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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2(5713/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 terr J--0 LAJ t 1- ? T.PC UktiOU I ri L 1 Um 1M .Acting Assistant Director Itir Operations Chief, BUD Progress Sport for June 1956 9 ally 1956 OPCBSSIOU3 1. Approval of the Asoistent Ceeratary of Mute for rater-Anericen Affairs has be obtained for the lc:ejected test of Latin inseria Debasor sites as potential cruising poets in m attempt to team ea results obtained in Puerto Deo. State cables ere being prepared to the Babassies ? In Dm Jose, Bogota, Qat*, and Liza soliciting coneurremee It cm stated that increasing the Embassy staff by one posit= Der the MD =mitering mold be no problem at my point emong tie eta Which night nitte-ohpary be oraetted. 2... The?ID(I) epproved the staff ad; cm MD plans for en African Currey. The A:Mewing steps hove teen taken tonerd I:plantation: a. After lateml means with the Borocan Desk, Department of Ctate, a aemoroodue Ism transmitted to the N1 Let from the Assistertt Director far Opentions reasting that approval of the Maces Covenzent be sought far tests in Trawler and Morocco. ?? b. In response to inquiry, the BBC advised that its reprementative at Aeon would supply in the Cold Coast. 4. Members of the Barmy tem completed sesst of their travel- prxessing. e. Ales:nett Blain Cs mrintied as a freesia stop cm tea itinerary, visas fOr tem ambers are in process end mill be retained against possible need. 50X1 f. Imam Dareem was instated to arreage for the shipping of the enaracy =nip:tent eamplement to Tangier. 3. Edbstsztlal progress a cads by the Austria Dar= In apse:ding its estallite pas scrutiny. fassrly all remaired palleations are now being received mertinely in good time; end T of the 9 additional editer-tran- slatare are either cm duty or in process. Two in process era stateless and SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 .;ECREll Ct. ????? ? have bean delayed by relnatance on the part of the ktirtrian Foralga Office to gnat visas; since they are key perscanel not replaceable try local rearcatting, an a;groach Is being nada to, the U.S. Embassy to the Clan dovarenett. It is caseated that the two additional staff caskers milt be recruited fres Austrian andidates. Denial tiers far produced is bcdag utilized by both breaches and las proem to be of value. b. The Assistant Cdat, liedlixartamen Dans, is currently at ;Satan ors his East African recruiting tour, fort to he reports tied prospects Sr obtairdng rev/ad langrages aro promising. At the Mediterranean Itroan, several funds national monitors bye indicated intention not to rents contract* von sapintion, eich foradadors additional recruiting efforts, lathesore, ono deorgian monitor ma lost through death daring the month. 5. abstraction *assort continues both in the field end at head. carters of earl= lefl rats for stalating twist and Peking broadcasts and other radio trantatesions. 6. An anslyais of Delgado and Nos= propaganda bearing on TWPagviste new relationship with the Soviet Moo as pereparol in suppeat of a crash natitord. activate on Ittcalarla's interratIonal positices. ka CI1D staff nencrrandua reviering Ballo Pit7POnda Deport EIS a 22 Pby 1956, on Ihrushehrr's position in the deglorification of Stailn, is op for distensucton by tb:t Bard, of flutional Estimates. 7. Proptenda Reports tuned during the south called attentiti:to acme new andienco-atpeal devices in Belo Noacors broadcasts for foreign listeners and recorded clams In the amottat of Soviet radio output to foredo% roattersces. Sparta published fit ane 1955 through May 1956 mere lotted In tS second =CC 137 MID =PAGODA EZPOIZZI. 8. Armaments litros been caaplated for no se of 11313 press roprta receited from PAW* and Ulm Stations. This naterial sunlessents 79ID null* antrago and cables the Division to produce faller accnarlas C vorldpmcide reaction to major events. Additionally, items not arallable Vim radio =Oaring or frau the United CD grass scrutiny are nes included in the Daily report. Agreosent mith 93115 on this ;attar as , finalized on 22 taw. 9. Oa 18 June a special sant to the =In= Daily Taw% as published. Ms 75-page casplantat contained the two snorts passented to tit national Conterence of the Ca==dst Party of tectiandavakta bald In Prague beginning 11 J. -2- SECRET I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 SLUlitti k?,e 10. The third Cession of the Pint CFR Rations/ Peoples Ccogress in Pelt= 15 to p stme resulted in a lens volume of tested Cowes* speeches nonitored real Pddng radio. Tide naterial esa curled In the Pier test Daily Report, eating an intense or ems 13,500 was etch day. 11. The plan for reorgazdsing the pealleatica end diseattnatien a FM teeniest broadcast inforeation hes been fora Approved Irf Peliestions Division, Office of batistes Tide plea will be activated in the fall after cougars hem been surveyed regarding tbaLr future rewarcareds. the annual gnestionneire to all consumers of MD *Arterial La being preps:red and will be distsitatted during aily. 13. Calgonts canonsiestiares IP= delayed daring the lest few bye of the =Eh due to transfer of tint ISAAG tmtmitters fan Colon to Ito tothescr. Ibis =edition will probably remit for nether west cat twn, after Vale substantial ttyprOVCIOnt in cemaanientions is anticipated. 3.4. To expedite transmittal end at tbe sane Moe avoid direct d$tr1.S to 17Z Ortietial the Car ?Silly PINTleflit a net la balms eta to Item they aro 50X1 plead up regularly to, a apecial neer. PACILITIC3 15. Coustrestion a. The final phase of Wean biasing construction under Proinet TOW 158 - 56 is 12 per cent ccoplete. b. Maven of fourteen Matte antennas ham been nbabilltatal try tto Amy Moat Corps. ' e. Gasoline atarage and dispensing facilities, authorized in rebnary 1956 in tau moue of apprackately $1,303, ibr the bausing ens =tor pool will be installed In My ten the lamp and tank arrive trim the United Mtn. 4. Constnetion of housing at Chita*, Mr Bea =tier Project ED(1) 163 ? 56 is 90 per tent ecqplete. Ron rain slosed exterior =at 'rventing completion Try the end of J. It is now expected the tbs project wilt be Ittly ersylebal by 20 July. e. At the ifediterranan Rama, the monitoring tooth trytmement project is 10 par cant cceplete. -3- SFP.Pc-r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 ? otUrit. I 16. Air Coodltiontha a. The air atiltIcestre pleett eh the yeat Oesat Than vill receive a neve =preen and =tan costlfiestla In control ceder a contract 1st by WA to a to Trarselealan tau Job coati= is enacted *boot 6 .3112y at a at of oboe Ve:000, sans the ten per mot GSA Ste. b. the air circulation project Sr the thditerreneen aura. approvni In Meth at an catated 42400 le 90 per at expiate. AttellitrItATICti 1/. Mateo Nut reds foratio entional) Lay ab the Games bare a rand folloulza atsilsr action by the =Sten dertae. Ar=etteute were conebsded far the leave of an apartment In &dm ter the reaeltdep tee:helm editor. 19. he lutereatin etatietio Is netted: Drain Mal year 1996, IBM ate AO arel oars. 120. Parrozael a. aorta IDE peracmnel were accepted into a Casa Staff daring the math. b. MD Career Service Pala tech up their duties es parrIbed by repletion. the Initial ration cooecat tan ea tad file La verj turorables but ?Mc= regated to an as the ?sere hard pressed by the added tree end effort. ? e. Daring a =nth the endwee s entered on duty, at eis resigned or acre tranoferred. Cleaselfled Satre:nth ea of 33 Jar use 328. lB cawing thews figures with a perneesa report Sr hey en =TOT Ca a rill be detested. Me 31 len ocktrety tie fly= etcalit Ire ban avat eta a. Madning a? no MD ace Velem Came cratected Sr MID paormel fl coadered ? ace= and aneeneserde till be ma with Ord to azoibect a ninilar ecuree In the fall. b. ra entienation of the % Training proost=2, the titian a cablisted inteal ordea for the cat cons to be nomad by OM darks nal 3.997. SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 SECKL I IV Local Services Rendered by Field Bureaus SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 LIMPIIMPI I IAL. S. 4 1/4 30900* 106 230600 29 teitloo* Htikkdide 10 6,000 London 230 62)000 Medi tents 671/4 360300 CUM" 117'5/4? 22400 West Coact Tot@ 17 two - of 80,959 verb fi CONFIDENTIAL 49* 60 Lea 33. 38 leo 197 111 96 05 17* 3 30* 17* V! 927 25 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 orrnr-r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 Foreign Fie141 Onertisental Field (Total) prirIcti On In EntArea T.& Peilim? rives On NJ. SECRET Trews arput? ZIPS1r4W Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 24 Pertonnelitntertem: en Doti L.I.JIL- I ?Omel_1i403 Oredek Ao Editorial Erathh. Mitorial I;tanett (fronsf titles: Grade seirAidut Prop Anal Of., 04 &tit* reGoagesiega Erloce Into egrar Diceas Macs )t:motto Librarian. 0.94.4 Editorial Enoch SECRET Bev titles GndS Aosigneenti: Prop AroI Oros 0,7,49 Radio Propaganda Branch late Sp(For Bdeet), 0t*Il Mums Murata Librarians CS-5 Editorial traneb. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 11 Jute 1956 17 Jto 1956 17 June 1956 20 jUne 1956 25 Juno 1956 50X1 tete 17 June 1956 50X1 17 Jens 1956 17 June 19$6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/1.576IZR-DP83-00586R000300140008-8 b. Rea$010neat0 01d:Ilt10, Grade nate Assientent _ I 5. Samara Mina 0 Clark Typist, 024 tditu$S Branch. into np(ror Mete" 9 West Coast Bureau 'Oro Sp(rer !deat), c241 Ckinitu Ehress Tja.o.Srade Clorki 054 Editorial Branch Erdest Zon(Cns)4, CSa7 Clot Coaat Euro= into ap(rbr ntient)" ca-si Editorial rratch Clerk Ty;3ist, Mati Efraitarial Maatoh info rp(rorEdent)) 03.11 Witerial tranch Braes* HeattgrOsk C5-7 Vent Coast rums sEC77 Lilo: Crada sitamant _ Clerk Typist, MO AtAtictritiws Chef info Sp(Por mesa), Wa/ Okinawa rrzema 3: jura 1956 it Jens 1956. 50X1 Into Sp(For tdcet),, Mall 17 Jute 1956 (1, test Coast Varela Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 1 Arne 1956 JS t 19% 31 at 1956 28 Miat 1956 29 in 1956 19 Amp 1956 50X1 tj Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIATR?DF'87-0-0586R000300140008-8 ????? ? 6. 00 Career nitrides _ erviaoynes hat beta a b. Tratanct, Activities ? Crtptogrvb10 ?rant* It a Juno 1054 &lath 0430 bt a 29 atm 1956 wtorAtiseile Trainins 25 a 2/ Jena 1956 vie Orientation course - 22 Jens 1956 Dario Orientation Count. tt 22 Arne 1956 Illeneentsry teed= Crantanes et Panama - 10 Arcuat 1756 lutorendista Reesien readinc it gimp 7.0 hlirturt? 1956 Eleraintory Nee l= Mint 1) it Juin a 10 tuttnet 1956 SSW - tonna ElapIttno litretW 25 dune s? Awitot 1956 Ira" University 25 ittno spi 25 A-uguet 1956 Baste Orlentatten eCtreet h. efl asta 1956 SECRET ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 ? 50X1 Internal 50X1 Internal InternalCt Internal Internal In mai Interaa ci MitterrAl Tateral Internal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 1.0,4?=%/111;....1 (cego.tnued) Effective ting iOAprfl # 14 bats 1956 Writing Workshop tur S 15 Ante 1956 Advanced Smith ?. ?carte Jar:natty Jane 1956 Arm, 'War College, Carttiele; Pa. Anent 1955 A- ,nea 1956 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 50X1 CP ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 (WflCrflflCInJsJ Dims 3.716 SPEC I,AL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO. ING OFFICE REQUESTCONTROL H. REQUESTING OFFICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESK ? DESCRIPTION DATE DESIRED DATE COMPLETED REMARKS Its9?555tflg , ad. ba bil Ill Snag oast op 12101211(1a stag Daly Ms to Mitiolt_.ocI GINS Ital$946)t Losiatio Trot monde or San OW Lag _ ilagrasawsk CS1 PVSS WitittiCII ? MP GO Way 27 St* Watt 50X 24630% SID 'it XI5 eivai SD sus CM* =Wig not las via ID cam= Mai 2461sogt arms lal Casinteco oraa.n ascox plat vitas ra au tar Asis, A ank 1/46,05?1 4. IINIalairlirtillisati to Ma 2, qua 2 aa to by wit. SW ? Ors SIM tor 2 2,1564) OM 21 Jaar OS Conzaufloo to Sartaitte or Toselarlak EAr 2, hos We* to OM ZOO art T121 or itirk ? F Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586 000300140008-8 Is) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 SLUM. t II. LOCAL SERVICES REEDEEED BY FIRLD BUREAUS FeatOoset Bureau Daily dietribution of the epidesiologics1 bulletin of the World Health Organization is mode to the World Sealth Orgenization and U.S. Depart- ment of teelth, Washington. West Coest_BUreau AilPekingMorse end processed voice sateriall ECBA (Pyongyang), Soviet regional Material end other press itesm dealing with Burma *aisys. and Indochina era Mad to PVC and tighth Army, Tokyo and All Peking Morse material is sent to the Command. Selected Peking BUBA materiel la sent to the 5th.Air Force. NCRA material is seat to the American Ratiosy, Seoul, Peking Mandarin preeessed material and urgent materiel from PekingEnglishend Soviet regionals ere sent to the BBC. Weather reitoile from Soviet regionals are formrded to IBIS Tokyo ror the japonese Cabinet Retaarth Chamber.. Tare !uresqk Allprocensed intercepts are sent to PsyWer end 4.2, Apr& A copy Of all CommuniatIllca material is sent to CIRCPAC. Fifth Air Force in Roma receives Pyongyang materiel in jopmnese. Peking material it Noreen and Pyongyang material in Japanese are filed to the Eighth Atm- and ? uns, Urea. MIS in Taipei and Bong Song receives all Peking material -in Tibetan and Mongolian. Selected tetanal including Aroddound JL releases are furnished Civil Information and Education Section, U.S. Civil Administration, Ryukyu?. All Intercepts an the ailitery and poll- tica situation in the Ryukrus are flied to0,2, Byukrua Gonad. The American Edbasty In Tokyo receivesallPekingcomment on Thailand ?Mira. Intercepts from Moscow (in Japanese' Mandarin, Korean, and )(ongolian), Peking (it Japanese, Korean, Tibetan' Mongolian, end press materiel in Mandarin), Taipei (in Korean and Japenele), and Pyongyang (in .Japanese) are faralated the Japanese Cabinet Research Chatber. The Ames. Rational Pollee Agency ore furnished With schedules and frt.- quencies of all Japanese language broadcasts from Communist transmitters. Hokkaido Bureau All processed intercepts are furnished FEC/USC and FRU for Documents Saaearcb Section in Tokyo, ?after Division of Aloft at Camp Zama, ter East Command_Liaiton Detuchsent in Sapporo, and the British Broadcasting Corporation in London. All intercepts free Soviet Sakhalin era sent to Counter Intelligenceerpat Region VI, Sapporo. 4SECRET 50X1 ? 5uKi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 ea, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 4J1.tai it-a ? Okinam Bureau ed intercepts are filed to 0-2 FECATECi 50X1 Power Division and 0-2, AFFE, at Capp gems. The file of 50X1 *11 Comuntet floe material is sent to CINCPAC vie Tokyo. Selected items frem North Korean radios and political-military etterial processed from Peking broadcasts ere filed to Fifth Air Force, Itegoye, Japan. AIX Screen materiel is filed to the U.S. Embeasy in Seoul, The Forward Command. Post of the Eighth Army it Seoul to supplied with Pyongyang and Peking Noreen Isnguege intercepts. All Vietl4inh materiel dealing with the Lannert situation is riled to US/S and the 0.64 Legetion in Vientiane. A Selected file ofeBenol material is transmitted daily to the American Embeecy in Bangkok end OSIS, Phnom Penh. Selected PyongYang, Peking, Vietnam, Moscow, Indochina, Thailand, and Mongolia material is supplied 0-24 Bwukyos Commend and OSCAR. Items concerning the Hydkyue end politica Or Military developments in Mores, Communist :Chins/ Formosa, ted Indochina ere sent to the 20th Air Force, Okinavo. All summaries and processed copy from Conn,' nict Chinese broadcasts ere supplied to Cemposite Service Unit, Okineve. Far Eat Network neweesets emanatieg from Tokyo nre channeled through the Dureau to the Far rest Network, Okinawa, for Troop Information end Education Section, Byukyun Ccasend. All Communist Chinese materiel is filed to USW, Taipei. Prier to diseontuence of the service on 22 June Chins Esse bed received Tor?about 60 days the file of Chinese Communist materiel via Vara ComMunicatione ftellities, Philippines. At the request of POWArDivitionp AFFE a report on two weeks' observations Of the trensaiesions of the Voice of United Netione Ceased' Tokyo wee prepared en& submitted during April.. Saigon Duren' All processed materiel Is filed to MC, Tokyo' end furnished to the Politi- cal ond tisische Sections of the American Embsesh USW Saigon, MAAG, Program Support Division of ICA, end the British Information Service in Saigon. Selected meter/Al is sent to the Office of the Comanding General of MAG. the Offices of the Assistant Directer for Economic Affairs end the Public Death Advisor of ICA. Selected material Concerning their tress is cent to the 11.5. Elbemey and USW, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and the U.S. Legation, Vientiane, Leos. Selected materiel is sent to the Army and Envy Attaches of the U.S. EOM)! in Saigon. Mediterranean Bureau Middle East Boundups? prepared five times weekly from meteriel bretdcost by ores transmitters end 'from meter-illbeamed to the ores by Seviet regional stations, ere airmailed to AmeriCan MOM/in in Beirut, Cairo, Baghdad, Telaviv, acd Damoscus. Protested itemt tetanal g to Cyprus ere sent to the Colonial Secretary end the SecurityLie/AM Officer in Ricotta. Ail processed materiel on Cyprus end the Middle rAdt Bourdup is tent to the SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved faorerRelenasrel.2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 - P American Corsa in Hicesie. All processed estiriel on Cyprus is sent to the. British Seetion, Lieison *triter in Myrenie for the Royal Air Force. Traneceipts of Athens broedctits to Cyprus are supplied to the British Limited Officer for Military Intelligence. Arable texts, Englith trans- letters and tope tete-lefty of selected coementetles from the Voice of the Arabs tetween 4 And 7March were furnished to the Political Officer of the Mew in Cairo, Egypt. Austrian Burnt Al]. processed materiel le filed to Public intonation Division) USA? Headquarters, end the Wathlignalifechhicsi Intelligence...ham) beth in Selliburg? SUS in Vienne, and 'belch Media Center. The daily Austrian press] review ie supplied to the Political Bivirsion,U.S1 Hassey, Vienna; the 0: monthly Econoeic Report of the Reports end Stet/littera Branch, U.B. Opera- , Cone Median, Vienne; Stets Selling With -the VFW to the Leber and Social Aliinietretion Breech of the Sconomie Division, U.S. Hassey, Vienna. An press materiel from the daily file of the London end Mediterrneean Bureaus .is sent to the Special Projects Office, USIS in Vienne. - ?erten Bureau All processed eeteriel is tiled to the Office of Public Affairs end the Office Of Politica Affairs, American Massey) BormoMehlem, and to the 7997th Composite Group, Frankfurt. The veekly Economic Report is sent to the Commercial Attache and Eastern Economic Affairs Divisicne of HICOG end to the Scientific and Strategic Divisions of the 7997th Cos posite Group. the 7997th Ceeposite-Oroup receives selected materiel et a teehnicel natures Weekly East Getman Newspaper Clipping Report, e clipping service on selected subjects eta special scrutiny reports is requested, and. ell its** filed from the Return4o,the..Some2end broil-dent. A copy of the Beat German Newt. paper Clipping Report is pent to the American Eibessy. All intercepts from Radio Volga ere tent to the Munieh studios of the Voice of Americo and FM' London, for the BBC. London Bureau Doily ravine of USN, Satellite, and East Careen breed:este are delivered to local users in London and sent to consumers in Western Europe by vire, including; 8.42 and J.E0 =ON 0-4, Frankfurt; 50X1 ? SEAM Paris; end VO4) Munich. A 33,000 mord selection from Soviet and Satellite broadcasts monitored at London and the Mediterreneen Bureau is Itrentsitted doily by wire from London to Munich studios of theloice of -,..Americe, and to FMISGermen Bureau for the. 79l7th Composite Group, Frankfurt Military Post. the daily Soviet Roundup is sent to the American Sebago and the PUblie Relations Officer, MIS' in London. the Peking Prose Review is filed daily to Adbeeeedor Hanson, 046# representative in the Sino.Acericam negotiations in progress at Geneva. All Hest Garton materiel 10 filed dell y to VOA, Munich, end sent to 'IBIS German Bureau fro the 7/97th.00epoeite Group. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 am Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved-Fo Raere.ara; 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8 _ 0L, ? 0 , London Duran (Cont). Ali Mimeo:ow comment on the visit of Sulgenin and Mbruthehev toftgland in April ems sent to. London. Special roundups of Communist cement on the London Disarmament Conference end the Bu1ganin4trushellev visit to balm& ears prepared for the Chief of Mission. in London. A aelacted file of Soviet dement cm disarmament lam sent to the U.S. representative on the U. W. Subcommittee. for Disarmament during its recent meeting in London. SECRET -Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140008-8