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Approved For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 TAB Approved For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 ARTIST's sketch shows location of the major Russian ballistic missile test center at Krasnyy Yar located due west of a large bend in the ,Volga River between Stalingrad and Saratov. Intermediate range runs southeast with impact area in the Uzbek Desert near the Afghanistan border. Long range missiles and the Soviet's Sputnik satellite are fired on a track just a few degrees north of due east and impact in the sea just beyond Vladivostok. U. S. operated radar in Turkey can track along entire path of intermediate range ---"Mtssites and can establish trajectory along long-range missile flight path. Powerful, long-range radar units based in Turkey have tracked Russian launchings for two years. Washington?U. S. has been tapping Russia's missile secrets for more than two years by means of extremely power- ful long-range radar and other equip- mem oasect in I urkev. Operation of this equipment, known to the Soviet Union, is considered bv diplo- Thiatic sources as one of the reasons for the current heavy Russian military and political pressure on Turkey. Backbone of the U. S. missile intel- ligence system is an ANJTS-17 radar -.developed and operated by General Co. near Samsun, Turkey, a seaside resort on the Mad; Sea. This .......?Ladalcitadetect and track missile firings from the main Russian missile test um- __ til _at _KRISI1XV Ya r (see map) on -7.777,byqt thctptElltctSltj,LL-range extending the Afghan To ?re. southeast fun aid the lOnger itinge ti ick ex- tending eastward on about a heading of 70 degrees to the Pacific Oeual'l mi the' area around Vladivostok in Siberia. A similar radar set is operating at Laredo, Texas, OW June 4, 19%, p. 23) where it is used to track ballistic missiles fired it the ?Vhite Sands, N. NI., Proving Grounds. Both radars have been in operation for several years. Thetie iWO radars are believed to be the' most powerful sets now operating in the world. 'I 'her' develop a peak power of about byo megawatts lud hold tIris power fur ZI pulse about a thousand times longer than conventional radar. These sets now have a range if tbmit 1,000 miles, depending upon the strength of return Iron] a target. 1 he\ I was simple type of coherent integra- tion developed at thc Lincoln Labora turn it \ hissachuselb, Institute of 'I edi riologv to amplify weak signals occurring hclow tic noise let el of the receiver. 110111 of these radars :IR' being modi- hyd to increase then rurge to 3,000 miles at extreme altitudes as indicated In' USAF Chief of Staff Gen. Thomas 1). White in a recent speech (A \V Sept. 30, p. 25). This modification will involve application of Columbia Uni- versity's ORDIR (omnirange digital radar) technique to the AN/FPS-17 by Stir Eederal Scientific Corp. which was recently founded by scientists of the Columbia University Electronics Re- sudrdi I,alsoratorv. The General Nectric operated radar 11C;1 I Sill 11S1111 IFIS provided data on the type of Rits,iimi missiles being launched In 0111 the Krasnyy Yar test complex, their speed, altitude, track and approxi- mate range. Oafs is ,mtumatically re- c.orded and transmitted to the U. S. Inhere data reduction is handled by the Lockheed St-steins Division and the Stanford Research Institute. In addition to the radar equipment in Turkey, there are other approaches to gathering Russian missile data from outside lie borders if the Soviet Union. One possible approach is via Project loin ilnninili, a USAF unit developed .,eaLATIoN WEEK, October 21, 19,7 For Release 2002/04/01 : CI -RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 by the Ilycon Manufacturing Co. of Pasadena, Calif., which is capable of deteetiric turbojet, ramjet and rocket engines at extremely long raisers and gathering fairly accurate data on the engines performance. Another ap- proach involves the use of optical equipment and spectometry to identifv missiles and supersonic aircraft in flight. 'This is based on the well known fact that each different configuration of aerial vehicle produces a different air disturbance pattern in flight. The Turkey based complex of U.S. missile detection and performance monitoring equipment has been yield- ing results for well over two years, dat- ing hack to the first tcst firings of the t SON-ie t intermediate range ballistic missile from the Krasnyy Yar complex during the summer of-1955. Fairly complete data on this missile test program has been obtained, in- cluding a significant shift from the ir- regular pattern of experimental test firings to a regular five per month pat- tern, indicating a switch to production line sample test firings during 1956. This provided fairly conclusive evidence that the Soviet IRBM program had shifted from the development phase to production with an operational capa- bility imminent. Detection of the longer range, multi- stage ICBM test program along the 70 4! degree track toward the Pacific began 1p. late ,1956. A variety of shots was re- ic14 including stage separation tests, i,11* altitude attempts and final- y_ prig range firings impacting about ?OM rinks from the launching site. .Pre-sent' radar can not cover the entire distance. ot the long range firing. These long range firings began during he., gaily summer of 1957, and the ovicts publicly a-hi:Mu-Weed they had ikeVifully tested an ICBM late in ilmnst'(AW Sept. 2, p. 27). During lee summer months of June, July and --.`us-r iii-ere were atleast eight firings on range multi-stage missiles of it types along the Siberian track. ,is believed the Russians are using esame launching'e'quipment for their utak 'Satellites as for their ICBM. g. ,Iong range missile firing fre- 1 des, irregular intervals and va- ety _of tests conducted indicate that t,j ,9,sji.et_IC131VI program is still in a deyelppinerit test stage with produc- tion pd operational capability in this field still two or three years distant. . .1100 made its first test firing at !' the Cape Canaveral, Fla., missile test COter. of a Convair Atlas ICBM last ? June, fired another propulsion test ve- hicle ,in September (AW Sept. 30, p. 39) and has a third shot scheduled for early November. Test firings of the Appy's Jupiter and the USAF's Doug- 4s Thor IRBMs began early this year. ? ,Vt..:,- ,ikifON WEEK, October 21, 1957 I Convair Wizard Wins Washington?Convair Wizard air defense system has been endorsed by the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff for development by the Air Force as the prime future defense against all types of aerial vehicles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles. Con- vair's Wizard system was in competition with the Army's Nike-Zeus system devel- oped by Bell Laboratories and Douglas Aircraft Co. and another USAF sponsored system involving Boeing Airplane Co., General Electric and Ramo.Wooldridge Inc. (AW Oct. 7, p. 29; Oct. 14, p. 37). Joint Chiefs in making the Wizard decision also reaffirmed USAF's responsibility for area air defense in contrast to the Army's role of point defense. Wizard proposal was developed by Convair in cooperation with Radio Corp. of America and other specialist firms as an overall long-range air defense system that would be effective against all types of aerial vehicles, including Mach 2 bombers, air-to-ground missiles and long-range ballistic missiles. It is based on both long-range detection devices and long-range defensive missiles rising solid propellants and involves considerable advanced component development work on special antennas, electronic antenna steering devices and high power sources. Among the component developers associated with the Wizard program are: ? General Electric on missile warheads. ? Sanders Associates whose PANAR multi-element, multi-lobe antenna system is being adapted for Wizard due to its relative invulnerability to point-source jamming. ? D. S. Kennedy Inc, working on problems of big parabolas. ? Avco Inc, electronic antenna steering devices. Special high power sources are being developed by Rome Air Development Center, Radio Corp. of America and EIMAC. Wizard is still primarily in the design pro- posal stage and would require at least five years to provide early stage hardware capable of systems operation. Soviet Technical, Political Gains Spur Shift in Attitude on Defense By Evert Clark Washington?Major shift iii adminis- tration attitude on the defense problem was under way last week as a result of Russian technological gains and dip. lomatic maneuvers, and strong recom- mendations by the President's Science Advisory Committee that U.S. missile effort be increased. Beginning of the shift was made clear in statements by Vice President Richard M. Nixon and Deputy Defense Secre- tary Donald A. Quarles only a few hours after the Advisory Committee met with the President. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said a day later that the nation's security must come first even if that means greater sacrifices in the form of bigger budgets and higher taxes. All three administration officials spoke seriously of Russia's satellite and its implications. The night before the Advisory Com- mittee visited the White House, state- ments by public officials were still in the vein of former Defense Secretary Charles E. Wilson's remark that the satellite was a "scientific trick." Assist- ant to the President Sherman Adams spoke of "high score in an outer space basketball game" in referring to the U. S.-Rusisan satellite situation. Adams also pledged that President Eisenhower, his administration "and in- deed the Republican Administration that will succeed this one in 1960, will never weaken in their determination to hold to sensible budgetary and fiscal goals"?including "a balanced budget, a surplus sufficient to provide a tax cut" and continued payments to reduce the public debt. 'No Greater Mistake' Nixon told a San Francisco audience that the U.S. "could make no greater mistake than to brush off this event (launching of Sputnik) as a scientific stunt of more significance to the man in the moon than to men on earth. We have had a grim and timely remitter of a truth we must never overlook?that the Soviet Union has developed a scien- tific and industrial capacity of great magnitude. "Let us resolve once and for all that the absolute necessity of maintaining our superiority in military strength must always take priority over the under- standable desire to reduce our taxes." Quarles, speaking in. New York, said: 'As long as we are faced by the challenging threats of Soviet Russia, sacrifices will continue to be required in the form of individual effort, or imper- sonal clort in the form of taxes, that are greatly in excess of any we have r==! Approved For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 TAB Approved For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 Approved ? _ comes to lifer says coluweigt VICTOR RIMEL Over 300.060 imht !sas A mericaes till now have lived in a near-vacuum of news, with only the skimpiest knowledge of week-to-week happenings. Their first co,oplete source, NEW SSV Kr 14: TALKING NAGAIMISS? will be launched at the start o , 1951t. Ureler a non-profit arrangement between NswW61111111 and the 100-year-old Arneriesa Printing House for the Blind, each week the new issue of NiKIIIWNINC will be theirs to hear on long- playing records. The eat h tita,,ti.! welcome given this new service is expressed by New York labor columnist Vic- tor Riese!, bun led by an acid- throwing gangster in 1956. Mr. Rlesel must keep up with the latest news as it breaks and the background of stories. "Braille eta feria/ is outdated by the live yoii get it. What a "'rot thaw to slip a record onto mnij hiqi and est a complete news pea en ziri re-erie it pertinent back- wripind and the color end sae- it-salon that ',fake peapie conic to life." With your support tor the Fund. the news can truly come alive for blind news seekers. Help them enjoy the complete news you read in NEwswei:e?slinre the privilege of keeping fully informed on all the vital and varied news each week. Danger-And tkterrents While Premier Nikko khrtialv-41eN potiond Alavalen, brandy agcl casual!) heastisi to Seat! Hubert klinitrffirtrif of all 24,700-mile large fj-lnimb uIe.- thousand haff-frozem ffizterienn were veiiselessly vorking *hove the Arc- tic Circle to put isp an electxtinkr fano' siganist the Red ICBM SOUS the tundra The fence is called' for Bal 'le Earl Warning ath mission radar Oasts* to pick sp Russian ICBM attack?es pail asthe iuiki blast Apra the linreel- sight &wean (lei Eat rnr). ? The rattirs 4)0111,1 isit Is COElf UStli itl I oew Warning) The $000 niillioii spent oti DEW was an inveshneet, in defense against surprise attack by iet bombers. Now, as the *puce age opens. .100-trii1e- renge DEW eaderg are old-ftightimed. They (Aimee reach use and "see" le time hallsstk inisedes thundering t14/0 miles high at speeds tip to 15.000 mph. Twin). at these speeds, IIIISSid and the U.S. an )0 miuutes apart. 11114d M.Msr.1111 Last week its Pres'. dent Eisenhowee in effect, confirrned at his news cootermice the Ruusiati capabil- ity to make this trip, the Air F'ort'e the Radio Corp of America (prime con- tractor for BMEWS), tersely reported the missile warning system is solidly oti schedule is winter erivelops the Arteic Behind their eeetwity-consicions prog- ress report were month* of grim labor at secret sites from Alaska to Crisenlerel. In the Arctic summer, Mies' tempera- tures were above teeming, workmiei poured BNIEWS radar inundations-gi- ant cuncrete bletirs that look like the dragon's teeth of iitler's Siegliks! Line. This %seek, as the long night closed In and blizzards lashed the tendril, welders added the steel gliders. protected hs huge phrstie bulrbles shaped like circus tents. Their schotlule Completion of di/- first BMEWS radar near Thule, C;reen land, by gummier, 1960: a second, at Clear. Alaska, ane year later; then .1 thin), in SC1449E1, for flank egoteetkiii. hiA117 Irostaterusiemrsoriellt \Alien csirn pleted, these BMEWS radars will towel sixteen sexier high. Instead of briencing palm off targets .itsd clocking the rettun (lam mutat DEW ntdmg, 13h4EWS radar will send teettintents waves and collect a continuous echo from the ext- get. Maser devices build up the milli and seriarate it tram li.mkgrratind nuke. then the echo is electronically interro- gated to give the target's precise die- tonee, speed, and direction. Moreover, Dept, NI, in* Ifiresildest ffeetaws 1 Ai this is dime at ranges of 3.000 miles a near-miss moil kneck in ICBM off ',Wilted/I. O. xt.rtfthipproved fer4teleaselB062404/0#4dC4$41:99445 -0 4132IRClOCP114t);f00001'kePtitting ' he detected ten minutes after latrixiiing trons sent mit the fireball euidml RUSSIA slakes oil in outdoor riboveriown, firer as hi T-3, en RAO-mile, N-bomb- userying animal*, al Amoutan cfIles 3 mimufes ewey Pleasor?serwl year oosidbutlort tor blind nowireiookers-4o4ayl ? IiitAti id w,als, Jo hot:go add a rag- My Mind sa? hew w SVY EK . ii mi. Ior. el cOotoor. . ito.oedoct on 8 sIdos al 4 len, ? of.Orool.oblo mica.. Ship/mot ar a saimda4 aesiteasor 2 days was. Pkobaallifad. ? ilai trecogd owe 7341, a. ,eretreftio SOI?of PAO pot weer. I* *Korth ht ***4 Mt 54 roe eme., woe ter ? A* "Ann !wt.; sal to tEtit oar-Worn PEY4181e to- use..-tn. dodut Ole SiSOUSIVIIISKlalte ' CONTRISSI101111 testi., (Iii, 11051, lieu NIMINVIrtat TALKING ammana America* Printing Souse Its the Kind should the Kirin! push 01i1 il,, is orld into a inicleal -show,lim il is?il Thanks to this NN anting tine.. .of c, timated daml at tin! 2,700 SM. H.liefen. carrying, bombets , and later missiles would he airborne and lie,ided ler Illis slit before the Red ICIi\f's tlanalered down on target -presitinably SAC airtichls Anti laimeli pails There are optimists ui the Petitaeifif ss hit argue that true missile del, Ilse. ,is well as }mite retaliation, is possible nu, hope: An anti missile missile i A \IM t that woukr meet the tairtislimg etwiT 1CliSl head-on and ilestee it bei.L.I.. if keeled end vaporivosi its I' ?; t:trvet area. The Defense 'Department It n ig the optimists livevily.,m,- I:=,,, 'Action, the .NMNI pimeet in,o. .,-.. ,, much as 56 billiim There are twit keys to siit_ve,-, 'N AMM, iessritrinie ISNIFAVS does its folt. teA irowevitil launcher ?rintri al seconds cut cat.tpult the AMN1 ith11,11id Warhead sinne hillii1W-ds ,Ji 'rub-'. it& Spi4E1* frit its rendezvous with the eneity, missile'. The NAte-7.eln. a big In-,,Ii,er ,-ti the Nike anti-aircraft guideil missiles. that 1.11?s ring Amerislui cities is leate, touted try the Artn, for tins task nut at warhset ead shin cliousli to in packa in the tip of a faisteinaine Ndre-t,ym rocket hut poten4 enough to create -a formidable heat ',nal neutron oven high in spats! The first such war? bald was fired last suirterit*tl.S. I'ai ill. Testing Caul RAS, ' SI Ifilear el yS' icist.; cid. eulated that the heat and blast edicts o'l onenit warhead prematurely. however, teet ii A:14)4 to tsur !tiit th,J4-? liki B\ att tAtepl! thy ? of (itenSe itli SOCKETS ? lionkev !mime.; ..r? it 1u,nber Of the M)-Ltine'd tr1 how:, huAlty tad. One of the ,du(a1h-4 .4 the munutet, flitted OWE, 10 it modat about 1 poem/. UAW ItitrAk eyei, ohitt-factd, ttitellagent, Prcterl the (Lam temperatures (4 f. .uaite Smith Auictican river honks_ 1,1?Atiew to posh im with the task (4 dn Ann-lit:an sew spate first. the men last tt:eelteisrl turned to I prom! velsaiii of then first hio.:,an passel,. er Hit testing. ()Id I tell-LI/it`, tiny siiiuriel ininikey ? 'tii.! 4144,1 n ler its "t.tusMl4 III ?\ ii1,jveV.11)1111d 41143, %VA.. Sent indict. 11??4 In .111,.11111? Jupiter (Mile I it. '300 ri.rhi /TAO et friss) Cape_ ,cho.t-141. L1 'the monkey was 6 ii60 in miniature of the first human passengcs -eorieutls ,ittlied in elianinia-litied crash h,?Imet, strai)pts1 into $ inoldid-rubbei I reit Kill less. kneel drawn op in fotra, LUtd poittire position tii witilatand the st jolts of acceleration (scie below). .Nnimals niucli lower all the eVailltit)11- ,a tree had been sent loin space before, but this the first time a member of.: Ole pinnate f.imay (which includes matt out the great apes d lingered a \slide up there. "The aqinarr,..1 monkey lias the 'anie anatoiniml 614}41-1/47 66 MA And wide-rimer much tic oar* emotions." the Arms %Aid. mph:Airline its choir C. Equally imisiltant, ()Id BeltiLle tv?is enongli to fit in the Militia" niiNv available in present iipeiational Dial' Old Relialik anti die Israttro, Jupiter perfohno(kembendin* weti.tit nig off at Satiitittry-- tfie jupitrr arehod 1,00 to tpoint MAW Mtiueiti tht ,..kilitatic tome fifteen mintitos lottre, The irionimiy anis in a 34. pound box.shapi%1 Ca Mtlie ait the bisi- of the nose kaidi sepalates fTtrin .01,? harniaktut fuel tanks and ciiiitiones along in Right, Niiniaturizerl helped transmit heartbeat. polio. blood pemoure temperature, and respira- tion. tiny .inicronliime tripod to his tont ***pi) Anita*, chattoi. Wititaarjr:Ithark Mom -impaction th.,1 that monitinv inmiuent, rsa Retiabk Amend- raiwit titan eight iiiintogs of trey - floating weightlessiiesa, which 'plositicee: no signcant or ailveriii accin to the rranii,t,,', trainer, at. Norman Lee Harr of the Nasal Nietlical ?Itescaieh Center.' In stun, Mal% itt eillt.0 1,,kr flight -until the str i,I. I?,-- proesnotptly, If* 11111 1,44C711 lIstis ejup:tc: rtrovery 'groi 1.1;11)t. (:)101wrg-Ii1?,? Arrarigeinent lxv-out balloter, Oa:siting nut neeping antennas) tailed to Work. Thi: setatr-ernie?aisi;(Wi nit t -"OW At/antic within -sight rescue torte. Anking .; Anticipating 11111.11iits 1!?. 'WI &witty I,i t)it? rle% ent ATql y 1002411900/Atblih' ii"3t?-1-411% 4 Reil.4PPrenlirsn M41qa?frWqW10411:111 CIACRUIR133-0 1 022 c the riltireate theta f it roan in Approved For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 TAB Approved For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 Periscoping the Natien, The intisidr Stkor,' if t MI6 My f(;()N"--- I.,ktc?t pivviatts tips ( Nswc i i Doc. I I that lios4agen sklentistis aa,,Ra hviiig first \A-1Th imin e htstieved to hw the real tAplariation for the fact t tat the -I',S,S R. Tias -not hitinelied in,.pro 'Mks, or a It.thar probe in riteittit rniniIh IttrIttr01,11(71. ? 4 xpert% 'who Levy ,3 t wetet daily chart th,t the t'i lets have indeed ita reised their sithmaritie 'tj1 Off ._the 1' S. Atiantu CI -41'4 in the last two ouly Slightly They etrtplutivallx deny that rQceut report of a big 1110'4 sightaigs of 11.0.1 hrise ATLANTA, CA.? It mas lse denied, lint mi Pcniscoeto leaMIt a big rAls ef Kil his Klansmen I om all over Statt41 is planned fm- Bock early next rnontb The (kite Mak: f$$$ Jan. fi ...heti a Ferlertil judge is to hi bearing on ss hen and how officials cc-. with integration in the- Little selionix 11144atillines to Coine 7.-1(.1),N ?"?11(10,- ?the t thistle tor 3 ityvv, xerv,. to,s.terii hear./ ,1r11/4ei tit here. 13s tatt2, tofr,, led .intl illtr,t violet LI\ s, and intliZatir,ti tr,ii hallistis missiles, ?lidas trtiOtt ge.,? perhaps. 25 minutes' warning id an attack The eiimpares 'with $11,, fist, to fifti,en minutes stipposed to be Afforded 1, the Missile Earl\ IV 4niw, s( teen I Ni k, Dee 22) mie belt hoilt 1rER.11., 11, I -- 11,101 NV 55 CAIN/II IS 1."?pet. 1 lt -?11111(1.1 \ Il"tifS th f 'eV," eat',. The Bold Chinn, a tsx,o 11;e linllisr$ In le him, 1-1,41 IA a born 1.000 liters tiEll111 RS target. Ali tit For**, Verci011 it the Navy's highly tolited tilt. Nita Orion at- reads has been teNted--'vk it h .1 HAI tifin tst? tit 14 t't,:s"- III lattnehin$_!\. I cui l 47 .1k Miamian in %poorer Tb. Klan in 1 lute Howl. ?31111141am- Touch Why Ibnistanin Contemn/44 Elitil.S.S1 RIB; -- A 1.t1,(1 Sct,i( t? (+1 ,h. 11.S Navy's -P441a1 1-4 Itifikt \sill lie m lir-axis by a new ? 111-is-t4)t terojet Ltd \ "4 :J4 45 '01 . kb model kill It.i?e .1 twit, 1.-'4111 miles tor the liellahod the IllehotIlinon IPENV if ? ()lie 34-,1,1111 ClateTS Ow 1jt, ox It R\1 gram see page That 0, tohet yeiat I Lx made to the 1)envei plant turning I wt the big nits',iIx tnok a firsthand liiok it die v0(11101011 1 Oh NV,IS illtriv.tsed. and let thi, lori?sii XENATE 41FF ? \V!( 111),, s? It ti Herta-ilk:11i% right tit m Ii lJ(X. hose standing dropped a Int ,iitm Ito( k4'ltlt:'t s 55 ill ill '1/4,:4'\y IItk. II.IS liciunitcd 14,I4 Hit! dit lead. That's the (?141\t"IlS/I, ,xl -ill! private sane\ s Tho,. t.spet-i,t1iN Vt'eCt laritiersi-tended 14 ? ht 110141r-,scti Rocketericr's frat tiolt )tt I It I 1 I, lei Inin partisan etiongli ViTION,11. tifit.',S - ?? 1114 Kc'Is i? 4,1 TLC ';`,,,Vit`t Vl 11,, I 11(411 l''1,111t4 ,11"4111i1 t. public relations chef, The 14t1) he lci to 11o.441 the month of rhino\ Ifte,hot .111,1.ta \Itikovati t sex. 1)..e.2,t- '? F,Wit41.s.S1 ROW ? itt t,)is here. flit iuiiuirmt S tifitc1:1 Admit N ,t rttilor IIIrlo'I)ISptl?sil,it?. Where, .tre Then,- Now? NEU- Y MA CITY ? Inhims tark-, is Ili, -Itiniolph the Bed NI 1,1-tt111,(.4. I. 11 utuuihim rerords in the U.S in nine 11111L'aititlf-1_ a k '1; tor 'nis- "lkoeior. the istmas s NA, ApproVed For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83401022R000100200001-1 iNoiinic of Thr Peri.rotor /0.4., he rrprothoceci imithatag written wr.ousiotti Approved For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 TAB Approved For Release 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 Approvedr-Vor-RtAtiaSeCIA-RDP83-010 I Newswee NATIONAL AFFAIR; February 16, 1959 41We in flight: T story behind the story was the red shocker (see beloo) A TRAP WAS SET FOR OUR C-130 The ctory the State Department told .its chilling enough: Russian fighters had deliberately shot down a U.S. plane fly- ,iii t over Affileilikl; and there were kW- iartyk of Russian radio messages to prove it. [no even more chilling was the story the State Department only hinted at: The plane hadn't oat-Acrid into Armenia by mistake: it had been hued there. The salient facts %%vie these: Last Sept. 2. a U.S. Al' Form: C-130 trans- port vanished with seventeen men while, on a flight over Turkey. Later. the Xresta..: iorted simply that it had -crashed" ii i ii icuja. 'ii ii world now knew that 1%,(,. a barefaced lie. But what not iIi the 'Amid knew as this7 On Sept. 8, six days alter the C-130 41111Shed, :1110014a Air Force Oriole set detei untie how the transport could sti ,ivt'tt ti ii its flight path in Tur- ku!, into Sosiet airspace. It flew on ins ,t:ilitictits in the same kind of overcast ,k.,,ather and os er the sante route-from ,41 the sinitlicin coast of Turkey., aid to Trahmu near the Soviet biadei thciae siaolicastuard to Van. Alit I TU,ihtillt, the pilot of the test .liv,iyered a sti atige thing: His tluti fituitir, hoilinig OD the is failed to indicate when !k4 ii as passnig the city. Instead it :h,oted straight ahead- toward Russia. 111...easy moo (?,04: 414,1.1.11 equip- , 1,11(4 Au. ,?: A NICIPO.: r.,111 Ow hint bequency, were OM- log hum the Black Sea cities of Bea= and hut:, just osor the Soviet border. if it ..1,11Apprequed Tralmon visually become of aloud cover, might well have followed these power- ful beams into Russia. Still, this was net quite the eomplete answer. The transport had been due to turn southeastward, toward Van, and even if it was over the border when it made the turn, it would soon have been back over Turkish territory. It was when the test plane turned at Trabzon and set its radio direction finder fur Van that the big,disoovery was made. The navigators picked up an even stranger signal that kept pulling the liDF needle away foam Van and toward Yere- van, the capital of Soviet Araititiiit. The Russian signal WAS 15 kilocycles away from the Van frequency, but so powerful it would hardly be distinguished from the true one. had the test plane fol- lowed this beam, it would have bhire dared ioto the very region where the C-130 had gone down. The conclusion seemed inescapable; The Ruasaun were overpowering allied radio beams in a deliberate attempt to lore our planes over the border. Even the experienced navigators aboard the test plane admitted - they were fooled, for a time, lq the cnedlicting Soviet beams. The Soviets had maples- (tunably set a trap. but why? 'nee State Department had ,1 IV,41 I ti that TIn La ,f 1)4.-+1 !Ill cd tD% ti tire 1/01 dui Li) ti deliberately shot down. As proof that It could buck up this accusation, the State De- FoloReleaslitt2g02,104/01 : CaRslaPf43411442=ZROPiligiQP9Qcti 7113, transcript of the radio Coo v e r t4iu ii among the flock of he NI1G's (like those in the photo above) that took part in the attack-. "The target la a transport, four et itui aa I." "Roger... "I am attacking the target." "Target speed is 3(X) fkilonieters. about 1b0 mph]. It is turning toward the fence [the border]." -The target is burning." "The teil immiscibly is falling off." "Look at him. He will not get ica ), he is already falling . . ." "Yes, he is falling. I will finish him oil boys, I will finish him oil On the run." Ciprr?beratIng Evidesrei The State Department would not divulge how it got the transcript, though presumably it caune from U.S. or allied listening posts in Turkey'. But the transcript clearly showed that the Soviet pilots knew their quarry was an unarmed laioiSport, that the attack wail unprovoked, and that it was pressed almost gleefully. Backing this up were photuatats of two aitieles from the official Russian Air Fori r. IMI describing such an attack and U.S. 1 era ed in Arrneina la,t mtrati). '.lit tht plant doing over Sovwi I III'14 cent- 23 .afiAL NATlO'$.ILA. or So a second element of risk goes into his calculations: Intelligence. The U.S. has not always had an accurate idea of what the Russians have (see page. 7S), alai thc Petitagon could. therefore. I basing Western defense on a mis- taken idea of Russian strength. As one example, U.S. intelligence figure* the Rossians will has e only about .ten to tsselve ICBM's bs December. There is other evidence, however?based on ear. Itcr reports?that the U.S.S.R. may have many as 350 ICBM's by that time. Total Coallets By basing national defense on the strategy of massive as- tahation, the Administration is alio gambling that the Russians won't start a limited war for fear that it would lead to total war, The Pentagon believes that the Missions so far have avoided a show- down over Berlin. for example, beermw don't want to rim the risk of what it miglq !tail a. .ro some diplomats in WashiStglica' it a 1,0 a [Teats that the President and Secretary tit. State John Foster Males are gambling that they can sell the second- best-in-missiles policy to the U.S.'s allies. 7If they can't," inie diplomat said re- tends', "they won't have any All such risks have been taken into at:ilium at the White lionsti. The Presi- dem himself, who knows that all military strategy is a talcidated risk, found the risks ae..iiptable, In private sessions with the Senate and House 'ccuntnitteet NILElnis has justified Nir. Eisenhower's position and exhibited eomplete cim- fidrucc about tie state of national sect,- rits !hire is what McElroy told the tan t4reNS111011 doliCti doors: We won't have a war so long as we can destroy the itossians if they start a situ BegardIess of how many missiles tile!. Lit, 110.w. at c;an destroy them, ,S, could now win a nuclear t a Ali Nitre, A11.1.1411 Oa NOW Titans: Enough in time? war hands dossn. MeElicis says. For ac- cording to 1.-7.S. intigligence reports, so far, neither side hal ICBM's. (see thou. page 29) Ttw Russians have more short- range missiles than we do. But ours can hit Moscow from allied bases; theirs mold destroy 'no bases to Europe, but could not hit the U.S. Amid though we think that in time, missiles will be made accurate (to hit within I to 6 miles of the target), right now, a missile could hit a city hut not a military installatimi. This is why the manned bomber will 22R000100200001 be the mainsta) of our nuclear stritiog forces for some time yet. NOkt and fit the rest of 1959. Our weapons will be ilstosibess and a few missiles; theirs will be fewer hornbill-% and more missiles. The plan for the next has years: *In 1960 and 1961. NbiEfroy conceiii-s tise Bmisians will have far Mare ICTINrs -- &tat we have Atlas and Titan missiles; but v..e will balance their ICBM advan- loge, he !Pr. by having bombers arined with !SOO-mile phis retnilar bombers, plus our first submarines armed with the Polaris missile. *By 1962, the Beds :nay has duet times as many ICBM's as we base, tel probably some missile nibs, but still have more of them: oor brombriis cattrY UM-mile missiles, and well get our first solid-fuel Minoteman missiles 1963 we still liroe the Mionteniaii in Loge 11111Tiben, 1)4)1111,- proof. underground launtiring pa is, reads to fire at the posh .of a lintt,m This is the broad timetable. but NIcElroy told the Horne Aimed Sett Committee last week. '1Ve review mu military position month hs month, and Van Change it." Ile sad Mutat MtElrov's pri- vate briefings have been more reassurnw, than his public NlitilaelitS. 11 Lilly ii,- gres5ional leaders still are worried abont the prospects of a gnus mug "11 ii is he gm p Coussessitstud worries increased stit ii Con. Thnitus Power, SAC commandei, admitted it is -cola eivable- S mold he destroyed by one massive salvo of Red missiles.? Such testimony only added to Capoi?I it( -,,,nrrum it wide,ineadi ...pinion, Ow Alr Fide, never ban kiwi ? 14-hair "air diliert--- innui?-ri in tin ittr, trial) hi itatk. Corti. Atha... F. the Joint t widit 14 stall had a Ili Rt. 1 Wit Ceti lastMere Hui rat PlIwei, %tall a5,,tl runt SAC. Seise.' ceiteiiiitie tg trIttila hike he hate ,? lite die se di tune, How Much Do We Know About the Military 1 lii I S has no Slats Ilan inside the ki emit!'stalls?so the official story goes. Instead, the ( 'entral Intelligence Agents and less well-known American espionage groups get most of their Intel' ligiricri about the 17.5.S,11. front more pedestrian sources?tifficial Bed &icy- rirt14*, Let hirical inmals, monitored visual Liter TO the astonishment of these ex- pests, the Russians held their first a tontic- bomb test M *Korea: Thisugh the North Korean Corn. monists had staged a_ carefully planned sedeS of herder raids- and had niiirle repeated Teem inaissarrees- ini=fnie? . V S troops in Saudi Korea hod no inkihig us alLotif Arms- airs stilt nrtlrr raid. loner ftiintut I 411 i ITT)t# ott A Tie S t e-e-rrie t rat ? ? ? SI HitsNimis :tutitally belt 10 (NW!) ?i ti,, 11141-boutbt High-altitude planes iv e'er], it.g fro. intaigtiiicit?serioped ,zati ples that tleteetell the first Sos tLei rnomielear erplosiot hi Aligirst Tntfignee cheriiis+ :Maly rill- the nidi.- "Non of the fios-tet Mast, eomfirrrieil the 5 mac as it great it Force in Kfirea out F-44 could fly cl wits Inca, licavils i 2fidfr.4101K-Abri' 4'' ,.01 thnih = FThy,..f ;ant therelw of?tlii seven- neinths-1. lilted bombers:The =isletr ttt their Bison bomber ;inn' a pitstuelinri- venr, intrIlifieffee eqs- ted. - ?% partnater,_ t trit Hr.!!! it otrnat I -I It-14,11h 1), iht? 1)1-1V tozicernigimprichygfilfgr.fgatease 2002/04/01 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100200001-1 tht? details of defense cutbacks fri; .1 year have convinced many Dew- ts that McElroy has knuckled up* -the budget people." But despitti this ...rvation, McElroy is still very well ...11 int both sides of the aisle in both af Congress. Ile is considered, a ..sst improvement over his pr, has none of Charles E. Wilson's stub- holimess and Lick of tact. Wilson as in the habit of addressing distinguished senators as "you people"; but McElroy remembers names, is always polite, and N% hen he's wrong, he admits it. Siaid Areesapflobasestgal nred against his predecessor, McElroy, former head of Procter & Gamble, has ritten a good record in his one and a half sears at the Pentagon. He came in at a time v hen the nation ;lona that the Administration match the us- sian sputniks, get more U.S. missiles bat, and end interservice rivalry.. In quick time, McElroy did persuade the White !louse to lift the defense-spending' ce117 mg. fie brought the Army into the satel- lite program, and put the first U.S. satellites in orbit. He restored basic- research programs that had been cut for economy reasons ("who cares why the grass is green?" was Charlie Wllson'i at- titude toward basic research); McElroy speeded progress on both the Atlas and the Titan, which was successfully tested Lkst ueek?well ahead of schedule. He stepped up work on the Polaris and Min- uteman, ordered five missile submarines, and kiss begun reorganizing the riafense Department to eliminate costly dvbct- tfom of effort. Though interservice ri- valry still exists, McElroy has even done much to ease that pmjalem. In the privacy of the Pentagon and befure the National Security Conned. MeElmy has made It dear that he ? 0 ? In Russia through new anti-aircraft missiles. While tin. %VAS C011een 40111 g tam bomber deletises, Russia got busy on ansaiks. 11? Missiles: As early as 1954, intelligence gained through technical literature, tray. chug scientists, and industrial statistics showed that the U-S.S.ft. had launched 4 major program to build minden, A kit. Air Force Fieked up the S'oviets. first intensisidistes fangs, missile tests beginning Mi 1916 AwmilorIng tile upper atmosphere. The muse station detected the first successful iniercontaiental missile iii August 1957. A vest network al elev. [noun monitoring devices in the Now and Middle East also keeps mutant , liVOri0,0t fil#0ease- ,itl 11 (Ail