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. ? - . ?.--drtriP.17 /SI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA7RDP83:00586R000300250002-2 Matt I Sic:. mmpirf .4_01:: rig 40 7 , ?A9. Decomb 6 EX ilLE ^"1 ?3 llt-'74g- Assistant Director for Operations Chief, FBID FB ID Progress Report for Novether 1964 GENERAL 1. Mediterranean Bureau Situation: Following the relaxation at the end of October of. the ban on dependents, approval was received in early November for increasing the Mediterranean Bureau staff by 15 persons. Mediterranean Bureau Chief returned to Washington for two days in mid-November to facilitate planning for phased reconstitution of the bureau. He also visited the London Bureau to coordinate the return of Mediterranean Bureau monitors with the Chiefs of the London and Austrian Bureaus. As a result of the Washington consultations it was decided to retain the Tel Aviv operation; which is now operating smoothly, until qhere is better aSsurance that operations on Cyprus will not again be disruOted and until Turkish monitors now in Tel Aviv are less likely to be hatrassed in Cyprus. Initial Staff buildup therefore will be achieved by assignments from Headquarters. The first assignee, Editor , who had been scheduled for the Austrian Bureau will arrive in Cyprus in mid-December. Additionally, it is planned to send another electronic technician and an operations officer to Cyprus in January and to return an editor from Tel Aviv at about the same time. Arrangements have been made for the early return of three Arab monitors from the London Bureau and five Russian monitors from the Austrian Bureau. The families of Staff employees and and local employee arrived in Cyprus in late November. The families of Engineer and Watch Officer are scheduled to travel to Cyprus before Christmas. The Mediterranean Bureau will explore the possibilities of using common-user communications circuits to supplement its eight-hour leased circuit for handling its increased file until the Tel Aviv operation is closed down, 2. Saigon Situation: The Viet Cong showed a new boldness in regard to penetration of the Saigon area following its successful attack on the Bion Hon airbase on 1 Noveaber. On S November a hcavily-armed platoon of Viet Cong entered the village of An Khanh, directly across the Saigon. River from the Hotel Majestic and less than 1,000 yards from the U.S. SEE m: I Etcluda trn Etematic ttnottrattn% and GnInsIlleattla 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 SECRET SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for November 1964 Embassy, in an attempt to kidnap a village chief. Overall, however, Viet Cons military activity remained at a relatively low level. There were indications the Viet Gong planned to step up terrorist activitid. in Saigon itself. On 18 November a bomb was exploded in the Air Vietnam\ snack bar at Tan Son Nhut, injuring 19 persons Including 6 Americans, and on 27 November a bomb was thrown at the guest house of the American Aid Mission. Student and Buddhist demonstrations against the Huong Government during the last week of the month brought an order from Athassador Taylor that all Americans were to stay off the streets except on official business. As a result of rioting against the Huong regime, martial law was declared in Saigon-Gin Dinh* with a tight Army-enforced curfew ;from 10 p.m. until S a.m. With previously issued police curfew passes no longer valid, the Saigon Bureau was forced to cut back its evening coverage from 11 p.m, to 10 p.n.,- and two programs usually taken during that period were transferred to Okinawa. Evening shift personnel were taken home by Embassy duty car at 10:05 p.m. Curfew passes were sought for one Vietnamese and one Cambodian monitor to permit the Bureau to resume regular late evening hours, but they became unnecessary when the curfew reverted to midnight to 5 a.m. in early December. Severe communication circuit preemptions continued during November, but the Embassy circuit was normally obtained for at least a few hours a day, and long, solid outages were less frequent. Publishable wordage filed by the bureau reached a new monthly high of 246,000* including 205,000 words from voice casts of which 84,000 were from Radio Phnom Penh. 3. Key West Hurricane.: Hurricane Isbell, which hit Key West on 14 October* provided the first test of Key West Bureau evacuation procedures. On very short notice, the bureau's electronic equipment was moved out in just two hours, despite the fact that screening cages and door frames had to be removed to allow the equipment to be moved. The bureau suffered only minor damage. Normal operations were resumed after a shutdown of only 27 hours* except for video monitoring, which was not restored until a destroyed television antenna could be replaced on 16 October. 4. FBISBOC Coordination_ComaittepMeeting: Chief, PRID? and Chief, Condon Bureau, represented FBIS at the Fifteenth Meeting of the FRIS-BBC Coordination Committee, hold in London under the Chairmanship of Mr. Tangyo Lean of the BBC, on 4 November 1964. Hr. Lean is the new Director of External Services, BBC, having succeeded Sir Beresford Clark in October 1964 upon the latter's retirement. The Agenda included Chinese regional monitoring from Hong Kong; the Cyprus emergency; special coverage of the Congo; - 2 SECrtET 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 aLtika SUBJECT: MID Progress Report for November 1964 exchanges with the German Monitoring Service; the Puerto Rico project; channels for handling requirements placed by components of the other's government; and Austrian Bureau problems in connection with coverage of Eastern Europe, which were later discussed in detail in a follow-up meeting between the Chief, Austrian Bureau, and the BBC. F. s. U.S. Elections: As the culmination of the many FBIS special services provided in connection with the U.S. elections, a report of world reaction was published 9 Novemberlj The second and final Installment of an UPS study of Soviet radio and press propaganda on the election, requested by McGeorge ?Bundy, was forwarded as a Special Memorandum to the White House end to the DCI, ODU, DDI, and ADCI. r 6. StanIeyville Coverage: FBIS continued to play a vital role in providing information from Stanleyville radio needed by those directing U.S. policy. Numerous requirements were levied on FBIS by the Director* the Department of State, and other consumers, including one for the original french texts of an extensive list of broadcasts containing threats against the hostages to be used in Africa to explain the U.S.- Belgian intervention2j As the crisis approached a climax, the BBC's Nairobi post expanded its coverage both in hours and languages. The special prevision of an extra monitor at Nairobi continued after the recapture of Stnnleyville pending clarification of Rebel potential for broadcasting from other areas. 7. REM Spocial Services: Support services provided by Radio Propaganda Brancn included ineormation on the amount and nature of Peking comment supporting the Congolese rebels since January 1964. for USIA; Chinese Communist and Soviet statements bearing on Chinese nucleart capability. for OUR; material on Soviet leadership dissension over resource allocation priorities, also for ORR; statements by Khrushchev on the utility and priority of manned bomber aircraft since June 1960, for the office of the DDI; Moscow comment on Congressman Patman's investigation of U.S. Government funding organizations, for CA, DDP, in response to a request from the DDCI; information on a PRAVDA attack on French policy in Indochina, for OCI; Soviet statements on aspects of the Cyprus problem, for OCR and DDP; recent background on honors accorded Khrushchev, for DDP; and statements on Soviet support for the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam and "national liberation movements" generally, requested by the Saigon Bureau for Ambassador Taylor. The branch's war themes files were made available to researchers from ORR and from the Defense Research Division, Library of Congress, both concerned with Soviet space warfare and rocket testing. 8. Tape Recordings: Interest remained high in tape recordings of FBIS.monitored groadcasts. The office of the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence asked for a tape of "Hanoi Hannah" broadcasts tz Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Orlin II SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for November 1964 to U.S. servicemen in South Vietnam. Another request for a "Hanoi Hannah" broadcast tame from a New York public relations firm which is putting together a "Challenge to Americans" documentary in cooperation with several U.S, Government agencies, Both tapes were requested from the Saigon Bureau. Tapes dealing with other subjects were sent in by the London* West Coast* and Key West Bureaus. 9. Broadcasting Information Field Operations Staff fulfilled two major requirements levied through the CGS: One from DIA on North Korean and the other from NSA on North Vietnamese transmitters* programs, press schedules, network's, and telecommunications facilities. To meet Agency interest in USSR Far East VHF broadcasting facilities, a special watch was begun for data on these facilities. / 10. Cuban _Study: A propaganda analysis item on the FBIS Wire discussed distrions suspension of a high regime official, formerly of the old-guard Cuban communist party, as evidence of continuing strains and tensions in the Cuban leadership, II. Use of FBIS Nateriela: During November 24 percent of the items appearing-Innriarat-M.e based wholly or in part on material supplied by FBIS. 12, Subacriptionieerease: The DIA requested at additional 28 copies of the area Daily Reports, partially offsetting the reduction of 69 copies Which accompanied the switch to bulk delivery to the military in March. 13, New_Wtre_Consumert At the request of Second Army headquarters* Fort Meade* Maryland* initial steps were taken to add the command as a recipient of the FBIS wire service, 14. Lateral Services: U.S. Embassies in Nairobi and Tokyo were added as recipients of Daily Reports, with the latter also requesting East Coast Bureauls weekly roundup of Cuban broadcast material. The U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa asked the Panama Bureau to supply all monitored items from Honduras. The Saigon Bureau added the U.S. Fifth Special Forces group as a recipient of the press and radio highlights and with BBC concurrence began pouching the highlights to the British Consulate in Hanoi via Canadian ICC flights. The Austrian Bureau prepared a report on the handling of the Tokyo Olympics by Yugoslav* Rumanian* and Bulgarian radios for the BBC. IS. Visits and Briesfings: The Director of Peruvian Naval Intelligence* Capt, Guillermo de las Casastvisited Headquarters and the East Coast Bureau 24 November under DD/P sponsorship for thorough briefing on FBIS procedures and facilities. An operations officer eCnr1:7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 SUBJECT: BID Progress Report for November 1964 at the U.S. Strike Command* MacDill AFB, Florida, visited Headquarters 10 November:' Mr. David Burns, USIA Nigerian/Ghana desk officer in Washington, visited the Africa Bureau, as did State Department inspectors William C. Burdett. Jr.. and Robert A. Hancock. Mr. lade Green, Air Force intelligence representative, was briefed by the Panama Bureau. Mt. John E. Rowlett, Jr.. new manager of IBS Okinawa* visited the bureau there. Mr. Carl Bartz, chief of the Far East Division, Voice of America. visited Headquarters. The Deputy Chief* Liaison and Requirements, briefed participants in OTR's Intelligence Orientation Courses Clecent returnees from the London and Saigon Bureaus hold informal discussions with new editors in Headquarters to answer their questions on overseas assignments and living conditions. Similar sessions will be scheduled in the Editorial Branch periodicallyL,J 16. Coverage Study: FBIS prepared a study of the effect of the Cyprus crisis on MIS Middle East boverage for Agency staffs which are examining and reorganizing the handling of requirements and dissemination. 17. Video Coverage Refinements: German Bureau refinements of television stfll-photography techniques tontinuo. In addition to source titling of pictures, clock time now appears on all photographs. is. Chinese Backlw The Okinawa Bureau instituted new procedures to help clear the Chinese-langunge processing backlog which has been a problem for several months. In addition to tighter initial selectivity* there is now regular weekly editorial reevaluations of all backlogged material to eliminate marginal and outdated material. Responsibility for preparing Chinese regional roundups has been switched from the monitors to the editors to allow more translating time for other material. 19. Broadcasting Developments: Peking announced that it would begin broadcasting in Mongolian 21 hours weekly in December. The Tokyo Bureau will cover the new broadcasts. During November Peking also increased its broadcasts in Indonesian, Thai, and Swahili 3 1/2 hours each weekly. The additional Indonesian broadcasts are being covered*but those in That and Swahili cannot be absorbed because of manpower limitations. FACILITIES 20. Communications ProblemsvImprovements: Tho National Communication System has received approval for a revised system of restoration priorities to go into effect I May 1965. Although this system gives greater recognition to intelligence communications. the Office of Communications forecasts little improvement in RBIS' standing. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 SECRET SUBJECT: P.810 Progress Report for November 1964 It appears necessary, therefore, for rim to obtain an authoritative evaluation of its position in the intelligence collection effort to support allocations of suitable priority communications circuits. It became necessary to raise precedences on messages between London and Vienna to prevent delays in coordination traffic. vo Hokkaido Bureau teletype speed was increased from 60 to 100 -wpm on 20 November, and arrangements were completed to do the same with the London-Washington "B" circuit. sirs!' 21, TV Antenna Tests: Testing by the Key West Navy Field Electronics Office oe Havana television reception with antennas at various levels 11;lirto to 180 feet above ground showed that reception vas best at the 100-foot level. This will be the height of the television antenna when the Key Nest Bureau moves into new quarters in the spring. , 22. Multichannel Receiver: The second multichannel receiver was put in operation at tire test Coast Bureau to permit further ? investigation of the potential of multichannel ;west circuits. 2$. Puerto Rico Planning: VHS engineering personnel met several times with GSA representatives and architects in New York in connection with planning for the construction of the new Puerto Rico Bureau. Close telephone liaison was maintained with the CSA representative in Puerto Rico on matters relating to acquisition of land for the station near Cabo Rojo. Negotiations on land procurement ate moving along faster than originally foreseen by GSA. , 24, Hcadquarterayove: Space allocation and planning for office equipment for the new FBI S offices in Rossiya, Virginia, was largely completed during the month. The size of the building in Rosslyn makes it necessary that PUS occupy two floors. The Executive Offices* Administrative Staff, liaison and Acquirements Staff, and RPB will be on the tenth floor of the building; the Editorial Branch, FOS, and the Engineering Staff will be on the eleventh floor. Nearly all of the present FBIS office furnishings will be replaced with modular units at the time of the move, Which is now scheduled for the beginning of Werth. 25. Hokkaido Bureau: The Hokkaido Defense Facilities Administration Bureau received the approval of the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces 50X1 and tho H adjoining building 0 Bureau for FBIS, eventual acquisition of land o permit the construction of a new operations now presenting its recommendations to higher Tho OFAB s authoriti s in Tokyo. 0,440,..4.0wo14441 - 6 Vi(1;17.1t. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 SECRET SUBJECT: FBI!) Progress Report for November 1964 26. Burean_Constructien_Projects: Remodeling work on the Panama Bureau operations inalang was completed 18 November. Six more houses for African Bureau indigenous personnel were completed at the beginning of the month. The remaining houses are scheduled for completion within a few weeks. The remodeling of a Hokkaido Bureau storage Quonset to provide both storage and housing for one family was completed. ADMINISTRATION 27. Personnel: During the month of November one employee entered on duty and one separated from FBID. The on duty strength as of 30 November was Six professionals and six clericals were 50X1 in process during the month, 28. Austrian Bureau Wage Sehedule: Effective 8 November the Wage Schedule for the Austrian Bureau Third' National employees was revised to increase the housing allowance from $11000 to $1.0200 for single employees and Iron $10200 to $1,600 for married employees, 29. Tokyo and Hokkaido_Bureaus_Nage Schedules: Effective 11 October 11)64 the Tokyo and HokKaido'local wage scWedules were increased approximately 10 percent. 30. Tokyo Bureau Severance Pay_Allowance: A Severance Pay Allowance for Tokyo Bureau local emiloyees became elective 1 September 1964. It is equivalent to approximately 3.5 percent of annual salary. This is the first PSIS Bureau to be affected by this new concept brought about by a recent Department of State ruling. Attachments Personnel Supplement Production Report Wordage Report fiqquirements Now Consumers NCH/ehj SEC7 50X1 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 2. Personnel Entering on Duty Name, Title, Grade Assignment Editorial Branch (Trf. fr. IAB) _ Clerk Typist, CS-4 ROD Agency 26 October 1964 1) 3. Promotions 0 Nape 4. Reassignments - None Old Title, Grade Assignment Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-7 Editorial Branch Info Sp(For &lost), GS-8 Editorial Branch Info Sp(For West), GS-7 Editorial Branch Electron Spec, 65-11 East Coast Bureau Info Sp(For !West), GS-7 Editorial Branch Brdcst Mon(Nono), 68-7 West Coast Bureau Info Sp(For Bdcst), 65-10 London Bureau New Title, Grade Assignment Info Sp(For Bdcst), 68-8 Editorial Branch Info Sp(For Bdcst), 65-9 Editorial Branch Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-8 Editorial Branch Electron Eng(Radio), 65-12 African Bureau Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-8 Editorial Branch Brdcst Non(Mono), GS-8 West Coast Bureau Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-11 London Bureau Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Date SO November 1964 50X1 Date 8 November 1964 50X1 22 November 1964 November 964 22 November 1964 8 November 1964 8 November 1964 22 November 1964 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 5. Separations Name Title, Grade, Assignment Chauffeur, G5-4 West Coast Bureau (Retired) 6. 00 Career Service Program 47) 246 employees have been accepted for Career Staff Membership. 7. Foreign Travel Nano Date 17 November 1964 50X1 Destination Duration 27 November - 8 December 1964 50X1 FBID Key West and Panama Bureaus FBID London Bureau 31 October - 9 November 1964 POW London Bureau 20 October - 6 November 1964 8. Average T/0 Grade: 9.906 Average On Duty Grade: 9.65 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 (Innitinntrri A I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 ? 1. Daily Average of Field Bureau Production* November 1964 FIELD BUREAU MONITORED Africa Austria East Coast German Hokkaido Key West London Mediterranean Okinawa Panama Saigon Tokyo West Colin Total FBIS BBC: Cavers ham Nairobi Stockholm/Teheran Total BBC Grand TOTAL Voice 22.5 19.6 23.7 16.4 18.9 9.0 22.9 15.5+ 67.1 29.8 26.0 37.5 Press WORDAGE WORDAGE FILED DISSEMINATED** 7,900 15,790* 233.3 18,100 15,190**** 6,240 6.100 29.0 6,821 12.6 5,720++ 66.3 48,400 18.2 9,698 14.5 8,400* 7,700 54.0 6945 362.7 445.4 147,2 1040 11,0 3,020 189,079 ECONOMIC ABSTRACTS (No. Items) 5,694 0 13,414* 15 12,232 0 11,958**** 50960 49 4,234 0 6,475 0 3,684 0 25,490 2 5,496 0 7,426* 0 6,658 0 23,220 7 131,921 76 133,5 46,010 38,410 3,690 2,926 . *** *** 1.35.1 49,00 zatT (FRIS-BBC) 530.9 $76.9 238,779 A daily average of 134,269 words were filed to BBC. * Includes Press Scrutiny. Includes DAILY REPORT* Wire Service, and miscellaneous Included in Caversham file. * * *** **** includes 3,900 words for "Weekly Report on East German + Includes 8 hours Voice covered at temporary Post. ++ Includes 3,610 words filed, at temporary Post. CONFIDENTIAI publications. Press". 52 0 0 Ti 128 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 DAILY BOOK 0 =WEE Par East ME/AP/WE Latin America World Reaction Series 0 WJLX REPORT WO1WAflE FOR NOVEMBER 1964 728,220 761,080 5?7,880 261,290 1,920 AVERAGE 38,327 40,0,6 27,783 13,752 19.4sblication days) is a It Total Wordage for All Sections Total Daily Average Total Wire Service Wordage Wire Service rei4 Average 2,278,470 11,9,919 671,473 22,382 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 SECRET . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: 6IA:RbP83-00586R000300250002 2 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL ? frit /IMP CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFF ICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESKCOMPLETED DESCRIPTION .-.....-. DATE ... ... REMARKS R-201414 CCI Nov RPA PRAVDA article attacking Franco 1 Rev Taken from 26 October issue, forward& R-202.64 ODP/SAS 3 Nov Bey V Exile anti-Castro broadcasts --- Bureau to spot check R-203-64 USIA 3 Nov BIS Moscow's "Peace and Progress" shows --- Discards to he forwarded R.20444 Gel 4 Nov tonBur thereabouts of 4 Nov Bureau asked ,to check 50X1 005-64 Aray ACS! 5 Nov Field Inforaation on "iiaaot r ah" 5 Nov Tam dlii17,- letter forwarded Burs/ FOS R-206-64 DDP 9 llov Ndlq/EC1 Peruvian intelligence official 24 Nov Toured headqaaners, ECS R.207.64 OIA/ISle 10 Nov UR Strike Conasud officer, taaill AFA 10 Nov Briefed at headquarters R-208-64 DDP 10 Nov BIS Caine broadcasts to Latin America 10 Nov Information forwarded 2-209-64 SOW/ 12 Nov BIS Peruvian broadcast data 12 Nov Information forwarded Amer U K , It-210-64 DIA 124ov BIS Cyprus broadcast tnzusaitter detaIls 12 Nov Data supplied by BIS R-211-64 DEC 12 WV 40 ur Times Castro interview 12 Nov Copy of interview au1ed Q212-64 State 13 Nov Saigon Alleged Thompson broadcast from Hanoi 25 Nov Search proved unproductive 11-213-64 GIB 16 MQV tonDur Gbenye speech in Lintels 30 Nov Received: by L4R, forwarded R.214-64 ODP 16 Nov SCA PArayse "Ithite " statement 18 Nov Unsuccessfully sought statement R.215-64 Aan Taylor Moo Pin Information on Soviet support for 13 Nov Maoris] complied by RI% forwarded South Vietnamese rebels R-216-64 SC 17 Nov Field Indonesia, Vietnau requirements --- Requireaents scut to field 111-217.64 USIA 16 Nov RP11 Data-en anti-clericalism among It Nov Capability reported to USIA AO I SECRET laclucINTUNP Lome,. I FORM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 ( 13) SECRET ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002 2 SPEC IAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO REQUESTING OFF ICE DATE RECEIVED ACT ION DESK DESCRIPTION DATE COMPLETED REMARKS R-218-64 DDS4T 17 Nov LonBur 1432COW commentator Vernrov'svalk IS Nov Commentery forwarded to FUSAC R-219-64 OTR 17 Nov LCR Briefing of IOC course 17 Nov Coapleted by Deputy Chief, 16R _ R-220-64 OW 16 Nov Nedbur Bayrak radio *tuition of Aeoricans 24 Nov Negative reply, but press review items forwarded 621-64 DOP/SR IS Nov BIS RFD "Voice of Free iknegary" clandestine 20 Nov Check of early 1940/s negative R-222-64 19 Nov R.PB Study of Cuban party ouster 19 Nov Carried on wire t-223-54 DDP 20 Nov ECB Roundup of inflareatory Cuban broadcast: ,---; To be forwarded to Tokyo DO R-224-64 State 20 Nov Key V Spanish versions of Cuban broadcasts\ 23 Nov Forwarded to consumer V R-225-64 DDP/CA 20 Nov DAB 2 October Noscow commentary for 20 Nov BBC version forwarded Africans ------ _, / R-226-64 DIA 12 Nov FOS Report on South Korean "jamming" 20 Nov FGS, BIS, field data forwarded , 1-227-64 OOP 24 Nov Lontur French transcripts of Stanleyville broadcasts --- London Bureau to deliver to CDS 0228-64 Sen. Long 24 Nov Lia 22d CPSU suppleeents 24 Nov Forwarded to senator's office R-229-64 DOP/FID 23 Nov bIS Information on Suith Vietnam clandestine broadcasting 24 Nov N4 erial supplied 1-230-64 INR/State 25 Nov LonDur Somali radio attacks on Ethiopia --- Fuller field filing asked R-231-64 CGS 27 Nov FOS Report on PRIS coverage of Arab World 27 Nov Forwarded to COS R-232-64 CGS/NSA 30 Nov ES South Vietnam comounications data 30 Nov Forwarded R-233-64 White II Oct RPB Second part of study of Soviet handling of U.S. election 10 Nov Delivered to White Nouse .11-234-64 Son Dodd SO Nov 14k Gbenye incitement statenents 30 Nov Selected from Daily Renorts forwarded F.7 531 SECRET lEfiudecTuPlut tic I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300-250002-2 (13) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 4 SEMI . . %se NEW CONSUMERS FOR FBIS PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS CONSUMER TITEE OR ORCANI2ATION White Book DR Latin America DR Far East DR Middle Rapt, Africa, West Europe pEt Trends_fl Highlights_ Survey of Communist Bloc Broadcasts Antoine Yameogo International Monetary Fund Office of the Coordinator of Cuban Affairs State International Feature International Feature Service Service SPS/CMT CIA American EMbassy Tokyo State International Feature International Feature Service Service American Embassy Nairobi SPS/CMT CIA CIA CIA State CIA smgmr CIA SPS/CMI CIA SEM GROUP 1 Entlufmt from automatic dmingradin and taniamliticatian 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2 , F-1 PUBLICATION Radio Propaganda Reports Cuban Propaganda Roports Station Q Program Notes Program Sheds - Communist Program Skeds Africa and Asia CONSUMER SPS/CMT SPS/CMT _a, SECO TITLE OR ORGANIZATION CIA C/A PBIS FBIS It 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250002-2