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~O GA " :1SL1 04R09G 00
iP,`pproved For R Is ~jb
WA1'0-q a "( tdY Y V
(d) The Deputy Director concerned is responsible for recommending
to the Director of Personnel those individuals. serve under
circumstances warranting NCPP, or coniing it under unusual
circumstances, and for requestjng"~the termination of NCPP when
an individua1,~,po longer meets the eligibility requirements.
(e) The Director of Per- net is responsible for approving the granting,
continuation under unusual ' cumstances, or termination of NCPP.
(f) The Chief?`Contract Personnel Divi 'on is responsible for
(1),.-=upon receipt of an approved request or NCPP or its termination,
making provision there-Fore in the LetterX Authorization
for a staff agent or career associate;
(2) providing the Office of Finance with documentation>to begin
or terminate the additional compensation.
(a) Definitions
(1) Hazard Pay differential means additional pay for the per-
formance of irregular or intermittent hazardous duty or duty
involving physical hardship.
(2) Physical hardship is duty which may not in itself be hazardous
but which causes physical discomfort or distress and which is
not adequately alleviated by protective or mechanical devices.
(3) Hazardous duty is duty performed under circumstances in
which an accident could result in serious injury or death.
(b) Policy
(1), Eligibility for hazard pay differential is limited to full-
time, part-time and intermittent employees serving in General
Schedule positions.
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA2-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
PERSON NEqpproved For F ase 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004ROW300030
(2) Hazard pay differential is paid only for hazardous duty
or duty involving physical hardship listed in the attached
schedule to this regulation, at the rate designated. It
will be computed on the basis of an employee's basic pay
and will be paid in addition to any other compensation the
employee earns under other statutory authority. If an
employee is paid at a retained rate, that rate of pay is
the basic compensation for computing hazard pay.
(3) The hazard pay differential will not be paid to any General
Schedule employee who performs a duty listed on the attached
schedule when such duty (a) constitutes an element that was
used in determining the grade of the position; and (b) is
regularly assigned to the employee.
(4) The hazard pay differential is not subject to the limitation
on other types of premium pay cited in this regulation whereby
the total aggregate salary for an employee cannot exceed the
maximum basic rate for GS-15.
(5) When an employee performs duty for which a hazard pay differ-
ential is authorized during any portion of the regularly
scheduled daily tour of duty (including regularly scheduled
overtime), the employee shall be paid the hazard pay differ-.
ential for the entire daily tour of duty.
(6) When an employee for whom the first 40 hours of work is the
basic workweek performs duty for which a hazard pay differ-
ential is authorized during any period of continuous service,
extending over two days, the employee shall be paid the
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIq--DP83-01004R000300030003-6
PERSONN pproved For Rase 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004RW03000300
differential for the entire period of continuous service
during which the hazardous duty or duty involving physical
hardship is performed.
(7) The payment of hazard pay differential will be discontinued
when adequate safety precautions are taken that reduce the
degree of risk to a negligible level.
(8) The Agency will adhere to Federal pay regulations and
schedules and rates of compensation as they apply to
premium pay for irregular or intermittent duty involving
physical hardship or hazard.
(~;) Responsibilities
(1) Operating officials and supervisory personnel are responsible
(a) recognizing duties performed by employee for which
hazard pay differential is authorized under the pro-
visions set forth in this regulation;
(b) submitting proposals for such payment through appropriate
administrative channels to the Director of Personnel;
(c) certifying that employees performed irregular or inter-
mittent duty qualifying for hazard pay differential as
an attachment to the time and attendance report.
(2) The Director of Personnel shall approve or reject requests
for payment of hazard pay differential, and shall ensure
that the hazard pay differential is applied with consistency
and equity on an Agency-wide basis.
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
P'ERSONNEcpproved For Rase 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004ROO3000
(d) Reporting. Whenever an employee is entitled to hazard pay
differential, the responsible operating official or supervisor
shall attach the following completed certificate to the appropriate
time and attendance report and submit through channels to the
Office of Finance at the end of a pay period in which the hazardous
duty was performed.
This is to certify that was exposed to
or participated in qualifying for
hazard pay differential of percent in accordance with the pre-
scribed schedule on each of the following days during the pay period
f rom to
Certifying Official
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R0 300030003-6
Physical hha^dship or Hazard
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
Exposure to hazardous weather or terrain:
(1) Work in rough and remote terrain. When working on cliffs, narrow ledges, or near
vertical mountainous slopes where a loss of footing would result in serious injury or
death, or when working in areas where there is danger of rock falls or avalanches.
Rate of
hazard pay
(2) Traveling under hazardous conditions. (a) When travel over secondary or un- 25
improved roads to isolated mountain top installations is required at night, or under
adverse weather conditions (such as snow, rain, or fog) which limits visibility to less
than 100 feet, when there is danger of rock, mud, or snow slides.
(b) When travel in the wintertime, either on foot or by means of vehicle, over 25
secondary or unimproved roads or snow trails, in sparsely settled or isolated areas to
isolated installations is required when there is danger of avalanches, or during "white-
out" phenomenon which limits visibility to less than 10 feet.
(c) When work or travel in sparsely settled or isolated areas results in exposure to 25
temperatures and/or wind velocity shown to be of considerable danger, or very great
danger, on the windchill chart (appendix A-1), and shelter (other than temporary
shelter) or assistance is not readily available.
(3) Snow or ice removal operations. When participating in snowplowing or snow or 25.
ice removal operations, regardless of whether on primary, secondary or other class of
roads, when (a) there is danger of avalanche, or (b) there is danger of missing the road
and falling down steep mountainous slopes because of lack of snow stakes, "white-
out" conditions, or sloping ice-pack cpvcring the snow.
(4) Water search and rescue operations. Participating as a member of a water search 25
and rescue team in adverse weather conditions when -winds are blowing at 35 m.p.h.
-(classified as gale winds) or in water search and rescue operations conducted at night.
(6) Hazardous boarding or leaving of vessel. When duties (a), (b), or (c) are performed 25
under adverse conditions of foul-weather, or ice, or night and when the sea state is
high (3 feet and above):
(a) Boarding or leaving vessels at sea or standing offshore during lightering or
personnel transfer operations.
(b) Boarding, leaving or transferring equipment between small boats or rafts and 25
steep, rocky or coral surrounded shorelines.
(c) Transferring equipment between a small boat and rudimentary dock by impro- 25
vised or temporary facility such as an unfastened plank leading from boat to dock.
(7) Conducting craft tests to determine seakeeping characteristics of small craft 25
in a seaway when U.S. Storm Warnings normally indicate unsafe seas for a particular
size craft.
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004RW300030003-6
/Exposure to physiological hazards :
/! (1) (a) Pressure chamber subjects. Participating as a subject in diving research tests
which seek to establish limits for safe pressure profiles by working in a pressure
chamber simulating diving or, as an observer to Alutost or as a technician assembling
underwater mock-up components for t i- ie test, when li-observer or technician is
exposed to high pressure gas piping systems, gas cylinders, and pumping devices which
are susceptible to expl 3sive ruptures.
+(b) Working in pressurized sonar domes. Performing checkout of sonar system
after sonar dome has been pressurized. This may include such duties as changing
transducer elements, setting of transducer turntables checking of cables, piping, valves,
circuits, underwater telephone, and pressurization plugs.
(c) Working in nonpressurized sonar domes that are a part of an underwater system.
Performing certification of pretrial inspections, involving such duties as calibrating,
adjusting, and photographing, and photographing equipment, in limited space and
with limited egress.
(2) Simulated altitude3 chamber subjects/observers. Participating in simulated altitude
studies ranging from 18,000 to 150,000 feet either as subject or as observer exposed
tp the same conditions as the subject.
(3) Centrifuge subjects. Participating as subject in centrifuge studies involving
elevated G forces above the level of 5 G's whether or not at reduced atmospheric
(4) Rotational flight simulator subject. Participating as a subject in a rotational
flight simulator in studies involving continuous rotation in one axis through 360?
or in a combination of any axes through 360? at rotation rates greater than 15 r.p.m.
for periods exceeding three minutes.
xposure to hazardous agents, work with or in close proximity to:
(1) Explosive or incendiary materials. Explosive or incendiary materials which are
unstable and highly sensitive.
(~) At-sea shock and vibration tests. Arming explosive charges and/or working with, or
in close proximity to, explosive armed charges in connection with at-sea shock and
j vibration tests of naval vessels, machinery, equipment and Supplies.
?f/ (3) Toxic chemical materials. Toxic chemical materials when there is a possibility
of leakage or spillage.
(4) Fire retardant ;'materials tests. Conducting tests on fire retardant materials
when the tests are performed in ventilation restricted rooms where the atmosphere
is continuously contaminated by obnoxious odors and smoke which causes irritation
to the eyes and respiratory tract.
Jf (5) Virulent biologicals. Materials of micro-organic nature which when introduced
into the body are likely to cause serious disease or fatality and for which protective
devices do not afford complete protection.
Rate of
hazard Pay
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
Approved For Release 20W491 NO YPf4,TRPPA3~f}~'~Q BW3fi9Q 0A( Z@ing
Physical Hardship or Hazard
Rate of
Hazard p
quiredl to leave the tank.
Participating in liquid missile propulsion tests and certain solid propulsion operations:
(1) Tanking and detanking. Tanking or detanking operations of a missile or the test
stand "run" bottles with liquid propellants.
(2) Hoisting a tanked missile. Hoisting a tanked missile or a solid propellant propul-
sion system into and/or over the test stand.
(3) Pressure tests. Pressure tests on loaded missiles, missile tanks, or run bottles
during prefire preparations.
(4) Test stand tests. Test stand operations on loaded missiles under environmental
conditions where the high or low temperatures could cause a failure of a critical com-
(5) Disassembly and breakdown. Disassembly and breakdown of a contaminated
missile system or test stand plumbing after test.
(6) "Go" condition test stand work. Working on any test stand above the 50-foot level
or any stand work while the system is in a "go" condition.
(7) Arming and dearming propulsion systems. Arming, dearming or the installation
and/or removal of any squib, explosive device, or a component thereof connected to,
or part of, any live or potentially expended liquid or solid propulsion system.
(8) Demolition and destruct tests. Demolition, hazards classification, or destruct type
tests where the specimen is nonstandard and/or unproven and the test techniques do
not conform to standard or proven procedures.
Work in fuel storage tanks:
When inspecting, cleaning or repairing fuel storage tanks where there is no ready
access to an exit, under conditions requiring a breathing apparatus because all or part
of the oxygen in the atmosphere has been displaced by toxic vapors or gas, and failure
of the breathing apparatus would result in serious injury or death within the time
Firefighting :
(1) Forest and range fires. Participating as a member of a firefighting crew in fighting
forest and range fires on the fireline.
(2) Eluipment, installation, or building fires. Participating as an emergency member
of a firefighting crew in fighting fires of equipment, installations, or buildings.
(3) In-water under-pier firefighting operations. Participating in in-water under-pier
firefighting operations (involving hazards beyond those normally encountered in fire-
fighting on land, e.g., strong currents, cold water temperature, etc.).
?Hot work:
Working in confined spaces wherein the employee is subject to temperatures in excess
of 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
Feirxiai ' T 49q6
Appi?oved-far-Retease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
Approved For Re ease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004ROW300030003-6
Pay for Irregular or Intermittent Duty Involving
Physical Hardship or Hazard
Work in open trenches:
Work in an open trench 15 feet or more deep until proper shoring has been installed.
Under round work:
Work underground performed in the construction of tunnels and shafts, and the
inspection of such underground construction, until the necessary lining of the shaft or
tunnel has eliminated the hazard.
UAderwater duty:
W(1) Submerged submarine or deep research vehicle. Duty aboard a submarine or deep
research vehicle when it submerges.
(2) Diving. Diving, including SCUBA (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing
Apparatus) diving, required in scientific and engineering pursuits, or search and rescue
operations, when:
(a) At a depth of 20 feet or more below the surface; or,
(b) Visibility is restricted; or,
(c) In rapidly flowing or cold water; or,
(d) Vertical access to the surface is restricted by ice, rock, or other structure; or,
(e) Testing or working with hardware which presents special hazards (such as work
with high voltage equipment or work with underwater mockup components in an
underwater space simulation study).
Sea duty aboard deep research vessels:
Participating in sea duty wherein the team member is engaged in handling equipment
on or over-the side of the vessel when the sea-state is high (12-knot winds and 3-foot
waves) and the work is done on deck in relatively unprotected areas.
Collection of aircraft approach and landing environmental data:
When operating or monitoring camera equipment adjacent to flight deck in the area
of maximum hazard during landing sequence while conducting photographic surveys
aboard aircraft carriers during periods of heavy aircraft operations.
Experimental landing/recovery equipment tests:
Participating in tests of experimental or prototype landing and recovery equipment
where personnel are required to serve as test subjects in spacecraft being dropped into
the sea or laboratory tanks.
Land impact or pad abort of space vehicle :
Actual participation in dearming and safing explosive ordnance, toxic propellant
and high pressure vessels on vehicles that have land impacted or on vehicles on the
launch pad that have reached a point in the countdown where no remote means are
available for returning the vehicle to a safe condition.
High work:
Working on any structure of at least 50 feet above the base level, ground, deck,
floor; roof, etc., under open conditions, if the structure is unstable or if scaffolding
guards or other suitable protective facilities are not used, or if performed under
adverse conditions such as snow, sleet, ice on walking surfaces, darkness, lightning,
steady rain, or high wind velocity.
Bak of
hazard payp
Approved- For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
? Inetv-35
May 14, M o
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R0 300030003-6
Flying, participating in:
(1) Pilot proficiency training. Flights for pilot proficiency training in aircraft new
to the pilot under simulated emergency conditions which parallel conditions en-
countered in performing flight tests.
(2) Delivery of new aircraft for flight testing. Flights to deliver aircraft which has
been prepared fcr one time flight without being test flown prior to delivery flight.
(3) Test flights of new, modified, or repaired aircraft. Test flights of a new or repaired
aircraft or modified aircraft when the modification may affect the flight characteristics
of the aircraft.
(4) Reduced gravity-parabolic arc flights--subjectslobservers. Reduced gravity
flight testing in an aircraft flying a parabolic flight path and providing a testing
environment ranging from weightlessness up through + 2 gravity conditions.
(5) Launch and recovery. Test flights involving launch and recovery aboard an
aircraft carrier.
(6) Limited control flights. Flights undertaken under unusual and adverse condi-
tions (such as extreme weather, maximum load or overload, limited visibility, extreme
turbulence, or low level flights involving fixed or tactical patterns) which threaten
or severly limit control of the aircraft.
(7) Flight tests of expandable aircraft tires. Landing to test aircraft tires designed
to deflate upon retraction, undertaken to appraise the normal deflate-reinflate cycle
and also to evaluate the capability to make a satisfactory landing with the tires
(8) Landing ar:d taking-off in polar areas. Landing in polar areas on unprepared
snow or ice surfaces and/or taking off under the same conditions.
Experimental parachute jumps:
Participating as a jumper in field exercises to test and evaluate new types of
jumping equipment and/or jumping techniques.
Ground work beneath hovering helicopter:
Participating in ground operations to attach external load to helicopter hovering
just overhead. -
. Sling-suspended transfers:
When performance of duties requires transfer from a helicopter to a ship via a sling
on the end of a steel cable or from a ship to another ship via a chair harness hanging
from a high-line between the ships when both vessels are underway.
Carrier suitability trials aboard aircraft carriers :
Participating in carrier suitability trials aboard aircraft carriers when work is
performed on the flight deck during launch, recovery, and refueling operations.
Cargo handling during lightering operations:
Off-loading of cargo and supplies from surface ships to Landing Craft-Medium
(LcM) boats involving exposure not only to falling cargo but such other hazards as
shifting cargo within the LCM, swinging cargo hooks, and possibility of falling between
the LcM and cargo vessel.F
Rate of
hazard pay
roed For Release 2002/01/08 CIARDP8301004R0003000300036
14, _7
v:--- 35
Approved For FMI'ease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004FWb300030003-6
Pay for Irregular or Intermittent Duty Involving
Physical Hardship or Hazard
Local temperature (?F)
Wind 11 peed
-49 -58
-56 -65
- 24
- 37
- 50
- 77
- 90
- 27
- 54
- 82
- 97
For properly clothed persons
Danger f
Considerable Very great danger
rom freezing of exposed flesh
Approved For Retease 2002/01/08: CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6e-
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R00p30003
(a) Defintion. Environmental pay differential means additional pay
for exposure to a hazard, physical hardship, or working conditions
of an unusually severe nature.
(b) Policy.
(1) Environmental pay differential is paid only for hazardous
duty or duty involving physical hardship listed in FPM
Supplement 532-1, Appendix J Parts I and II (hereafter
referred to as I Appendix J and II Appendix J) at the rate
(2) Environmental pay differential is computed on the appropriate
rate of pay for WG-10, step 2 at the percentage specified in
Appendix J.
(3) Environmental pay differential will be paid in addition to
any other compensation the employee earns under' statutory
(4) Eligibility for environmental pay differential is limited to
full-time, part-time and intermittent WG, WL, WS and WP
designated employees under the Federal Wage System.
(5) Exposure to a hazard, physical hardship, or working condition
of an unusually severe nature is not taken into consideration
in the job grading process. Additional pay for exposure to
these conditions is provided only through the environmental
pay differential authorized by this section.
(c Application.
(1) When an employee performs duty for which environmental pay
differential is authorized under I Appendix J, a minimum of
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
PERSONNFLpproved For Rele se 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R00010003 -
one hour's differential shall be paid for each exposure.
When more than one exposure occurs within the same hour
the employee shall be paid for that exposure which results
in the highest differential. When the exposure continues
beyond one hour, the employee will be paid in quarter hour
increments for each 15 minutes and portion thereof in excess
of 15 minutes. After accounting for the first hour increments
less than one full hour will be accrued in the component until
such time as whole hours can be accumulated and reported on
the next appropriate time and attendance report. Each such
occurrence of quarter hour or smaller increments will be
rounded to the next higher quarter hour for accumulation
(2) When an employee performs duty for which environmental differ-
ential is authorized under II Appendix J, the differential
shall be paid for all hours in a pay status on the day in
which the exposure occurs.
(d;) Responsibilities.
(1) Operating Officials and supervisory personnel are responsible
(a) recognizing duties performed by employees for which
environmental pay differential is authorized under the
provisions set forth in this regulation;
(b) submitting proposals for such payment through appropriate
administrative channels to the Director of Personnel;
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R0003,p0030
(c) certifying that employees performed duty qualifying
for environmental pay differential as an attachment
to the time and attendance report.
(2) The Director of Personnel shall approve or reject requests
for payment of environmental pay differential, and shall ensure
that the differential is applied with consistency and equity
on an Agency-wide basis.
(e) Reportinn. Whenever an employee is entitled to environmental pay
differential, the responsible operating official or supervisor
shall attach the following completed certificate to the appropriate
time and attendance report and submit to the Office of Finance at
the end of the pay period in which the qualifying duty was performed.
This is to certify that was exposed to
or participated in qualifying
for environmental pay differential of percent in accordance
with II Appendix J on each of the following days during the pay
period from to , and/or with I Appendix J for the
following hours of exposure accumulated during the pay period
from to
Certifying Official
c. REPORTING DUTY STATUS. Official time and attendance reports will record
time actually worked in relation to the scheduled workweek of the activity
concerned and will be prepared in accordance STATINTL
Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP83-01004R000300030003-6