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?Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-R-DP83-00586R000300170008-5 btblit. I Assistant Director for Operations Chief* ,FRID Ninthly Progress Report for May 1958 OPERAIIONS 9 41;4:ks- -,4- 61-1EJ- _,K _DM, CH_ ,40Fil CI? - ?.:1_ADAI OFF- k_ItI A OFF__-- 1. An Indonesian monitor* detailed from pane:Wag has successftally provided. Sumatran coverage from the Saigon Bureau. It .is planned to ccartinue this mmni- taring at Saigon or ;at Singaipore Os long as rebel stations an audible. Fb3loWing initial inquiries made on our betel? by the Head, BBC Monitoring Service* the thief, Saigon Bureau proceeded to Sizemore for the purpose of as- certaining Whether .theta it any additional Thdonesien stations audible there; establishing local contacts :arranged by of MC; and recruiting an .50X1 :Indonesian monitor for setae* in Saigon. 2. ' Due to a propagational blackout in the direction of the MI in the 24 =urn pretedizu3 the lannwhing of Sputnik Ina domestic bureau monitoring of the Sputzet undertaken for OSI vas =successful although the network AMS ftraCtiolling. 3. Monitoring of Clandestine Stations: a.ellball activit-y hes emman4shed to one principal station on each site; b. A new Haitian transmitter has betn heard* but so far is un- =Storable; Co Monitoring reports on a D=Inicen :emote broadcast have been requested frcca the Thebassy a Port-su-Prince thrOugh the Department of State; id. Two JAM Anbic clandestine stations* mlbe Voice of Free labanon" end The Voice of Iraq*" apparently sponsored by the Ur Iasi Arab Reptiblic, are now monitored by the Mediterranean Bureau. Tepe recordings of the "Free Lebanon" broadcasts an. regularly pouched to the American Embasay in Beirut. 4. A specie/ technical =port on Czechoslovakia broadcasting end tele- vision facilities was prepared. at ORPt request. It Included a number of maps* charts at tables of facilities and traosaission effort. A supplementary contribution to a. stnitwv report on Poland sent OM last month is in process, dealing exclusively with Polish television ena derived in part from new materiel from a. Polish document sent to PTO for translation. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 ' "7--? SUBJECT: MonthlyProgrese Report for May 1958 56 On 26 Msy the termat of the Middle East Section of the Vid41* Rant SAC. West Europe Daily Revert we revised to reflect recent political develop- ments and facilitate the handling of area Clandestine transmitterie Material fur:Egypt end Syria, is warpublished inane omnibus section headed UMITED ARAB REPUBLIC, and material from Iraciand Jordan in mother labeled, ARAB =XL Materiels tram the various clandestine stations bearing programa too otibroadeastieg from, the Middle East and.Afries are weconsolidatedLuis section headed ATait =EMIR STATIONS. 6. The PSIS Liaison Officer now meets regularly emeryTtursdnyvith owlets of the OCB Intelligence Liaison Staff to obtain intonation on subjects of current interest to the National Security Cowell. As &result, FTS ten tailor its vire service, &lilypink Sheets, 131113 vire contributions, cudetherproducts to meet the special needs of MSC. 7. During May, MSvas the sole or a Watributing Wince of 31$ of IM items pdbliehed in the CCI Daily Digest. 8, Surplemtnts to the Daily Report: a. 30 April - BORBARevert of AleksandarRtakirrie Address to the Ingalls& Patty Comareas b. 12 May A N. S. Rhrushchev's Chemical Industry Report to the CP$U Central Omnsittee e. 19 Thelermaio lend Press Reaction to Vice President Mixon's Latin American Tbur d. 28 May - No S. Khrushchev's Speech to eammarTreaty ',Meting 29 May a MA Shao-thi's Report to .Session of Eighth CCP Congrese 9. Radio PropagamiaIkports: "ChineseiOserunist Attack on Yugoslav Revisionism: Un- pncetth to YUgoslav Party Leadership" b. 'tame:rantof the Yugoariv Party Congress Sessions in PRAVDA araMajor Satellite Newspapers" c. "Sino4oviet Propapanda on Blot Polity Stuardthe Under- developed Areas, in support of a forthccaring National Estimate "Peking Pr:Teethes on Some Matto* Issuer:1 as Background for the 3.958 Chinese Party Congress" t5:1"-}FJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 , _ ? SIATECT: nthly Progress Report for May 1958 10. Spatial Propaganda Analysiss Services: 0.4 An analysis of Soviet: propagandson major dieestverent issues vas forwarded to ONE in support of SEIB 114.58, Tas swim P0S1MIAN ON DISARMAMENf. b. A roundup of Communist radio reaction to the Careen denonstridions against Vice President Mtn was prepared for the DC/. c* Propagembsisolyses on the Wire: (1) Fifteen propagemdanumilysis litre an the RIMS Wirt 117:e1uded several timed to meet OCI's nes it:print for Support of preparations for the weekly NSC briefings. Mese ttliditieovItit propagamhs reaction to the developments in Lebanon and the irrench.Algerien Crisis reported the *retest of Mbsemespropa bi gmmon the Latin Agrican demonstrations epinst Vice President Nikon, anddescribed Soviet end Chinese Communist propronShion Sputnik (2) State OIRWORSavinoriperticaar interest in tiVire Stein callingattantion to Moscow first Attack on the West for Who4ehig" a resriziss to the Soviet note agreeing to die-Cuss nuelter.tost tantrOl. (3)A State Deptotatint cable to the Fabassy in jekarte ^eproducediprtions of a Wire item calling attention to a Shift In Mitten Communistpropagendrion the Indonesian situation. (4) Other Wireetalyses niviewedtheSovietprtgegada poSition on Anterctica, in the light of the U.S. bid fore ?treaty to keep the continent open for scientific rtsmarch; described the Soviet p- fanfare surrounding Basle* Wyatt, stuilyzed din:acrts in the TugoslaSloc polemics; dixtuisedPekingramiba's secrecy shout the Chinese Otiormist PartyCO.43rue; noted indications of Soviet elite differences overZest-West trade; and gave background for the-USSE's rejection of 'S U.. S. invitation to witness an Enloritok nuaear-iamon test. 11. The DB/I approVed the tthalgemation of the Moscow end,Poking Trends tad Eigilights into araingle week3.y Trends sraMigalights of Compliant Bloc Broadcasts snd of the USSR and nxi East Surveys into seines biweeldi SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 RUH suBincer: Monthly Process Reliort for May 1958 Survey of Oommuriet Bloc Broadcasts, The nem c4 en is scheduled to bogie pablication on 25 Arne anCthe new Surveyon 3 ably) after advent* ?notice to constr. \ 12. `Special ServiCes Renderedby PRIM a. in responses to requests /rem the Department of State and the Operations Coordinating Board, the Editorial Branch On two occasions preptated special summations of Cairo and Damascus propaganda concerning the deteriorating 'internal situation in Lebanon. One sumeary, latch noted a constant increase in the velvet of materiel trite& of thii U.S. free both UAR transmitters, served to 'Correctthe erroneous iepression !Riven currency by thelocal press that such attacks on U.S. peaty had been sudpended. The second summary noted broadcast statements by the Cairo and, Bemascus radios which appearedtohe prepatiMg a juatifiention for military intervention In lath= despite frequent protestation of Complete UAR neutrality. lb insure prompt receipt bythe requesting offices, both items mere carried by the IBIS Wire. b. The service to Mr. Martin, U.S. representative at the Sino-U.S. talks in Geneve, continued. Pans 13. A project tios been font through channels to the Prejecbt Review Ootemittee devoting- - a possible requirement for /*mention of tbe moditernsuean Button to ra. site in %WM?, should conditions on Cyprus neceteitete a twitter of operations. Tae project cowers removal of parterre& and Materiel frau Cyprus, establishment of interim opera:Ons, end *On., struction of suitable new facilities in Turkey, at an estimated .it of $826,000. 15. A sUrvey-of tranSiatlantie &Ideated traffic revealed that the fastesttime in communication of amasses* fromIendon was 6minutes, end from Even% 15 minutes. Utilepriority transmissions bays betu running - SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 N101,10 SU= Monthly Progress Report for May 1958 in relatively low Minute figures, vsniag among the different charmless the benefit has also been seen in routine transmission tines, most of valich ap. proich one hour from both Cavenduam and. London, or roughly half the time ritiaglia under the former amton-user system. Due to the situation in Premat, where tin of three of the allocated London channels primarily pan-plans for -emergency?rerouting of traffic were coordinated with Atm end Wigton Bureau in !event of total lois of service through orinn far on indefinite period.. 16. The Deputy Direttor for .SuppOrt eivatved FBID's request for iceemment type window unit air Conditioning for the Wediterramein Sttretm. As t.bit Boma tan unable to find appropriate equipment on the Ruropeen ant Mat East .moriartas materials have been requisitioned for earliest pratticrible shipment from the Dieted States. The Bureau ime authorized to proceed with instelle lion of an ,,elettricel distribution isystere for tha window units. 17. A contract was signed for the construction at Carp Strong, Ohitose, Hokkaido, of it nee operations bundling, Utility connections end site finishing, in the arommt of $15,000. The =tents pits ere tmdergoing ?a* modifications prior to negotiation of a separate contract: A possible interference problem from MA transmitters late satisfactorily resolved.. ASA has released a malty site end is 'actively considering another sits some 10 miles distant, front winch no interference is expected. ? 18. Construction convletion status at the =nava Bureau: Motor Pool - 934; Duplex porches - 86%; Qloonset rebsbilitation - 85%. 19. nit Chief, West Coast Bureau signed. a contract with the County of Sottratis toting for its flood Control and Water Conservation District, covering the construction of a 4-inch east iron akar line 1306 feet longs to provialt re water to the BUgil fttekl the District's Aqueduct lb. 1. Construation on the acueautt began on 1 May. 20. Two sets of hemi-eatomatic tape relleu equipeent were ordered from the Army 'Signals in Tokyo and delivered to the Bureau at a cost of apprmi- rattly 412000, which represented a swing of about 60% over Occomerciel procure- ment. This equipment win greatly expedite the handling of traffic on heavily loaded circuits. ADICIIISTRATION 21. Orientations in MD: a. 1 Way - Three representatives of 0711A/DRA, Lepe.rtment of state were oriented in RED; ? b. 22 23 Rey 4.- Chief, FDD, ems gime general orientation in preparation for a trip latch will include visits to Efai PHIS Overseas stations. 5 - 7PRETI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 e?4#1-741 StUlt EXIBJECTI Monttly Progrtas Report for Mew 1958 22. During Mvs four poream entered on duty end four vete separated. On dUty QS of 31 Hey Van including five on MOP. Atttitntatuta: Production Report Pent Suolturent Requiritente WI/ Wort Wordeae Bi4nnual Pr:teflon RePort (i"1-14-1,4":"/) SECRET 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 I IRL LAry7vr-- 1. DailyAverage of Pita Bureau Production, Sy 1958 (Averages costputed on basis of 5-day meek) HOURS WORDAGE WORDAGE ECONOMIC ABSTRACTS FIELD BUREAU MOMS= Fr= must= (N0. Items) Austrian 4 141260* 3,0600 0 .&t Coast 117 11,520 84900 2 German 26 1/2 15,000* 7,000* 0 Hokkaido 12 1/2 4,330 3,580 37 Loam 222 80,0G0 37,000 45 Mediterranean 74 37,700 190600 36 Okinawa 111 1/2 26400 23,700 9 sagas% lb 6,700* 3,920* 0 TokY0 25 3/4 50200* 3, 300* 0 West Coast 101 36,000 14,700 1 18 Total 704 1/2 2371210 1240760 147 *Includes Press Scrutiny 2. A das1t average of 81,573 words were filed to CONFIDENTIAL , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 ?Lulu- 1. 8rstatz7 Number . Personnel Departmental. U. S. Field ? Foreign. Field (V) ? Foreign Field (UV) DnartmeTnt & nela (Tata) * Inclizteti ? 5 tEle prasatrao SUPPL/NOR TO lidleilLY FROMM MOM? ?b'1958 On In Entered Prase. Trans. ? 2b2 M2c Protests On Duty, tiono Ferrel Separated SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 50X1 Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 2. Personnel Entering on Duty *me, Title, Chide Promotions Assigrasent Editorial Branch(tit. Pertionnel) Editorial Branch nitorial Branch Editorial Branch Off. from OCR). Old Title, Credo AsSigasent latetron Spec, 121-9 Vest Coast Bareau Clerk Steno) OB-4 Field Opera- tdcas Staff Tele& UPI& Or, GS4 That. Coast Bureau Secy Typing, C3-5 Engineering Staff Tan TYPwr Or GS-5 Editorial Branch Clerk Stenos 09.4. Cancel of the. Chief New Title, Grads Assignernt ? Electra:I Spec, as-ti Vent Coast Bureau aerk Mao, Ge-5 ? Yield Operations Staff ?TeldS TIM& 017r, GS-5 East Coast Gdc7 Winne, 00-6 Engineering Staff Tele% TYPwr Or, GS-6 Editorial Branch Clerk Steno, 0114 Office a the Chief ? SECRET ? h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Date iiely 1958 50X1 5 May 1958 5 :SY 1958 18 saw 1938. ? L-1 Bate ? a yaw 1958 50X1 itv 1958 4 sty 1950 I MY 1958 II Mr ig8 4 May 1958 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CRA:RBF83--0-0586R000300170008-5 ???%/0 It.- ? Pratt:lona ?maimed) . Reassiforaents Adm Asaisbint, SEdt East Coast Thoreau Propaganda Anal Of" C841 Radio Propaganda Branch Clerk Typist, CS-3 Administrative Staff rein TAW OOP 08-5 Editorial Branch Mice !Mr OM, 0134 Vilitorica Batch Clerk, GS-4 Radio Propaganda Branch irdr Sp(Iter Banat), 03-9 Union Burma Adaa Caner/ 08=9 terranean Rare= Info SOW Edest), CS? East?Coast Bureau info Sp(tor Meat), Elitorial Branch 014 Title Ikeda Assigrimat Info Op(ior Nest), 053?9 Austrian Bureau SECRET Ada Assistant, C.9-9 East Coast Bureau 81'1;90E820a Anal Of, asia Radio Proposal:dm Branch Mark Typist, GSA hiministrative Staft Tang TYPvr OPr. 08a6 Editorial Branch Tail; TY9vr 0/7r, GS-5 Ecutorsta ?Branch Clerk, 89-5 Radio Propaganda Ttranch Info Sp(Vor Host), 03.11 London Bureau Ada Mien 0841 MediterranaL Bureau Into Sp(For West), assg,-- East Coast Bureau 7 leo editor Mcst)1 CS?9 Blitorial Branch &w Title, tlx.vade Assign/Ant Info Sp(Vor Blest), CS.9 Editorial Branch Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 lb 1958 50X1 1958 18 WY 1958 18 Vey 1958 28 Hay 190 18 thy iria 16 Ma? 1958 18 Hay 1958 Xe May 1958 18 Ee7 1958 Date 4 gm. 2958 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08;07 : C-1A-R6-P-13-3-00586R000300170008-5 Reassignsenta (Continnal) ? into e(ior Most), asku Into SpMir Math CS41 113 Iby 1958 50X1 34Uxorial Br. it into Op(iPor Dint), 08-9 tutorial Branch into Sp(jror Blest), 08?11 Saigon lkoresu lab Speller Most), 0(4.9 West Coast Bursas Info Sp(70r Mat), 68-9 lioditarranean Bureau Into Mice Bicat), asen alitarial Snack Info Spator Nest), GE16.9 18 Nay 1958 i8 skr 1958 18 Bey 2858 West Coat Bureau Neditenineen Daman 1 1 5. Separations Title, Orslet Asidelent fate 50X1 Nese into Sp(For Blest), 08-9 iletiterransan Bureau war 1959 Clerk, GOA tutorial Branch 5 Nay 1958 &dead lit (Nati), 00-1 16 ilsy 1958 West Coast linen Clerk Typist, 1113-3 .26 May 1958 I j =torte Branch ? 6. CO tenor Service Piograa a. ayeas, have beta accepts& for toner Staff siabership of which Fros armee Outlines to Parsonnel. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Mn automats& Career 50X11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/0F :r CIAn-RrDi83-00586R000300170008-5 00 Career Sezmice_Progrtaa (Continued) b. Training_ Activities Internal al I .35k bourn Inter FW nal D 520 heurn External atgrniey Ptdd) 180 hours! . External Private) _ 60 baura ? Tina ifeativertern in Tatting - 11ll11. been ? 4.50 U SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 bi dEW 1.? Dan won mama roa MAY 1958 DULL:WON a. Wont NUM?, OM Nen Eliot 6881000 334809 (a publicatioa tun) ussa ma Fast Amp& 1053)400 49,2.19 0: a land atria 12760O 6,076 ar That .71048o0 35.,466 " A Sursatatntis trja in 180)000 45toos (4 issues) 9)200 %ad (1 iambs) World rinotite Watottit a MAL VOCS Mt.=TIM: 24594,000 TOM BMX MINIM 12:4570 =AL VIRE Mina WOHIMGE: IVO% flAE Eganell MU MIMI: 23,886 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 r-45# I Declassified M Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 44s!' rfirk.!FinFNIIAL PEIS BIANNUAL PROIUCTIOU REPORT 1 MAY 1958 .EXPLARAIORY NOM The column "Words Pabllsbed" in the Biannual Fro duction Report consists of the Field count of words published only in the DaiLy Report from Edreau material. It does not take into account broadcasts monitored to satisfy BPB, BBC, epecial consumer, mire service, roundup and world reaction report requireaents. All broadcasts from Ocerimnist Countries Which Show taco verde pUblished are monitored to satisfy one or =ft of the six above-mentioned categories of requirements. For exanPlea Austrian Bureau covers Moscow in German to Austria for RPB commentary lists, for DEC and for VOA Mulch. 2he sane applies to Moscow in German to Gensanymonitored by the German Bureau. Meditemenean Bareau covers Peking in Arabic and Persian and Peking, ROA, Radloteletrpe in Russian to That, Masco!, to meet RPB requirements. Repetitiousma- terial from these broadcasts is not normallypublithed in the Melly Report. Rear Eastern, West &rowan, and Free Asian broadcatts Alen dhow zero words published lathe Daily Report are monitored to get samples from the Various services of these countries to meet EMO, special consumerand roundup requirements. Latin American broadcasts ire given the broadest possible coverage by Zest satirist Coast Bureaus tonsin- tain alertness for new situations. Zero entries for published wordage thus often occur when a particular area is politicellyolet. Others occur due to reception diffi- culties (often seasonal) and to a recent4diecoveredtetden- qy on the part of the Bureau to process news items only. InaugurationofmonitoringfromPanama should. improve the reception problem, end guidance to the Field will broaden the choiceofmaterial to be processed. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 -4% IBIS BIANNUAL PRODUCTION T I MAY 1958 I. Average Daily Production Source Nconosit flours Percent Weirdos. Wordage Abstracts Sloniterred Coverage Filed Ptiblished Filed AMIEIAN Bali Austria BoveService 1.50 50 460 180 0 Press Scrutiny 3,009 1,630 0 2. USSR Foreign Service in German to Austria 100 440 0 Press Scrutiny 2,370 1,890 0 3. Poland Preen Scrutiny 1,530 1,100 Czechoslovakia Bretislava /V IrregnlarLy 100 0 Pres. Scrntioy 1,010 560 0 5. Nungary Press Scrutiny 1,350 650 0 _ 8. IUItnLa Press Scrutiny 520 220 0 7. -Yugoslavia, Press Scr 750 8. Bawls Press Scrutiny 1,030 1. Belgium Foreign NAM C 11 0.75 45 COIDETiAl. 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 ij.e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy ApprovedloarigilerZes.12013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 %el 2. 13-4.1agaria Foreign 0.50 5 0 0 0 Clandestine Algerian Renaissance 1.00 100 100 0 Fret Egypt 3.75 100 1,000 200 0 Midi? Bebelde 0.50 100 900 200 0 I. tuba Bons 0.75 5 SOO 200 5. CteohosThnkffi Foreign 0.50 5 0 0 6. Denmark Foreign 0.50 15 0 0 0 7. Dominican1i bite Rome 2.00 20 103 1000 8. Ecuador Rove 0.50 5 100 0 0 9. Egypt Foreign 1.00 5 300 0 10. France Foreign 2.50 10 400 300 0 Press 45.00 40 5,900 3,400 0 11. French Equatorial Africa ForeiSa 0.25 5 100 0 0 12, Greet Britain Foreign 0.50 5 Frees 3340 20 400 300 0 3,0e00 1,200 0 1.3. mitt Hare 0.75 40 0 0 Bungary Foreign 15. Israel Foreign 0.75 16. Italy Foreign 1.75 Press 3.25 17 aerie Foreign 0.10 30 100 5 300 10 300 0 - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved flObrAWZIZZErii/b8/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 4 kw, r 1011111?1 18. Mexico frees 2,00 15 19. Morocco Hot* 0.25 5 20. Netherlands Foreign 1.00 15 21, Norway Foreign 0.50 10 22, Rant= Home 0.25 23, Poland Foreign 0.50 3. Press 2.00 1 24. Portugal Foreign 50 5 25. tuennis Foreign 0.50 5 26. Spain Foreign 0.75 10 27. Sweden Foreign 0.25 28. Switzerland Foreign 0.50 10 Press (W110) 045 100 29. USSR Foreign 7.00 Noun 1.00 Press 4.75 3.00 0 0 0 100 100 POO 5 1, 700 800 1 100 0 2 400 200 0 30. Uruguay Bone 0.25 15 100 0 0 GERMAN. litnA0 1. West Germany Regional Services 2.35 13 1,600 1,100 0 Press Service 19.00 100 30400 1,800 0 Press Scrutiny 3,000 2,000 0 Economic Report 2,000 2,000 0 - 3 - CONFIliFt! TI Ai , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 \ wd 2. Batt Senna, Radio VoleA 2.00 Return to the Homeland 3.00 Special Scrutiny OM* 3- Um Moscow zt.topeen Service derran to Germany 1.00 4. Clendeetins German FreedomSte lOn 904 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. d. 6. 100 1,700 USSR Home Outer Mongolia 0010CAIDO BUREAU 8,300 Some 0.50 5 700 Albania Foreign 1,25 15 0 Frage 2.75 35 150 Belgium Some 0.11 5 0 Inlorta Foreign 2.41 20 150 Tress ' 2.83 95 90 Clandestine Independent Spain 0.50 I) 130 OSSA Italie 1.50 35 POO Voice Free Africa Socialist Albania 0.67 0.50 100, 20 50 70 Czethoslovakia Rome 4075 20 1,800 'Foreign 2.58 200 Fres. 4.11 40 10800 Ent Foreign 12.32 65 1,500 100 0 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 Mb? 82 Go 70 0 200 0 50 70 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5- 7 Finland Hone 1.67 60 300 200 8. Gertnnyatt Home 3.58 2,300 i,Boo Freon15. 55 2,400 2,000 9. flurry ? 11000 Foreign "roes 2.42 20 2,100 1,600 2.00 15 700 650 3450 45 1,000 400 10. Intel Foreign 145 Horace? Bone 0.08 Foreign 0.25 10 110 20 le. Poland Home 4.08 25 1,200 1,100 Foreign 2.08 10 50 10 Etre 4.17 10 2'600 1,800 2 0 0 3 1 13. Rustle Some 0.33 2 0 0 0 Foreign 2.33 10 o 0 0 Pate 3.58 15 00 240 1 14. Sudan Hone 0.08 2 0 , PO 0 15. Sweden Hone 0.67 10 50 a 0 16. Tunisia Home 0.25 10 a4 0 17. USSR Home 19.75 tO 100600 7,300 31 Foreign 54.50 50 6,000 34400 1 Tena 50.75 20 11,800 7,100 7 18., Vatican Foreign 0.75 10 20 0 10. Yugoslavia Vote 1.08 5 320 180 0 pareigo 2.33 25 o o 0 Frees 8.41 40 it600 1,400 1 CONFIRTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 - Ill% ' +..?0 ISD/7270tA 14 Mgbantttan Press 1.75 10 2. Anemia Rome 2.00 10 3. Bulgaria Roue 2.75 , 20 4, Chins (Communist) Foreign 1.50 - Freta 0.25 5, Clandestine To Syria 0.25 100 6. Cyprus Home 1.30 15 7. Egypt Rome 2450 35 5,300 Foreign 0.50 5 100 ;reap 4.50 20 1,300 Greece Rote 1.00 10 Foreici 1.00 10 9. Iran Roos 3.00 ea to. ;rag Home 1.23 *5 It. Israel name 2.75 ,50 Zordan Rome 1.25. Press 2425 13. Letanot Some 1.25 30 Press 940 So 14. Rumania Hose 2.00 to 15. Saudi Arabia Foreign 0.25 5 - 6 - CONFIDENTIAL 0 1,700 30600 1,300 500 700 200 1,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 200 0 100 500 100 1,100 100 100 0 0 1,4C0 100 0 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 ..?119,11fsiriL \Pa 16., ia one Foreign 17. Tunisia Home ley Home Foreign 1.25 0.75 .3,000 0.25 100 1.50 0.450 30 300 5 19. USSR Bar (itegiona1) 19.25 10 7.200 Foreign 5.50 5 100 0.50 20 300 20. Yemen flame 21. Ingnela Home- 1. srtrnntetan Hortt 2. Thrta Home 3 Ceylon Foreign 4 Chins (Cala Hone Foreign Press 2,50 10 0701(AW 0.25 1.00 be D.50 50 6.a5 11.25 0.05 0 5 900 35 300 50 5440a 5, tibiae (Nationalist) Berne 145 an 100 Foreign 0425 5 100 6. India HOS 0.50 5 100 Foreign 0.75 10 100 Prose 640 4o 3.400 0 100 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 a too Soo 7. Muntenia. Home 2.50 Co 1,7010 1.500 Preto 5.50 ? 35 1,300 900 -7- 0 0 0 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 %is L uunr-tuLN I Ili Norm (g ib Bets Foreign trees 9, Korea (South) Rome 240 2#50 6,00 10. Laos Rome 0.50 11. Outer NoncjoiSa Hoes 0.50 12. Pakistan Rees 0.75 Foreign 0450 13. Philippines Roos 0025 Press 140 14. Singapore Some 0.25 154 Thailand gete 0.75 Foreign 0.25 16. ussa Foreign 6.00 17. Vietnam (Peek. Rep.) Foreign 1.50 Frees 6.00 18. Vietnam Rona 0.50 Press 1.00 1. Wetter, (ftnoi Vietnesra:SS Asia 64.00 Press Strut iny (daily paws Press Service (backstop) 30 1,200 25 0 30 3,400 20 200 25 loo 10 0 20 100 20 100 5 loo 5 loo 5 100 35 100 20 0 600 35 too 3,100 10 3.00 100 100 400 2 0 0 3,3.00 1 100 100 103 100 100 2,500 75 1,012 740 60 3,272 3,200 100 0 0 0 0 0 8 ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 /AL- 2; Wafters (Saigon) Indochina Press Scrutiny Prete Sertiee 3. Ceabodie Prose 8 :rice Tress Scrutiny (daily in Trench) (dany inVietnamese) 1. Chita (CccSwti t) Sore Foreign 2. Chine (Natio iat) Foreign 3. Avail *Ca Foreign Frees 4. Korea (North) 5. Korea (South) Foreign 0.50 6. Outer Mongolia Vote 0.25 1.50 7600 ? 15 0 0 0 100 4040 1,000 0 100 200 200 0 100 300 soo 100 200 25 0 100 0 55 3.42 Foreign2.00 35 1.00 50 30 ITSSS Foreign 9.42 _10 10 WEST COAST =MU 100 100 0 0 one 1.25 15 1,100 Press 6.50 20 isoo Foreign 1.25 3.5 100 9 teCiiDEPAL o 0 100 0 0 2,900 0 500 ?0 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 arm rutin ill ------- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 P. Australia Home 0.33 5 1.00 Foreign 1.33 30 Too s. Bolivia Home 0.50 15 100 4. Brazil Boat 4,o0 5 400 Itess 4.50 5 500 30 300 300 100 5. Chile Home 2.83 10 900 Coo Press 0.50 5 200 100 6, Chita (Coma Home 4:33 5 2,900 2,000 Press e9,:53 50 9,900 5/500 Foreign 6.00 15 300 too 7. Chine (stionalist) Press 1.25 20 100 30 Foreign 0.50 5 200 ioo 6. .Colosibla Home o,so 5 so Press 0.90 100 50 Foreign 0.17 100 200 9 Costa Ries Home 0.83 30 100 10. Cuba Clandestine 3.33 50 so 11. Honduras Home 0.50 5 200 12. Hang Kong Press 1.00 kO 0 11. India Home 0.33 5 100 Foreign 0.33 15 300 14. Indonesia Foreign 0.83 15 coo Press 1.00 5 poo ? -10- CONFIDENTIAL 10 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 fliffiriftrirren Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 15. 41410sn Press 3.33 Foreign 0.50 16. Moron (Saab) Foreign 3.00 17. Mexico Rome 0.42 18. Nov Zealand. Foreign 0425 19. Pakistan 0.03 Foreign Rome 0.33 20. Peru Home 0.73 Press 3.33 21. Phillippinen Press 2.25 22. Salvador Some ?0.33 gavera Rent 0.50 Press 10400 1.00 24. South Africa Frees 25. 'Thailand oreign 0.33 26. USSR Home , 2.33 ? Press 0.83 27. Venezuela Some 0.58 5 500 360 0 5 300 100 0 33 300 100 o 5 300 0 20 40 30 30 40 40 5 300 40 5 200 10 50 :600 400 5 100 10 0 0 5 200 100 30 200 :100 00 0 0 15 40 15 5 800 10 5 100 0 CONFIDERTIAL 0 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170008-5 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL May 1958 CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFF ICE CONTROL NO. 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