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Publication Date: 
February 4, 1972
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Approved For Releass 00tO8/04' "tIA-RDP83-007648000400030005-1 MSEMORANDMI FOR: Executive Diroctor-Comptroller SUBJECT The Service Historical Program 1. During the months ahead the ability of the Clandestine Service to staff a historical program of any significant si .o will be greatly reduced. During the rest of FY 1972 we will attempt ~to finish those historical papers on which a significant' amount of work has boon done. This would comprise about 40 or 50 papers in addition to the 170 already published in the Clandestine Service Historical Paper (CSIIp) sories. Beyond that, we recommend that the historical program continue along the following lines: a. There should be a continuing effort to identify and preserve documents which would be of value to ,future historical writers. b. We would continue to debrief key personnel returning from the field and those retiring from the Agency and invite them to prepare written accounts of their experiences. c. From the many subjects involving the Clandc tine Service which should be made matters of historical record the Clandestine Service Historical Board would designate a limited number--about 10---which should receive priority attention. These would consist of monographs on operational programs and CS in- volvement in certain crisis areas, as well as histories of major stations and major Headquarters components. d. The divisions and staffs should be encouraged to prepare any type of historical studies they may find useful, including Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP83-00764R000400030005-1 Approved For Release2,000/08/04: CIA-RDP83-007641 0400030005-1 organizational and station histories. The CS Historical Board should decide whether those or any other papers shorild be published in the CSIIP series or retained as source documents. This would require revision or re- interpretation of hIR 1-2c(3). e. About 10 clearly qualified annuitants should be re-hired as independent contractors to form a cadre of historical writers. They should be assigned to work within the various CS components with the CS Historical Board and the CIA Historical Staff providing guidance and general research assistance. This group'should be augmented by qualified ataff personnel when-- ever available. 9. The CS Historical Board should pass judgment on the capability of personnel before they are assigned to prepare papers in the CSHP series. g. Scheduling and target dates should take into account the availability of writers and the dimensions and complexity of the historical projects to which they are assigned. The program should be open ended. It need not be completed this year or the next but as rapidly as capable, diligent writers can progress and still produce sound, readable papers. h.' The historical program should be flexible and subject to continuing revision by the Historical Board and by appropriate manage- ment personnel in the CS and the Agency. 2. May we have your approval of the guidelines listed above, or a discussion of those with which you may differ? Any additional instructions or guidance would be most useful in our planning for the future. 25X1A9a CSHS, /kct (4 Feb 72) Distribution: Orig & 1 Addressee 2 - DDP 1 - CSHS +,.' .. 2 I; Thomas H. Karamessines Deputy Director for Plans Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CI DP83-00764R000400030005-1 SECRE IR