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/ ) ._ ormin .2) MTH'S, W41" ' en 1/4)4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 , _ , _LOH OFF JJCH ED - _am RPB _qbLIA OFF Assistant Director for Operations .?i_ADM OFF 1 964 hi, 451,,, / FI v 50X1 Chief, FBID FBID Progress Report for March 1964 GENERAL 1. After a period of relative quiescence, the Cyprus situation again became extremely critical in the second week of March when widespread clashes between Greek and Turkish Cypriots brought a renewed threat of Turkish intervention. The crisis reached its peak on Friday, 13 March, and than began to subside with the arrival of the advance elements of the Canadian U.N. contingent. During the darkest period, the Sixth Fleet was again requested to move a ship within short steaming distance of the north coast to evacuate Mediterranean Bureau personnel if necessary. Unfortunately, even with the arrival of the U.N. troops, a solution Of the communal strife does not appear near, and FOIS is continuing to investigate alternate sites for Middle East monitoring, with primary attention directed toward establishing an emergency fallback area which would permit continued monitoring of Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus if the station at Karavas had to be evacuated. Initial contacts have been made with the U.K. High Commission in Cyprus to determine the possibility of moving to a British Sovereign Base area in such a situation. In addition, permission of the Israeli Government has been sought for an interim FBIS operation in Tel Aviv if necessary. If the Israelis approve, Which seems likely, the equipment needed for the operation will be shipped from Cyprus for storage in Tel Aviv. ? Meahwhile, Greece, Turkey, Italy, and Iran are being considered as possible alternate permanent sites for the Mediterranean Bureau. The American Etbassy in Athens, however, has advised against an approach to the 'Creek Government at this time. No formal steps have been taken in regard to the other countries. 2. A table to the American Ethbatsy in Bangkok to confirt previous arrangements for establishing a Southeast Asien bureau there if it became necessary to evacuate Saigon brought a somewhat surprising negative response from U.S. Ambassador Martin. Reception surveys in 1955 and again in 1962 showed that Bangkok was an excellent location for Southeast Asia monitoring, and U.S. officials had agreed to furnish all the support necessary for an FBIS operation. Ambassador Martin, however, objects to increasing the size of the American official community, Which now numbers 5,000, and foresees disapproval by the Thai Government. The SMIET ,,?_,.... L....a,. j .... . 6:CianiriCillt.i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 aranr"1" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 ?t SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for March 1964 Embassy response would not preclude an official request for relocating the bureau in Bangkok if an emergency situation threatened the loss of vital coverage. Baguio in the Philippines, where a reception survey was made in 1954, and Hong Kong also offer possibilities for Southeast Asian monitoring should rnIs be excluded from Bangkok. Fortunately, possible need for relocating the bureau has receded with an improvement in the Saigon security situation. 3. The opening of the Marcos Rodriquez Alfonso espionage trial in Havana elicited numerous requests for the fullest possible coverage. Tape recordings of the trial proceedings were supplied to the Department of State and USIA and selected videotapes were made available to OCR. 4. In response to an urgent weekend request, a memorandum was prepared and delivered to DIA by special messenger giving information on the location and current broadcasting schedules of North Vietnamese broadcasting stations. 6. FBIS British, Austrian. and Nest German press reviews are now sent by special courier to the USIA to aid that agency in preparing a daily West European press review. 7. As an outgrowth of the Panama trifle. the Panama gureau provided the Canal Zone Government with special compilations of items carried by Panamanian: stations While in the government network and with special tape recordings. The bureau's contribution formed the basis of the U.S. Southern Command's presentation to the OAS. S. Regular services initiated by FBIS field bureaus included the filling of all major Soviet statements on Vietnam to Saigon, all Soviet iitems on Panama to Panama, and all Peking voice items on the Congo to the American Embassies in Brussels and Leopoldville. In addition the Panama Bureau file is now being provided to the U.S, Army Security Agency in Fort Clayton and the Soviet Bloc Roundup and the Peking Press Review it being sent to the Army Attache at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. 9. During March 17 percent of the items appearing in the OCI Digest wore bated wholly or in part on material supplied by FBIS. 10. An MI report entitled "Current Communist Comment on the Situation in South Vietnam" examined Moscow, Poking, and Hanoi reactions 2 ? SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 ArFA V% MIN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 .4.74 SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for March 1964 to speculation on expansion of the South Vietnam hostilities. Another, entitled "CPR Paces Problem of Dissidence Among Intellectuals," assembled evidence of heresies among Communist China's own scholars and writers which resemble the "distortions of Marxismoloninism" that Peking imputes to Moscow. Report No: 13 on Cuban propaganda provided a collation of aiban and Soviet leaders' statements on Guantanamo since Castro's taking power, with an introductory review of Cuban and Soviet stands on the issue. 11. Two Daily Report area supplements were published in March: a 9 March USSR/East Europe 62-page supplement contained Soviet Premier Khrushchev's 28 February report on agricultural production which was broadcast belatedly by Moscow, and a 40-page Par East supplement on 31 March contained the eighth Poking People's Daily-Red Flag article, Criticising Khrushchev and CPSU leaders, in the continuing series which began 6 September 1963. 12* PBXS and the Printing Services Division reached agreement on conVertion to small-type offset printing for all Daily Reports by 1 August 19640 with the stipulation that page limitations will remain unChanged pending a full review of the situation six months after the conversion it completed. Meanwhile, Xeroxing of Latin America Daily Report Mats to provide proofing copies has eliminated the problem of legibility experienced with carbon proofs of the small-type pages and has reduced proofing errors. 13* The Editorial Branch has established a file of all references to CIA by noncommunist radios to permit rapid response to requests for such material. The present "Copy to Liaison" flag required on all items mentioning CIA also serves as the key for collecting items for the new file. 14. Eighty-four percent of the Daily Report was devoted to broadcast Materials and sixteen percent to press scrutiny. ? IS. PUS and MD have agreed on coordination procedures to minimize loss of coverage Should the Mediterranean Bureau be forced to close down. POD would immediately intensify its press scrutiny for those areas in which FBIS collection capability was reduced dr-eliMiaated, and PSIS would pass to FOD any requests for processing from consumers. POD would adjust its distribution as necessary to meet FBIS consumer requirements. 16. Radio Moscow announced at month's end that it would soon introduce programs in Marathi and Malayalam, the former the chief Indic language of southern and eastern Bombay State and the latter the Dravidian language of Kerala in southern India. PSIS has no capability for coverage of these languages. - 3 a SERRrr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 %OP Ihrtem," ? Wa.ej SUBJECT: FRIO Progress Report for March 1964 17, PBIS has received a six-part study of high-frequency signal sources prepared for the Department of Defense by the Electronic Defense Laboratories, This study, the beginning of an experiment to locate signal sources within the Soviet Onion, will make use of semiautomated direction finding equipment and computer analysis. FBIS program information will be used, as needed, to identify country origin of transmitters. FACILITIES 18. As An economy measure, approval was granted for the African Bureau to increase its lensed Lagos-London circuit to three hours daily Monday through Saturday when it became apparent that the cost of overruns of tho two-hour period were exceeding the charges for an additional leased hour, 194 All components of the Transportable Monitoring Unit were tested and ancillary equipment wee packed and stored aboard the unit in readiness for road tests or use in an emergency location, 20, The Any Signal Corps provided to the Gorman Bureau without cost radiotoletype monitoring equipment which will permit the bureau to print East German ADN transmissions for informational purposes. 21. The Mediterranean Bureau was supplied with a transceiver (fixed station) set and "walkie-talkie" equipment to augment emergency radio communitations between the bureau and key personnel in Kyrenia. 22. The Saigon Bureau was allocated additional space in the Embassy Annex, providing a separate office for the bureau chief and adding a maintenance shop to bureau facilities. 23. Twelve houses being constructed in Kaduna for African Bureau local employees wore in various stages of completion ranging from 10 to 75 percent at the beginning of the month. ADMINISTRATION 2416 discussed current aspects of Soviet military doctrine with members of the RPB staff during a weeklong visit to Washington for consultations with Agency personnel. Mr. Thomas Wolfe of the Rand Corporation participated in the discussion. Mr. Paul ford, Assistant to the OD/I for Management1 accompanied by the Chief. PBXS, visited FBIS headquarters and the East Coast Bureau for orientation; Mr, Morris E. Hammond, the Department Of State Regional Communication Officer, Manila, visited the Tokyo and Okinawa Bureaus; and Mr. Leon Brantly and Mt. George Weld of ONI visited the Koy West Bureau. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 OLUELLt SUBJECT: PB1D Progress Report for March 1064 25. During March no one entered on duty, no one transferred, and one employee was separated from FBIS: The on duty strength as of 31 March was There were eight professionals and five clericals in process during the month. 26, The Office of General Counsel confirmed that employees assigned to the Canal lone ere eligible for home leave. 27. Effective 16 March 1964 the Engineering Staff was increased by three positions, a G3.14 Deputy Chief and GS-13 and GS-12 Engineers. A GS-9 Radio Operator, Panama Bureau; a GS-8 Radio Operator, East Coast Bureau; and a GS-7 Librarian, Editorial Branch, were eliminated from the TIC to compensate. 28. One Engineering position was transferred froi the Mediterranean to the Austrian Bureau T/0. 29. During the month approval was granted to pay the school tuition cost for dependent children of foreign nationals at the Hokkaido Bureau. Attachments: Personnel Personnel Supplement Production Report Daily Report Wordage New Consumers Special Requirements ROGER G. sem - 5 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 t) I. Summary Number of Personnel PERSONNEL SUPPLEMENT TO MONTRLY PROGRESS REPORT March 1964 American On In Entered Promo. Trans. T/0 Ceiling Duty Process On Duty tions furred Separated Native On T/0 Duty ? includes one eaployee on Leave Without Pay 2f^'d r` r- 1 k!* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 2. Personnel Entering on lhatY New Title, Grade Assignment Date None Promotions Old litle, Grade Assignment ,------... Electron Eng(Radio), GS-12 Electron Eng(Radio),. GS-13 29 March 1964 50X1 East Coast Bureau Engineering Staff Secretary (Steno), GS..5 Secretary (Steno), 65-6 I March 1964 Editorial Branch Editorial Braneh Electron Spec, GS-11 Electron Eng(Radio), GS-.l2 29 March 1964 East Coast Bureau Engineering Staff Admin Officer. GS-1O Admin Officer, 6S-11 29 March 1964 Tokyo Bureau Tokyo Bureau Secretary (Typing). CS-S Secretary (Typing), GS-6 15 March 1964 Radio Propaganda Breath Radio Propaganda Branch 4. Reassignments Old Title, Grade New Title, Grade Malta Assignment Assignment Date Info Sp(For &kat). GS43 11151/cations E4it 65-13 ch 1964 50X1 Mediterranean Bureau Editorial Breach Info Sp(For West)* GS-10 Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-IO 2 March 1964 Mediterranean Bureau Austrian Bureau 4. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/67761K-E.P83-00586R000300250011-2 0 Reassignments (Continued) Electron Spot. GS-11 g45t Coast Bureau Info Sp(For Bdcst), 054 Editorial Branch Info Sp(For West) G.5.41 Panama. Bureau Electron Spec. GS-11 Engineering Staff Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-9 Panama Bureau Info Sp(For Bdcst)o GS-11 London Bureau 29 March 1964 50X1 15 March 1964 15 March 1964 Info Sp(For West)., GS-II Info. Sp(For West): 1 3 March 1964 Mediterranean Bureau Austrian Bureau Info Sp(For Bdest)..65-8 into Sp(For &lest), GS-$. 15 March 1964 Editorial Branch Mediterranean aureuu Electron Spec. GS-11 Electron Spec, GS-11 I March 1964 Mediterranean Bureau East Coast Bureau S. Separations Name Title, Grade. Assigmmant Da Info Sp(For Bdcst), 6S.11 (Death) 23 Deceitber 196350X1 London Bureau ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 00 Career Service Program nomployees have been accepted for Career Staff Membership. SFr; rt f` 50X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 UI ! 0 ? 7. Foreign Travel Name Destination Duration Fain West Coast, Saigon, Okinawa, Tokyo anti Hokkaido Bureaus; Honolulu. Hawaii and Hoag Kong, B.C.C. FBID Mediterranean and Austrian Bureaus Beirut, Lebanon FBID Mediterranean and Louden Bureaus ?BID Austrian, German and London Bureaus 8. Average I/O Grade: 9.95 Average On Duty Grade: 9.58 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 29 February - 7 April 1964 50X1 3 February - 21 Nar-cb 1969 5 February 5 March 1964 3 February ]- 20 April 1964 1 - 16 14arcli 1964 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 auLlil I itii 1. Daily Average of Field Bureau Production, March 1964 (Average computed on basis of 5-day seek) WORDAGE WORDAGE ECONOMIC ABSTRACTS Elmo BUREAU MONITORED FILED DISSEMINATED** (No. Items) Voice Prose Africa 17.0 6,000 4,776 Austria 19.0 - 60,550* 28,965* 6 East Coast 27.2 220.4 23,800 16,402 0 German 10.3 19,296**** 17,906**** 0 Hokkaido 19.2 1.3 10,735 10.611 56 Key West 10.3. 8,800 5,682 o London 16,0 28.5 7,756 6,752 0 Mediterranean 28.0 24.0 6,500 2,940 Okinawa 53.0 50.1 38,900 31,012 6 Panama 26.6 29.0 6,300 4,936 0 Saigon _ 23.5 - 6,700* 6020* 0 Tokyo 31.6 - 4,900 4,658 0 West Coast 48.8 79.6 _21,640 18,364 Total FBIS 159,404 333.4 440.9 0?.MOPW?11?16 193,579 72 BBC: Caveraham 156.0 120.5 60,719 53,245 32 Nairobi 11.5 4,691 4,349 0 Stockholm/Teheran 11.0 Mt flX 0 Total BBC 178.5 129.5 65,410 57.594 32 Grand TOTAL (rats-BBC) 511.9 570.4 awn 216.990 104 1111.???? A daily average of 120,948 words were filed to BBC. a Includes Press Scrutiny. ** Includes DAILY REPORT, Niro Service, and miscellaneous publications. *** Included in Cavershom file. **** Includes 4,500 words for "Weekly Report on East German Press". CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 DAILY REPORT BOOK DAILY REPORTWORDAGE Fon VARcH 1964 TOTAL AVERAGE 40 UBSRAE 11042,800* 47,400 (22 publication days) Far Bast 83o.?260** 37,714o ME/AF/WE 686184o 31,220 0 Latin America 306,350*** 13,925 Total Wordage for All Sections 2,866,270 Total Daily Average 130,265 Total Mire Service Wordage 7741101 Wire Service Daily Average 24,971 *Includes 27,280 mord USACK/EB Supplement **Includes 17,600 word Far Bast Svplement ***Entire 'Latin American book produced by the 14-pitch 7-L,) n31 4 17 be 14 (14) typewriter pilot project VI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 Declassified M Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 Lot 4 I NEW CONSUMERS FOR FBIS PUBLICATIONS March 1964 PUBLICATION CONSUMER TITLE OR ORGANIZATION Middle141st,, Action Pen Europe DR USSR & EE DR Latin Me flea. DR Trends & Highlights Surveys of Bloc Broadcasts Radio Propaganda Reports Station and Program Notes Program Schedules Communist Richard Mcndosa Paul Smith, USRO Chile Desk LA/VC Nicosia, Cyprus AID State MD U.S IS Nicosia, Cyprus FBIS Nicosia, Cyprus USIS Nicosia, Cyprus PBXS Dr. Albert Frost Institute for Defense Analyses Advanced Research Projects Agency Dr. Albert Frost Institute for Defense Analyses Advanced Research Projects Agency , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 SECRET . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011 2 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFFICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESK DESCRIPTION DATE COMPLETED REMARKS R-3S.64 DIA 1 Mar EIS Technical broadcast info, including asp coordinates of OW transmitters 1_ Mar Forwarded .to special Meander to VIA recipient 50X1 USIA 4 Mar 6 Mar LER EC II Vienne Fbt Info re Soviet spec* fliflts to moon British, Aus rise lost Berea press reviews 4 Mar 6 War Info phoned via "Mashington Switch" to MEAD, Colorado. Springs Flagged "Copy to Liaison"; picked up oily by USIA.coorier 50X1 St 64 R49.64 ;Ow CV-41-64 1-42.64 - USIA CCI Edir State 27 Feb 10 Ir 26 Feb 10 Mar Key West Loader MR L4R tRequest Request for original Spanish from Cuban cast for use in VOA rebroadcast Survey of broadcast or press references to Osuaid before Kennedy assassination Luau of 1540-64 series of supplements to. Library of Congress. for :microfilming Distribution of UM discards of Ulan Bator WEN Press Reviews for t March speed: On of " Zanzibar President Kamm 9' Mar 10 Mar 12 Mar 10 Mar 11 Mer Material passed by courier to USIA WA Press Section Bureau canvass unproductive; negative report -relayed to requester Material pickedep and returned by Mr. nubs* LOC, per agreement Reviews relayed by 0/R PE Section to COS and FDD London queried; supplied excerpts acceptable to Lute requester FORM i Di re, SECRET a, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 (IS) SECRET . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS -CONTROL CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFF ICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESK DESCRIPTION DATE COMPLETED REMARKS 4.43.84 R.44-64 0 R-45-64 Ra46-64 State FCC CGS State 12 lbw 12 Mar 19 Sar 17 tbr UR SIS 81$ tender Reda= Reiterates urgent need for Sihanouk speech material particularly teat of key subject passages Request for info on transmitters fu central and northern L/A in connection with ?clearchannel" interference study Info on URV radio setup Soviet and cisndestLne broadcast comment on new onoar Gavot and mid. 12 hr IS tar 19 War , 17 lilt Saigon Euresu advised by srv msg. Material assembled and relayed courier Bereft,' assembled and relayed CGS requester Sro/ieg to London and Med8ur requesting SO-day service by to 50X1 50X1 April U.S. Iranian military maneuvers eirefiied to AmEmbriCheran R.48-64 , 14 :9OCI ' CCI 19 Mir r flt VC8 Pana Request for s copy of the Bamberg paper Eche Au Abend Request for text of all speeches by Brazilian leaders Centeno Armes, and Leone* Bitola for 30-day period 25 Na 18 Apr Srvissz to German Bureau: copy re/eyed to DCI requester Srv/ssg to field bureaus rcqaesting service , V FORM rn SECRET Pi I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 Is) SECRET ? , ?Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011 2 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFFICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESK DESCRIPTION DATE COMPLETED REMARKS Rrn52.64 State 25 Mar ECS CS LiA reaction to U.S. aid programs U.N. Trade Conference at Canova Mire targets sent to select field bumus --- ET64 OCI tondos Request for full processing of three Telco of Arab. flattens commentaries 26 Nar Texts supplied by London and passed by courier to roqaester R4444 OCR 27 Mar RIS Info on television films from Southeast info collected and relayed by --- ' Peale CIS to requester 11-SS.64 USIA 26 Mar Oft t Audio tapes of tart= Rodriquez Alfonso .- Tapes supplied by field i.oan to State CCA trial proceedings USIA and State for dubbing I-56-64 -ORR 27 Nor Imam Info coneerninc. new Soviet Drift Station. 13 30 Mar Info &applied by London and relayed by courier to OIR R47-64 OCI SO Mar ListriSca. Request for sore frequent service of Voice of Arab Nations prograst summaries Si War London advises summaries to be air maned four or five-tines weekly (:) ' FQ0111: 531 SECRET horn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250011-2 (13)