~. a.~10,000) Assigned to I: -SS 1 GS-12 (psychiatrist) 6,!400) 2 Security analyst GS-13 (Polygraph Operators x;7600 2 Techhnic,ians c$-9 (4,600) .02 (Travel) p15O0 per trip per person (3) 4 trips per year average (Equipment) Polygraph Lachine (Keeler) Spare Dart kit Syringes Towels, etc. .04 (Conn .uri cations) ) Absorbed in Services Budget Private telephone line 100) .05 (Rents and Utilities) ) Paid by I?;SS as operating Doctor's Office ( 200.00 per :o.) 2,4400) expense of consultant .08 (Supplies C11 Materials) Polygraph Paper 300) Ink (1 quart) 10) I&SS Vouchered Funds Pen tips, sponges, electrode plates 15) Drugs Photographic (film, bulbs) 100) Processing chemicals 400) Recording Tame (tape) or (Belts) 200) .09 Physical e:. equipment M -crophones . 15,200) I&SS T/0 Unvouchered 9,200) . ) To be included in I&SS UV 18,000) JV 1S2 (Ins-oection of Foreign Installations) 1295 100 25) ire .-~ t ~j ~t~.L t 909 Approved Fo R ie se 2OO*i0* . i 83-01042R000800010003-1 Approved For Ryas l,2t 0l0 2R 800010003-1 iTire Repair and Installation kit Still C--,::sera 35 mm lb-,ri.e Cc.,-era Developing Equiprant 15 75 250 300 50 Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010003-1 Approved For Ruse 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP83-01042Rga9800010003-1 107- . ,.., ::: =U Ca,ay ? 5. ..I-"MCR \NDUM F6^: AD/CSI cPC (I FR :.M an r7 r a 1rnL M-112 17 125# ..;.. : Assistant Deputy/Inspection and Security. Ul3Bj-UEI3IRD 1. Dorn i ents ;,art sinitr ; to the ..>roject BLL'1 BlitD require s 'ecial handiin y because of thrr extremely sensitive nature of the inform tion er- ta:n;ii;; to this -ro-i -ct. x or the cann.roi of documents pertaining to this project the foil: