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September 20, 2005
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Publication Date:
February 13, 1975
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Lj I_' v H A
- Approved Foilease 23: CIA-RDP83-010400300010023-4
Room 4E 64
13 February 1975
1. Police Liaison-Contacts
Referencing recent media coverage of the use of Fairfax
County Police badges by Agency personnel, Mr. Kane sug-
gested the possibility that other former police liaison
contacts may express concern or request guidance from
Office personnel with - reference to past arrangements of
a similar nature. Mr. Kane emphasized that if any such
request is from a media representative, in accordance
with Agency policy, it should be referred to the Assistant
to the Director, Mr. Thuermer, who handles all press
in- If request is rece?Ted from a former police
liaison contact, and solicits guidance. with reference to
the release of information about previous liaison assis-
tance involving the Agency, the requester should be advised.
that the decision does not rest with us. Nevertheless, the
circumstances of the requester's problem should be elicited
and he should be told that we prefer that he not identify
Agency personnel or training sites. If the requester
solicits verification of facts, he should be told that we
will look into his query and recontact him. All cases of
such inquiries will be brought to the attention of the
Director of Security through appropriate channels.
2. Investigations of Agency Activities
Mr. Kane indicated that developments have been moving
slowly in the investigations of Agency activities.
Although the Department of Justice has just about completed.
its review, the Senate Committee is still getting organized
and the House Committee has really taken no action.
Mr. Kane indicated that the Associate Deputy Directors of
the Agency are to vi=sit
to meet with Agency per
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brief them on the status of the investigations and to
bring to them the Director's views in this area. Already
planned for this purpose arc trips to b the
ADD/I and to by the ADD/A.
field offices will be included in these plans.
3. Freedom of Information Act
Mr. Kane called attention to the fact that the FOIA amend-
ments which take effect on 19 February are already having
a significant impact on Agency activities. With reference
to Office of Security records, the guidance of the General
Counsel has been solicited. A problem exists with reference
to the releasab-ility of security file information to Office
of General Counsel. Although security files will not be
released outside the Office, they will be made available
for review by Office of General Counsel representatives on
our premises in the presence of a. security officer.
4. Reassignments
The Deputy Director of Security announced the following
professional reassignments:
5. Quality Step Increases
_fih.e Deputy Director of Security also announced the presen-
tation of =a Quality-Stop Increase to 25X1
at NPIC where she is currently assigne .
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6. Top Secret Document Inventory
Referencing a request to all. Office components in November
1974 to conduct an inventory of their Top Secret holdings
and the fact that action on this request in some areas had
been delayed due to the priority requirements in support
of the President's Commission, the Deputy Director of Secu-
rity (P&M) asked that attention to this request be renewed
as soon as possible in order to complete the project. The
inventory must be made prior to initiating a new pilot pro-
gram for controlling Agency Top Secret documents.
7. Two-sided Xeroxing
The Chief, Administration and Training Division called
attention to the fact that the Office is under pressure
with reference to the Xerox copier in the Office of Security
Registry. He pointed out that the model currently installed
is economical to operate only if 40% of its use involves
two-sided copying. The rate of two-sided use for the copier
during January 1975 was only 6%. Unless this percentage is
drastically increased, the Office may be forced to replace
it with other copier equipment. Such replacement could
nocessit-,tn reconfi_giiration. of the Registry, since substi-
tute models are large iii size, slower, but less costly to
operate when one-sided copying is done. All Office personnel
are strongly encouraged to use the two-sided capability as
a rule.
8. Video Tape - "Up the Organization"
The video tape, "Up the Organization" will be shown at 1.000
hours, 14 February in the OS Conference Room, 4E 64, Head-
quarters. All Office of Security supervisors are urged to
attend. This viewing is open to other Office personnel as
well. An overflow audience will be accommodated by a second
viewing at 1100 hours.
9. Badge Machine
The Deputy Director of Security (PTOS) advised that on
7 February outstanding safety and fine arts considerations
associated with the access control device of the planned
-Security Access Control System had been satisfactorily
addressed... A request for price quotations for the entrance
units and guard consoles has now been placed with the manu-
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The Deputy Director of Security (PSI) advised that of the
270 summer employees submitted for clearance processing,
10% have indicated some use of drugs. As a result, a.
special seminar is being held
to consider the best way to investigate those drug us.e cases
without revealing to informants contacted that the applicant
may possibly have a drug problem.
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pp 0 3 kj~
1.0. Summer Employees