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. s ? 6 , , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18: CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 4 JUN 25 1947 NEUORANDUM FOR.ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR REPORTS AND ESTIMATES ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION AND DISSEMINATION ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR SPECIAL OPERATIONS CHIEF OF ICAPS 'Subject: Functions of the Reference Branch, ORE ? VI k f ? 1, Referenoe is made to paragraph 21, CIG Womorandum dated 19*December 1946, addressed to all Assis-ant Directors, subject: Funotions of the Office of Reports and Estimates. . 2. In order to establish a clearer understanding of the func- tions and capabilities for service to be developed by the Reference Branch, ORE, there is attached for your information a detailed state- mont.of functions for this Branch, including its subdivisions. ? S. .The Reference Branch is now prepared to begin operations in each of its Stated functions. All CIG activities will make such adjustments in current operational procedures as may be necessary to conform therewith. _ rat THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE'. 1 Attach. Statement Of Functions Exec for P&A Exec Registry Central Records-2 1 ICAPS Chrono LTS Chrono SHEFFIELD EDWARDS COLONEL F.A. ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ET . _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18: CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18: -2,1A-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 SECRET ON MURAL IBTELLIGERCE GRoUP REFE1EUCE BRANCTI,ORE statement of Mission 11 April 1947 To be the repository for all intelligence and Intel- licence information to be permanently filed by CIG, to maintain rsoords of all available intelligence sources, intelligence information and intelligenoc; to provide a reference library for OIG; and to estiblishain coordina- tionmith OCD, procedures for utilisation of its meter. tale and oatalogues by other agenciea. OFFICE or THE GRIEF The Office of the Misfit/511e I. Estella& the oentrel reference activities for CIO, and maintain eppropriate lieison, administrative and policy making activities. 24 ?Establish a mutehine operations center for recording and filing intol. lions* inferamtion and Intelligence in a readily aceessible state for later listings, tabulations and statistical reporting by machine research technique*. 4. Estalliah a central referent!, repository for intelligence documents and materials including library facilities for CIG. 44 Eatiblish central record files of the actual location of all available ' potential intelligence sources and existing intelligenoe documentary materiels pertaining to the national security (*tether immediately accetsible mithin CIO or areileble elesehere). 5. Represent the Reference Branch in all major inter-office and inter- *genes coordination, correlation and functional activities. EX3CfltY STAFF The Executive surf Tint 1. Coordinate administrative preoeduret of the Reference Branch, includ- ing the establishment of tables of orgasisation; personnel administration; budgetary epaoe and property and equipment allocations; and security and other regulations. 2. Prepare s4ministrative reports for signature of the Chief as required. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18: CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/04/18 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 %. SECRET ? ? . . ? -27 COORESUATING STAFF The Coordinating Staff will* 1. Coordinate the employment of machine facilities and servioes to satisfy administrative requirement* as they develop, and to satisfy intelligence re- ' quirements calling for special machine techniques and Methods. B. Coordinate the establishment of appropriate record files to enable prompt end efficient location of apy available documentary material When and as rwpareted. 3. Initiate aotion to secure intem.offioe and inter-departmental coordi- nation in the fields of foreign intelligence of interest to the Reference Braman. 44 Coordinate activities total/nem:thine operations and library functions ? mithin'the Reference Branch. CORTACT CONTROL MISTER The Chntaat Control Register will: 1. Record, by maim, teohnivles, pertinent information regarding all eveileble potential and actual, individual and organizational sources of 'foreign intelligenee within the United Slates and its poesossiens, together with infor nation as to any reatristirme relative to contacting inch sources. 26 Rftordthe nature end extent of the foreign intelIigenoe potential of each inch source. 34 'Locate for authorized recipients any recorded source capable of sup- plying intelligens* information to satisfy stated requirements. 44 Maintain dossiers on all sources to augment the information contained in the machine records and to refine the selectivity of the maohine searching teohnique. S. Supply, upon request of authorised recipients, details of the back- ground of any recorded source. S. Maintain currant records of security 'bane checke of all active or potential *purees. T. tneure4 *are necessary, by appropriate codes the anonymity of each scarce. S. Survey the Register at regular intervals to ascertain the scope and extent of the foreign intelligence potential of recorded sources within the United States, and inform authorized recipients of the general capabilities of the Register. S. Prepare statistical reports and calculations on the points of strength and meekness in domestic source coverage, and bring all inadequacies to the attention of eppropriate authorities for remedial action. BEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18 DIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 OH ? BIOGRAVRIC.1. INTELLIG:=3 REGI TE The Biegraphieal Intelligence Register wills 1. Ilaintain, by maohine techniquea, a current file of biographical intel- ligence data concerning important foreign personalities in all fields of hum= endeavor. t. Record the membership, nature, and type of business, professional, social or fraternal organisations. S. Vaintain a ,sater File on all foreign personalities and organisations and such ether biographic files deemed necessary to augment the information contained in the machine recoords. 44 Provide and/or locate upon request detailed biographical information regmrding any imporbemt foreig2er4 T. Survey the Register at regular intervals to ascertain the soap*, intent, and timeliness of available foreign biographical intelligenoe, and info= authorised reeipients of the general eepabilities of the Register. S. Prepare statistical reports and calculations on the points of strength and the gape in available biographical information, and bring all inadequacies to the attention of the appropriate authorities for remedial action. CENTRAL INDEX The Central Index mill 1. Index, by business =chine procedures, the subject matter of all avail- able reports, and other documents of a foreign intelligence nature, regardless of phyeiaal location of such materials. 2. Looate and identify upon request all available intelligence materials pertaining to any specific foreign subject or area. 3. Analyse the index at regular intervali to determine superabundance or dearth of available documentary foreign intelligence on any subject of interest to the national security, and inform authorised recipients of the results of such analyses. 4. Prepare and distribute accession lists of all newly acquired, important foreign intelligenoe documents. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18 CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 50X1 50X1 ,n? , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18: 120032-3 ? BECKET 6. Provide, upon request fron authorized recipients, complete biblio- graphies of available intelligence material on any specific foreign subject or area. 6. asintein and analyze the available special card files acquired from other agenoies for listings and statistical intelligence information, within ? the capabilities and physical limitations of the Reference Branch. 7, Acquire, code and process available special documentary files within the limits Got dorm by responsible intelligence and research offices, within the oapabilitfass and physical limitations of the Reference Branch. FOREIGN INDUSTRIAL REGISTER The Foreign Industrial Register will: 1. Maintain an general file, by machine methods, of foreign industrial instellatione? developments and resources, and their international or functional relationships. 2...Correlate these data by machine techniques, upon request from auth- orised recipients, for the purpose of economic analysis on country or world- wide scale or for statistical compulatibnei- 3. Provide, by machine techniques, appropriate economic or operational detail* of any particular foreign industrial installation. 4. Surrey the Register at regular intervals to determine the nature and extent or available intelligence regarding all foreign industry, and inform authorised riseipients of its general capabilities. INTELLIGENCE DOCUUSNIS DIVISION Intelligence Documents Division will: 1. Classify and catalogue all intelligence documents of a foreign intel- ligence nature available to CIG. 2. Maintain one copy each of such documents for permanent reference file and a second copy (When available) for limited loan purposes. 3. Establish efficient procedures for the prompt documentation of single copy items upon arrival in the Reference Breech. 4. Initiate the procurement of reference material. 6. Provide the Central Index with the cataloguing information required for the preparation of accession list cards. 6. -Provide the Central Index with classification information and a cladsi- fication breakdown on every document processed by 0CD. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18: CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18: CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 ? SECRET ? .5- GRAPHIC IIATRINALS DPFISION Grephio itterials Division will 71. 'Operate a central reference and loan file of charts, naps and blue. prints required for intelligence purpotes and a complete index of available graphic materials and their location. 24 Establish and maintain a central reference end loan file and a single index of available intelljgenoe films throughout the government sgenzies and Members. S. Set up a *antral pictorial records reference and loan file, and produce the required classification information for maintaining the Central index machine records on'emaileble photographs. ? SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/18: CIA-RDP83-01034R000400120032-3 -? ?