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7/ - /.17) /Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 - f $-E-C-R-E-T ? 21 December 1967 MEMORANDUM FOR: Staff Personnel SUBJECT: Letter of Information GENERAL -1. Cyprus Emtroencv: .The Mediterranean Bureau's facility at .Karavas was reopened 5 December with the easing of tensions between Greece and Turkey over Cyprus. FB/S 'dependents, who had been evacuated to Beirut, returned to the Kyrenia area on 9 December. Chief, Wire Services Staff, was assigned to Beirut 26 November.- 9 December to assist on problems connected with the evacuation. Mediterranean Bureau Chief reported that on 20 Ncivember, in the face of the growing tbreat of Turkish invasion, the American Ambassador to-Cyprus placed the bureau On a standby evacuation alert,. All evacuables were advised to keep bags packed and remain in the immediate Kyrenia area. Arrangements made previously with the Regional Radio Officer for relocation of bureau operations to the State Department Relay Station at Yerolakkos, near Nicosia and away from the vulnerable northern coast, were then implemented. Four two- receiver monitoring positions were set up dt Yerolakkos, a long-wire antenna for mediumwave reception was run out on existing rhombic antenna supports, a Relay Station teleprinter was put in standby, and essential supplies were stockpiled. reported: At 7:30 p.m. on 22 November, 'when many FBIS people were just sitting down to dinner, the order came from the Embassy to move all evacnables to the Nicosia Hilton Hotel immediately. The exodus of families by private automobile began at once." Classified materials were Moved by U.S. Marine guards to Embassy vaulted areas. Editor one Turkish monitor, one Greek monitor, and one teletypist remained on duty at Karavas as other personnel departed. Two local teletypists were assigned to Yerolakkos on TDY. At 11:15 p.m. . Yerolakkos was operational and monitors on duty, and the Karavas operation was closed. Difficulties were surmounted in getting Turkish personnel through the Kyretia Greek checkpoint. S-E -C -8 -E 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Group I Excluded frdm automatic down- grading add declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Am/ S -E -C -12-E -T SUBJECT: Letter of Information, 21 December 1967 On Thanksgiving Day, with the Turkish invasion still post- poned, a crew of MIS engineering personnel returned to Karavas to transfer more equipment in a bureau bus to the Yeroiakkos site, Which enabled 48 hours of radio coverage daily at the emergency operatiOn. Local guards, meanwhile, made checks of the bureau premises at Karavas. . . At 0200 local time 24 November war appeared so close that the decision was made by the Ambassador to airlift dependents of employees at U.S. installations to Beirut by chartefed aircraft: A bureau adminis- trative assistant was sent to Beirut to assist in FBIS evacuee problems. Plans were also formulated for a further fallback of 'the monitoring :operation but were not implemented when the crisis eased on .30 November. The bureau began to move its operations back to Karavas 4 December. (SECRET) ' 2. Mideast Coverage: In connection with the 13 December abortive countercoup in Greece, the? FBIS Wire Service provided thorough--a total of 38 items on 13 December alone--and fast coverage of the event, carrying material monitored by the Mediterranean Bureau directly from Athens and the regional Greek radios and running consistently ahead of Western press services on major developments. An Fit on an Athens radio pronouncement on the countercoup, broadcast by'Athens In Greek at 1300 GMT, cleared the Wire at 1315.. The official Athens' announcement that the King was leading the Countercoup cleared.17 minutes after broadcast, and the bulletin on tine "crushing" of the attempt cleared 16 minutes after broadcast. On the latter development, the Wire was one hour and 15 minutes ahead of the first press agency bulletin. A State Operations Center 50X1 situation report quoted FBIS extensively on stateMents and appeals of the "junta-controlled radio." ' (SECRET) .? The Wire also provided sustained Coverage of the Greek-Turkish confrontation over Cyprus, carrying an average of more than 20 items daily from 21 November through 2 December. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) 3. London Press Monitoring: Between 7 and 21 November the London Press Monitoring Unit began processing of material from Pravda Izvestiya, ,and Red Star. Four press monitors entered on duty in November, making a total of five actually employed, 'and clearances were received on an additional nine 'press monitors, and three typist-teletypists. By the end of November teletype equipment and circuitry were ready to be Connected at - 2 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-R-6P83-00586R000300260001-2 4use S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT: Letter of Information, 21 December 1967 the new PMU office in Wembley Park. During its first partial month of operations the PMU wirefiled 31,000 words and airmailed 10,000 words from the Soviet press. (CONFIDENTIAL) SERVICES AND REQUIREMENTS 4. Special Services: Stokely Carmichael's return to the United States after a five-month tour abroad generated several requests for tape recordings of his statements as broadcast by foreign radios and for radio and press reaction to his activities. In response to a request from the Justice. Department, the' Publications Division collated and prepared for publication 15 December a 54-page Special Memorandum on Carmichael's activities and statements from 6 October to 12 December. (CONFIDENTIAL) An urgent request from an Organization component for tape recordings of U.S. defector John D. Smith's statements broadcast by Pedio MOSCOW was met. The London Bureau had anticipated the request and already dispatched the tapes to Headquarters. (CONFIDENTZAL) An extensive check of Havana broadcasts in English and French to Canada, conducted by the East Coast Bureau, indicated that Cuba was not biloadcasting inflammatory material to Canada, as had been reported. The search was in response to State and qrganization requirements. (CONFIDENTIAL!) Other special services included.a package of DRV press materials pro,gired by the South and East Aiia Branch, Asia Division, for a congress- man interested in attitudes expressed in DRV publications; information on the new Soviet helicopter carrier, supplied to the Navy by the USSR DivisionSs Political/Military Brandi; and tapes of Burmese language materials for NSA, supplied by the Bangkok Bureau. (SECRET) 5. Support of U.S. Missions: Information on Moscow's Peace and Progress broadcasts, including A statistical study prernred by' the Monitoring Operations Section, was forwarded to State Department and Organization components for vouching to the Embassy in Delhi. Field' bureaus have been asked to file laterally to U.S. Army Headquarters in Heidelberg processed reportage. and comment from all sources on military maneuvers and related developments in USSR and East European countries. The U.S. Eabassy in Santa Domingo has levied a requirement for Moscow broadcasts in French and Creole on Haiti. Bureaus covering Latin America - 3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 :CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 4se S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT: Letter of Information, 21 December 1967 were requested to supply U.S. Missions in Madrid and London with references tO the.: disappearance of the Dominican ambassador to London. Bangkok Bureau teletypists are now preparing mats for communist clandes- tine program summaries for reproduction by the U.S. Embassy for various components of the mission in Thailand, including USIS posts in the Northeast. (CONFIDENTIAL) 6. Propaganda Analysis: PAD supplied the DDI SpecialResearch Staff,'st its request, with copies of a large segment of a new card file on Hanoi Key.Themes as well as with Spies of Trends and purvey articles on Vietnam since 1965 in support of a study of North Vietnamese &eadership attitudes being prepared at DDI direction. The Hanoi Key Themes cards now number more than 2,500 in some 55 categories relating to military doctrine; strategy, and tactics, the, allied pacification program, North- South Vietnam relations, DRV and Liberation Front relations with Moscow and ?eking, and political settlement. (SECRET) A compilation of Asian communist leaders' statements reflecting militancy and inflexibility was prepared by PAD analystS at OCI request in response to a requirement levied on the Organization Py the office of the Vice President. The 20-page compilation included statements by Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, and Burmeee communist spokesmen. (SECRET) Special Report CD. 281, "Communist Propaganda Reaction to the - U.S. Decision on a Limited ABM? SysteM," respofided to special interest on the part of Organization components and the office of the Secretary of Defense. CD. 282, ."The Left Opportunism and Military Adventurism of reng Te-huai and Lo Jul-thing," examined the Maoist propaganda case against the two discredited Chinese communist military leaders. \(CONFIDENTIAL) Vietnam services included the 10th in the PAD Series of monthly Special Memorandums on Hanoi claims of diviliSn casualties from U.S. air strikes. A memorandum from MACV Saigon described these reports, instituted at State Department request, as "extremely helpful in the performance of our mission." (CONFIDENTIAL) 7.- Press and Document Exploitation: The USSR Division has sent to the London ,Press Monitoring Unit the first of a series of Assessments and - guidance on processing of newspapers being monitored in the new London operation, The division checks London selections against requirements ? and comments on appropriateness of processing, language, and terminology. - 4 -; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-R-DP83-00586R000300260001-2 Nwewe SUBJECT: Letter of Information, 21 December 1967 Among its various regular services during the past month the USSR Division completed a 17-page urgett translation of a Payanskiy article in KOMMUnist which was published in the Daily Report and immediately .distributed to interested Organization components. (CONFIDENTIAL) Receipt of Red Guard newspapers was slower in November, but some 16 monographs totaling 200 pages on Red Guard activities were processed. Ahe Asia Division also received some 167 non-metropolitan newspapers with considerable economic data. The South and East Atria Branch received four new Cambodian dailies, published since the Cambodian Government banned private neWspapers. The Saigon Bureau and Asia Diviidon established a system for speeding up processing of North Vietnam's Hoc Tap. (SECRET) The Czechoslovak/Hungary Branch of EM) submitted for inclusion .in a USSR Division series two Czechorilovak articles ccnfirming speculation that Soyuz-X,-in which Soviet astronaut Komarov was killed, was. originally planned as text of a two-spacecraft .docking exercise. Three handwritten diaries captured from "Che" Guevara end his companions were translated for an Organization component by a team from the EM) Latin America and Language Services branches. (SECRET) 8. Coordination With Other Agencies: In Saigon, the U.S. Public Affairs Office, the EMbassy, and the Saigon Bureau have agreed to share in the preparation of the review of the Saigon daily press. The new arrangement permits the bureau to scan only five papers instead of 14 daily, thus enbbling monitors to devote additional time to communist materials. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) 9. Commendations: Hewson A. Ryan, Deputy Director for Policy . ? and Research of USIA, expressed appreciation for "splendid support" in a USIA study of AFp's Africa file. Material for the project was supplied by the East Coast Bureau in September: The Chief of Special Staff, OCI, expressed appreciation for PAD's "thoiroughness and speed of response? in fulfilling a requirement for a compilation of recent statements Asian Communist leaders. The was praised in a memorandum from Myron C. 50X1 Nagurney, of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, for "accurate translation and timely delivery" of materials for a forthcoming United Nations conference on space. The Business and Defense Services Adminis- tration, Department of Commerce, .also praised the contractual facility for "both 'speed and quality" in handling translations of Japanese industrial and product classifications used in comparing U.S. and Japanese economic statistics. (CONFIDENTIAL) ? ' ...- 5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release .201370E/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : COAMP83-00586R000300260001-2 S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT: Letter of Information, 21 December 1967 A high-level Organization officer commended EAD staff members who translated the diaries captured with "Che" Guevara, noting that the work was "accomplished with a high degree of accuracy despite difficulties in reading handwritten material." The commendation also noted that the "speed with which the material was translated enhanced the intelligence value of these significant documents." (SECRET) The 'Office of Economic, Research commended the Near East/North Africa Branch of Asia Division for "excellent support" in reporting on the Near East situation, in particular with regard to developments in Jordan, Egypt, and Algeria. (SECRET) - PUBLICATIONS 10. Daily Report Supplements: Exeept for a forthcoming Index, USSR/EE Branch wound up its coverage of the Soviet celebration with Volumes 2I, XII, and XIII. of ."Materials on the 50th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution," published as Supplements dated respectively 21 November, 88 pages;- 24 November, 91 pages; and 14 December 91 pages. During the sane period the sane branch issued four other Supplements: "Materials on October 1967 USSR Republic Supreme Soviet Sessions, S3 pages, 25 &getter; "Materials on 23-24 November Plenum of the SED Central Committee," 89 pages, 7.Decembet; "Materials on League Central Committee Sessions'; Work Theses of the Socialist Alliance of the Working People ct Yugoslavia," '$8 pages, 22 December; and "Materials 'on 6-8 ? December National Conference of the Rumanian Communist Parti," Part I: Ceausescu ,Speech, 56 paget, 13 December. London and Austrian bureaus were large contributors, as was HeadquarterS USSR Division. German , Bureau prePared all of the SED material on mats ready for reproduction. Other items from Okinawa, African, And Tokyo Bureaus were also incor- porated,in the supplements. (UNCLASSIFIED) 11. Editorial Training Manual: A new Editorial Training Manual has been formalized after experimentation with the training program over a three-month period. Training of editors is now being given high priority by the Publications Division to increase editorial quality in general and prepare .editors for field assignment. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) 12. Contractual Facility: The Publications Division as issued a policy memorandum on administration and operation of the contractual facility, which provides for formalization of quality control or contractual translations, the systematid rotation of Staff personnel similar to that of other FBIS field personnel, and greater flexibility for.field office chiefs ifteatablishing contractual rates. (SECRET) - 6 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 :C1)4416P83-00586R000300260001-2 S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT: Letter of Information, 21'December-1967 13. Duplication Prevention: About 1,300'sequirements and inquiries were processed by the Consolidated Translation Survey unit during Novmmber. These included 154 requests for translations totaling 6,914 pages which were already available. The anti-duplication effort rep- resented savings to the government of some' $35000, (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) 14. Broadcasting Stations of the World: 'Delivery of the 21st edition of Broadcasting Stations of the World was made on 15,Decemter. A - total of 177 sets of the publication were distributed to Agency and other gevernment offices. The four-volume sets are again available to the public through the Government Printing Office eta cost of $8.50 per set. The Agency's Legielative Counsel requested the Liaison and Requirements staff to include certain Congressmen in the list of recipients. (CONFIDENTIAL) ' FIELD5OPERATIONS 15. Saigon Communications: For the first time since the establish - meet of the Saigon Bureau at teletype communications terminal has been installed 'on bureau premises. FBIS traffic thus no longer competes with Embassy traffic for preparation and there is direct operationalacontrol of operators, handling bureau traffic. Formerly the bureau relied on the EMbassy's teletype unit. (CONFIDENTIAL)'' i6. 16. ? Reception Surveys: Okinawa BureaU Cruising Monitor conducted reception surveys at the BBC Monitoring Unit in Hong Kong 3-11 November and at the Banecok Bureau 29 November-1 December. ENGINEERING 17. Caribbean Bureau: FBIS took beneficial occupancy of the Caribbean Bureau from the contractor on 29 November. The overall construction contract was estimated to be 97.6 percent completed. Final inspection of the new bureau is planned for mid-January 1968. (SECRET) 18. Hokkaido Bureau: Planning with the Air Force and Kuma.Station was started on an interim-period operations building hear the Kuma Station operations building, and near the site selected for the FBIS permanent building. , The interim location will allow FBIS to use the better Kuma Station antennas' sooner and will allow the Air Force to occupy the current-FBIS -Operations site it Carp Strong in the spring. (SECRET) - 7 - S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 :CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT:. Letter. of Information, 21 December 1967 MISCELLANEOUS 19. Editorial Assistants: Foreign national personnel hired to qssist Bureau editors and PMU officers in editorial-type functions such as copyreading, polishing, and proofing translated materials, or in preparing such items as commentary lists for editors, should be described-as Editorial Assistants. This would similarly apply to U.S. citizens hired abroad on contract for such purposes. The term "foreign national editor" should not be used because of pessible confusion within and without MIS with the duties And responsibilities of Staff editors. (CONFIDENTIAL) 20. FBIS History: The first draft of a history of PBIS from 1941 to 1947 has been completed by an annuitant who is now .the only fulltime writer on the project.? A history of the former Foreign Documents DivisionJrom 1946 to 1952 has been submitted for the review of the chairman of the DDI Historical Board. The initial draft of the MIS history was based on more than 600 cubic feet of materials in the National Archives. The draft of the 1947-1967 ' period of the FBIS history will be based on materials in Organisation record centers and interviews with FBIS personnel who made the history now being documented. (SECRET/ 21. Fund Drives: PHIS personnel contributed $276.88 to the Educa- tional Aid Fund and $295.37 to the Public Service Aid Sodiety. This was in addition to 86048.80 which was contributed to the Consolidated Fund, Dirve. The PHIS CFD goal was 1506.oq, which was thus exceeded by ' 23.8%. (UNCLASSIFIED) 22. BBC'Monitoring Service: Mr. John Rae, a former administrative officer of the BBC Monitoring Service, became Head of the Monitoring Service on 17 November, succeeding Mr. John Campbell, who retired after 14 yearns dire4or of the BBC service. (UNCLASSIFIED) 23. Briefings and Visits:. The Director, PBI, visited the Key lest, Panama, and Caribbean Bureaus 1-14 December, The Chief of Operations visited the Middle Bast 1-16 December in connection with overseas planning. Liaison activities included the attendance of the Chief, Austrian Bureau, at a coverage coordination meeting with the BBC 27-30 November in Caversham, and visits by the Chief, Key West Bureau, on 21 November with the Coordinator :of Cuban Affairs, Department of State, and the Chief of the USIA bureau in Miami. - 8 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 :CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 SUBJECT: Letter of Information, 21 December 1967 Visitors to bureaus included Mt. Chaluay Bichaisordat, chief of the Thai Interior Ministry's monitoring service, at the Bangkok Bureau 27 November; Mr. Nat Kingsley, Head of the News Department, RFE Munich, and Mr. TalhntAinnA Chief nf RFT LeIndon at the Lolon Bureau 3 Noveiber; andd Intelligence Agency, at the East Coast Bureau, 14 November. USIA analysts on communist broadcasting activities visited the Monitoring Operations Section in Headquarters. (CONFIDENTIAL) ADMINISTRATION 24. Field Reassignment Questionnaire. The Support Career Service requires its members to submit a Field Reassignment Questionnaire (Form 202) eight months prior to the completion of .a tour. The ' questionnaire is used in planning the Support Officer's nett assign- ment. Requests for extensions ay be indicated on this form, but it . would be to the individuals.advantage to. submit a request for extension.. or additional tour immediately after completing one year in an assignment. The form is classified and may be obtained from Headquarters. (SECRET) ' 25. Wage Scale Revisions: Bureaus should direct requests for in- formation about wage scale revisions and requests to make such revisions to the Chief, Administrative Staff, who will coordinate them as necessary with the appropriate Headquarters components. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) 50X1 26. Training; attended training a. b. During the reporting period the following courses: (SECRET) ? personnel 50X1 50X1 50X1 Chief; USSR Division - Executive Ulentation in PPBS; 20-22 November 1967 West Coaat Bureau and Chief. Executive ?r Chief, en a on in PPBS, 11 and 12 December 1967 C. Deputy Chief, USSR Division - Advanced 50X1 Management Planning, 26 November - 1 December 1967 d. Chief, Engineering Staff - Brookings 50X1 Science Conference, 3 - 8 December 1967 e. Chief Life Sciences Branch, USSR 50X1 Chief, Far East Branch, 50X1 uivision and Publications Division - Management, Is - 8 December 1967 f. Area Officer, USSR Division - Bathetic -I ' 50X1 Missile Staff, Course, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, 11-14 December 1967. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-rDP83-00586R000300260001-2 Nuse . , . ? SUBJECT: LettervorInfortation, 21 December 1967 In the Editorial-Training.ManUal please make the following pen and ink change on-page-5, .Section D (Phase'4)., para.-1, firat sentence: Change period' tocomma, and add: "where he will revert to 'heavy'. editing." (UNCLASSIFIED) . - 28. Regulatory-Issuancet: The following regulatory is-suancbs were disseminated: (SECRET) PFAISONNEL 29. New EntUyees 30. ReassignMents. 'Assignment Area Officer, Asia Division Editor', Publications Division TeletyPiat, Wire Services Staff From ' To' Engineeting Staif Deputy Chief, FOS Deptty-Chief German Bureau EM) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 50X1, 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy -Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT: Letter of Information, 21 December 1967 31. Resiwations 32. Retirements 33. TDY in Washington From Info Control Clerk, Publications Division 50X1 Area Officer, Europe/Africa/Latin 4 America Division Teletypist% Wire Services Staff Teletypist, East Coast Bureau Area Officer, Europe/AfricaALatin America Division . . Typist, Publications Division Area Officer, Europe/Africa/Latin 'America Division From Editor, Publications Division 50X1 Area Officer, Asia Division, - Chief, Saigon-Bureau, consultation while :.on leave and return to Saigon - Chief, Africa Bureau, consultation while on leave and teturn to Africa C ng, rector Foreigth I oadcast Information Service - 11 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300260001-2 50X1 50X1 50X1