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ea. en% Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170603-0 - ? Assistant Director Or Cperatiman Chief, ram fterthly Progress Report for Octdter 1958 Mitt I0 --r7. CHID 'an CIL CU cpB oyr CH 74-(JAM OFF! _.:if-LIA OFF4C Fir ?214- OPERATIC= fr-CD 11010s Per test coverage and processing awebilittes mere closely conommtleted.on the Taiwan crisis du:drugthe torah. bbnitozed flashes on, the cease-ofire edits cancellation Verb CCatattablit to Ilashingten at speeds approaching the teociunteCSTEU:objective. To the latter cue. tbo DCI yes in apositian to alert the President and Sumertergot State sell before the information ess available In Washington, frauanyother source. /ha Division receiveda ectscadation fiat the DCI for the aselectivitcy, good juAgseet end epeol" divined in the handiingtir the seess-fire anncestattent of October 5. St. =Corte to recruit arurdieh mouVhurbeve beam intemeifbed. Contacts have been initiated through 00 with and with JUstice Eougias. 50X1 tomes the Contact Division, lines bees been put out to universities end oriental societies. ,An Agency contract acent has beam tested. She Int Doreen is advertiabsgs Ibllosing a renewed request to the Impartment of Mats, several prospeets hese been referred to the Ihditenteen Bureau fromthe Embasey in Tdhran. She Bureau Chief Abnitor vill prsceed to Tehran in Davesterto test these prospects end oleo to recruitone =mere Persian crealtors. 3. The !Indonesian:miter recruit at the CaltonBreen resigned tar personal reasons shortly's:PrSOD and returnato gingspore after reimburse- ment of U.S. dovernment expenses. The Caton. Tokyo andOkinawa Doreens have initiatrinturreeruitingefforts. I. Adrift atenze under vide en 7818 operation in Aceri cotta be nosed by the messy to the Osveracent of Shmnaves subsatedto the Dspertrat of blebs. 5. She approved Television Britoring Staff dtudy vas disseuinated through the MID eccaunity and MIA, alongelth invitations to attend a comfortetes on SO Etvedmsr to discuss possible regairements endgeneral TY icomitoringlaohlens. 6. The Chief, Talmo Duet. sr in had lessrail infuroally that the local Sigma ?Monet recomuseding;to ireehingtcas the discontinutace of the 78I8 trems-Pacific allacatedco==ications channel. Dans said, to have felt that support of the couples P2I8 lime system vas placing too great a burden on his resources. Dpma advice of the MVO, a commendation of the Army Chief Signal Officerandhis Comennications Agemmywas prepared for signatures:if the DMCI. Addressed to the ArMY Chief-of-Otaff, it cites the unpatelieleit benefits to the intelligence co=ozdty accruing from IDIS allocated channel system. P gefiEf Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-R6P83-00586R000300170003-0 'CO wiontL e - 2 - 7. MID supported end participated in the drafting of endear Cher= for the?Inter-Office Talsounications Aftvisory Committee *la tanedens its alexia: in as telseeetemitnas field. It Is felt that tbs ism charter, if approved by the roti, DIO/P end 11/C, will ohms the usefarses of the Committees 1---- particularly to participents such as 00, to Ire little curnat concern with the electrecegnetic warfare and U.O. intenualonel broaOsesting problems. 8. The practice of labeling atettel from Drab end Coramist Ositese regional tancetttere es MITICIAL ura ONLY bee ban Alsconttumed es at 27 0:etche1-. ? Ibe bun of this materiel will continua to be pth14 in the OTTICIAL flOf= "oboes but will beer the ftsigattica III=D). ?i 9. the itteettive Oseasturiet of the Depertsut of Ots?a. end the Office at the Joint *daft of etert were Cad as recdidacts of ths 2010 Eire on 1A end 21 Catcher* tespectively. ? . ??.? .11.?????-? j 10. At the regost of the PP Mad': of DIVP, the WS Eire serviced ten anent* repeats involving la item :oder the euthasity of ?Op:US Coss- nentery." U. itvplesete to the Drily Sport: ? $31 October - Mcsolke Deport to 12th Per of MR Cattail Co=ittes, October 13, 1930 b. 29 &-taber PERI Directives !Ur Polend's Zeorloale tevelopnwat 290,4965 c. 30 October - ECM Dupart on the Mean People's Volunteer* in nellos 19304953 El) ? n:42ralge of sold radio t& sans reaction diseet cm PION axes ? e. 2 OctOber lbundop of ibild Radio end Preys Thiention to Dallas' and Ziecntosets Press Conference terints on the Ulan Strait Crisis b. 13 Clobber - Donnitp at mem Emdle and Press Mmestdon to lemnahlos of 0.26 Th Meet e. a Octdber - Ibuolup of Weld Zeno end Press Reaction to the BarcaptIon of the Defbardoeut of Q132207 6. 31 October - 02-21.1 Rabe and Press Doectian to the Pistcanak Afftdr 13. ltedlo Propaganda Reports: S. *Soviet Prolamines CGS Peat Gag Onttadaliarth raPp:rt of OEM 30.548, =It P0332120 IN TEM PERSIAN CULF4RAILEM =1.11 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 .? ECRU' - 3 - b. "Soviet Broadcasts To and About the Kurds," praapted by informal queries from the State Deportment. State OSSA bed originally been asked for information on the subject by savons/U.S. Itemise. Copies of the report were sent to the Massie, in Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus and Moscow. C. *Ingo,lavis Defends Rationalities Policy Against Alhantanalgarlan Attacks.* a. *Soviet Slogans for the last October Revolution Arniversary.? a. 'Intications of Soviet Coolness Inward CIR Claims to be Neariag Conmarlinithrough Comm" IA. niecial ProlegandsAmalysis Services: - S. Sevenbmanalyses of Soviet and Chinese dais% grammes on the Teivan Streit crisis were disseminated on the IBIS Vire as. -Tart of PRID's contimsing special analysis support of State Department, COB, and OCI. state 07411/127 continued to rely on these analyses in the preperatIvetce cabled reviews of CommIst propaganda for tabasselor Been in Varese. b. Additional propagandselysis items on the Vire inelnited eight on the Soviet remotion of nuclear touting end Soviet ement on the Geneva nuclear test ban talks; a report on ihrushchers rejec- tion of Soviet cooperation with the Vest in assisting underieveloped countries, ? contrediction of the prier Soviet position; teskground an a am Shrushchn forecast of the "destruction of capitalist in the event of war; ezd highlights of the USSR's OctolmnbSevolution anniversaryslogans. .e. A study of *Propaganda Inticalions of Soviet Preparations for . as prepared at the request of the Indicatiaos Control Officer, OCI in support of a coordinated Agency study for the Deputy Directors CIA. the objective at the study was to assemble enteeleh$ all evidence relevant toeVetch Committee conclusion that the USSR was Inking no active armee toward carrying out its canitnent to Ccesannist Chins in the Taiwan Strait crisis. MIDI* centribution occasioned a complimentery letter fres the Assistant Director for Ctrrent Intelligence. d. tropeganle-analysis support of the U.S. delegation at the &genes =clear test ban talksbegan on 31 October. Initial Soviet props. Ganda treatzsent of the talks masa' up in an !BID contribution . to OCI's daily support cable for the delegation. Texts of key Soviet remands materials are being supplied to the delegation by London Burman. Sten. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 ULUJit ? 0. **port Mo. 3 on Soviet broadcast exploitation of U.S. was sources as issued in reopens* to the Director's request for monthly reporting on the subject. Other Special Services Indeed V MD: A spatial service performed for the LCI during the teiven crisis was the procuremest of the Chinese text of the statement ends by Clit Defense Minister Peng Te?hati on October 5. list Okinawa Surma eseverted the Chinese Mellachreiber version into mineral code, vhich as then reconverted to Chinese characters by =and wag on lbs =Ili desk by 0900 MDT 6 October. b. A detailed unclassified report listing all broedeastimg operations in Mexico was prepare& for transaittal to the lexaMblallyCcepmy at the request of the Contacts Division. picarrin 16. A preliminary inspection has been made of a possible emergency relocation site for ISM beadcuarters mg relocation site for the last Comet Berea* at the Nest Virginia area. This its 50X1 followed by a discussion with Army Sigmas personae% responsible for planning OCD11 as well as? other Irecutive Agency communications requirements. 17. After miner deficiencies had cased * delay, the new Matkaidolnret0 operations %millingand antenna field have now been accepted fro* the costrsotor. They 'have been in use sines 3.14 September. 18. Agreemest was reached with Operations Division, Office of Communications for incorporation of the 71I3 Oermanftreau file into tests of the mew 1600 words per minute speed ASA to be activated eaperisentally early next year at Frankfurt. Arranpsents were soordinatedwith the Chief* Gerson Durum, during his 2DY here. Sevier ACAS service vill continue without intarrestion during the test, enabling performance comparisons to he mode. AilitirtrUdnOM 49. Wert allocations were forwarded to the field bureaus co 3 Detain 20. A study we fornerelled to the Assistant Director for Oprrations contethiag details end effects ala reduction in, the Division via of two persons, and several alternative methods for further reduetione of two and five percent. 21. During Octets?, four employees entered on duty and three were separated. On duty strength as of 51 October ties including two employees on LIMP, one raptors detailed to VS end two emgdflees assistrn free clerleil pool not to be counted against ISID ceiling, 50X1 50X1 Attachments 7 EGSMAWheP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 /Ls '?eridl W. =MC, limit Pacific Air Fore, Divan .313C? Lomita Comintit referene Cosizatigt, ,isnet ant ? Laotian and, IfsiOrstaian 'material laotiat smi lidatesign taitalel flan% a. Mang liandarin file and scierarlek Chinese international Service C . CHI Horse id. Spacial =unbend ,c0= items e. Latin Aracican vOiCe re;d rale S. Jakarta Eggliah file gir ineat Italia .0, ablest ar41 above h. "1/411:yo Runsiat on =II 50X1 1 1 :15. 04, my, an OiRPA, 17. MCARIE, Parma TOM BMW U.S. Ant Coward Reconnalcance Activity Pacific (USACitAPAC), Cinw Drake, 4.7sam 2. 17.S. An itmadanint Vigoal Activity Okinawa 3. =MCI &nail b. Pacific Mx. Force, Enagaii 5. Ana Seoul ab Russian material. Cosetualst references toaspis-n otenunint ard Sam - U.S. relations =COX file tectinn end Iradzimetian ratetrica latin American ngaw. file Otzenontat ce ,11-apanfte) b. Taipei anteing t. Octet asettrtE (Througas Oki 'Bur) 'b. Secal inteiceptg in ,Japtuiese " h. C. Intercepts Coeramist intercepts Pe/iing Zorn= yoieg Japancae coal :spaces 6. Ja8tia SECRET a. Seoul apenne bo. (Iruicitia reostte on Rbrafin lantemac Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 4 aunk i ? ? 7._ gee, 6th Aney, Moog a. Peking Ears= b. Pyongyang Japanese a. Peking la b. Peking Tibetan a. Cruising reports (call) 9. tam, Tate/ a. Peking liongollan Waited file tarty present essnara) b. Peking Tibetan c. Crafting reports Q. Faking Nkniarin to Tatman 10. Taxan- Defuse Osonl a. Peking treat= Waited rift twice preseut ecenpercy) Pettyb. Tibetan c. Peking Nutria to Taipei 3.1. 11112333 =nova a. Items concerntry the itralycs b awes* ratio Gni press item a. Ming NLIIIIITIII to Taiwan 32. =AR, Siam a. fleas coneerrctry the Etf diva b. immune radio ant press item e. Pahing landarin to Tartan 13. ACM, Trige a Calected apnea language ratio naterial b. tamest press translations c. Chinese translations Tram ?Political a. 8.7.R.R. (Pint Sheet) a. Wire reaction reports f. Notarial on the Tabun crisis 8. areal Ancillary Cronemicatires Center, Taipei 1k. 12315, 15. ROC, tonlon a. Oalectel sostarta b. EI.P.R.R. (Pink Sheet) 50X1 a. Vire Reaction reports a. VOLCC Intercepts sal Japanese rises service material b. Peking lionterin program manerien Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 50X1 en' nrnnir Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 U4134 Aney Caw& Renennaisente ? rocint (VS)0 OM TS -boa y tteatinent & Mat Aettvtty; Climate 50X1 6 k 7. a lama ?8, ISID, arta 9. WS. Seationa Vientiane Poking cement on tans Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for ReleasetY0T370-8/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 4.4% %PLUM. ??44i? . 4 U. Mat amt.* 12. CUL 33. 41-2, 'Wt', CrAnatra a. b. c. e. 1 0301411, 41;4fl b. 6. 25. U.S. 1 10 (arta a. b. o. lotted Site Atm lbaxi, imeauitng Etna Witt= otioies iota prototss1 natorini Protestea =Unita ten itelittinc Macre a= Itran tit Peking taterraton to Cot:boats All nett CO Okintion telt-ate& file icif tzportant 71111,4tttrY act1iistat itfrat rotexi ma Peking ?twig liett inaation locate Ana? plain text Unfelt Wire rttatittn (rina Cast) teetteett ttt CeitirnO3 Saletted - ?,and zitilitical Ste= lboton tuft Poldtd Toorxrntaxy , MI terctermes to Okintnra S.P.2.11. (Plan Mott) Vire remetion telpoint8 213+ 031S, Tarot U. CUZCO antetial (Linitea file desins pesent =gam) b. tar.11.1to (Pint itlxist) 17. rata Amnion 04itinicatinint Contrail CI100.1 Skil (United file ?thrift Tairel Iretent ettrgeoty) 18. ?elvenmCeita Sele&ted CCM tiiterini liffitta fAc -- tont etzti. 19* 20. 50X1 04 log or MIA abimse IDIUmaireiber item volbeted for protesting b. Erm-sel felting to liblx-intrater-161 21. Ccerconite Cavite t, Mint= in. AU (=CI nonitoric h? An P510207033 nonitorinc .. 64 8.1.2.R. (Dirk MinCt) QrPo ti Cruities re ?..q_ Tsorts Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 ? ZLAMLI ? 22. Semiguartere, d Wort= Division a? b. (mak Sheet) Wire reaction report. 23. Oarrending Officer, Dowel Air Pacilltics, Babe a. b. S.P.S.R. (Pink Cheat) Wire reactien repasts a. MOO, Tokyo (via Tokyo Damn) a. b. Scramnint comarrit on Us agenese relations Selected Peking itc= 25. MID, taiga (via Talmo Bureau) Ckezamist came= an U.S. Japanese relatizas 26. C.O., 313th Air Division a. n.r.tut. (mak eiret) b. c. Urns contenting grab= affairs Wire reaction regerts 27. Ccatuder, 6313tb Air DM Wing 8. b. 6.13.8. (Put Cheat) Wire Reaction reports enttleanes Et=sit a. Occenniat tactual material Laotian ant ini=ten Material 29. 50X1 30. 51st Irigiatin? Interceptor Wire, 1ZAP a. b. man. (nnk Meet) Wire reaction marts 31. Oyeratirce Wiser, Pan Se=ritr Agency 13?1`73.11. (PIS Ora) Yield Station, Okinsma 1 mac tun= 1. U.S. An Broadcast & Visual Activity, Cizimens Dare= file (non.0=nist items fraa Seam throzed as art) 2. U.O. Arty tetra Bacourainmte Activity Tartan file Pantile (CSACSAPAO), amp Drake, apen 9. EX, load= AIM, Selo= a. b. a. d. S. f. C. file or radio azaitored material Dare= file (10 copies) S.F.R.D. (Pint Meat) 3 cold= Mama Tizieseltiza file Survey at WV Broadcasts (2 copies) Chinese as review CO3 euppletent 12 copies) Oros (Bina= Began Pieta:re wets annul= 5. American Oansul, a. Dore= file b. GD Sopplcale (tree Okizeora) 6. Ang, Wavy, Lir Attactme, f3eison a. Damen file (5 copies) S.T.8.11. (Pitt 43 ) 3 conics Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 ?"n"..a? lagn _ - _ ? f-- arnftrar Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300170003-0 -dr .