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Ceinmentary by MIKE WALLACE ELMER BERNSTEIN Music Composed and Cooduc A Feature, Length Dbcnmentary Producso in Coop"stion with THE DEPARTMENT OF DEtEN$E, U.S.A. THE MINISTRY OF CULTLgkZ,,, U. S. S.,t. The. Race for Space is a docnmex iry film: cb depicts; ,a implies, the, frantic contest between the United States and the Soy .Union This unusual assemblage of acdu-1 footage includes American sad for propaganda and military advantages. Soviet rocket and space films never bre seen by anyone outside the Tbs film gives an honest and startling appraisal of the controversial Intelligence Services. events that led to the United States' protest position in the race ,-- .A WOLPE%,, INC. Pkt UCTION VM& - Crestview 147$I 9119 Sunset boulevard, Holly d 46,x Cajilo Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100060002- Avnniag Tome,. Fifty-ttse,e attavtes-- ' Oproved For F lease 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83-Od 22R 01?00060002-6' HE It,AC =k-I 1 C TOR ASSOCIATE PRODUCER WRITER MUSE SUPERVISING FILM EDITOR ED ITORIA L ASSISTANT FILM RESEARCH PWTOGRAPHY Orounds General, Aberdeen Pro SPA L David L. Jk Haley, fit. )Ml Stint ? Jim McDonough Laursice E. Msscott Elmer Bernstein Phi R. Rosenberg Alan H Preseberq interytew: Mtcbtel Nobble, Location: Jerry Reweee RESEARCH & TECHNICAL ADVICE James 8e esr North American Aviation Randy kbrris Assistant to ComnAMi ADDITIONAL NARRATION TITLE DESIGN pHOTOGRAPHK EFFECTS SOUND TRANSLATION ASMTANCE HISTORIC FILM SOURCES p Da e" the Air Ftm, U.S.A. SPECIAL THANKS TO: , Major Robert T. Blauvelt, tJ.L A3 Captain Damon E. Ecklee, V.S. Air For' ter. sr ~ t_-_~ C 1Nal3.aca C. ,Marley, ~vny Approved For ReIeO: tQ-91R000100060002-6 9119 SUNSET BOULEVARD M x ya SteveM Ted Littlefield warn Film Eflcts Ryder Sound Service Davi4 Samuels , Joseph Root- Departnasnt of the Army, U.S.A. wrtment of ttxe Nang . U.S.AI De R,o a lion, N. Amsr.can Ammon Jet Propu'ia+ Lal~ore-' , . alit. In ante of-,Tochno science Sc1end6 Brttisjj Information Servtci W. Donald Baruch, ire Co I Maurice R. of Lt Dspart,ent of Defense A WOLPER, INC., PRODUCTION Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100060002-6 rocket age began simultaneously with a Russian and an ASri:can. It is ironic that the. early experimentation-eIn the actual films of the Russian soientist Ronstantin Tsiolkovsky and The film starts just after the turn of the century by showing, his early experiments and thbories on spade flight. A'few years Oodd*rd established over 200-patents the rocket field and a actual films of Goddard's successful rocket launohi4s are sham. using liquid fuel. An interview with his' w1fe, Mrs. Goddard, and later, an American, Dr. Robert Goddard, began building r9ekets standing request for all of these patents was received in In post World War I oermsny, the Gerran Rocket 3oatety Was busily .gaged in experiments of their tarn. One of its met ?nthusiastie seembers was an ,eighteen year old boy destined to Washington from the German iket Society. ! F. beacros the hero of the American spaoe~ program, Wehrner Von Braun. ? The Rocket Club soon ran out-**f funds and in order to raise more money became technical add ' on the world4'e first Modern science fiction scent, "Frau. is None," or "Wosan Mi. ," produced by Fritz in 1928. *44rmsn R was given all of the props from the picture and these But the money soon ran out and once again they 1kod fora now source of funds. They land it in the pion of Adolf Httlor rrho built for these earlyi in 1936 the secret rocket t amp the actual components in their early rocket e Approved For Release 2000/09/02: ? CIA-RDP83-01022ROOQ'~, _0.02 . ,;., Approved For lease 2000/09/02 : CI -RDP83 1422R0001-OOb60fl02 f! ? e . VDrtd ` a Z , they lsd Paanaea nld ity cal c n -the -2. The Allies fOUad cut t space weapon i ' rs a f jean V-2 aooidently landed in ?n. the ~rsapon When an experimental w 111 ',uoklly the Allies esarchsd for its'?source. ratsly , 3?es~se r on reConnalaear4e over the Baltic Sea snapped by trol b~+s pa otograph'of reenownuse ., When the picture was chance an aerial ph t + M . developed the hidden iaunchir#g V&ds were iWARediately detec A arsrican and lWitish bombers 4estroyed MOST, of eanseoax but the Qsreane -quiany roved afth of their equipment in to the East aerMn city: of Nordhausen. by tra Although the ailiod bombers #41 not wipe Out the struap1Y enough Hitler did. H. had dX'saissd that the rO , F the leer V-2 would never land bland when axe h l-rd of $ his celled the entire pry. but when von Bra MU and raid, he can -t i ng _--. A4 A*A# heard this thel rMhrd to .complete a f"i4A show set up a prIva".._,... tually acaoee#~lish and 14 ac s ~-~ ,oG~-? film* he was Of this film for Hitler. tit,4 PuhftT salt the , i~rediately. i ap~reerted that he a+einstiate4 the V-2 program Within monthB the V-20 were Ifs . ox- ~n ? But sign of France was a er ay bates the V-2a . 00 inva the were, b cause serious daM8* ? Euro Osrs t d M`y 14 'IWW The Americans an4 the i at the of the ftt e theses troops were in each ,others arm, Iii some of their military leaders was the P+raaiZ$t-io>' of the future t portawo of the V-2 and its ot.atOr#. Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83-@1022R00010006s0002-6 Approved For Rbase 2000/09/0 : CIA-RDP83-0U22R 0100060002-6_; A United States Colonel in * r ny by the name of o gsr R. Toftoy formed Op+teP*tioze Paper Clip, a top secret Am ertoan plan, to capture and bring to the Unite # tt the a r 60140160 who had developed the ''-2, A*D$l Tortoy? nw Ia11tJor Q+a# and c er iR charge of Abend, atng Grotadd, Not t resistance in all brands of the gVp vertsnt, but he insIM"q- these top German sotenttets were a neoessity for the Unit .gtates. The Russians ' had oaptua ed scat caf tho V-2 i t WA a6al o the tachnioiaa s, but through t eft ts of 0eneral Tot"toy'-A rice finally got the ore" of the crop of so mists and enough V-26 to start a i'ia dted aisstle program in the t etit od Stated. In the film G*neral Toftoy is dewed and the satual films of these szoiting events. Wow or, when the Vntted States. brought the >MtstrUeo and their creators bao: to thi a .country; very little was about f~ r development of our missile program. The Russians on the ed a full-scai? apace program whom in 9=1USITS Sovi+ We then toll the ec uad of how the United States pace flights and early experiments with resgaroh ro8Vets. Of spec tal interest is. actual foot*ge of Russia or wrong deolsions, againdt the advice of itS Isaftft V b uy It about Aa ca's loons how these wrong d ecistaM on in tae race for spse.. 1 11 FACT T TI STA . . x &M4{ A TS NSA= TWO YUM Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83-01022R00010ti06.0002-6 ~. approved For Release 2d0 9/02 N.CIA-RD P83 -W022F 0001-0006E?QO Lt aft Ipr h d %hat it would u its drat * 1t s 'vi With hundroft , :P tP +'' # it k , Ww United wile, the ftjtj~d states Wiz, tht Soviet idea .a 1 '# 1k this liven i s"., sates t b* t t Jt spotaik #2. x'd this s*t 13 its %it. Ow ? ` ' first . r tr 11 '+rit f at i pr.'j&VAfttfw 1844oft.. sd Its Wool WfO this pqTohv1Oai+a1 b3AP r t- of "'s first satellites 13 S? 1. ss x.Oas the ink WA tie } ti OC th4 st