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se 2005/12/23 CIA-RDP83-01034 Made by M3D 2 May 1952 from stencil sheets found in OIC files among DIG-NIA p'd~ers HS,HC- 9 9 Digest of Progress Report on the Central Intelli^ence Group by Admiral Souors, DCI, June 1946 stablishment CIG officially acti rated February 3, 19)46 (MIA Directive No. 2). Actually a small group from Sta !..e, ,:Tar and Navy had been assembled on 25 Januarir (3 days after the President's Dire c:--, . 2. Organ ;.zation Major compmnnts as of 7 June: Central Planning Staff Central Reports Staff Chief of Operational Services ('common concern" ) Secre-,ariat to serve NIA, CIS, IAB Administrative Division Administrative Officer Security Officer Personnel Officer 3. Personnel - Requested and selected for CIG from the Departments. "The responsible officers in the Departments have cooperated wholeheartedly toward this end-but a rather slow process because of demobilization and specific requirements of CIC.10' There followed a table show?_ng the actual apportionment among State, War, Navy according to reports, plannin.T, administration. The figures showed: Date This doeumft has been approved fAL,EW Btu Of the iaSVMC the Central Intent -ea Agency. z c /95 ApprovedForRelease 2005/12/23._:-c1A-RDP83-01034800.0200.170006-6___ Planning, Staff was riven priority as a necessary "prelude to accomplishment." Now (June 7) concentration was on Reports Staff. Stringency in administration was largely "alleviated" by part-time use of SSU persons and facilities. This division would require reinforcement when "centralized operations" were undertaken. A development considered of great importance was the designation of "consultants" to the DCI. Scientific consultant was Dr. H. P. Robertson. George Kennan was to be designated consultant particularly with regard to USSR. 4. Activities These were primarily administrative details, urgent problems, and planning for future programs. Coordination of Intelligence Activities Since February 12 CIG had been receiving numerous suggestions. The report spoke of them however in general terms. It mentioned specifically:liquidation of SSU, development of intelligence on USSR. Then came a list of problems. for which solutions were in progress: _,Appr_av dFor-. Release .2005112/23 .: CIA-RDP83-01034R0002001.70006-6 Approved For Rkese 2005/12/23.: CIA-RDP83-01'03.4R Q(? 00170006-6 a. Monitoring Bress and Propaganda Broadcasts - Foreign Powers b. c. Coordination of 6ollection d. Coordination of Intelligence Research c. Essential Elements of Information f. Collection Foreign Intelligence Clandestine Methods g. Foreign Industrial Establishments h. Interim Study, Collection in China i. Central Register of Intelligence Information Projects in stages of study and. planning: a. USS13S-Disposition of Files b. Censorship Planning. c. Intelligence Terminology d. Resources 'Potential Program e. Sampling Techniques f. Coverage of Foreign Language Press United States g. Foreign Petroleum Developments h. Coordination of Geographical and Related Intelligence i. Disposition of Publications JIC j. Survey Joint Intelligence Study Publications Board k. Photographic Intelligence File in State 1. Coordination Private Research in Social Sciences M. o. Plan. for Psychological Warfare -Approved For Release-20-05/12/23 .: CIA-RDP83-D 1034R0002.0017.0Q0Fa-6-., Approved For R eee 2005/12/23: CIA-RDP83-01034R0 0?00170006-6 "Ono of the functions of CIG which has assumed great importance is the support of adequate budgets for departmental intelli;?-ence., Qoordinated representation to the Bureau of the Budget and the Congress of the budgetary requirements for intelli-ence activities, promises to be one of the more effective r:,ans for guarding against arbitrary depletion of intelligence sources at the exnrende of national security. So long as the CIG is dependent upon the Departments for budgetary support however ;.ts authority to speak as an unbiased guardian of the national security will be suspect and therefore not wholly effective." Production of National Policy Intelligence - Daily Summary (CIZS) First issue 13 February. Need for Weekly Summary. Produced first issue 14 June 1946. The concept of this As that it .concentrate on,"significant trends of events supplementing the normal intelligence produced by the Departmonts." The primary function of CIG in the production of intelli ence, howevef, will be the preparation and dissemination of definitive estimates of the capabilities and intentions of foreign countries as they affect the national security of the United States. The necessity of assigning the best qualified and carefully selected personnel to this vital task has delayed its initiation. Solution of the relationshir of this CIG activity to the Departments, the State-War-Navy Coordinating Co~mittee, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other agencies corit,erned with the national security has also Approved For Release 2005/12/23: CIA-RDP83-01034R0002001.70006-6 .. Approved For Rose 2005/12/23: CIA-RDP83-01034R 00 00170006-6 been deferred pending the procurement of adequate personnel. This procurement has- now been given priority and. it is anticipated that the Central Reports Staff will be prepared to produce national policy intelligence at an early date." Performance of Centralized Operational Services The report spoke of the lic,u.idation of SS13 and the arrangement for operation by the War Department under directives from DCI. Planning had progressed to th,:_ _)oint w'.-ere= the f ollowi_ng operations could be more efficiently accomplished "centrally": a. Monitoring foreign broadcasts b. Collection foreign intelli,ence clandestine methods. c. Production of static' intelligence studies of foreign areas (to replace JANIS) d. Establishment 6f a central register of intelligence information e.. Basic researfh and analysis (common interest to all Departments) of such subjects as economics, geography, sociology, etc. The concluding paragraph in this section indicated administrative, budgetary, and legal difficulties of CIG. The reduction of Department funds and personnel had made it difficult for Departments to furnish CIG with necessary facilities. GIG could not recruit directly from civilian life. The lack of enabling legislation to make CIG a legal entity prevented contracts which were required for many operations such.as c.ionitoring of foreign broadcasts. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 CIA-RDP83-01034R0002001700.0.6-6._. Approved For Rel a 2005/12/23: CIA-RDP83-01034R0c 0170006-6 5. Conclusions a. The present relations'-lip_ etween Tt _P , CD', is sound. b. The initial organizational and plann_i_n phase has been comi'le !;,ed. Operation of centralized inteili once service should be undertaken by CIC at the earliest practicable date." c. NIA and CIG should obtain "enabling legislation .and an independent budget as soon as possible, either as part of a new national defense organization or as a separate agency. ------ pproved-For Release--2005/1,2/x-3- -CIA-RDP83-01W4R000200170006-6 RD 21012from stencil sheets found iii OIC files am on.:-,: CIG -NIA pd 5ers Digest of Progress Report on' the Central IntelliTeence Group by Admiral Souers;, DCI, June 7, 1946 1. !`,"stablishment CIG officially act:-rated February 8, 19) 6 (NIA Directive No. ?). Actually a small group from Sta U,o, Var and Navy had been assembled on 2 January (3 days after the President's Dire c U-ive) . 2. Orma.nization Major conmpon:nts a.- o' 7 June: Cenral Planning Staff Central 1:R.eports Staff Thief o? Operational Ser- -vices ("common concern") Secre cariat to serve NIA, CICz, IAB Adminis!trati.ve Division Administrative Officer Security Officer Personnel O1Cficer 3. Personnel Requested and. selected for CIG from the Departments. "The responsible officers in the Dep,srtm nt,s have cooperated according to reports, plannin^;, adm-i.ni_str a-Lion. The figures showed: a table showing the astral apportionment among State, War, Navy wholeheartedly toward this end,--but a rather g=low process because of demobilization and npeci_fic requirements of CI0.a'' There followed HS/EaC-,~~ Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200170006-6 Approved' For Release'2005/12/23 CIA-I4DP83' 01034R000200170006-6' Planning Staff was given priority as a necessary "prelude to accomplishment." Now (June 7) concentration was on Reports Staff. Stringency in administration.was largccly "alleviated" by part-time use of SSU persons and facilities. This division would require reinforcement when "centralized operations" were undertaken. A dc velonment considered of great imp or Lance was the designation o "consultants" to the DCI. Scientific consultant was Dr. H. P. Robertson. (-gorge Kennan was to be desi-nn.ted consultant particularl,~ with regard to USSR. 1.;.. Activities These were primarily administrative details, urgent problems, and planning; for future nrogra ms. Coordination of Intelligence Activities Since February 12 Cm had been receiving numerous suggestions. The report spoke of them. however in general terms. It mentioned specifically: liquidation or SSU, development of intelligence on USSR. Then came a -list of problems for ta!-lich solutions were in progress: Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200170006-6 A roved For Release .2005/'12/23: CIA-RDP 0 ?6 pp 83=010348000200170006-6-? a. floni:cor:i.ng Press and. Propaganda Broadcasts - Foreign Powers b.J ~ c. Coordination of Collection d. Coordination of Intelligence research e. Essential i2'lements of Information C. Collection Foreign intelligence Cland.cstine Methods Foreign Industrial Establishments h. Interim Study, Collection in China a_. Central Register oC In-i,ell.i once Information Projects in stages o study and plamin a. USSBS-Di.sposition o' :[Files b. Censorship Planning c. Intelli_'ence Terminology L. 1.1eeousr ces Potential ':c o;grarn c. Sampling, Techniques P. Coverage of Fore i_g n Language Press 1Tni,ed. States 1'orei ;n Petroleum Developments h. Coordination of Geog-graphical and tLelated Intelligence i. Disposition of Publications JIC j. '715urvey Joint Intelligence Study Publications Board I.C. Photographi.c Intelligence File -in Slate 1. Coordination Priva;,e gesearch in Social Sciences ri. o. Fla i'or Psychological Warfare P 25X1 1.3a) (4) Ac vrtits and MelhOdg Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200170006-6 Approved For'Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83.-O1034R000.20017000646: "One of the functions of CIG which has assumed great importance is the support of adequate budgets for departmental _i.ntc]_li ;once Qoordinated repro sentation to the Bureau of the F31.Ldg;2-t and the Congress of the budc,,etary requirements for in ,ellLgence activities, promises to be one of the. more effective m.,ens for guarding against arbitrary depletion of intelligence sources at the expense of national security. So long as the CIG is dependent upon the Departments for budgetary support hoT?lever its authority to speak as an unbiased guardian of the national. securit7r i-)b silspoct and theme ore not wholly feCti:crC~, tr Production of National Policy Intelligence - Daily Summary (CT?.e ) ---- -- - - ------- Fir. st issue 13 February. Need for 'a~cel~l_y Summ:@ry. Produced first issue lL~ June 19)L6. The concept of this As that it concentrate on "signi-a'J.cant trend, s of events eiipplemen.ti r) the normal intelligence, produced by th.e Departinn.ts." (i estimates)-~ The n rirnry function of CIG in the production of intellis-;once (!ADD) however, will be the preparation. and d_i-ss,eio'1_nation of definitive estimates of the capabilities and intentions of foreign countries as they affect thc. national security c, the United States. The necessity of as i n:i ng the selected per orn-J to this vital -t.ask has delayed its :i-niti_a.,ion. Solution of the o!' t!l:i s CI a ac b:i:,: i ty to the ?3- nartments, the -tate-7.1~ar_Navy Coordinating Committee, the Joint; Chief's of Staff, and other agencies cornt~erned With the national security has also Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200170006-6 Approved For Release 2005112/23 CIA-RDP83-01034R000200170006-6 ). C ' er C~ Y),.n(a:Ln